1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载中学英语阅读完形填空100 篇(七)61bob: in a book i was reading、 some men had to1a desert. there was nothing2sand they could see. it was so large3it seemed to them that it had almost no4.tom: it5be very hot.bob:that sright.6hotinadesert.buttheyrested7theday and traveled at night.tom: but there re
2、no trees or anything like tha8tyou to get cool.bob:9. but they had some tents 帐篷 . they10when they were going to rest. tom: that was a lot of trouble、11.bob: yes. every night12they13on the next part of the trip、 they had to take the tents精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载14. then they had to put them on their
3、camels. that desert.1. a. gob. walkc. crossd. reach2. a. forb. andc. elsed. but15waysytohue can travel in a精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3. a. becauseb. thatc. asd. enough4. a. endb. waterc. peopled. animals5. a. perhapsb. maybec. sometimesd. must6. a. it always isb. it s alwaysc. it never isd. it s never7
4、. a. onb. atc. duringd. until8. a. forb. toc. willd. have9. a. yesb. noc. all rightd. very good10. a. put up themb. put them upc. made them d built them11. a. indeedb. tooc. wasn t itd. wasn t that12. a. whenb. afterc. befored. when13. a. tookb. gotc. keptd. set out14. a. awayb. downc. upd. on15. a.
5、 goodb. firstc. onlyd. strange精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载62mr. millerhad a shop in a big town. he1ladiesclo thes、 and he always had two or精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载three shop girls to 2 him. they were always 3 because they were cheaper than older women、 but 4 of them worked for him for very5 、 because they
6、 were young、 and they did not meet many boys in 6 shop.last month a girl came to work for him. her7was helen、 and she was very good.aftera few days、 mr. miller8a young man come into the shop. he went9to helen、 spoke to her for a few10and then went out of the shop. mr. miller was very11and when the y
7、oung man 12 he went to helen and said、 “ thatyoung man didn t 13anything. what did he want to 14 .”helen answered、“ hewjaunstted to see15. ”精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1.a. keptb. soldc. maded. mended2.a. learnb. teachc. helpd. follow3.a. youngb. strongc. cleverd. boring4.a. manyb. mostc. neitherd. none5
8、.a. longb. muchc. soond. often6.a. childrenb.smen sc. clothesd. women s7.a. friendb. parentc. sisterd. name8.a. realizedb. guessedc. sawd. chose9.a. awayb. straightc. backd. by10. a. wordsb. timesc. thingsd. minutes11. a. nervousb. pleasedc. surprisedd. interested12. a. arrivedb. leftc. smiledd. fin
9、ished13. a. buyb. tryc. treatd. touch14. a. dob. takec. spendd. save15. a. moneyb. nothingc. med. nobody63after her husband had gone to work、 mrs. richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. she was too 1 to do any housework that morning、 2 in theevening she was going to a
10、n interesting fancy dress party 扮装舞会 with her husband. what she3was a terrible genie 妖怪 and as she had made that special dress of hers the night before、 she was anxious to try it on.4the dress was just a big piece of old cloth which was red、 green、 black and white、 it would be very effective 有效的 to
11、make her like a real genie. afterputting it on、 mrs. richards went downstairs happily. she wanted to find out5it would be comfortable to wear.just as mrs. richards was entering the dining-room there was a 6 at the door. she thought that it 7 be the baker 面 包 师 . she had told him to come straight in
12、if she 8 to open the door and leave the bread on the kitchen table. now not wanting to9 the poor man、 mrs. richards quickly 10 in the small storeroom under the stairs. she heard the frontdoor open and a man came in. when mrs. richards11that itwas the man fromthe electricityboard供电局 whohad come to re
13、ad the meter 电表 、 she walkedout of the精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载hiding- place on a sudden and tried to explain the matter、 saying with a smile、12. it“ it s only精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载is not13for you to be14. ” but it was too late. the man letout a sharp cry 发出尖叫 and jumped back several paces 步 . then h
14、e ran away、15the door behind him with great force and noise.1. a. angryb. readyc. frightenedd. excited2. a. forb. butc. sod. and3. a. wanted to seeb. wanted to playc.wasafraidtoseed. was afraid to play4.a. thoughb. butc. andd. if5. a. that6. a. knockb. howb. voicec. whetherc. mand. whend. baker7.a.
15、mayb. mustc. wouldn td. couldnt8.a. notb. hadc. triedd. failed精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载9.a. seeb. frightenc. helpd. scold 责备 10. a. wentb. layc. appearedd. hid11. a. thoughtb. wonderedc. imaginedd. realized12. a. meb. youc. gamed. play13. a. goodb. necessaryc. lated. early14. a. offb. herec. afraidd.
16、sorry15. a. pushingb. lockingc. knockingd. shutting64last tuesday i took my two daughters、 aged five and seven、 to town by car. it began to rain1 so i decided i would leave the children in the car before i went quickly intoa shop. i 2 the girls not to touch anything and told them i would be 3 within
17、 a few minutes. then i locked all the doors and left 4 happily looking out of the window.i returned to the car in less than five minutes but the girls had disappeared. i could hardly believe my5. the car doors were6locked、 the windows were shut and on the back seat7only two coats. being8、 i ran to t
18、he corner of the street9there was no10of them .i rushed up to an old lady nearby and asked11she had seen two small girls but she said “ no”f.eeling quick sick with fear、 i sat on the driversesat、 and12to stop trembling. suddenly、 i13a merry laugh behind me. i got out of the car、 ran round to openthe
19、 boot and there inside were two very red-faced and excited14. they had obviously pulled out the back seat、15behind it and then been unable to push the seat forward again. with tears in my eyes、 i leaned forward and pulled their ears.1.a. heavyb. hardc. hardlyd. big2.a. letb. warnedc. allowedd. repea
20、ted3.a. awayb. outc. backd. alone4.a. themb. herc. themselvesd. herself5.a. earsb. wordsc. eyesd. brains6.a. toob. againc. alreadyd. still7.a. thereb. satc. seend. were8.a. excitedb. proudc. frightenedd. pleased9.a. whereb. whichc. thatd. when10.a. warningb. signc. bodyd. face11.a. thatb. whenc. whe
21、therd. how12.a. triedb. madec. tried notd. set13.a. feltb. smeltc. sawd. heard14.a. sonsb. daughtersc. womend. children15.a. climbedb. flewc. threwd. landed65there was a woman in detroit、 who had two sons. she was worried about them、 especially the younger one、 ben、1he was not doing well in school.
22、boys in his class made joked about him because he seemed so2.the mother3that she herself would have to get her sons to do better in school. she told them to go to the detroit public library to read a4a week and do a report about it for精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载her.one day、 in ben5s、 the teacher held up
23、 a rock and asked if anyone knew it. ben put up精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载his hand and the teacher let him6. why did ben raise his hand. they wondered. he7said anything、 what could he possibly want to say.well、 ben not only8the rock; he said a lot about it. he named other rocks in its group and even kne
24、w9the teacher had found it. the teacher and the students were10. ben had learned all this from doing one of his book11.ben later went to the12of his class. when he finished high school、 he went to yale university and at last became one of the best doctors in the united states.afterben grew up、 he13s
25、omething about his mother that he did not knowas a 14.she、 herself、 had never learned how to15.1.a. becauseb. soc. butd. though2.a. cleverb. hadc. slowd. quick3.a. askedb. decidedc. forgotd. heard4.a. noticeb. messagec. bookd. question5.a. classb. roomc. officed. lab6.a. thinkb. leavec. standd. spea
26、k7.a. alwaysb. evenc. quicklyd. never8.a. foundb. playedc. knewd. threw9.a. whetherb. whenc. whered. why10.a. afraidb. surprisedc. worriedd. unhappy11.a. picturesb. exercisesc. shopsd. reports12.a. topb. endc. backd. side13.a. learnedb. rememberedc. understoodd. guessed14.a. doctorb. childc. student
27、d. teacher15.a. readb. workc. teachd. show66why do people play football. it1 s agname and it s dangerous too. tw-etwnotymenfight2ninety minutes to make3many goals as they can. they get4black eyes、 bruise 擦伤 and broken bones than they5points. football players must be mad.and why do people watch footb
28、all. they 6 be mad too. they certainly 7 and scream like 8 . i mafraid 9 near a football field when they are playing a game. the crowds are 10 .i d 11stay at home and watch tv . but what happens when i turn it12. they reshowing a football game. so i turn on the radio. what do i13. the14football scor
29、es. and what do i see when i open a newspaper. pictures of football players、 interview采访 with15players、 scores of football games.1.a. stupidb. funnyc. excitingd. wonderful2.a. forb. byc. ind. against3.a. sob. toc. asd. very4.a. muchb. manyc. mostd. more5.a. do withb. doc. do ford. did精品学习资料精选学习资料 -
30、- - 欢迎下载6.a. mustn tb. mustc. can td. can7.a. cryb. laughc. rund. shout8.a. gentlemenb. ladiesc. madmend. madams9.a. of goingb. for goingc. to god. to be going10.a. happyb. dangerousc. sadd. tired11.a. ratherb. betterc. liked. fairly12.a. offb. downc. upd. on13.a. listenb. listen toc. heard. hear of
31、14.a. lateb. latestc. laterd. lately15.a. basketballb. volleyballc. tennisd. football67soon after dave left university、 one of his uncles、 who was1and had no children of his own、 died and2dave a lot of money、 so he decided to3his own company.he founda nice4、5some new furniture 家 具 and6. he had only
32、beenthere for a few hours7he heard someone come towards the door of his office.“ it s my first8、 ”h e thought.he quickly9the telephone、 and10tobe busy11an important call from someone in new york who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.the man12at the door while seeing this was13、
33、came in and waited politely fordave to finish his14、 then he said to dave、“ i m from the telephone company、 and i was sent here to15your telephone.”1. a. illb. richc. honestd. luck2. a. gaveb. handedc. leftd. promised3. a. set upb. take upc. put upd. make up4. a. officeb. cinemac. theaterd. school5.
34、 a. boughtb. carriedc. managedd. lent6. a. set inb. moved inc. moved outd. went out7. a. asb. whenc. whiled. then8. a. teacherb. bossc. customer 顾客 d. job9. a. made upb. took upc. brought upd. pick up10. a. pretendedb. warnedc. keptd. looked11. a. writingb. answeringc. callingd. saying12. a. lookedb
35、. knockedc. hitd. waited13.a. going onb. moving onc. speaking ond. keeping on14. a. conversation b. gesture 手势 c. smokingd. fixing15. a. repairingb. connectingc. makingd. looking after68many people think the1time is spent、 the more work will be done. so students have to spend the whole2doing school
36、work except the three meals.modernstudents have many3. theylovesports、 computers and music.a4holiday can get them away from too much school work、 and they can do5they like. but still精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载teachers do not think about it. because students have too much homework、 they have no time to6t
37、hemselves. students are really tired7their weekend homework. so they don dto it8sunday night.andthere is not enough time tofinishthe homework9. thepoor weekend homework usually makes teachers10.things always get11without right ideas. too much school work makes students loseinterest in learning. it a
38、slso bad for their12. a horse runs faster after a13. but for students only rest is not enough. so such a condition 状况 should be14to give studentsboth15and knowledge.1.a. manyb. muchc. mored. most2.a. weekb. morningc. eveningd. day3.a. interestsb. booksc. pensd. friends4.a. two daysb. two-daysc. two-
39、dayd. two- day s5.a. thatb. ifc. whatd. when6.a. learnb. enjoyc. teachd. look after7.a. withb. ofc. atd. for8.a. inb. onc. afterd. until9.a. carefullyb. angrilyc. quicklyd. fast10. a. happyb. angryc. worriedd. surprised11. a. betterb. bestc. worsed. worst12. a. eyesb. ideasc. healthyd. health13. a.
40、mealb. restc. momentd. while14. a. changedb. keptc. taughtd. made15. a. foodb. pleasurec. moneyd. time69during the war、 an english pilot 飞行员 was hurt. but he was1by a group of nuns修女 . he had been very2and lost his sense. when he came to himself he was3tofind a woman beside him. it was sister mary.
41、she said to him、“ this is a woman hospital. we will4you here as long as5、 but you will have to follow our advice.”the pilot6to make himself up for a nurse. he could not talk with the nurses or the nuns. he had to stay in a small room as7as possible. he was asked to shave 刮胡子 every day、 wearing a bea
42、utiful8、 and the nurse s unif制or服ms . it was a very difficult time、 however he didn t feel very 9especially when one of the nursing girls caught his eyes. she was veryquiet、 and ran away whenever she saw him lookingat10. thepilot found11fall in love with her.one day he found the nurse working in the
43、 kitchen12. he went over to her andsaid、“ please don t do that. i love you so much.” he started t1o3put hthiseanrumrsse、 and then drew back14. he found that the nurse was actually15pilot saved by the nuns just like himself.1.a. caughtb. savedc. killedd. helped2.a. luckyb. hungryc. strongd. weak3.a.
44、angryb. sorryc. surprisedd. worried4.a. hideb. putc. taked. stop5.a. possibleb. ablec. possiblyd. need精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载6.a. decidedb. likedc. agreedd. asked7.a. soonb. muchc. earlyd. late8.a. clothesb. capc. shoesd. sweater9.a. lonelyb. alonec. hungryd. hungrily10. a. himb. mec. herd. she11. a
45、. herb. himc. herselfd. himself12. a. lonelyb. loudlyc. happilyd. alone13. a. behindb. in front ofc. aroundd. on14. a. happilyb. sadlyc. in surprised. in danger15. a. anotherb. the otherc. othersd. the others70crocodiles 鳄鱼 1their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand. baby crocodiles use their t
46、eeth2their way out of the shells 壳.crocodiles onlylive3itis hot. they are found in australia4america. theyspend most of5time lying around in the rivers. the crocodiles6 wlohnegntathileanimal is swimming.it is an excellentweapon武器 . it7be used to strike 打击 the8. one blow will knock9a man or even a bi
47、g animal at10. the crocodile has a hard neck. it cannot turn its11from side to side and so it can12see in front of itself. the crocodile has its teeth13by the crocodile bird. for its food this bird takes the bits in the crocodile s mouth. this helps the crocodile a lot 14it cannot move its tongue up
48、 and down.15its terrible teeth it catches its food. the food may be a fish、 an animal、 or even a careless man.1.a. layb. liec. laind. lying2.a. to feelb. to turnc. to breakd. to rush3.a. whenb. whilec. whered. if4.a. asb. andc. butd. so5.a. itsb. hotc. theird. cold6.a. is usedb. for helpc. very usef
49、uld. be helpful7.a. shouldb. canc. needd. must8.a. friendb. enemyc. studentd. family9.a. soonb. farc. upd. down10. a. mostb. bestc. onced. worst11. a. tailb. headc. eyesd. body12. a. not onlyb. stillc. evend. only13. a. pulledb. cleanedc. takend. brushed14. a. becauseb. soc. ifd. whether15. a. under
50、b. betweenc. ford. with中学英语阅读完形填空100 篇答案解析和名师点评(七)第六十一篇答案简析1. c;cross a desert 意为“穿越沙漠” ;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. d;nothing but为“除了之外什么也没有”之意;3. b;固定词组,sothat即“如此以至于”;4. a ;依据上文,此处应选end ; “ no end意为”“无边无际” ;5. d;表示有把握的推测,肯定,确定;6. b;依据常识,沙漠应当总为很热;7. c;during the day在白天;8. a ;for sb. to do sth.全句意为“没
51、有树或那样的东西让你纳凉”;9. b;此句同学在做时,很简单依据中国人的思维;事实上,上文为一个否定句,假如为对整个否定句进行确定回答,应用no,否就,用yes;10. b;动词和副词构成的这类词组,假如所接宾语为代词必需放在这两个词之间,假如为名词放中间,放在后面皆可;put them up 意为“把他们支起,搭起”;11. c;这为一个反意疑问句,前部分为确定句,所以后部分要用否定形式,而且主语用人称代词;12. c;联系上下文,意为“睡觉之前”;13. d;set out 意为 ”动身 ”;14. c;与上文的put them up 相反,意为 “收起帐篷 ”;15. c;唯独的方法;第六十二篇答案简析1. b;依据常识,商店为“卖东西”而不为“储存东西”,“制造东西”或“修理东西”;2. c;指帮他在店中打点打点;3. a ;从后面的older women 得知;4. d;从上文but 可知,没有一个姑娘为他工作很长时间;5. a ;6. d;依据 上文,这为一家卖女士服装的商店,所以其他都不行以;7. d;8. c;see sb. do sth.,此处意为观察有人进来;9. b;指年轻人径直走向helen,故用 straight ,其他意思都不对;10. d;由于前面有介词for ,所以不行用a
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