1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载初三英语辅导题班级姓名一依据句意,用所给词适当形式填空1 .the reason why grandfather is sothat he exercises a lot every dayathlete.2.nie er was one of the greatestin chinese history music. 3.are there anypeople in the beautiful city.home4.a men isnt allowed to have twoor moreat the same time in china wife.5. w
2、hen i first ate in arestaurant、 i didnt know what i was supposed to do.west6. do you think our english teachersis much better than ours.7. numbers oflost theirs lives in the battlehero.8. someteenagersaretryingtoraisemoneyfor reasearchmedicine.9. now many people have their owncars in chinaperson. 10
3、.thesomethingis、themoreexcitedtheteenagers feel.mystery11. the touristsis the most important to us when they come to our精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载hometownsafe.12. theproblemwasquitedifficult、butweworksitoutat least.success13. sports and art activities make our school lifecolor.14. we all felt verywhen
4、our teacher was spoken highly of by the leaderpride.15. you should protect your.teeth16.i think learning english is veryhelp 17.mr zhang is a famousscience.18. the weather has become very cool .we all fell muchenjoy.19. mustt dyink wine before they drive cars.drive20. few of us likemusic、 but most o
5、f us like pop musicclass. 21.do you know thewho invented the microwave oven.invent 22.itsof you to take loudly when you are eating with americianspolite.23. why dont you useown book.you24. beijing is the secondcity in china.its the capitallarge. 25.theare told to be more careful on windy daysfish.26
6、.you should read every wordin the examcareful. 27.dont stay close to the lion in the cage.itsdanger.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载28. the sea is the biggest on the earth .the sky isthan the sea.a human mind the biggest of allbig.29. thefaemersaresinginganddancingforthe harvesthappy.30. monday is theday of
7、a weektwo.31.i often do someon sundayshop.32.the stone forest is anplace to visit.amaze33.ithinktheywillmakeabeforethemeeting ends.decide34. lucy is good atswim.35. they enjoybaseballplay.36. hi、boys and girls .did you enjoyat the party.you 37.lookatthepicture、alionisyunningafteragroup of.giraffe38.
8、 if tonyhere they would had a better time.be39. early to bed and to get up make a personthan to do anything elsehealth.40. there iswrongwiththeoldwomans ears she can hear us clearly.something41. the boy may be ill. he ate muchfood than usual.little精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载42. the boys cant know me.of
9、them has seen me before.either 43.dont usethings before you are allowed to.other44.many people are sad of the doctorsdie. 45.the trip is very.please46.fish cant livewater with.47.i prefer doing exercise totv at homewatch.48. some foreignfromenglandcame toourschoollast weekvisit.49. he lives on thefl
10、oorthree. 50.the watch is made inchinese51 the shirts are all colors onsell.52.he has enoughconfident to finish the work . 53.computer is farthan tvuse.54. dontwalktheroad 、forthe trafficismovingbusilyonit cross55. sandy and maryare bothclever、butsandy isofthem creative56. people are hardly ever tir
11、edenergy.57. itssaid that the people fromcolombiaalways feelabout time.relax精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载58. nobody wants to be friends with ahonest.59. about twoof the teachers in our school are womenfive. 60.thelive on the first floor in that building green.61. jack chan is greatact.62. english is ansub
12、ject . i amin it interest. 63.what does your teachers think of yoursuggest.62.do you think kim and his friends are world classphotograph. 63.she is stillthough she is nineth years old nowlive.64. there aremoreand moreenglish-languagealloverthe worldlearn.65. teenagers get most of theirfrom school、do
13、nt you know. 66.when ilookedfromthe balloon, isaw myfriendstome( wave) .67. zhang weng ispracticingenglishgrammar inher own original sentences( use) .68. pay attention tothe same mistakes agai!n( not make). 69.ive got used tothe food of kunming.eat.70. liping、please ask yourfriendsthe cows.look.they
14、 are eating grassnot brother.71. mrs green、its not usefultoo much complain.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载72. thanks forus to have a picnic、mr li .its very nice of you allow.73. wang lei says she is too busyyou with anything 、and she asks me to say“sorry”to you instead of her.help.74. manypeople wholiveinci
15、tyoften go outfresh airon weekends.breathe.75. she didnt know howher son to study hardencourage. 76.the student whocomes to school late should be madeatthe front of the classroomstand77. many countries are tryingto finda good waydown the population increase.slow78. everydaytheoldwomandomuchsportthem
16、selves improve.79. whebtheoldmanisfree、heoftencomestowatchus basketballplay.80. somestudentshaveimprovedtheirenglishbylearning grammar in original sentencesuse.81. imluckythebeautifulstamp.ihaveheardofit beforecollect.82. the host family prefers going out for a walk totv at home精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎
17、下载at nightwatch.83. theenvironment isthe thingthat everyone should do protect.84. iftheboygets intotheinternetbar 、he cantstopthe computer games.play.85. would you mindthe old jeans.not wear.86.i dont like to be at home alone .im afraid ofalone.be 87.she says she will never forgether 2006s winter va
18、cationin dalispend.88. themistakethatthewomanteachermadeinclassmadeher embarrass.89. itisnteasysomebody agiftthathe orshe likesvery muchgive.90.a fridge is used forvegetables and food coolkeep.91. im sorry to have kept youso long wait.92. can the childrendevelop theirand creativitybyreading cartoons
19、.imagine.93. do you think qufu is cation. 94.have you ever considerednigeria falls someday.visit 95.all of our teachers went to ameet.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载96.could you pleasecards in the classroom、lihua.not play 97.could you please ask your fatherabout me .not worry 98.there are somebet
20、ween tina and bob different.99. most of thecan sing popular songs.sing100. his hair is a littlethan our math teachers curly.101.i cant find mr wuat schoolsomewhere.102. wang hua found it very excitingafootball match between boys and girlswatch.103. whynotawayyouroldclothes ifyoudontwantthem/give.104
21、.my hometownin the past few years change.105. could you tell us a106. oldpeopleusuallyhavestory now.relax.energythanyoungpeoplelittle.107. ifia bird、iwouldflytovisitevery place ofinterest around the worldbe.108. the two thievesby the time the policemen arrivedflee. 109.im getting alongandwith my new
22、 friendsgood 110.lots of the newon display are first seeninvent.111.singapore is an interesting andplace.tour精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载112.a friend ofcan work out this problemshe.113.itsimportantfortheteenagerstotakepartinsome organize.114.i dont like it in theslight.115.few of us know he was also a fa
23、moustranslate. 116.theer weekers gotin the accident last thursday、injure 117.who isvictor english teacher.118.who will play football withwe after class. 119.lu xun was a famouswrite in china in 1930s. 120.thein his study are full of science books shelf.121.i dont think bills spoken english isthan ji
24、ms bed.122.could you tell me how much you paid for this.wool 123.please make ashoplist before you go out to buy things. 124.we went swimming yesterday.he、likeus 、stayed at home. 125.too much homework is reallypain to students.126.lily told us asurprise piece of news. 127.the little boys are standing
25、 therenoisy.128.a newing schoolbuildbetween the two small lakes last year.129.i hope its betomorrowsun.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载130. watchand youll find the place in the map.care131. myjobis tolistentothem and givepracticalwhen its neededadvise.132. when the flood came 、most people fletfrighten二将以下句中汉
26、语部分译为英语;1.the girl is trying to improve her(表述才能) . 2.could you please introduce(你伴侣中的一系些) .3the young people should(感到自豪) their stronger and stronger country.4. thelittleboycan sing 多达twentyenglish songs.5. these days my uncle is busy typing his novel始终.6. kathyisbadlyilltoday.whocancleantheclassro
27、om代替.7. its said that some useful things where invented偶然.8. thecomedy is与- 一样地好玩 theone we saw last saturday night.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载9. have you习惯于 the weather of yunnan.10. itsten oclocknow. mrwuis应当 gethere quite soon.11. many ads瞄向especially the students at school. 12.these days most studen
28、ts尽最大努力 to studyfor the coming exams.13.manygreatchangeshavetakenplaceinourhometown(在过去的几年间) .14would you mind(不要熬夜) any more ?its bad for you heath to do that.15.-i like the tv play“da changjin”very much.-我也一样 、and ilikelisteningtothe song hope.16. idliketostayhealth、 but 老实说 、ionlyeat some delicio
29、us foods.17. the touristsweretrapped inthemountain由于 the heavy rain.18. whenthealienlandedinathemepark、somechildren玩得兴奋 under a big tree.19. thisyear the二十九届奥林匹克运动会精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载will beheld in beijing.20. mike has交伴侣 the dog named xiao hu . 21.its too dark. would you mind打开 the light. 22.do
30、 you often淋浴 after sports.23. not many families can afford to send their children出国留学 .24. we have friends遍天下 .25. 、we should spend as little time as possible.另一方面.26.i have already付款 the book.27.going for a walk .- 怎么样 28.they stopped去做笔记 .29. she s going to buy a digital camera在网上 .30.theres三挑选题;出
31、毛病 my cd player .()1.a.whatb.howfine day. lets go out to fly a kite.c.how thed.what a2.sleepingwiththelightsonisawaste.youdbetter all the lights are off before you go to bed.a. look forb.try outc.make sured.think hard精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3.mike is a very careless young man .his carelessnesshim los
32、e his job .a.helpedb.deservesc.helpsd.made4.imsuretomisathomebecauseiveseenhim upstairs.a.runb.runningc.to walkd.walked5.were toldhere and there .its our duty to keep the street clean.a.not to parkb.not to spitc.dont drawd.dont pick flowers 6.hi、 lin tao .here is a seat for you.a.come trueb.come acr
33、ossc.come fromd.come over7.i am not surehe will come back home tomorrow or not.a.whenb.whatc、wheatherd. where8.do you believe that the nice pictureby a little girl.a.drewb.are drawnc.drawsd.is drawn9.he coughed day and night. his wife asked himsmoking.a.giving upb.going onc.to give upd.to go on10.-t
34、he socks、 jim.you shouldnt throw them everywhere.- ok、 mom.a.take outb.take offc.try ond.put away11.-why notthe music club.-im sorry.i cant sing精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载or dance.a.to joinb.joinc.joiningd.to join in12.-wouldyouliketogoandseeafilm.-sure、the programmes are too.a.surprisingb.interestingc.excitingd.boring 13.-what about playing football this aft
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