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1、学习必备欢迎下载课题【unit 5why do you like pandas?】科目【英语】年级【七年级】课时【 period1 】一、教学目标:1、知识目标:通过本单元的学习, 学生将学会描述动物, 学会表达喜好并陈述原因。2、能力目标: 学会调动已有知识 ,根据情景推测句子含义 . 3、情感目标 学生通过谈论动物的各种特点,让学生学会观察、关爱野生动物并珍爱大自然。二 、教学重、难点:1.学会运用 why, what, where引导的问句。2. because引导的原因状语从句三、教学方法: “五步、双重教学法”四、教具准备:课文录音多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一) 复习旧知step

2、 1:free talk what do you usually do on weekends? 二)新课导学teacher ask: what do you want to do this weekend? do you want to go to the zoo? what animals do you want to see? teacher shows some pictures about animals (三) 自学新知1 teach the new words and read them. 2 use words to ask and answer questions about

3、 animals do you like koalas? yes, i do. / no, i don t why do you like koalas? because they are cute. (四)检测新学let students look at 1a on page25. and ask: what can you see in the picture?(we are at the zoo now.) then do 1a. 1 let students listen to tape and finish 1b 2let students : make a dialogue if

4、you and your friend 如何突破重难点 你以什么方式激发学生的学习兴趣学法学习必备欢迎下载go to the zoo. what animal do you want to see first? make a dialogue. a: let s see the _ first. b: why do you like _? a: because theyre cute/b:but i like_. do you like _? (五)巩固新知1 we know you like them. but do you know their homes. where are they

5、from? they are from let s listen to tape and do 2a,2b. 2 reading these animals we just see them in the zoo. maybe we can see some animals at home or streets. can you guess what animals it is? let s read 2d. after reading what information can you tell us (六)课堂小结学习动物名称和常见的有关描述动物的形容词,学会表达个人对动物的喜好(七)布置作

6、业recite words and phrases. make a survey: whats your best friends favorite animal?why? (八)板书设计let s see the _ first. b: why do you like _? a: because theyre cute/where are they from? they are from (九)教学反思【教师精心设计典例分析】备注:学习必备欢迎下载课题【unit 5why do you like pandas?】科目【英语】年级【七年级】课时【 period2 】1、知识目标:了解动物的外形

7、、生活习性及主要产地,并能运用英语简单描述自己喜欢的动物,2、能力目标: 学会调动已有知识 ,根据情景推测句子含义 . 3、情感目标 学生通过谈论动物的各种特点,激发热爱动物、保护动物、维护生态平衡的朴素情怀。二 、教学重、难点:3.继续运用 why, what, where引导的问句。4. because引导的原因状语从句三、教学方法: “五步、双重教学法”四、教具准备:课文录音多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一) 复习旧知step 1:review what animals do you know? what animals do you like? why do you like them

8、?二)新课导学play a guessing game: let students guess the animals: panda, giraffe, lion, koala, elephant, and tiger. for example: this is a very big animal. it has two big teeth and a long nose. can you guess what it is? do you like it? why or not? (三) 自学新知1 ask students to read the grammar focus and find

9、 the knowledge. 2 ask them to read the sentences and translate the sentences. last have a reading competition with them. (四)检测新学let students finish 3a and 3b. check their answer and read the dialogue . ask some students to read the dialogue. 如何突破重难点 你以什么方式激发学生的学习兴趣学法学习必备欢迎下载(五)巩固新知1,让我们先去看长颈鹿。_ _ gi

10、raffes _. 2,大象有点意思。elephants are _ _ interesting. 3,what a do you like ?i like dogs best. 4, _ doesn t she go with you?because she has much homework to do. .5,where do lions come_ ?(六)课堂小结本节课继续学习有关描述动物的形容词,学会表达个人对动物的喜好(七)布置作业recite words and phrases. 做能力测试与培养五单元第二课时。预习sectionb. (八)板书设计where are lion

11、s from? = where do the lions come from? kind of = a little a lot of lots of a lot (九)教学反思【教师精心设计典例分析】备注:学习必备欢迎下载课题【unit 5why do you like pandas?】科目【英语】年级【七年级】课时【 period3 】授课教师【】一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生将学会描述动物得形容词, 学会表达喜好并陈述原因。2、能力目标: 学会调动已有知识 ,根据情景推测句子含义 . 3、情感目标 学生通过谈论动物的各种特点,让学生学会观察、关爱野生动物并珍爱大自然。二 、教学重、难点

12、:学会运用形容词来表达自己喜好。三、教学方法: “五步、双重教学法”四、教具准备:课文录音多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一) 复习旧知step 1:free talk we have learned the animals. can you say them in english? 二)新课导学teacher asks what animals you like? and why? then ask students to write these adjectives on the blackboard and read them (三) 自学新知1 let them do 1a and ch

13、eck their answer. next let them read these adjectives and recite them. last boys pk girls for new words.(四)检测新学1 let students do 1b and 1 of the self check 2 let students listen to tape and finish 1c. check their listening. 3let students make a dialogue :. a: what animals do you like? 如何突破重难点 你以什么方式

14、激发学生的学习兴趣学法学习必备欢迎下载b: i like a: why? b:because they re cute/(五)巩固新知i translate the following phrases. 翻译以下短语。1. 一只小企鹅 2. 三只害羞的大熊猫 3. 五头友好的大象 4. 两头丑狮子 5. 四只恐怖的老虎 6. 七只美丽的长颈鹿 7. 十只逗人喜爱的考拉8. 八头聪明的海豚ii reading let students read 2b and answer teachers questions and underline the difficult sentences or ph

15、rases. then explain the article (六)课堂小结本节课学习了描述动物的形容词和下面的句型what animals do you like? b: i like tigers(七)布置作业recite words and phrases. read 2b and finish 2c. (八)板书设计lazy, scary, shy, beautiful, smart, friendly, cute what animals do you like? i like tigers(九)教学反思【教师精心设计典例分析】备注:学习必备欢迎下载课题【unit 5why do

16、you like pandas?】科目【英语】年级【七年级】课时【 period4 】一、教学目标:1、知识目标: save, symbol, flag, forget, get lost, danger, cut down, kill, ivory, be made of. 2、 能力目标:灵活运用所学知识,在学会描述动物的基础上,将所学的语言材料用于描述人或其他事物3、情感目标 学生通过谈论动物的各种特点,让学生学会观察、关爱野生动物并珍爱大自然。二 、教学重、难点:灵活运用所学知识,在学会描述动物的基础上,将所学的语言材料用于描述人或其他事物三、教学方法: “五步、双重教学法”四、教具准

17、备:课文录音多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一) 复习旧知step 1:free talk do you like tigers? why or why not? what animals do you like? why? 二)新课导学teacher says, in china, everyone knows pandas are the most important animals. do you know why?what bout thailand. (三) 自学新知let s read 2b and find what animals are the most important i

18、n thailand? then read it again and finish 2c. last ask them to read the article and retell the article according to 2c.(四)检测新学we have learned the elephants. now can you describe your favorite animals? if not, let s look at 3a. check their answer and read it. (五)巩固新知1 ask students to do 3b and ask two students to write it on the 如何突破重难点 你以什么方式激发学生的学习兴趣学法学习必备欢迎下载blackboard. then let students correct it. 2 sentence pattern transformation. 按要求转换


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