1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法动词不定式(the infinitive)二.不定式的主要用法动词不等式具出名词.形容词及副词的特点,因此在句中可作主语.宾语.宾语(或主语)补足语.表语.定语.及状语等;1 .不定式作主语 不等式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;to conquer englishis not easy.战胜英语不简洁;to make plan first is a good idea.先制定方案为个好想法;to know everythingis to know nothing.事事皆通,无一熟知; 不等式作主语时,常常用形式主语it替代,而将真正的主
2、语不等式放在句子的后面; it is necessaryto master a foreign language.把握一门外语很有必要; it s a great pleasureto see you again.再次见到你真兴奋;it is a bad mannerto stare at a foreign guest.盯着外宾看为一种不良的举动; 假如说明不等式表示的动作为谁做的,可以在不等式的前面加一个for引起的短语,这就为常见的“it is adj./n. for sb. to do sth. ”句式;如:it is good mannersfor an arabto stand c
3、lose to his friends when they are talking.对阿拉伯人来说,交谈时站得离伴侣近些为好的礼貌;it is a great honorfor usto be presented at the party.我们能来参与晚会,深感荣幸;it will be a regretfor usnot to help him.我们没有帮忙他为个遗憾; 在某些形容词(如kind、good、 nice、wise、unwise、clever、silly、wrong、 right、foolish、stupid、careless、considerate、 rude、 naughty
4、、 impolite等)作表语时,不等式前常加一个以of 引起的短语,来说明不等式指的为谁的情形;这就为常见的“it is adj. of sb to do sth.” 句式;如:it s very kindof youto think so much of us.感谢你替我们考虑这么多;it is unwiseof themto do like that.他们那样做为不明智的;it s impoliteof youto gossip about others.你们说别人的闲谈为不礼貌的;it s carelessof themto ignore this important point.他们
5、忽视了重点,只为马虎;2 .不定式作宾语 英语中能以不等式作宾语的动词很多;常见的有:like、 want、 wish、 hate、 prefer、 hope、 manage、 try、 offer、 start、 ask、 forget、 promise、 pretend、 intend、 begin、 attempt、 decide、 desire、 agree、 learn、 choose、 expect等等;如:dont forgetto bring your dictionary.不要遗忘把你的字典带来;he can t affordto buy a car.他买不起小汽车;i ne
6、edto fetch a tapefrom a friend.我需要去一个伴侣处取一盒磁带回来;we ve decidedto put on a short playnext week.我们打算下一周演一个小话剧; once you startto smoke、 you cannot easily give it up.一旦你抽上了烟,你就不简洁戒掉; i really liketo watch football matches.我特别喜爱看足球竞赛;how i wishto see my old friends again.我多么想再见到我的老伴侣啊! 当不等式作直接宾语,而后面仍有宾语补足
7、语时,通常把不等式放在补足语后面,而用形式宾语it来替代它;如:i found it impossible to answer all the questions within the time given.我发觉在限定的时间内回答全部的问题为不行能的;she thoughtit unnecessary to argue with him about it.她觉得没有必要和他辩论这问题;he madeit a rule onlyto speak english in class.他规定课上只能说英语;i findit necessaryto speak about our shortcomin
8、gs.我觉得有必要谈谈我们的缺点;she feelsit hardlyto help others.她认为帮忙别人为她的责任; 英语中介词后面通常要用动词的动名词形式;但为下面的这些短语中的介词却例外:be about to +不等式,do nothingbut、cannot help choose but、 nothing except、 nothing else than, cannot but等;如:heis aboutto go aboard to study.他将出国学习去了;the patientcan not butfollow the doctors instructions、
9、 though he doesn t think it necessary.病人只得遵照医生的叮嘱,尽管他们认为没有必要;these children didnothing exceptplay all day long.这些孩子除了成天玩外,什么都没做;he didnothing else thanlaugh.他只为笑;1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法he does everythingexcept go to school.他怎么也不上学;i had no choicebut to give up this chance to go aboard.我
10、没有方法只好舍弃了此次出国的机会;i have got nothing to dobut depend on myself.我没有方法只好依靠自己; 留意 but.except 用作介词(除之外)接不等式,如前面有do/does/did时,不等式不带to ,否就要带to ; 再如:the lady can do nothingbut give in. = the lady has no choicebut to give in.3 .不定式作宾语补足语在很多句子中,不定式用作宾语(名词或代词)的补足语,从而构成复合结构,即复合宾语;句子的宾语与不定式之间在规律上为主谓关系;这坟种情形: 带 t
11、o 的不等式作宾语补足语;要求带这种结构的常见动词有:ask要求allow答应teach教invite邀请forbid禁止want想要know知道beg祈求force逼迫invite邀请order命令help帮忙warn警告require要求cause导致tell告知persuade说服encourage勉励wish期望advise劝说like喜爱advise建议forbid禁止warn警告urge敦促;促使get使permit答应cause导致request要求the teacher asked usto recite the texts.老师要我们背诵课文;we didnt want th
12、isto happen .我们并不期望发生这样的事;i told jeffto join the club、 but he wouldn t listen.我告知 jeff让他加入俱乐部,但他不听;i expected herto arrive on sunday.我期望她星期天到;they encouraged meto try again.他们勉励我再试一次;i ll get someoneto repair your bike.我去找个人来帮你修自行车; 不带 to 的不等式作宾语补足语;要求带这种结构的常见动词有(但这些动词的被动形式需要带to ):see观察look at观察hear
13、听见make使notice留意discover发觉listen to听let让watch认真看observe观看feel感觉have让nothing will make mechange my mind.什么也转变不了我的留意;nobody saw himcome in.谁也没观察他进来;we listened to the bandplay in the park.我们在公园听乐队演奏;she was seento enter the roomabout the time he was leaving.他走的时候看到她进入房间;特殊留意:上述这些动词的被动语态肯定要加上to.另外,主动语态动
14、词help 后的复合宾语中的不等式可带to ,亦可不带to. 而被动语态必需加to she often helps her parents to wash clothes.她常常帮爸妈洗衣服;= her parents are often helpedto wash clothes. i won t be made to change my mind by anything. he wasn t seen to come in by anyone.the band was listenedtoplayin the bank. 有些成语动词后面的复合宾语中用带to 的不等式;常见的有:waitf
15、or、 call on、 count on/upon、 vote for、rely on、 depend on/upon、 long for、 care for、 prevail upon等;但为在listen to、 look at后面的复合宾语的不等式就不带to.i m counting onhimto help me through.我盼望他能我度过难关; wellvote formiketo be our monitor.我们将头迈克的票,选他当班长; dont count on usto give you any help.别盼望我们能给你任何帮忙;we are interested
16、 inlooking athimplay football.我们看到他们踢足球感到很好玩;we are longing forthe new seasonto begin soon.我们都期望新的赛季快的开头; 有些动词后跟复合宾语,但这种宾语中的不定式多由to be + adj构成,常见的有think、 consider、 find、 believe、 suppose、 know、 feel、 understand、 declare、 take等;但在 think ,consider、 find后又可以直接加形容词,而不用to be ; 如 :she felt that tobe the h
17、ighest praise.她认为这为最高的颂扬;she consideredthat to be important.她认为这很重要;iknowthatnot to be true.我知道这不为真的;they findthe answerto be quite satisfactory.他们对答复感到很中意;we dont consider his planto be practical.我们并不认为他的方案为可行的;2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法sheimagined herselfto be cleverer than others.她自以为自己
18、比别人都要聪慧;4 .不定式作主语补足语 含有宾语补足语的句子变成被动结构时,原句中的宾语变成了被动语态的主语,原先宾语补足语变成了主语补足语;he asked meto be patient.他要我耐心点;me为宾语,不等式作宾补 i was askedto be patient.我被要求耐心点;i为主语,不等式作主补the answer was foundto be quite satisfactory.答复看来令人很中意;who can be depend uponto do such a job.能靠谁来做这样的工作哪?before liberation、 workers were m
19、adeto work day and night.解放前,工人们被迫日夜干活; 在以下结构中用不等式作主语补足语,它们为:sb./sth be said/believed/reported/considered/found等+不等式;如: he is said to have gone abroad. = it is said that he has gone abroad.heat is considered to be a form of energy.热被看成为一种能量; 在 be likely、 be certain、 be sure、 be unlikely、 be destined
20、等加不等式的复合结构中,不等式也为用作主语的补足语;victory is sureto be ours.成功肯定为属于我们的;5 .不定式作表语不等式作表语常常用来表示预定要发生的动作,也可以用来表示将来的可能性或假设;不等式作表语仍可以用来说明主语的内容,此时不等式只为单纯的表语,而不具有将来的意义;his wish isto become a scientist.他的为当一名科学家;to the doctor、 the most important thing isto save people s lives.对医生来说,最重要的为挽救生命;our main task now is to
21、develop the students taobcilaitirerys on independent work.培育同学进行独立的才能为我们现在的主要任务;he was to leavewhen i walked into the room.我走进房间时,他正想离开;what we have to do first isto find a solution.我们要做的第一件事找一个解决的方法;the important thing isto win at any cost.重要的为不惜一切代价取得成功;nothing in life isto be feared. it is onlyto
22、 be understood.生活中没有可怕的东西,只有需要懂得的东西; 摘自高二英语上p1perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference isto find somethingthat we like to do and that we are good at.假如我们想有所成就,最重要的或许就为找到我们喜爱做的和善于做的事情; 摘自高二英语上p76 .不定式作定语和同位语不等式作定语或同位语须放在被修饰词的后面.he was very busy and had no timeto visit his frie
23、nds.他很忙,根本没有时间探望伴侣们; the farmers thought of the waysto protect their crops.农夫们想出了爱护庄稼的方法; no investigation、 no rightto speak.没有调查就没有发言权;they had no chanceto go to schoolin those years.那时候他们没有机会上学;her desireto succeedlet her study hard.对成功的期望促使她努力学习;have you got anythingto dothis evening.今晚你有事吗?不定式作定
24、语或同位语时应留意两种现象:1. 假如不等式为一个不及物动词,它后面就应带有必要的介词,但为修饰的名词为time .place .way 时,其后习惯上常省略介词;i have a lot of thingsto do.我有很多工作要做;let s first find a room to findto put the thingsin .我们先找一个房间把东西搁在里面;she is a very nice personto workwith .她为一个很好共事的人;i haven t got a chairto siton.我没有可坐的椅子;there is nothingto worrya
25、bout .没什么值得发愁的;i have never seen a zoo that was suitable for animalsto livein . 摘自 go for it p120 there is no reasonto give up.没有理由舍弃;this is the best wayto make friends with.这就为最好的交伴侣的最好方法;we are looking for a placeto lie in.我们在找躺的地方;she had no placeto live.她没地方住;we have only a short timeto decide.
26、我们只有很少的时间来打算; zoos are terrible places for animalsto live. 省 略 in 摘自 go for it p120 is this a good way for animalsto live.省略 in摘自 go for it p1202.不等式和它所修饰的词之间有主谓关系,且此不等式短语相当于一个定语从句;3精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法we need someoneto help him with the typing.我们需要一个人帮他打字;we need someone(who will hel
27、p him with the typing、)the meetingto take place next monthis bound to be a great success.下月举办的会议肯定会很成功;the meeting which will take place next month is bound to be a great success.she is always the firstto come to school.她总为第一个到校;7 .不定式作状语不定式作状语修饰动词,表示目的.缘由.结果.独立成分等;表示结果.缘由时,不行置于句首;1.不等式表示目的,其规律主语通常亦
28、为全句的主语;有时为了强调这种目的,在不等式前加in order 或 so as ,也可以将不等式或“ in order+不等式”置于句首(so as 不用于句首)the greens went to hong kongto spend their holiday.格林全家去香港度假了;let s hurry notto be late for class.咱们快点走,免得上课迟到;to make things easier、 some people would rather just give money. 为了让事情简洁些,一些人宁愿只送钱; 摘自gofor it p108 we went
29、 to the villageto buy some foodfrom the village shop.我们到那个村庄,从商店里购买了一些食物;ill write down his telephone number in order to call him when necessary. 我要把他的电话号码登记来,已备必要时打电话给他;i stayed thereso as to see what would happen.我留在那儿,为的为想看看会发生什么事;to do a good job、 we must have the right ways.要做好工作,我们要有正确的方法;in o
30、rder to help him、 we would do everything we can.为了帮忙他,我们情愿尽一切力气;in order not to be late、 we took a taxi instead of a bus.为了不迟到,我们没有乘公交车,而为打的;to master a foreign language、one must study hard.要把握一门外语,就必需努力学习;we do that so as to save time.我们那样做为为了节约时间; she shut the window in order to keep the rain out
31、.她关上窗户,把雨挡在外面; in order to get married 、 i needed a job、 andin order to get a job 、 i needed a ph d.为了结婚,我需要一份工作;为了找到工作,我需要哲学博士学位; 摘自高二英语上p3to explain what they have seen、 they build a theory about the way in which things happen and the causes and effects.为了说明他们的观看所得,它们会建立一个关于事物发生.起因和结果的理论; 摘自高二英语上p
32、4 2.不等式表缘由,常用在表示喜.怒.哀.乐等情感形容词后面;其规律主语通常为句子的主语;如:i m gladto meet you.见到你我很兴奋;i m sorryto hear that.听到这个消息我很难过;we jumped with joyto hear the news.听到这个消息,我们都兴奋得跳了起来;we are proudto be young people of china.作为中国的青年,我们感到骄傲; she trembledto think of the terrible accident.想到那可怕的车祸、 她就不寒而栗; she seemed surpris
33、edto meet us.见到我们,她看上去很惊奇;i m sorryto have kept you waiting.不好意思,让你久等了; 3.不等式表结果,其规律主语通常也为句子的主语;在“soas to” 、 “suchas to” 、 “enoughto” 、 “only to” 、以 及 “ tooto”等结构中的不等式皆表示结果;he was too exitedto keep still.他太兴奋,无法保持安静;idontknow him wellenough to borrow money from him .我跟他仍没有熟到可以向他借钱的地步;what have i sai
34、dto make you so sad.我说了什么话为你如此难过.she was not oldenough to understand all that.她年纪不够大,无法懂得这一切;the smoke from the fire was too thick for the helicopters to be able to land on the roof . 大火产生的浓烟使直升机不能在屋顶降落;he lifted a rockonly to drop iton his own feet.他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚;he grew upto be a famous scholar.他长大后
35、成了闻名的学者;she woke up suddenlyto see the house on fire.她突然醒来,发觉房子着火了; you are old enoughto take care of yourself now.现在你已经长了,能够照料自己了; it istoo lateto do anything now.现在做什么事都太晚了;we were luckyenough to catch the last bus.我们幸运地搭上了末班车;he worked hard so as to pass the exam.他学习努力以便通过考试; the test questions a
36、re kept secret、so as to prevent cheating .试题保密为为了防止作弊; who can be so mean as to do such a thing like that .谁这么小气,做出这样的事?i went about my job insuch a wayas to kill two birds with one stone.我如此工作为为了想要一箭双雕;4精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法go about:着手;从事kill two birds with one stone:一箭双雕 4.做独立成分;这种不等
37、式独立于句子之外,表示说话者的态度.语气等,又称评论性状语;通常置于句首,有时置于句中或句尾,需要用逗号同句子的其他成分隔开;to tell the truth、i don t know what the answer is.老实说,我不知道答案为什么;to be honest、i thought the purse was really ugly.说实在的,我认为那个钱包实在难看; 摘自 go for it p108todays writers should turn a real life into a piece of literature、to be frank. 坦白地说,现在的作家
38、应当将真实的生活写成文学;常见作独立成分的不等式仍有:to speak frankly坦率地说to be honest诚恳说to tell you the truth说实话to be frank坦率地说to begin with第一to start with第一to put it briefly简言之三.“疑问词+不定式”结构不等式短语在某些情形下可以在前面带一个疑问词(连接代词 / 副词);why 除外 这种结构的作用接近于一个名词从句,在句中用作主语.表语.宾语或介词宾语;when to starthasn t been decided yet.何时动身尚未打算; 作主语 the ques
39、tion iswhere to go .问题为到哪儿去; 作表语 life is long if you knowhow to live it.如知如何利用,生命就能长期; 作宾语 i was thinking ofhow to tell him the truth.我正在想要怎么告知她这个事实; 作介词的宾语 do you knowhow to write a letter in english.你知道如何用英语写信吗? 作宾语 they want to have a vacation、 but they haven t decidedwhere to go .他们想去度假,但仍没有打算去哪
40、儿; 作宾语 he told the actorswhere to standand where to move.他告知演员们该站在哪儿,该往哪儿走;i dont know which to choose because there isnt any difference between the two.由于这两者之间毫无区分,所以我这不知道该选哪一个;we must decidewhether to goor stay.我们必需打算为去仍为留;i so hope youll advise mewhat to do .我真期望你会建议我该怎么办?the teacher will teach u
41、show to learn english well.老师会教我们如何才能学好英语;四.省略to的不定式to 为动词不定式常常带有的小品词,为不等式的标志;但在以下情形下它常常被省略掉;1.在情态动词之后can ihave a look at your new computer.我能看看你的新电脑吗?may itake this seat.我可以坐在这里吗? 2.在 had better、had best、why( not ),would rather、would ratherthan、 would sooner、would soonerthan、 do nothing but、 cannot
42、 but、 cannot help but等等后面的不等式要省略to ;youd better look over your paper before you hand it in.交卷前你最好认真检查一下;youd better not ask such silly questions again.你最好不要再问这样愚蠢的问题;why leave the light on.为什么开着灯?why stand here in the cold.这么冷,站在这里干什么?iwould rather stayat home.我宁愿呆在家里;wewould ratherfailthan do nothi
43、ng at all.我们宁愿失败也不愿无所事事;iwould soonertake a taxithan walk.我宁愿坐出租车而不为走着去;the students coulddo nothing but waitfor the teacher to come.同学们没有别的方法,只好等老师来;why spend so much money.为什么要花这么多钱?why nothave a try.为什么不试一试呢?icannot but thinkso.我很难不这样想;icannot help but agree to what he said.我不得不同意他所说的;3.在某些感官动词后的
44、宾语补足语之前;这些感官动词有:see.watch .hear .feel .listen to.notice .look at等;i didn tnotice hergo out.我没留意她出去了;did youhear himgo downstairs.你没有听到他下楼的声音吗?4.在某些使役动词后的宾语补足语之前;这些使役动词有:make.have. let.she let usmeet her at the station.她让我们去车站接她;what makes youthink so.什么使得你这么认为?5精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0小时突破语法don
45、tmake himcry.别让他哭啦;she made me promise to write every day.她让我每天写;the teacher oftenhas the studentsread aloud every day.这位老师常常让同学们在课堂上大声朗读;5.有 but .except 用作介词(除之外)接不等式,如前面有do/does/did时,不等式不带to ,否就要带to.the lady can do nothingbut give in. = the lady has no choicebut to give in.6.几个不等式并列时,常常只在第一个动词前加to
46、 ,在后面的不等式就不加to.it s kind of youto come and see me.你来看我真为太好了;i decidedto writerather thanphone.我宁愿写信而不打电话;it is quite necessary for usto write moreandread more.我们多写多说为特别必要的;she told the childrento stay thereandwait till she came back.他叫孩子始终呆在那里始终等他回来;留意:假如表示对比或强调,每一个不等式的to 都要保留;i cameto praise him、 b
47、utnot to blame him.我为来夸奖他,而不为批评他; to try and failis better thanto do nothing at all.尝试后而失败总比无所事事要好; he hasn t decided whetherto go home orto stay here.他仍没打算为回家仍为留在这里;7.不等式作表语时,主语部分有实义动词do 的某种形式, to 也可以省略;(美语中常见)all we can do now is to wait for him.现在我们能做的就为等他;what we must do is to reduce the use of
48、energy.我们不需做的就为削减能源的消耗;8.在 help 后面的宾语补足语可带to 也可不带 to.变 为 被 动 语 态 时 , 就 须 带 to.she helps her motherto prepare for christmas.她帮她妈妈为圣诞节做预备;her mother is helpedto prepare for christmas.五.to后面动词的省略1.有时为了防止重复前面的动词,可以把一个动词不等式省略掉,单留一个“to ”;一般说来在一些形容词.动词后面的不等式内容假如为重复前面内容时,to后的动词可承前省略,此时所省略的成分相当于do so ,这种结构肯定
49、要有上下文或肯定的语境;常见的这类动词有: ;like、love、hope、 wish、want、 mean、 try、intend、oblige、advise、refuse、persuade 等;形容词有: happy、 glad、 eager、 anxious、 ready、 willing等;he may stay if he wantsto .假如他想留下来,他就可以留下来;- will you go together with me.- does she intend to study german.- yes、 i will be gladto .- yes、 she intend
50、sto .i d like to go skating on such a snowy day、 but my mom asked me notto .我想在这样的下雪天去滑冰,但妈妈叫我别去; 省略 go skating假如在省略的不等式结构中含有作助动词的be、 have、 have been、 to后面要保留这些词;- are you on holiday.- no、 but id liketo be.- i thought you were a teacher. - no, but i usedto be.- didn t she tell you to attend the meet
51、ing. -她没有告知你参与会议吗?- no、 ioughtto have been. 省略了 told-没有,我应当被告知的;2.某些固定结构后面常省略不等式而保留to. 常见的有: ought to、 have to、 used to、 be able to等;his aunt won t attend the wedding though sohueght to. 虽然她姑姑应当参与婚礼,但她不准备去; 省略了 attend the wedding harry has succeeded in the final exam、 and in fact、 heought to have.哈里
52、通过了期末考试,而实际上,它也为应当通过的; 省略了 succeeded- i didnt tell him the news.- oh、 youought to have.六.不定式的时态不定式虽然没有人称和数的变化,但所表达的动作仍有时间先后次序;1.不定式的一般式,表示的动作通常与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或在其后发生;we are very gladto meet you again.再次见到你,我们特别兴奋;(同时发生)i hopeto see you next week.我期望下周能见到你; 不等式动作发生在谓语之后 they invited usto visit the united states soon.他们邀请我们不就去美国拜访;2.不定式的进行式,表示的动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生;he seemsto be thinking deeply、 without noticing me passing him.他似乎陷入了深思,我从他身边经过他都没留意到;6精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载李毅-8 0
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