



1、pep book4 unit3 a lets learn教案宜良县第十中学李克娟一、教学目标1. 知识技能目标a. 能听、说、认读friends, friendly, quiet, tall and strong, short and thin单词和词组。b. 能听懂、会说i have a friend. he / she is . his /her name is 并能在实际情景中运用。c. 学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。2. 情感文化目标培养学生的合作能力, 积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结友爱,与人融洽相处。二、重点难点1. 学习、掌握词汇、词组,并能熟练运用。2t

2、hin 和 quiet 的发音。三、板书设计unit 3 my friends -what s his name? - what s her name? -his name is . - her name is . he is and . he is . she is and . he is . 四、教学步骤1. step 1 lead-in a. greeting to the students t: hello, everyone. nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you too. t: how are you? s: i m fine. thank y

3、ou. b. lets talk t :what s your name ? s: my name is.(全班同学答复 ) t:follow me . name, name, my name . name, name , your name. name ,name, his name, name ,name, her name. 引出 what s his/her name? 随机问班上男女生的名字,让学生以his/her name is 作答。c. lets guess. 出示 ppt t:what s his name? s:his name is ke nan. t:yes ,ke n

4、an is a clever boy.今 天柯 南遇到 了 一些问题 , 我们 来帮帮他 好 不好?now ,let s do it. look at the first group。step 2 presentation 一,反义词,我知道1. black white 手心 white,手背 black。把学生分成两组,分别左手和右手所代表的颜色。2.big small 学生用手比大小, big 越来越大, small 越来越小。3.on under 以英语课本为界, on 在英语书上, under在英语书下。老师带学生比动作。4.tall short 1出示姚明的图片t:what s hi

5、s name? s:his name is yao ming. t:is he tall ? s:he is tall. 带读 ppt 上的句子。2出示小玉的图片t:what s her name ? s:her name is xiao yu. t:与姚明相比, is she tall? s:no.she is short. t:ok,she is short. 5.strong and thin (1)出示成龙的图片t: what s his name? s :his name is chen long. t : he is strong.(教师动作示意 ) 2出示 lily 的图片t:

6、is she strong ? s: no, she is thin. 二let s talk 1. tall and strong (1)出示姚明的图片group 1,group2 ask the question “ what s his name? ”group 3,group 4 answer the question.” his name is yao ming”t: ok , very good. yao ming is tall and strong. he is friendly too. 2. friendly 出示图片,以词带句。she is friendly, he is

7、 friendly, they are friendly. game: little train 3. short and thin group 3,group4 ask the question “ what s her name? ”group 1,group 2 answer the question.” her name is amy”t: ok , very good. she is short and thin. she is quiet too. 4. quiet 出示图片,以词带句。she is quiet, he is quiet, they are quiet. 5. read the words in p25 小游戏:高低音step 3 practice a.出示图片t:who are they? s: he is xi yangyang , she is mei yangyang 引出幻灯片b. 出示小男孩图片look !he is my friend.he is tall and strong. he is friendly. b.出示完小女孩的照片后,让学生描述。i have a good friend. he is tall and strong. he is friendly i have a goo


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