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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载king shop school car to watch the summary view store is l ocate d in the la n-xin railwa y、 215 students、 a nd st ude nts to a nd from school ha s about 90 people to cr oss t he railway、 more tha n half of the st ude nts live in t he school in t he vici nity of the rail line along t

2、he railway more t han 10 square kilometer s. railway is economy of artery、 to makes railway along generalpeople master railway legal regul ations and se curity knowle dge、 enhanced l ove roa d watch consci ousne ss、 ensur e railway security smooth、 years、 i school ha s bee n put love roa d watch w o

3、rk as e ducation students of focus to caught、 made has significa ntly of effect、 years no occurre d ha d railway se curity accident、 emerged out a a nd a "love roa d watch small guar d"、 general tea chers and students a nd masses of love r oad watch consciousness general improve、 times by

4、superior re cog nition、 our practi ces are re porting on is as follows. and im prove the organizati on、 l ove the way of pr otecti on responsi bilities. set up by the pri nci pal of the school is the head security admini strator for the de puty hea d of the cl ass tea cher for member s of the railwa

5、y pr otecti on lea ding group for pr opaga nda a nd e ducation、 consisti ng of offices、 a dvocacy groups、 education groups a nd steering groups、 organizations responsibl e for railway prote ction publ icity and educati on of the whole school、 command and coordi nation. to "ensure safety of the

6、railway" for the overall objectives、 major tasks are: 1、 ar ouse the e nthusiasm of teachers、 school advantages i nto full play、 watch the propaganda and e ducation work of joint railwa y. 2、 railway watch teacher a nd st ude nt awarene ss、 to e nsure against road -related ca sualtie s. 3、 e du

7、cation i n primary a nd middle school st ude nts the courage to fight against the railway safety act and found to have damage d railway safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railwaysafety. do division、 responsibility and student teacher assessme nt、 evaluati on a nd lov e

8、road li nked to the prote ction andsafety、 enhance the sense of responsibil ity. se cond、 pr ogramming、 watch love roa d work r outine. school devel ope d has railway watch publicity e ducation w ork pr ogramme、 put lov e road wat ch w ork into school e ducation teachi ng plans、 full usi ng class te

9、aching、 a nd t heme cla ss、 timing、 e ducation stude nts learni ng railway method、 a bout love roa d se curity m atters、 school requirements daily of cam pus broa dcast to has five minute s of railway se curity knowle dge education、 all class we ekly are to sha ng a se ction love roa d watch a spe c

10、ts of se curity class、 m onthly i ntroduce d a peri od l ove roa d watch aspect s of window publicity、 reached has alarm ringi ng of effect. third、 ex plicitly demanded that t he love roa d pr otection work. school s to esta blish a nd im prove a love r oad watch sche dule、 ena cted the rail way saf

11、ety "ten no" prot ocol、 the conve ntion on t he safety and other reg ulations a nd requireme nts、 so as to e nable de partments to furt her their w ork. which publi city group is responsi ble forrailway watch legal regul ations and about common sense of publi city、 a nnual organi zation a

12、t o two times above railway method、 a nd security management puni shme nt ordi nance、 for main content of publi city、 further strengthene d ge neral teachers and student s of conce pt and love roa d watch consci ousness、 educati on st ude nts do "three not": that not to railway sha ng play

13、、 without stones、 hit train、 is not rail sha ng stacked r oadblocks. e ducation groups to include railway protecti on k nowle dge educati on i n carrying out quality educati on、 class of railway transport in t he main channel of tex tbook s in e conomic construction i n the r ole and signif cance of

14、 gui ding st ude nts to take care of the railway1、 and pre pared a ccording to 1.1、 a nd t hermal power engi neeri ng started debugging work provi des 1.2、 and thermal power power plant constructi on e ngine ering started a nd t he completed a cce ptance procedures 1.3、 and thermal power unit starte

15、d steam blowpi pe gui de is 1.4、 and thermal powerengine ering adjustment try shipped quality test a nd the eval uation standard 2、 and # 1 furna ce started debugging organizati on measures and the relate d provi des 2.1、 and orga nization divisi on: for guarantee wi de up thermal power plant #1 fur

16、 nace started debugging and the part steam machi ne system of smooth vote d shi ppe d、 speci al establi she d #1 furna ce try shipped pr ofessional group、 mem bers following: lea der: deputy leader: s upervi sion: cre w: wide up try shipped personnel: wi de up accepta nce personnel: 2.2、 and de bugg

17、i ng、 and try shi ppe d content : b oiler auxil iary machi ne divi on debuggi ng ele ctric dust of division try tur ned a nd t he de buggi ng baki ng furna ce cook fur nace boil r rushed t ube、 a nd blow swee p security door che ck 2.3、 a nd operati on pr ovide s and t he divisi on: #1 furna ce debu

18、gging、 a nd t ry shipped by #1 furna ce try shi ppe d pr ofessional group re quirem ents for、 w hich singl e try turne d and divisi on try shi ppe d by xd th re e company le d is responsibl e for. all moving operation operati on must be in stri ct accordance with the pri or authorization of the # 1

19、boiler commissioning professi onal w orking gr oup、 and after starting、 the test command pprove d #1 fur nace ste ps i n the test pr ogramme、 event of temporary cha nges be re porte d to hea dquarters appr oval. commissio ning、 trial operati on pr oce ss is re quire d for each project by northwest e

20、le ctric power constructi on compa ny ready "equipme nt installation records"、 and fill in t he test applicati on form、 the a a nd b sides after passi ng the che cks、 fill in "partia l commissioning che cking before a visa"、 reported head of the a ppr oval、 carrie d out by the le

21、a der of unified command. about ea ch action are ma de by the leader of a unified command、 operation after the report to the team leader. without the director' s consent shall not unilaterally make any startup operat on、 such as si ngle operati ons、 who i s responsibl e for all security responsi

22、bilities、 wit h no ties to the other si de. all efore the first tur n ofthe motor、 m ust be a pprove d by both parties a common r oll insulation measur ement ca n be carried out pr operl y. after the end of each project commissi oni ng、 fill in "partial a cce ptance visa trial shipme nts."

23、 as motor i n rotating e qu pment commissi oni ng test switch and mecha nical part of thei r trial cannot continuously、 this is consi dered tw o test projects shall be carrie d out a ccordi ng to the a bove four steps. 2.4、 a nd attached w ork votes issue d pe opl e、 and lice nse people、 a nd w ork

24、hea d list: party ele ctrical first speci es、 and se cond spe cies w ork votes license pe ople li st: party engi ne w ork votes license p eople list: b electri cal first spe cies、 a nd second species w ork votes i ssue d peopl e: b hot control professi ona l issued people list: b hot control profess

25、ional work head: b steam machine professi onal w ork votes issue d pe opl e: b steam machine professi onal wor k votes head: b boiler pr ofessional work vote s issued people: b boiler pr ofessional work v otes hea d: attached: about per sonnel of conta ct phone party b divisi on 3、 boil er auxiliary

26、 e qui pment debugging scenarios 3.1、 se nd、 induce d draft fan try turne d 3.1.1、 try turni ng the former requirements of:、 fan body a nd mot or installe d、 ba sed t he se cond gr outi ng ends、 and the concrete stre ngth is up.、 coupling the centre has fi nishe d aligni ng standards

27、、 approved vi sa.、 beari ng cleara nce normal outer rims and beari ng cle arance is up to standard.、 benton市中考数学试卷及答案word解析版 一.挑选题(本大题共12 小题,每道题3 分,共 36 分)在每道题给出的四个选项总,只有哪一项符合题目要求的,请将其序号在答题卡上涂黑作答1( 3 分)( 2021 .襄阳)有理数的倒数为()a b cd 考点 :倒 数分析:根 据倒数的定义:乘积为1 的两数互为倒数,可得出答案解答:解:,故答案选d 点评:本 题

28、考查了倒数的学问,属于基础题,解答此题的关键为把握倒数的定义2( 3 分)( 2021 .襄阳)以下运算正确选项()22423632精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a a +a=2ab 4x 9x+6x=1c ( 2x y) =d a÷a =a精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载6 38x y考点 :同 底数幂的除法;合并同类项;幂的乘方与积的乘方分析:运 用同底数幂的加法法就,合并同类项的方法,积的乘法方的求法及同底数幂的除法法就运算精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2224,故 a 选项错误;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载解答:

29、解 : a .a +a=2a2a精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载yb , 4x 9x+6x=x 1,故 b 选项错误;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2c.( 2x y)3= 8x6 3,故 c 选项正确;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载6332 故 d 选项错误d .a ÷a =a a应选: c点评:本 题主要考查了同底数幂的加法法就,合并同类项的方法,积的乘方的求法及同底数幂的除法法就,解题的关键为熟记法就进行运算10103( 3 分)( 2021.襄阳)我市今年参与中考人数约为42000 人,将 42000 用科学记数法表示为()精品学

30、习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载10a 4.2×104b 0.42× 5c 4.2× 3d 42× 3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载考点 :科 学记数法 表示较大的数分析:科 学记数法的表示形式为a×10n 的形式,其中1|a| 10, n 为整数确定n 的值时,要看把原数变成a 时,小数点移动了多少位,n 的肯定值与小数点移动的位数相同当原数肯定值1 时, n 为正数;当原数的肯定值1 时, n 为负数解答: 解:将 42000 用科学记数法表示为:4.2×104应选: a 点评:此 题考查科学记数法的表示方

31、法科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n 的形式,其中1|a| 10,n 为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a 的值以及n 的值establishment of the patriotic health committee、 the implementation of divisi on of responsi bility、 school of health ma nagement. 、 room、 group、 grade school healt h work of grass -roots organi zations、 is responsi ble for the departmen

32、t of health ma nagement. all classr ooms、 offices and ot her indoor sanitation、 daily cleaning、 kee p the floor、 ta ble、 wall clean ta ble、 cupboar ds、 chairs a nd all t he appliances i n order and clea n. no graffiti、 doors a nd wi ndows a nd brig ht. le ctern、 bla ckboard i n the cla ssroom clea n

33、 and tidy. school sanitati on、 a ccording t o the divi sion of sc hool healt h area of responsibilit y、 responsibility to do: a small sw eep a day a week a big sweep、 neat a nd cl ean、 no pa per、 no spam、 no wee ds、 no se wage、 no bags、 no peel. personal hygie ne: e ducation students to cultivate &q

34、uot;five"、 "six nots" personal hygiene habits. five: time sche dule、 t o brush your teeth before goi ng to be d、 to change clothes、 bat he、 a nd frequently washing hands before meals and after nail s bar ber、. "six" not to drink unboile d water、 do not eat unclea n food、 no

35、smoki ng、 no spitti ng、 no sna cking、 no public t owels、 cups. pay attenti on to ey e healt h、 read a nd write positi ons lying upright、 not readi ng、 not in the lig ht of local walking a nd rea ding、 doi ng eye exercise s and timely corre ction of eye disea se、 regul ar rotation zuoci. gym class、 w

36、or ki ng cla ss、 to stre ngthe n students ' safety educati on、 compr ehe nsive physical examination once a year on student s、 included i n the pr ofile. impr oving food hygie ne: to im prove sa nitation a nd hygiene 、 implementati on of the food hygi ene reg ulations、 to e nsure food hygiene、 en

37、sur e the physica l and me ntal healt h of teachers and student s. eliminati ng four pest s、 preve nting di sease : prom ptly clea n up t he garbage、 sewage、 preventi ng mosquito breedi ng pla ces、cleane d up the garbage、 make sure a nd clean. strengthe n healt h publi city poster out i n time to pu

38、bli cize he alth knowledge、 use of the healt h education hea lth educati on to st ude nts. a nd eye exerci ses、 mental health education duri ng the consultation pr oce ss、 held i n common、 multi ple lect ures on epidemic preventi on. health i nspecti on rating system: head tea che r、 cla ssroom teac

39、her、 m ember of the class of health checks、 m onitor t he impleme ntation of environme ntal healt h and eye exercise s every da y. check rankings of school organizati ons t o inform the i nspection result s.check every monday、 one m onth、 one t o summarize 、 accordi ng to the i nspecti on results is

40、sue d healt h flow red flags. six di sease preventi on to prevent myopi a. when sitting up、 head tilte d、 eyes 33 cm from the book. eat、 walk、 bus rea ding 、 not too strong、 too weak to light rea ding. write not too small too cl ose、 do not write typo、 grass ha nd. reading time and a half to 1 hour、 you shoul d rest for a few minutes. controlli ng the number of tv and time、 a di sta


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