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1、八下 100 单选答案( B )1. The kind girl is always ready to help them out when the people around her get trouble.A. ofB. into C. by D. to( D )2.If you eat too much chocolate, you ' ll be .A. tiredB. hungry C. sunburned D. sick( C )3.I didn ' t take your advice at that time, so I am in such a terribl

2、e .A. competitionB. educationC. situationD. discussion( B )4. To have a good living environment, all of us fight pollution.A. mayB. shouldC. mustn ' tD. needn 't( A )5.He couldn' t believe that Sally was able to organize the party b_y_._A. herselfB. her C. him D. himself( B )6.Mr. Smith

3、is used to us some soup before meals.A. serveB. serving C. add D. adding( D )7.They discussed the problem for two hours in the afternoon, and finally they came to a .A. resultB. reason C. question D. decision( C )8.You must be careful when this knife, or you' ll hurt yourself.A. to useB. use C.

4、usingD. used( A )9. Doctor Smith, you I should have a good rest? Yes, you ' re right.A. meanB. mindC. planD. promise( D )10. I tried to make the little boy but I found it difficult. Well, I saw you that when I went past.A. laughed; doB. laughed; doing C. laugh; doD. laugh; doing( C )11.Dale aske

5、d everybody to stay out of the kitchen he could prepare his great surprise for theparty. A. though B. unlessC. so thatD. as long as( D )12.Linda, I paper last week. Could you help me buy some?A. got outB. got out ofC. ran outD. ran out of( B )13.Because of the bad weather, our class teacher agreed u

6、s go home early.A. letB. to letC. getD. to get( C )14.This term he is very busy so he has to football.A. pick upB. put upC. give upD. make up( B )15. Lisa, ? I have the flu and I can' t sleep well at night.A. are you available B. are you OK C. did you hurt yourself D. do you see the doctor often

7、A )16. Marcus is climber. These days he has bad cough, so he can't climb the hills.A. a; aB. a; 不填C. the; aD. the; 不填( C )17. Jason got a fight with Kevin. He hit Kevin the face.A. onto; inB. onto; with C. into; in D. into; with( D )18. Sally has some learning English grammar. She needs help.A.

8、adviceB. danger C. informationD. trouble( D )19. What do you want to eat? I don't care. Anything is OK as long as it can fill my .A. neckB. throat C. kneeD. stomach( B)20. To our surprise, the 4-year-old boy can dress .A. him B. himself C. you D. yourself( C )21. We're happy that Miss Wang w

9、ill teach English this term.A. herB. herself C. usD. ourselves( A)22. You drink more water in such hot weather.A. shouldB. shouldn't C. might D. mightn't( C)23. If you want to know what the words , you can look them up in the dictionary.A. bring B. share C. mean D. leave( C)24. I saw Peter a

10、 magazine when I went into the library.A. readB. reads C. readingD. to read( B )25. Ruby's parents agreed her to China. She was excited the news.A. taking; to hear B. to take; to hear C. taking; hearD. to take; hear( B )26. Is Steve angry with us? No. He is used to loudly.A. speakB. speaking C.

11、cough D. coughing( A )27. Why does Sue look upset?She went to the bookstore by bus but she the bus at the wrong stop.A. got offB. got upC. turned offD. turned up( C )28. It seems that Helen always wants to .Yes, you're right. She likes trying new things.A. take walksB. take exams C. take risksD.

12、 take breaks( C )29. Nick, would you mind opening the window? It's so hot here.Of course not. I'll do it .A. in the endB. all in all C. right awayD. in fact( D )30. Anna, I'm not feeling well. My head feels hot.A. Have a good day B. You shouldn't lie down C. You should work hard D. Y

13、ou need to see a doctor B )31. You can't eat food here! There's sign“ No Eating ” on the wall.I'm sorry. I didn't notice sign.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; aD. the; the( A )32. my satisfaction, his help made a difference my son'sEnglish study. A. To; toB. To; inC. With; to D. With; i

14、n( D )33. The two sisters are different from each other in their . One likesmusic, but the other likes sports.A. grades B. characters C. shapes D. interests ( B)34. Alex is very and hard-working as well. He always does a good jobin his study.A. strong B. clever C. lazy D. careless ( D )35. Mike, you

15、 look so . Yeah! I will see my favorite writer this evening. A. tired B. relaxedC. boredD. excited( B )36. Who will see the film Shadowwith you? Nobody. I will see it .A. lonelyB. aloneC. tooD. either( D )37. Spaceships have made possible for people to travel to the moon.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it( A

16、 )38. My computer doesn't work.Don't worry. You can ask Mr. Steen to it.A. repair B. raise C. imagine D. understand( C )39. Sally, you used to the piano after dinner, but why are you practicing the guitar?A. playing; playing B. playing; to playC. play; playingD. play; to play( C )40. the fir

17、st bus, Mark got up very early this morning.A. Catch B. Catching C. To catchD. Caught( D )41. I'm writing an article. Please ask the children so much noise. OK, I'll do it at once. A. makeB. not makeC. to makeD. not to make( C )42. I live far from here. I have difficulty here on time.Don'

18、;t worry. You can come 10 minutes late.A. comeB. to comeC. comingD. came( C )43. It's going to rain tomorrow, so the school will have to _ the school trip.A. turn off B. find out C. put off D. try out ( D )44. That's a wonderful idea. Larry it.A. took care ofB. caught up withC. looked forwar

19、d toD. came up with( B )45. Both of the teams are the best in our school. It will be an exciting match, I think. . Either of them might win.A. I'm afraid notB. You're right C. Sure, I canD. OK, thank you( B ) 46. If everybody helps a little, it really makes a difference our environment.A. of

20、 B. to C. aboutD. from( C ) 47. The journey was long. He took a friend with him so that he would not feel .A.hungryB. deafC. lonely D. angry( B ) 48. Oh, your shoes are broken. Do you plan to buy a new pair? No. I ' ll try them myself.A. repairB. to repairC. raiseD. to raise( A ) 49. Jack someti

21、mes wants to his job, because he finds it a little boring.A. changeB. understandC. chooseD. catch( B ) 50. It shouldn ' t take us long to finish the work if we all voelru_n_te this weekend. A.work B. to workC. trainD. to train( D ) 51. The new program made possible for the young men to show thei

22、r talents.A.this B. that C. one D. it(C ) 52. I be quite afraid to live in a new city, but after I moved to this city, I the life herevery soon.A. used to; used toB. was used to; used toC. used to; was used toD. was used to; was used to( A ) 53. You can 't how excited we were when Miss Black agr

23、eed to have a picnic with usA.imagine B. expect C. decide D. notice( C ) 54. I think Jane finally chose history because of her in the subject.A. satisfactionB. promiseC. interestD. result( A )55. As a volunteer, the girl goes to the hospital every weekend the sick children.A. to cheer up B. to call

24、up C. cheering up D. calling up( B ) 56. Dale is going to Hainan this summer because vacations by the sea is his dream. A.spend B. spending C. plan D. planning( C )57. It 's boring to walk alone here.You go for walks with your friend in the park.A. are able toB. have toC. couldD. must( B ) 58. I

25、f you don ' t use these school things, you can to children in need.A. give away them B. give them away C. put up them D. put them up( C ) 59. In looks, your daughter doesn' t _a_l_l._ you atA. prepare for B. care about C. take afterD. hear from( B) 60. When I visit my grandparents, they ofte

26、n tell me stories about the past. A. That ' s all right B. That sounds interestingC. I ' m sorry to hehaarttD. Sure, I ' d love toB )61. The boy doesn ' t study hard. He always spends a lot of time computer games.A. atB. onC. aboutD. by( A )62. Kylie was afraid of the snake, so she r

27、an away she saw it.A. as soon as B. unlessC. althoughD. because( D )63. Could I do my homework in your room, Dad? Of course, if you don' t make a in it.A. matter B. decision C. promise D. mess( D )64. It 's that you made him finish the rwkoin such a short time because he is new at doingsuch

28、work.A. lucky A )65. Helen,A. the more; the betterC. the most; the best A )66. It is necessary for all of usA. to developD. unfair grades your will get.B. traditional C. possible _ hard-working you are, _B. more; better D. most; bestB. to change C. develop D. change' t like junk food, and .B. ei

29、ther I do D. neither I do the habit of thinking by ourselves.c )67. My brother doesnA. either do IC. neither do I B )68. Do you want to clean up the garden? I don 'A. to do B )69. Linda, itA. make suret mind that if no one else wants to.B. doingC. to carryD. carrying' s your job that all the

30、 windows are closed after school.B. to make sure C. feel likeD. to feel like( A )70. Kate, come up with your own idea if you think you can do better. There' s no needA. to getB. gettingC. to makeD. making( D )71. Many students don 't want to their parents, so they wo-trimk peainrt their free

31、 time.A. take afterB. care about C. hear fromD. depend on( A )72. Alice, I ran out of my money. Could you me some?A. lendB. sellC. borrowD. buy( C )73. When we didn ' t know what to do, he us with useful information.A. providesB. is providingC. providedD. will provide( B )74. Could you please _

32、_ the door? It' s cold outside.A. openB. not openC. climbD. not climb( C )75. Could we go to see the movieBad Geniusnow, Mom? . I hear it' s very interesting.A. It doesn ' t matter B. Thanks a lot C. Of course D. That ' s rightD)76. Lucas, I have run out of my paper. May I borrow som

33、e you?A. on B. over C. to D. from( B )77. Learn to relax. Too much may not be good for your health.A. joy B. stress C. space D. peace( C )78. It's that Mr. Brown sits around doing nothing, while his wife does all the houseworkevery day. A. fair B. possible C. unfair D. impossible( D )79. Don'

34、;t worry about the exam! You study very hard and you're so clever.A. still B. thoughC. however D. anyway( B )80. The rich man volunteers to those poor students with lots of books every year. He is sokind. A. cover B. provide C. fill D. share( C )81. everybody is here, let's start our class m

35、eeting now.A. While B. Although C. Since D. Until( A )82. I forgot to bring my Chinese-English dictionary here. Could I use yours? Yes, you . A. can B. might C. could D. should( B )83. Jack, could you please the box? It's for your sister.A. openB. not open C. to open D. not to open( C )84. It is

36、 the teachers' job the students how to learn.A. teach B. teaching C. toteach D. to teaching( D )85. exercise you take, you will be.A. The much; the healthy B. The more; the healthyC. The much; the healthier D. The more; the healthier( C )86. Paula will help to do chores as soon as she home from

37、school.A. gotB. will get C. getsD. is getting( A )87. Don't play games . You should look for educational things to do on the Internet.A. all the time B. at the same time C. at that time D. for the first time( D )88. Is it OK if we leave you alone at home today, Jason?No problem, Mom. I'm old

38、 enough to myself.A. stay away from B. come up with C. look forward to D. take care of( B )89. Could I go to the movies this afternoon, Mom?. You'll have to help Dad clean the car.A. I'm afraid so B. I'm afraid notC. I'm glad to hear that D. I'm sorry to hear that( D )90. Ruby, I don't want to go to Beijing for my holiday. It's too hot there. A. Not at all B. No problem C. Me, too D. Me neither( C )91.- I usually g


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