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1、星座物语the introduction of 12constellations 12星座速查ariesbirth:mar.21apr.20key word: independence ,acting ,leadingpersonality: aries is the first sign of the twelve zodiacs. it represents the beginning of all the things and usually displays a strong desire to lead. aries are adventurous, energetic, pione

2、ering, and courageous. aries always want to be on top. they tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful. arians are loyal to family to family and friends .sometimes they like physical, emotional and mental extreme but should be careful not to go too far with their extremism.birthday

3、 stone :diamond, ruby, amethyst.attracting signs: gemini, leo, libra, scorpio.celebrities: jackie 白羊座白羊座出生年月:3.214.20关键词:独立,热情,有领导风范性格:白羊座位于十二宫之首,极具创新精神,通常会表现出极强的领导欲。白羊座的人精力充沛,富有冒险性,坚强勇敢,坦率。但往往以自我为中心,且任性妄为,无所畏惧。他们热情似火,对周围的人极具影响力,忠于家庭和朋友。火星是白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员,医生,探险家,军人和领导人。有时他们在物质及精神上趋于极端化,应注意在这些方面的过

4、激行为。幸运石:钻石,红宝石,紫水晶情侣速配:双子座,狮子座,天秤座,天蝎座白羊座名人:成龙birth:april21may21 key worlds: diligent, saving, enjoyable personality: taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development. taurus is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, and determined. it likes few changes which determines

5、its practical nature. taurus show a great interest in all physical matters. taurus is faithful to friends and lovers. however, when insulted taurus remember it forever. no other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth than taurus. taurus is ruled by venus and seek harmony with its surrounding. they ar

6、e good teachers, scientists, designers, and chief. birth stone: rose quartz, emerald. attracting sign: scorpio, capricorn libracelebrities: audrey hepburn 出生月份:4.215.21关键词:勤奋,勤俭节约,享乐性格:金牛座是十二宫的第二个星座,代表成长。金牛座的人耐心,可靠,有爱心,有毅力,富有实干精神。但不喜欢变化,个性内敛,务实,钟爱一切自然的物质,对朋友和恋人真诚专一。但金牛座的人受到欺辱时会永远记住。金牛座是离地球最近的。金星是金牛座

7、的守护星,并和谐的围绕在它周围。金牛座的人喜欢团队活动,但也十分倔强。金牛座的人适合做老师科学家设计师,厨师。幸运石:玫瑰红英石,绿宝石情侣速配:天秤座,天蝎座,魔蝎座金牛座名人:奥黛丽赫本双子座gemini (the twins)birth:may,22jun.21key words: thinking, communicating, amusingpersonality: gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing quickness of thought. gemini is adaptable, witty and inte

8、llectual. sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dual nature. gemini likes being part of a group. they always follow the rules of the game .understanding and tolerant, they are helpful in any other situation .they usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal f

9、acility. gemini is still try to be independent .gemini likes to travel and socialize. gemini is good lawyer, politicians and public speakers. birth stone: citrine, amber, tourmaline.attracting sign: virgo, libra, sagittariuscelebrities: john kennedy 出生月份:5.226.21关键词:想象力丰富,善于交流,机智幽默性格:双子座是十二宫的第三个星座,代表思维敏捷。双子座的人口才好,兼备活力和聪慧。他们适应能力强,多才多艺,善于交流。由于具有双重性格,有时他们可能悲观厌世。双子座的人喜欢融于集体之中,总是遵循游戏规则。他们善解人意,容忍大度,乐


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