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1、1 make sense 词汇详解bring to ones senses使头脑正常 清醒过来 , 开导某人 , 使醒悟come to ones senses恢复理性 , 苏醒frighten scare sb. out of his senses吓得某人魂不附体have more sense than to do say sth. (=have too much sense to do say sth.)有头脑 理智 不会做出 说出 某事have no sense of shame无羞耻心 , 毫不知耻have the sense to (do) say因有头脑而做某事说某话 horse s

2、ense 口常识, 见识in all senses (=in every sense)在各方面 , 彻头彻尾in a broad narrow sense在广 狭义上in a pickwickian sense在匹克威克派的意味上(表面上侮辱而实际上是无伤大雅的开玩笑) in a sense 在某种意义上来说in no sense 决不是 , 决非in ones (right) senses头脑清醒 , 有理智 , 讲道理in ones sober senses清醒 , 冷静 , 沉着in some sense 在某种意义上in the best true sense of the term

3、word地地道道地 , 确确实实地in the proper strict, literal, figurativesense从本来 严格 ,字面 , 比喻 的意义上说lose ones sense昏过去 ; 发疯 ; 失去理性make sense( 话等 )有意义 , 合有理make sense of了解 .的意义 , 懂得not have enough sense to come in from the rain口蠢极了out of ones (right) sense失常 , 失去理智 , 神经错乱sixth sense 谑不合逻辑的推理speak talk sense讲得有理 , 说有

4、意义的话stand to sense 口有道理 , 合乎情理 ; 理所当然take leave of ones senses精神失常 , (醉得 )糊里糊涂there is no some sense in doing.做.是没有 有一些 道理的 意义的 regardless of 词汇详解in spite of: 不管:we will persevere regardless of past failures.尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去with no heed to:不顾:freedom for all, regardless of race or creed.不论民族或信仰的全体的

5、自由regardless of不管顾, 不注意out of order 词汇详解2 in order 按照顺序 ; 挨次;整齐 ; 整洁;恰当 , 正确 ; 符合程序in order that .为了 ., 目的在于 . in order to为了 (做某事 ), 以便 (做某事 ) in order to do sth.为了 ( 做某事 ), 以便 (做某事 ) out of order次序紊乱; (机器等 )失灵 ; 出故障;有病;违反议事规则take charge of 词汇详解have (the) charge of负责 ., 主管. in charge 主管 , 负责 , 掌管;在

6、.管辖之下 , 由.照顾;在拘留中in charge of ;负全责 , 经管, 照顾;在 .掌管之下 , 由.经管in full charge负责; 勇猛向前in the charge of sb.由某人负责 , 由某人照料 管理 take charge负责 (照料 , 保管等 ); 掌管 , 接办;失去控制, 出了毛病take in charge负责照料 , 引为己责;由警察拘留take charge of负责 , 看管under the charge of在 .看管 负责 之下rule out 词汇详解rule out to prevent; preclude:避免;排除在外:the s

7、nowstorm ruled out their weekly meeting.暴风雪使他们一周一次的会议无法举行to remove from consideration; exclude:不考虑;排除出去:the option of starting over has been ruled out.重新开始这种选择已被排除考虑as a rule in general; for the most part:通常;总体上:as a rule, we take the bus.通常,我乘公共汽车traffic jam 词汇详解be jammed for time匆匆忙忙be jammed in陷入

8、窘境be jammed with (people)拥挤 ; 挤满了 (人) get into a jam俚陷入困境card jam 卡片阻塞ice jam 【水】冰塞log jam 原木阻塞tape jam 带阻塞 , 带故障traffic jam交通拥挤 ; 交通阻塞without fail 词汇详解3 without fail with no chance of failure:一定,必定:没有失败的可能:be here at noon without fail.一定在正午时到这里with a grain of salt词汇详解with a grain of salt with reser

9、vations; skeptically:半信半疑地:有保留地;怀疑地:take that advice with a grain of salt.半信半疑地接受建议under the weather 词汇详解make heavy weather of to exaggerate the difficulty of something to be done.夸大困难:夸大做某事的困难under the weather somewhat indisposed; slightly ill.不舒服:有些不舒服;微病thannks to 词汇详解no thanks to without the ben

10、efit of help from:不受益于:finally found the house, no thanks to these confusing directions.最后找到了房子,并不受益于这些混乱的指点thanks to on account of; because of:因为:“ our national good fortune in having avoided, thanks to the religion clauses of the first amendment, the dismal possibilitiesof religious censorship” (b

11、enno c. schmidt, jr.) “ 我们国家的已避免的好运,是由于第一修正案中的宗教条款,排除了宗教的可能性”(小本诺 c.施米特 ) take advantage of 词汇详解take advantage of to put to good use; avail oneself of:利用:很好地使用;利用:take advantage of all educational opportunities.利用一切教育机会to profit selfishly by; exploit:占的便宜:自私地获利;剥削:took advantage of the customer.欺骗消费

12、者to advantage to good effect; favorably:有利:产生良好效果;有利于:the roses were displayed to advantage in a blue vase.玫瑰插在蓝色的花瓶中,产生了良好的效果。result from 词汇详解as aresult 因此 ; 结果as a result of作为 .的结果 ; 由于 . bring about yield good results得到好结果 好成绩 give out the results发表成绩in result 结果 , 因此4 in the result后果 , 结果meet wi

13、th good results取得好结果obtain produce results产生结果 , 获得结果with the result that结果是 , 因此 , 从而without result无效地 , 毫无结果地result from起于 , 由于result in 导致 , 终于造成 . 结果out of stock 词汇详解in stock available for sale or use; on hand.有现货的:能被出售或使用的;手头的out of stock not available for sale or use.无现货的:不能被使用或出售的out of breat

14、h 词汇详解in one breath或 in the same breath at or almost at the same time.同时,立刻:在或几乎在同时out of breath breathing with difficulty, as from exertion; gasping.呼吸急促,气喘吁吁:呼吸困难,如在用尽全力时;气喘吁吁under (ones) breath in a muted voice or whisper.压着嗓音,低声说:以微弱的嗓音或声音说on purpose 详解on purpose intentionally; deliberately.故意地;

15、有意地to good purpose with good results.有益地,有成效地to little purpose或 to no purpose with few or no results.几乎徒劳的,少有成效地例句:“ and ever those, who would enjoyment gain/must find it in the purpose they pursue” (sarah josepha hale) “于是那些想要得到快乐的人 /一定会在他们的追求的目标中寻求到它”(撒拉 约瑟法 黑尔 ) he was a man of purpose.他是一个意志坚强的人

16、lay off详解lay about to strike blows on all sides.向四面八方打击lay aside to give up; abandon:放弃;抛弃:lay aside all hope of rescue.放弃援救的希望5 to save for the future.储备:为将来贮存lay away to reserve for the future; save.储蓄:为将来储备;贮存to put aside and hold for future delivery.收藏:搁置并保留至以后交付lay by to save for future use.储备:

17、储存供将来之用lay down to give up and surrender:放弃并投降:laid down their arms.缴械投降to specify: 规定:laid down the rules.制定法规to store for the future.储备:为将来储备lay in to store for future use:储备:储存以备将来之用:lay in supplies for an arctic winter.为北极的严冬储备给养lay off to terminate the employment of (a worker), especially tempo

18、rarily.暂时解雇员工:停止雇用(工人),尤指暂时性的to mark off:划界线:lay off an area for a garden.划出一块区域作为花园lay on to apply (something) by or as if by spreading (it) onto a flat surface:带有:将某物抹在或好象涂在一平整表面上:laid on a thick southern accent.带有很重的南方口音to prepare, usually in an elaborate fashion; arrange:精心准备:通常指以精心策划的方法准备;安排:la

19、id on cocktails for 50 at the last minute.最后时刻才调制好50 份鸡尾酒lay out to make a detailed plan for.设计:为 制定详细计划to clothe and prepare (a corpse) for burial.穿寿衣:为(尸体)穿衣做殡葬准备to rebuke harshly:严厉批评:she laid me out for breaking the vase.因为打碎了花瓶,她痛骂我一顿to knock to the ground or unconscious.击到在地,打昏:击倒在地或打得失去知觉to e

20、xpend; spend:消费;花钱:lay out a fortune on jewelry.买珠宝花了一大笔钱hear from 词汇详解hear from to get a letter, telephone call, or transmitted communication from.收到 的来信、电话或传达来的信息to be reprimanded by:受到批评:6 if you dont do your homework, youre going to hear from me.如果你不做家庭作业,我就要批评你deal with 词汇详解make a deal with与. 做

21、成一笔交易 ; 与.达成协议do a deal with与.做成一笔交易 ; 与.达成协议deal in 从事于;经营 , 做.买卖;分给 (某人 )一份deal out 分配;给予 ; 执行deal well by sb.待某人好deal well with sb.待某人好deal with 与.交往 (有生意往来 );应付 , 对付 ; 处理;论及 , 涉及 , 研究例句:deal in tea 经营茶叶deal with the cards发牌he is easy to deal with.他很容易打交道。the book deals with this problem.这本书论述了这个

22、题。the teacher deals fairly with his pupils.这个教师公平地对待他的学生。concentrate on 词汇详解concentrate on集中在;专心于concentrate upon集中在;专心于例句:concentrate troops集结军队concentrate fire集中火力(射击)concentrate ones attention on upon把注意力集中在concentrate sugar solution into syrup将糖的溶液浓缩为糖浆you should concentrate on your work.你应该专心于你

23、的工作。apply for 词汇详解apply for 申请 ; 请求 , 接洽be applied to 适用于 , 应用于 , 施加于 , 用来表示 , 与.接触apply oneself to 致力于 , 集中精力做某事apply sth. to 把.施于 .; 把.运用于 . apply to 关系到 , 牵涉到 ;适用于 ; 运用于 ; 向. 询问 , 向.接洽例句:apply to the consul for a visa 向领事申请签证apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实践apply a plaster to a wound 给伤口贴上膏药apply


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