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1、.Heze University本科生毕业设计(论文)题目A Study on English Teachers Role in Rural Middle Schools 农村中学英语教师的角色研究 A Study on English Teachers Role in Rural Middle Schools*;摘要:教师角色是指教师依据社会客观期望并凭借自己的主观能力,为适应所处环境所表现出来的特定行为方式。新课标的实施,迫使英语教师改变教学方法.然而每个人对新课标的理解不尽相同,为了解农村英语教师现有角色,研究主要针对农村中学生学生学习进行研究,希望对教师角色的理论框架有所补充,对英语教

2、师的教学有所借鉴,通过对浮岗中学100名初一学生对其英语教师现有角色的满意程度进行问卷调查,将所得数据用SPSS11.5(社会科学统计软件包)进行统计分析,试图了解农村英语教师角色现状,中学生对其英语教师角色满意度是否存在性别差异,是否与其英语成绩存在相关关系.研究显示,农村英语教师现有角色不尽如人意,中学生对英语教师现有角色满意程度的性别差异较明显同时其对教师现有角色满意度与其英语成绩存在正相关系,即满意度越高,英语成绩就越好.关键词:教师角色; 满意程度; 转变; 性别差异菏泽学院本科生毕业设计(论文)A Study on English Teachers Role in Rural Mi

3、ddle SchoolsStudent majoring in English Zhang * Tutor Liu JingtaoAbstract:Teachers role refers to the specific manner a teacher has shown to adapt to the environment he lives in according to the objective expectations of society and by virtue of his subjective ability. The implementation of the new

4、curriculum urges English teachers to change their teaching methods. However, the interpretation of the new curriculum varies from one to another, in order to understand English teachers current role in rural areas, the study focuses on rural middle school students academic performances hoping that t

5、he theoretical framework on teachers role can be supplemented and English-teaching can be guided. This study is based on a questionnaire survey about students satisfaction with their teachers current role in which100 students of Fugang Middle School were randomly selected as the subjects. Through th

6、e analysis of SPSS11.5, the thesis tried to investigate what the status quo of English teachers role is, whether there is a gender difference in students satisfaction with their teachers current role (abbreviated to SSTCR) and the correlation between SSTCR and academic performance. The findings indi

7、cate that it is necessary for teachers to change their current role; there is a significant gender difference in SSTCR. Whats more, there is a positive relationship between SSTCR and their academic performance, that is, the more satisfactory, the better students academic performances will be. Key wo

8、rds: teachers role; satisfaction; change; gender difference iiCONTENTS摘要iAbstract. iiIntroduction.31Literature Review.41.1EnglishTeachersRole.41.1.1DefinitionofTeachers'Role.4 1.1.2DefinitionofEnglishTeachers'Role.41.1.3TraditionalEnglishTeachersRole.51.2 Classification of English Teachers R

9、ole.51.3 Research Gaps and Research Questions.72 Research Methodologies.7 2.1 Subjects.7 2.2 Instrument.8 2.3 Data Collection.8 2.4 Data Analysis83. Results and Discussion9 3.1 General Situation of English Teachers' Current Role in Rural Areas.9 3.1.1 General Situation of Teachers role in rural

10、areas.9 3.1.2 Dimensions of Students Satisfaction with English Teachers Current Role9 3.2 Gender Difference in Satisfaction with Their English Teachers Current Role 10 3.2.1 Gender Difference in Satisfaction11 3.2.2 Gender Difference in Each Item of SSTCR.11 3.3 Relationship between SSTCR and Studen

11、ts Academic Performance.12 3.4 Implications.13 3.4.1 Implications for Middle School English Teaching in Rural Areas.13 3.4.2 Implications for Middle School Students in Rural Areas15Conclusion16Bibliography.18Acknowledgements.19 Appendix.20Introduction Over the past ten years, there have been great c

12、hanges both in the theories and practices of foreign language teaching. There are now a lot of new trends in foreign language teaching and learning. All the changes have resulted from the changes in educational theory, changes in the new teaching conditions, and changes in the way we think about lan

13、guage teaching and learning, changes in the development of technology, changes in English learners needs. These changes have taken place in every aspect in foreign language teaching and learning. In summary, there are three main trends in this field: change in research, change in learning content an

14、d test, change in teaching mode and resources, change in teaching equipment (Arnold, J, 2000). Therefore, the role of the English teacher in the classroom is bound to change with the new teaching conditions in order to adapt to the new curriculum standards for middle school English teaching, especia

15、lly in rural areas.The aim of this paper is to study the role of English teacher in rural areas under the new trends in this new century. By analyzing data collected, the author describes the teachers' general role and suggests the new role that teachers should adopt by calculating the mean and

16、standard deviation of each item; then the author tries to explore the correlation between students satisfaction with teachers' role and their academic performances. Meanwhile, this study has a certain theoretical and practical significance. First of all, it combines students satisfaction with th

17、eir teachers' current role with students performances in order to effectively reduce and eliminate the old-fashioned teaching routine, which supplies a new research direction for the study of teachers' role in rural areas in theory; Second, the study pays attention to factors leading to stud

18、ents bad performances and makes the research focus on the benefit of the change of English teachers' role in rural areas . On one hand, students can realize the importance of the change of English teachers' role and then are ready to adapt to it; On the other hand, it has some important impl

19、ications to teachers foreign language teaching especially to the teaching of the development of students' moral educationThis thesis can be divided into four parts. Part 1 reviews the literature on definition and classification of teachers' role and the correlation between teachers' role

20、 and their students' performances. Part 2 describes the methodology adopted in the study, which includes the participants of the study, the research method, procedure for data collection and data analysis. Part 3 presents the results and discussions of teachers' role and their students'

21、performances in the present study. Part 4 gives a conclusion composed of the main findings of present study, the limitations of the present study and the suggestions for the future development as well. 1 Literature ReviewIn foreign language teaching as well as teachers' role, a large amount of v

22、ariables are generally said to determine the success or failure of foreign language teaching to a certain extend (e. g: teaching strategies, students' aptitude, teachers' role in the class etc.). Among these, teachers' role has always been cited as one of the most important affective var

23、iables. Most of us will have had the experience that we prefer one teacher to another just because of the role they has adopted in and out of class. We get bored with teachers who do not suit their teaching method to the actual students situation while we show great interest in those teachers who us

24、e flexible teaching method and change their role accordingly. The past few decades has witnessed a virtual explosion of research into the topic of foreign language teaching and teachers' role, which will be detailed explained in this chapter.1.1 English Teachers RoleThere has been an outstanding

25、 shift within the field of language teaching and English teachers role over the past twenty years with the implementation of the new curriculum .At the same time, whether students really master the language or not has been the major concerns of the researchers in the area of foreign language teachin

26、g. This part will provide the definition and various classifications of English teachers role presented by several researchers. 1.1.1Definition of Teachers Role A role is a certain set of norms of rights, obligations that is in consistent with ones social status; identity. It is an expectation of hu

27、man behavior with a specific identity, which constitutes the basis of the social group, or organization. Every social status is accompanied by specific codes of conduct and behavior patterns. When individuals lay down provisions of the act in accordance with their own social status, a role will emer

28、ge. This is also true of teachers role. It refers to the specific manner a teacher has shown to adapt to the environment he lives in according to the objective expectations of society and by virtue of his subjective ability. According to Husen, T. (2006:506-507) teachers role includes the following

29、three aspects: First, teachers role is teacher's behavior; second, teachers role means teachers status and identity; third, teachers role refers to the expectation people had bestowed to teachers. It involves not only the objective requirements of school teachers behavior norm, but also includes

30、 the personal subjective color due to the differences of teachers' personality structure and psychological state.1.1.2 Definition of English Teachers Role With the implementation of the national curriculum, English teachers role has become a hot topic; however, there is no specific definition of

31、 English teachers role. Considering the above different definitions of teachers role, this thesis attempts to define English teachers role as: a specific manner an English teacher has shown so as to adapt to the environment he lives in according to the objective expectations of society and the natio

32、nal curriculum and by virtue of his subjective ability and his personal interpretation of the national curriculum.1.1.3 Traditional English Teachers' Role According to an ancient Chinese scholar called HanYu a teacher is one who could propagate the doctrine, impart professional knowledge,and res

33、olve doubts. As time goes by, different researchers have given different definitions of teachers' role. Just as Ellis. R (1994) put it, “the concept of teachers' role is a fussy one”. A lot of people consider the role of the teacher an important component of efficient classroom management; s

34、ome researchers regard it as part of the design of methodology or approach. As Richards and Rodgers (1998:12) pointed out that teacher roles are related ultimately to assumptions about languages and languages learning at the level of approach. That is, different approaches stipulate different roles

35、for the teacher .However, there are some common roles that teachers play in most of the major approaches, for example, in most approaches, the teacher is somewhat a controller, though the degree of his control over what to learn and how to learn varies a lot.The things that an English teacher does b

36、efore, during and after the class and the degree to which he does these things reflect his assumptions about the roles English teachers should play in language teaching Before the class, the teacher is a planner, who plans what to teach how to teach and what result to achieve. After the class the te

37、acher is an evaluator, who evaluates not only how successfully he has conducted the class but also how efficient the learning activities have been.1.2 Classification of English Teachers' Role Based on the functions the teacher performs in different activities, Harmer classified the English teach

38、ers' role into resource-provider controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, and participant (Harmer, 1998:201). The classification of teachers' role is listed as follows: 1) Resource-provider The teacher is still considered a good and convenient resource for the students. In this sense, the

39、teacher's role is the same as the role of instruction materials. 2) Controller That is to say, the teacher controls the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently, For instance, when students do skimming and scanning tasks, it is very important for the teacher to control the time .When

40、 doing lockstep activities, the teacher controls the whole class so that everyone has equal chance.3) Assessor It is generally believed it is a major part of a teachers' job to access the students' work .The teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback.4) Org

41、anizer The most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an organizer. Nowadays many approaches and methods advocate task-based activities .So one of the teacher's major tasks is to design and organize tasks that students can perform in the class .He should anticipate p

42、roblems that may arise when the activity is being carried out.5) Prompter If students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next or about what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts. For instance, if students find it hard to start talking in a task where they have to

43、 choose one of five places to go for an outing, the teacher may tell them to consider distance, means of transport, time, etc6) Participant Task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate in students' activities. Once the teacher has finished giving instructions and the activity

44、 has started, there is no point for the teacher to stand in front of the classroom doing nothing .Besides monitoring the class, the teacher can also joint one or two groups as an ordinary participant.Chinese researchers also made their contributions to the classifications. According to Fu Daochun (2

45、001:76) teachers roles are not static .they change with the development of the society .In China, teachers' contribution and dedication to education and society have always been widely acknowledged .But their professional development and creativity have been very much ignored for a long time .He

46、 thinks teachers are expected to put on new roles with the development of the new English curriculum. Through his hard-work, he adds three new roles : teachers as facilitators ,teachers as guides ,and teachers as researchers . 1) Facilitator The teacher needs to create a positive learning environmen

47、t, use various strategies to motivate learners, guide them in planning and assessing their own learning strategies.2) Guide The teacher needs to activate students prior knowledge, find each students interest and explore their potential capacities, acknowledge and respect their differences, give them

48、 equal opportunities in learning, and evaluate their development fairly from an all-round perspective. 3) Researcher A good teacher is not only those with experience, but with rationalized thinking. He should constantly reflect on what he does as a teacher and how his learners learn as learners. He

49、is very sensitive to learners need and keen on improving his teaching skills and his students learning on the basis of researching the classroom. Admittedly it is a very important leap-forward. These three new roles are essential to carry out the spirit of the new curriculum. English teachers role has attracted more and more attention in the field of se


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