



1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载冠词的用法及习题(含答案)冠词分三种:定冠词the,零冠词 /、不定冠词 a/an.一.定冠词 the 的用法:特指某些人或物谈话双方都熟识的人或事上文已经提到的人或事世界上独一无二的事物前序数词回形容词最高级前某些专出名词前一些习惯短语(如:in the day 等)中和乐器前(如: play the violin / piano)二.不用冠词(零冠词)名词前已有作定语用的this.that.some.any.my 等限定词;专出名词和不行数名词前;表示学科的名词前;球类活动的名词前及三餐总称前;复数名词表示泛指(一类人或事)时;节日.季节.星期.月份前;表

2、示颜色.语种和国家的非全称名词;在称呼或表示头衔的名词前;某些习惯短语中(如:in bed.go to school等);冠词用法口诀:口诀一名词为秃子常要戴帽子可数名词单需 用 a 或 an 辅音前用 a元音前用 an 复数不行数泛指the 不见 遇到代词时 、冠词均不现;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载口诀二(定冠词)特指双熟识上文已提及世上独无二序数最高级某些专有名习语和乐器;口诀三(零冠词)代词限定名词前专出名词不行数学科球类三餐饭两季星期月份前颜色语种和国名称呼习语和头衔;一.基础题1. there is house in the picture. there is o

3、ld woman near house.a. an; a; theb. a; an ; thec. the ; a; and. a; the; an2. he has already worked for hour.a. theb. anc. ad.不填3. alice is fond of playing piano.a. theb. anc. ad.不填4. beyond stars、 the astronaut saw nothing but space.a. 不填; theb. the ; thec.不填,不填d. the; 不填5. terrible weather we ve be

4、en having these days.a. how ab. what ac. howd. what6. where is jack. i think he is still in bed、 but he might just be in bathroom.a. 不填;不填b. the; thec. the;不填d.不填; the 7.when do you have breakfast every day.a. ab. anc. thed.不填8. many people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places

5、.a. the ;不填b.不填 ; thec. the ; thed.不填;不填二.加强题在空白处填入/.a .an 或 the;1. milk is food. milk in this cup has gone bad.2. -do you like playing football.-yes. but i have only basketball.3. do you know girl on another side of lake.4. there's "u" and "s" in work "use".5. she

6、says animals cant's live without air、 either.6. his father、 who is honest man、 is teaching in university.7. which is heavier、 elephant or horse.8. cold wind was blowing from the north.9. he is always ready to help old and young.10. greens are traveling in south chin a.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载11.

7、although most of us like to drink beer、 those who drink most are least healthy.12. xiaomei saw interesting filmlast night.filmwas about kind doctor.13. you can have second try if you fail first time.14. tom went to school as usual、 but he didn't know his father went to school for a parent meetin

8、g.15. knowledge begins with practice.16. -mum、 what shall we have for dinner.-dumplings.-oh、 what wonderful dinner. i enjoy it very much.17. pla was founded on august 1st、192718. kings came to us at noon.19. the scientists from united states live in ninth street.20. thedoctor to him、"takemedici

9、ne twice day. stay in bed and you'll be better soon."21. september 10th is teachers' day.22. mr. black arrived here on tuesday morning.23. there are four seasonsin year. first seasonis spring. itis best one of four.24. some people have been to moon、 in spaceship.25. china is old country

10、 with long history 26.they are living happy life now.27. bag on desk is mine. 28.there is empty box on the table.29.do you like music of the film "titanic". 30.on saturday、 i stay in bed till 12:00. 31. browns have been to china twice.32. don't make any noise in class.33. this is such

11、interesting story that you must listen to it. 34.next week they will go to australia by air.35. which is bigger、 sun or moon.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载36. thismorningibought newspaper and magazine. 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载newspaper is in my bag but i don't know where i put magazine.37. i saw acciden

12、t this morning. car crashed into tree. driver of car wasn't hurt but car was badly damaged.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载38. there are two cars parked outside: blue one andgrey one. blue one is my neighbour s;idon't know who owner of grey one is.39. my friends live in old house in small village. th

13、ere is beautiful garden behind house. iwould like to have garden like that.冠词参考答案:一.基础题1. b 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. d 6.d 7. d 8. a二.加强题解析:1./、 the milk 为物质名词, 一般不用冠词,但后面加上一个定语in the cup后,使其成为特指,所以需要用定冠词the.2. / 、 the 球类运动前不用the ; 指一个物体要用不定冠词a 3. the、/、 the 特指这个女孩用the;名词前已有定语another;4. a、 an、 the "u&

14、quot;发音以辅音开头所以用a;"s"发音以元音开头所以用an; 特指这个单词用 the5. /、/ 泛指动物所以不用任何冠词; air不行数名词,其前一般不用冠词6. an、 the honest发音以元音开头,故用an、 在高校里为 in the university7. an、 a 或 the 、the 不定冠词 a 、 an 和 定冠词 the 与名词单数连用表示种类精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载8. a 物质名词 coffee、 food、 tea、 fog、 rain、 snow、 win等d " 的意义时,前面要加不定冠词;9. t

15、he、 the 形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人,在表示"一种" 或"一场精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载10. the 、/ 姓氏的复数前加定冠词the 表示一家人 ;在华南为 in south china11. /、 the、 the most 当大多数讲时前面不用the;后两空均为形容词的最高级,前面要加 the12. a、 the、 a 第一空和第三空都指一个事物,其次空为特指前面提到的电影13. a、 the a second try指的为其次次 14./、 the go to school去上学,go to the school去那所学校 15./、/ 具有单纯意义的物质名词或抽象名词前,一般不用冠词16. /、 a 17. the、 / 18.t


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