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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载i. 单项挑选2021 级高二下单元训练选修七 unit2 robots精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. she was so sad because she failed in the math test. let s her .a. leavebehindb. leavealonec. leaveaside d. leaveout2. they desired that they the right to attend the meeting.a. hadb. havec. ared. were3. aftera whole aftern

2、oonhesated discussion、 they finally to us what had been decided.a. toldb. declaredc. statedd. made4. the accident happened on such an evening with strong winds by heavy rain.a. appearedb. happenedc. accompaniedd. mixed5. her clear and elegant prose her from most other journalists.a. setsasideb. sets

3、downc. setsapartd. setsup6. thousands of people to watch yesterday s match against ireland.a. turned onb. turned inc. turned aroundd. turned out7. -why do you choose to work in an international travel agency.- well、 you know、 english is my . so it is my best choice.a. strengthb. talentc. abilityd. s

4、kill8. the guard at the gate insists that everybodythe rules and show their id cards.a. obeyb. obeysc. breaksd. break9. would you pleaseas soon as you book a room for the night.a. ring up meb. ring me upc. call up med. give me ring10. since you are free tomorrow、 you d better keepto buy the new car.

5、a. his companyb. him companyc. his companiond. him accompany11. his wife is three years juniorhim.a. tob. withc. thand. by12. the factory now employs.a. sixty staff of membersb. sixty members of staffc. sixty staffsd. sixty staff members13. children areto meet with difficulties as they grow up、 so t

6、heir parents dont have to worry about it.a. possibleb. duec. necessaryd. bound14. i envy yousuch an expensive car.1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. to havingb. to havec. havingd. have15. while they were away on vacation、 they allowed their mail toat the post office.a. pile upb. rise upc. turn upd. cover up

7、ii. 单词拼写16. they get (离婚) two years ago.17. the minister was(陪伴) by his secretary to the us.18. i (宣布) at the meeting that i did not support him.19. my mother was 担忧的 、可怕的 when i fell over.20. we had an (可怕的) earthquake here last year.21. when his uncle died、 he received many letters and calls of s

8、.22. tony is s the guidebook for information about hawaii、 where he will travel soon23. they had a d that i attend their wedding.24. rita couldn t provide a s excuse for his absence.25. they were accused of interfering in china s internal a .iii. 语法填空chinese proverbs are rich and they are still wide

9、ly used in chinese people s daily life.26these proverbs there are often interesting stories. for example、 the proverb、“ plu27help it grow” 、 is based on the following story.it is said that a short tempered man in the song dynasty 960 1279 was very anxious to help 28 rice crop grow up quickly. he was

10、 thinking about29 day and night. but the crop was growing much slower than he expected.one day、 he came up with an idea30he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.he did so the next day.he was very tired31doing this for a whole day、32he felt very happy since thecrop did“ grow33” high.his son he

11、ard about this and went to see the crop. unfortunatelythe leaves of the crop began to wither.this proverb is saying we have to let things go in their34nature course. being too anxious to help an event develop often35result in the contrary to our intention.iv. 完形填空sunday nights are supposed to be a t

12、ime for 36 、 but for many people it is one ofthe most stressful times of the week. for many americans、 sunday nights make people feel2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载stressed and depressed、 denver tv station kmgh reported.“n si unnedvaeyr snliegehpt voery wellbecause i mworried about going to workon mondaymo

13、rning、”on e 37 toldkmgh. “ my job is very38 and you kind of have to gear up for monday and gettingback into that.a”ft ersittingat their desks all workweeklong、 people can htelp 39 lookforwardto the weekend、 kmghreported. butonce itcomes around、 itcan go by 40 . by the time sunday night comes around、

14、 it s all but over and that is when the pan 41 for many people.“ i think what mostpeople experience are thoughts of dread、” said psychotherapist dr david wright.“ before goingbacktoworktheyexperiencewithdrawalbehaviors、theydon t 42 their sundays. ”w rightsaid sunday night stress is very 43 and hit a

15、ll 44 of life.“ really it s like h-advaiyngwoarskiwxeek because you spend the whole day thinking about going to work and dreading going to work and anticipating things happening at 45 that may be stressful、” said wright.“ i think peoplet cmaanniydedniftfiefyreintways. it s the same as the fear of fl

16、ying or the fear of taking a test. often times the anticipation精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载ofthe 46 ismuchmorestressfulthantheeventitself.w”ri ghtsaidkeeping精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 47 on sundays willkeep people msind off heading back to workor school. “ ifit s becoming disruptive、 take some steps、 call a

17、 friend、 call a counselor、 get 48 in thingsyou liketo do and that should help、”sa id wright.perhaps the best advice for 49 sunday night anxiety is to create a ritual you reallylookforward to. it can be as simple as watching a favorite tv show each week. another 50 is to make sunday family game night

18、.36. a. relaxingb. reunionc. preparationd. depression37. a. workerb. worrierc. patientd. sleeper38. a. easyb. relaxingc. worryingd. stressful39. a. butb. andc. ord. except40. a. slowlyb. fastc. steadilyd. normally41. a. sets outb. sets aboutc. sets ind. sets down42. a. spendb. enjoyc. wantd. have43.

19、 a. commonb. oftenc. simpled. popular44. a. fieldsb. walksc. aspectsd. sides45. a. campusb. officec. workd. home46. a. eventb. workc. testd. flight47. a. passiveb. activec. positived. negative48. a. involvedb. participated3c. imaginedd. interested精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载49. a. hittingb. winningc. los

20、ingd. beating50. a. findingb. experiencec. adviced. suggestionv. 阅读懂得ahave you ever heard the old saying、“ never judge a book by its cover.” . this is to followwhen trying to judge the intelligence of others. some people have minds that shineonlyincertain situations.a young man withan unusual giftin

21、writingmay findhimself speechless before a pretty girl when he speaks. he may not be able to find the right words. butdon t make the mistake of thinking him stupid. with a pen and paper、 he can express himselfbetter than anybody else.other people may fool you into overestimating过高估量 their intelligen

22、ce by putting up a good front. a student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to 肯定会 make a favorable impression on his teachers. but when it comes to exams、 he may score near the bottom of the class.in a word、 you can t judge someone by appearance. the only way to determine a p

23、erson intelligence is to get to know him. then you can see how he reacts to different situations. themore situations you see、 the better your judgment is likely to be. so take your time. don t judgea book by its cover.51. the passage suggests that .a. a good writer may not be a good speakerb. a good

24、 writer is always a good speakerc. a speechless person always writes welld. a good writer will find himself speechless52. according to this passage、 a student who listens attentively and takes notes in class .a. is an intelligent studentb. may not be an intelligent studentc. will score better in exa

25、msd. will not be a good student53. the passage suggests that we should judge a person s intelligence through .a. his teachersb. his deeds in the classroomc. his appearanced. his reactions to different situations4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载biographybmini book excerpts 节选 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载when salin

26、ger learned that a car park was to be built on the land、 the middle-aged writer wasshocked and quickly bought the neighboring area to protect itthe townspeople never fo the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor.j. d. salinger: a lifeby kenneth slawenski random house、 $27 mystery 疑案小说 &q

27、uot;you're a smart boy. benny's death was no accident、 and you're the only who saw it happen.do you think the murderer should get away with it." the boy was staring stubbornly at his lap again.a thought suddenly occurred to annika、"didyouyou recognized the man in the car、 didn&

28、#39;t you."the boy hesitated、 twisting his fingers、 "maybe、" he said quietly.red wolf by liza marklund atria books、 $25.99short storiesshe wants to say to him what she has learned、 none of it in class. some women are born stupid、 and some women are too smart for their own good. some w

29、omen are born to give、 and some women onlyknowhow to take. some women learn who they want to be fromtheir mothers、 some who they don't want to be. some mothers suffer so their daughters won't. some mothers love so their daughters won't.you are free by danzy senna riverhead books、 $15humo

30、rdo your kids like to have fun. come to fun times. do you like to watch your kids having fun. bring them to fun times. fun times.'s "amusement cycling" is the most fun you can have、 legally、 in the united states right now. why spend thousands of dollars flying to disney world when you

31、can spend less than half of that within a day's drive of most cities.happy: and other bad thoughtsby larry doyle ecco、 $14.9954. if the readers want to know about the life of salinger、 they should buy the book published by .a. eccob. atria booksc. riverhead booksd. random house55. the book happy

32、 and other bad thoughts is intended for .a. young childrenb. disney world workersc. middle school teachersd. parents with young children5精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载56. which book describes women with characters of their own.a. happy and other bad thoughtsb. j. d. salinger: a lifec. you are freed. red wo

33、lf57. after finishing the bookred wolf、 the readers would learn that .a. the boy helped arrest the murdererb. benny died of an accidentc. the murderer got away with the crimed. annika carried out the crimecwhen josephine cooper was growing up、 she learned the importance of charity from her parents.

34、although they made a modest living for their family of 10、 they insisted on sharing with those less fortunate.half a century later、 mrs cooper became a beloved volunteer at the san diego food bank、 where she devoted herself to helping others. she organized and ran a distribution center from achurch、

35、 helping it become the organization s largest emergeney food distribution center in sandiego.she was one of 25 outstanding senior volunteers in the nationselected and invited to washington d.c. to receive the award.ks5u“ shewas the main person who helped us make that program grow、 ”s aid mikedoody、f

36、ormer director of the food bank. “ shehad a way of getting people to work together and towork hard. she was determined and stubborn、 butin a good way. she had a good heart.” people knew her as“ grandma” because of her selflessness and her devotion to helping hungry childrenand families.“ she reminde

37、d people of their grandma.” doody said.as a widowwitha young childin1979、 mrs. cooper was helped througha difficultfinancial time when the food bank provided her with groceries.“ she dedicated her life t back、 ”sa id her daughter、 monicacooper. itwasnut nusual for a local church to call mrs.cooper t

38、o ask her to aid a needy fa mily.“ shewould give people food out of her cupboard.sometimes we would cook a meal for a frailly living out of their car、” cooper said.although mrs. cooper was honored to receive the national award for her volunteer work、 she said being able to help others was her reward

39、. she died of liver disease and kidney failure、 aged 93.58. the underlined word“ charity” in paragraph 1 refers to.6精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a. offering helpb. donating moneyc. providing servicesd. showing sympathy59. the san diego food bank is meant to.a. distribute food in case of emergencyb. help h

40、ungry children and familiesc. give basic first-aid treatmentd. train some senior volunteers60. which of the following is true of mrs cooper.a. she died at an early age.b. she refused the national award.c. she was kind and devoted.d. she was not easy to get along with.61. from what monica cooper said

41、、 we know that.a. she is in financial troubleb. she was finally rewardedc. she once misunderstood her motherd. she thinks highly of her mother62. mrs. cooper s story suggests that.a. everyone needs a grandma nearbyb. children are what their parents arec. a sound mind is in a sound bodyd. a mother s

42、love never changesdwhen i was an official of a school in palo alto、 california、 polly tyner、 the president of ourboard、 wrote a letter that was printed in thepalo alto times . polly s son、 jim、 had great difficulty in school. he was classifiedas the educationallyhandicapped and required a great deal

43、 of patience on the part of his parents and teachers. but jim was a happy kid with a great smile thatlitup the room. his parents knew his difficulties、but they always tried to help him see his strengths so that he could walk with pride. shortly after jim finished high school、 he was killedin a motor

44、cycle accident. after his death、 his mother submitted this letter to the newspaper.“ today we buried our 20-year-old son. he was killed in a motorcycle accident on friday night. how i wish i had known that the last time i had talked to him would be the last time. if ihad only known that、i would have

45、 said to him、i lovjeimy、ou and i m always so proud ofyou. i would have taken the time to count the many blessings he hadbrought to the lives of the people who loved him. i would have taken the time to appreciate his beautiful smile、 his laughter、 and his genuine love to other people.“ when i put all

46、 the good things on the scale and try to balance them with all the irritating恼人的 things such as the radio that was always too loud、 the haircut that wasnthe dirty socks under the bed、 etc.、 i find that the irritations really don t amou“ i won t get another chance to tell my son all that i would have wanted him to hear、 but、 other parents、 do have a chance. tell your young people what you would want them to hear as if7精品学习资料精选学习资料 -


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