



1、2020年北京市燕山区中考英语二模试卷一、单项填空.(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1 My mother is OUr math teacher. We all IikeVery much ()A.heB.sheC.hisD.her2. TOmmy isthan any Other boy in his CIaSS()A.tallB.the tallerCtallerD.the tallest3. We,ll HaVe OUrfinal examinationJUlyf 2020.()A.onC.atD.from试卷第13页

2、,总12页4. My SiStermany EngIiSh novels Si nce she we nt to the middle school.()A.readB.readsC.is readingD.has read5. - Where Were you When I CalIed you yesterday afternoon?-IWith my Parents.()A. see a movieB.was Seeing a movieC.will See a movieD.have Seen a movie6. Hurryup, we,ll be Iate for the (OOtb

3、all game()A.orB.soC.andD.but7. LOtS Of IeSSOnSOn the Internet these days()D.were givenA.giveB.gaveC.are given8.-do you PIay the Piano ?-EVery day.,()A.How OIdB.How IOngC.How muchD.How Often9. - Jack,What do you OftGn do Onthe weekend ?-I Oftenbasketball With my ClaSSmateS()A.playB.playedC.will PIayD

4、.has PIayed-Sure.A.MustB.MayC.NeedD.ShouldI USe your COIOr PenCiI?Here you are()-Mum, Where is Dad?-Hein the bedroom now.()A.sleepsB.sleptC.is SleePingD.will SIeeP12. - Can you tell me?-He IiVeS in the COUntrySide ()AAVhere your grandpa IiVeS C.where your grandpa IiVedB. where does your grandpa IiVe

5、D.where CIid your grandpa IiVe二、完形填空.(共8分,每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文 后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.13.LOVe in a BOXWhen I WaS a Iittle girl, I found IOVe in a box all because Of a CIaSS assignment (作 业) On a Friday night I (1) at CIinner table, "My teacher Said We have to bring abox, a SPeCial boxz

6、for OUrVaIentines On MOnday"MOther Saidz "Well Seez, and She COntinued eatingWhat did l,We,ll see,' mean? I had to have that box Or my SeCOnd grade Valentine's Day WOUId be terrible Maybe they didn't IOVe me enoUgh to help me With my (2) All SatUrday I Waited (3) and With SUnda

7、y arriving, my WOrry increased but Iknew an enquiry (询问)about the box might CaUSe anger or loud voice, for in my house ChiIdren OnIy asked OnCe MOre than that (4) trouble.Late SUnday after no on, my father CaIled me into the kitche n. ThG table WaS COVered With COIOrfUl PaPer Of different kinds A (n

8、)(5) ShOebOX rested On top Ofit. A heavy StOnG dropped When Daddy SaidZ ,Let,s get Started On your PrOjeCt l,In the next hour my father PaCked the ShOebOX into a SUrPriSing Valentine box COIOrfUl PaPer COVered the UgIy CardbOard With red hearts POSted to What I COnSidered all the right PlaCeS He San

9、g While he WOrked When he finishedz he WaS SO PIeaSed that a broad Smile SPread OVer his face nWhat do you think Of that? l, he asked I answered him With a hugBUt inside, joy danced all the Way to my heart It WaS the first time that my father devoted (f顷扌主)SO much (6) to mez for his WOrId filled Wit

10、h WOrk Only.The HOIiday Party arrived, and my CIaSSmateS PUt CardS and PreSentS into the VaIentine boxes.LaUghterfiIIed OUr CIaSSrOOm On the Way HOmez I held OUt my VaIentine box for the WOrld to (7) The IOVethat filled it meant more to me than all the Valentines insideThe Valentine box became a Sym

11、bOl (象 征)Of his IOVe that (8) throughSeVeral years Of Other Valentine's DayS He gave me Other gifts through the years, butnone ever COmPared With the old, empty shoebox.C.saidD.appeared(2)A.design(3)A.sadlyB.pla nB.nervouslyC.ideaD.projectCpatientlyD.disappointedly(4)AJnvitedB.tookC.savedD.had(5

12、)A.new(6)A.money(7)A.accept(8)AJaStedB.bigB.respectB.keptC.attractiveGsupportCadmireGspreadD.emptyD.hopeD.recog nizeD.carried试卷第13页,总12页三. 阅读下列短文根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、CS D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项(共26分,每小题2分)14.HeIPing OtherS is a great thing to do . YOU Can Iearn new things and have fun YOU Can help people, anim

13、als Or the environment . It Can make you feel good too! HOW Can you help?CharitieS (慈善机构)are OrganiZatiOnS that help others, for example, UNICEF Or the WOrId WildIife FUnd . YOU Can help CharitieS by giving your time, giving money Or giving things that you OWn . YOU Can also help PeOPle Or PlaCeS yo

14、u know .VOIUnteeringVOlUnteering is When you give your time to help OtherS . SOme WayS Of VOkInteering are: ViSiting Old PeOPle to talk to them Or help them . WaIking dogs at an animal Shelter (避难所) CIeaning UP a Park .FUnd raisingFUnd - raising is When you COneCt money to help OtherS . SOme WayS Of

15、 fund- raising are: Inaking CakeS Or biscuits to Sen . doing a SPOnSOred (赞助)activity . FOr example, family and friends give you money if you finish a IOng WaIk .DOnatingDOnating is When you give your things to help OtherS . SOme WayS Of donating are: giving your Old toys Or ClOtheS to a Charity tha

16、t helps SiCk Children Or POOr PeOPle . giving your Old books to a Iibrary . So, What Can you do to help others?(1) What CanyOUdOifyOUWant to do volUnteering? A. Walk dogs around your home B. Make CakeS Or biscuits to Sell C. Give your Old books to a Iibrary.D. Visit OId PeOPle to talk to them Or HeI

17、P them(2) is to give your things to help others.A.Volu nteeri ngC.The WOrld Wildlife FUndB.Don atingD.Fund raising(3) What is the WriterlS PUrPOSe in writing this passage? A .To ShOW WayS Of helpi ng OtherS B .To Share PerSOnal experiences C. To explain reasons for fund - raising.D. To introduce SOm

18、e OrganizatiOns.15. Imagine Waking UP at the age Of SiX and discovering your family is missing! ThatlS Whathappe ned to you ng CharleS MUlli in his Ken yan house OnGmOrning. HG SOOn realized he had been abandoned (抛弃) by his Very POOr Parents and SeVen!The Child WaS forced to become a Street beggar

19、(乞讨者 )in Order to make a living. LiVing a POOr and hopeless Iifez he StiIl dreamed Of being an important man SOme day.When MUIli turned 16z he Walked for three days to KenyalS CaPitaI, Nairobi, in SearCh Of WOrk In the years that followed, he tried many difficult jobsMUIIi SaVed his money and bought

20、 a Car in 1971 In the Same year, he Started a tranSPOrtatiOn SerViCe The COmPan% CaIIed "Mullyways, became quite SUCCeSSfULAIl Of his hard WOrk turned MUlli into a milliOnaire and an important man. Yet his Iife WOUld SoOn take another SUrPriSing turn MUIli began COnSidering the growing number O

21、f homeless Children in Kenya One day MUIli told his Wife and Children that he WaS to devote his Iife to taking Care Of Street kids. SOOn the MUlIi HOUSe WaS filled With IOO OrPhanS (孤 儿),but that WaS just the beginning! In 1989, MUlli and his Wife OPened the MUIli Children's Family ( MCF)> Th

22、ey PrOVided Children With food, ClOtheSz medical Care and an education MOSt importantly, they Offered SOmething many Of the kids Had never experienced - Parental love.SO far, MCF has helped more than 12, OOO Children through its MCF homes and COmmUnity based CGntersMUIIi OnCe Saict , believe you Can

23、 make a difference to the WOrldz One Child at a time AS a ChildZ I Wanted to be important, but Where I am now is important for mankind ,(1) The Underlined WOrd l,siblingsu in ParagraPh One PrObabIy means ,”A. teachersB.classmatesC.friendsD.brothers and SiSterS(2 ) In the eyes Of Mulli, WaS the most

24、important for homeless kids.A.clothesB.foodC.loveD.education 试卷第12页,总12页in 1989.(3) WhiCh Of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Mulli became a Street beggar When he WaS 1,6.B. Mulli Walked for 16 days to NairObi to find jobs.C. Mulli helped IOO OrPhanS to become SUCCeSSfUl menD. Mull

25、i and his Wife OPened the MUIli Children's FamiIy ( MCF) 16 DNA is in every Cell (勾日胞)Of OUr bodies except for OUr red blood CeIIS It StOreS the informatiOn your body needs to make you WhO you are YOUr DNA is 99.5% the Same as everyone else On the PIanet The 0.5% that We don't Share With eve

26、ryone else is the bit that makes you differentDNA is the mysterious COde (神秘密码)Of life. ItnOt OnIy decides your gender (性 别) and appearanee, but also tells you about your family history, as Well as your relations With PeOPIe in Other PartS Ofthe WOrld LaSt fall, 20 StUdentS at COretta SCOtt King YOU

27、ng WOmenlS LeaderShiP ACademy in Atlanta Iearned more about WhO they are through a DNA test.DUring their Iife SCiences ClaSSZ the girls took SamPIeS (样本)from their CheekS and Sent them to LiVing DNAz a UK - based DNA testing COmPany FrOm the test results, they Iearned about their ancestry (祖先) and m

28、ade real - WOrld COnnectiOnS to their racesLiZbeth ISIaSz 12, Iearned about her family's Central AmeriCan roots (根,根源)from her mother, WhO is GUatemalan (危地马拉人).She expected to Share DNA With 54% Of NatiVe AmeriCan PeOPIez but She WaS SUrPriSed to find that She also Shared DNA With PeOPle IiVing

29、 in AfriCa and EUrOPeElianed GUZmanz 13z knew IittIe about her family except that they Were fromMeXiCo She WaS SUrPriSed to Iearn that She also Shared DNA With PeOPle in China and JaPanThe girls gathered in SmaIl groups to Wait for their results Their reactions reached from COnfIJSiOn to SUrPriSe Th

30、e 13 - year Old Amariah CaUdIe Said She Iearned that "the COIOr Of your Skin cart decide Where you are from ,Diahan SOUtharClz a manager from Living DNAZ helped them Understand the test results"Does it Change how you See yourself? , SOUthard asked "Now I know I have family from everyw

31、here, Said Jahtmya Phillips, 13"Does it Change how you See the girls around the table? , SOUthard asked "We are all sisters, Said Anike Akanni - Jenkins, 13.LaUra PGna, the SChOOrS CIaSS designer; Said She hopes to add DNA testing to the SChOOrS ninth grade CUrriCUlUm (课程)in the future&quo

32、t;This is not a IeSSOn they WiIl forget anytime soon,l, She Said (1) WhiCh Ofthe following about DNA is NOTTRUE according to the passage? A. DNA decides your gender and appearanee.B. DNA Can tell you about your family historyC. 99.5% Of your DNA is different from Other people.D. DNA Can find your re

33、latiOnS With PeOPIe in Other PartS Of the WOrId(2 ) GUZman ShareS DNAWith PeOPle inA. AfricaB-AustraliaCEuropeD.Asia (3 ) What did the StUdentS Iearn from the PrOgram ? A. People need to accept WhO they are B. Everyone in the WOrld is COnnected to OtherSC.We ShOUld Iearn more about OUr family histor

34、y.17. What do We mean by responsibility? TO PUt it simply, it is a duty to COnSider the COnSeqUenCeS (结果, 后果)Of OUr actiOns. Inotherwords, We have a duty to COntrOl OUr behaviorWhen We are ChiIClrenz We have few responsibilities OUr ParentS IOOk after US and We gen erally don't have to WOrry abo

35、ut food Or SheIter (居所) AS We grow UPZ We gradually need to be responsible for more and more things We Iearn how to make OUr OWn decisions and realize that We have moral duties We have to be responsible for OUr IiVeSWe also have respOnSibilitieS that go beyond OUrSelVeS Parents have the respOnSibili

36、ty to IOOk after their Children. BeyOnd the family, PeOPle have a responsibility towards the COmmUnity as a WhOle It is respOnSibIe for US as a SOCiety to make this WOrId a Safe and PIeaSa nt PIaCe for every one.When We fail in OUr responsibilities, the COnSeqUenCeS are most SeriOUS Teenagers WhO St

37、OP their StUdieS might make their OWn IiVeS bad Parents WhO are not Caring for their OWn Children properly, Will PUt them in danger By not following the traffic rules, CareIeSS drivers kill more than a million PeOPIe around the WOrld every year Certain PrOfeSSiOnS in OUr SOCiet½ SUCh as POliCe

38、officers, PreSent to PrOteCt the PUbliCZ and often risk their OWn IiVeS in Order to do their duty. HOWever; their efforts depend On the SUPPOrt Of Ordinary PeOPle If We Pay no attention to OUr OWn respOnSibilitieSZ SOCiety Will become dangerous.Whether We are ShOUldering heavy responsibilities, Iike

39、 doctors Or lots, Or SimPIy taking respOnSibility for OUr OWn Iearning as students, We WiIl always be judged On how WeIl We PerfOrm OUr duties For this reasOrb the hardest Part Of acting respOnSibIy is admitting(承认)that We failed Or that We made a mistake LetlS Say you ViSit your friend's house

40、and accidentally make an expensive teapot broken While your friend is in another room The honest thing to do is Of COUrSe to admit and apologize BeCaUSe this requires COUragez SOme PeOPle take another way: they Pretencl that nothing happened. PerhaPS a broken teapot might not be SUCh a big deal, but

41、 in any given situation, We Can ChOOSe to act resp OnSibly.ReSPOnSibiIitleS are an important Part Of Iife SinCe OUr actiOnS have COnSeqUences If everyOnG COnSidered how their actions WOUld affect (影 响)themselves and Other people, the WOrId WOUld be a better PlaCe(1) WhiCh Of the following is NOT TRU

42、E according to the PaSSage ? A. We ShOUld ChOOSe to act respOnSibIy in any given SitUation.B. Students have the Same heavy responsibilities as the doctorsC. We have to be responsible for OUrSeIVeS and beyOnCl OUrSeIVeSD. Police OffiCerS Often risk their OWn IiVeS in Order to do their duty.(2 ) The P

43、aSSage tells US thatA. children HaVe no responsibilitiesB. adults Often risk their OWn IiVeS in Order to do their dutyC. students ShOUld OnIy be responsible for their OWn IearningD. our respOnSible actions WOUld make the WOrld a better PIaCe(3) ACCOrding to the Writerf the HardeSt Part Of taking res

44、pOnSibility isA .to COntrOl OUr behaviorB .to make OUr OWn decisio nsC. to admit OUr failure Or mistakesD. to affect OUrSeIVeS and Other PeOPIe (4) WhiCh Of the following WOUId be the best title for the passage? Amportance Of ReSPOnSibiIityB. Consequence Of ReSPOnSibilityC. DiffiCUIt Part Of ReSPOnS

45、ibility.Development Of ReSPOnSibility.四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.(共10分,每小题2分)18.Viral MarketingCOmPanies are always On the IOOkOUt for new WayS to SeIl PrOdUCtS We,re USed to Seeing ads i n newspapers a nd on televisio n InrGCentyears, a new type Of ad Strategy - Viral marke廿ng (病毒性营¥肖)-has become POPUl

46、ar ItUSeSthelnternet to spread informatiOn about a PrOdUCt Or SerViCeThe idea Of Viral marketing is the ,word Of mouth" effects that is, to get PeOPle to recommend (推荐,介绍)a PrOdUCt to OtherS On the Internet, that Can be CIOnG by email messages Orf the informatiOn may be POSted On forums> blo

47、gs, and Other WebSiteS AdVertiSerS cart force PeOPIe to SPread their message So, they must think Of CreatiVe WayS to get PeOPIe to help OUt One good Way is to give SOmething away. FOr example, When SOmebOdy SendS an email USing a HOtmail accoIlnt, there's an ad On the bottom. It tells OtherS HOW

48、 to get a free account Other COmPanieS give away branded SCreensavers, WallPaPerf and sounds. Whenever they're Seen Or SharedI it advertises the PrOdUCt AnOther Way is funny and interesting VideOS When SOmeOnG COmeS across a great ad for BMWf they may Send a Iink to their friends. They may even

49、add the VideO to a (OrUm Or blog COmPanieS IOVe the effect It gets more PeOPIe to WatCh their ads, ViSit their websites* and hopefully, buy their PrOdUCtSUn(OrtUnately, it's hard to PIan Viral marketing activities There are many ads and WebSiteS On the Internet SOt designers and marketers must t

50、hink UP CreatiVe new StrategieS If SOmething is funny» interesting, Or USefUl GnOUghf PeOPIe Will tell their 试卷第12页,总12页friends about it. If it inClUdeS giving SOmething away, the Viral marketing activity may be even more SUCCeSSfUL(1) WhiCh new type Of ad Strategy has become popular? (2 ) What

51、 is the idea Of Viral marketing? (3) What cart advertisers force PeOPIe to do? (4) What may PeOPle do When they COme across a great ad for BMW? (5) Why is it hard to PIan Viral marketing activities? 书面表达(共10分)文段表达.(10分)19.从下而两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段 写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用请不要写出你的校名 和姓名.

52、题目6月5日是世界环境日,你们学校正在开展"美丽校园,我行动"宣传活动,倡议大家 制作关于创建美丽校园的主题海报.假如你是李华,你们班交换生Peter给你发邮件询 问相关事情.请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他海报上交的时间,并分享你设计海报的 一些想法.提示词语:design, CamPUS (校|兄),environment, create, WaSte SOrting (垃圾分 类)提示问题:When ShOUld you hand in the poster? What WOUld you Iike to Share With Peter about designing

53、the poster?Dear Petertm glad to receive your email .If there is anything more that I Can help WithI PIeaSe Iet me know .Yours,Li HUa 20.题目"讲文明,懂礼貌"是中华民族的传统美徳.你们学校英文网站正在开展以“文明从我做 起"为主题的征文活动,倡导人人都做文明中学生.假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短 文投稿,谈谈你认为做个文明中学生什么是重要的,你通常是怎么做的,以及你的感 受.提示词语:CiViliZatiOn (文明),manne

54、rs> POIite> respect提示问题: What is important for a middle SChOOl student? What do you USUaIIy do? HOW do you feel ?参考答案与试题解析2020年北京市燕山区中考英语二模试卷、单项填空(共6分每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1.【答案】D2.【答案】C3.【答案】B4.【答案】D5.【答案】B&【答案】A7.【答案】C8.【答案】D9.【答案】A10.【答案】BL【答案】C12.【答案】A试卷第12页,总12页二、完形填空.(共8分.每小题2分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文 后各题所给的A、B、C、D四


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