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1、中文3450字,2000单词,1万英文字符出处:ad”r g, adr” v,pascu n e. logo design and the corporate identityj. procedia - social and behavioral sciences, 2015,51:650-654.logo design and the corporate identitygeorge adir,a*, victor adirb,nicoleta elisabeta pascucabstractthis paper presents the importance of a logo as a

2、graphic element to support a corporate identity. a logo is a graphic identity vector and it has its place in a communication strategy of a company. it is about the signature of a company that is why is very important to be able to create a harmony between colours and shapes concerning the universe o

3、f logos. there are two stages: first, the research and market projection and the second,the creative graphic work. these two stages achieve the possibility to make a logo lifting” when is necessary.©2012 published by elsevier ltd. selection and/or peer review under responsibility of prof. dr. a

4、yse cakir ilhanopen access under cc by-nc-nd license.keywords: logo design, graphic symbol,design stages, logo lifting;first of all we have to see what a logo is. it is a symbol, a graphic and visual sign which plays an important role into the communication structure of a company. a logo is a clear

5、graphic element which make possible to distinct between companies. a logo is a signature of a company,may be like a new conception,a certain life style etc. it is about a bridge between the public and the company. it conveys details in a very concentrate graphic representation. it is a possible sign

6、 to compare similar items. that is why to create a logo is not a happening, is a consequence of very specified analyses, concerning geometric shapes,colours,various signs and symbols, all into an harmonious mixture which is driven,to catch” and to be part of peoples mind.2. logo application domainsi

7、ts domain is so wide. shortly, someone see this graphic symbol in social, economic and political life. bellow there arc specified only a few domains:1. legality and law (office copy,advocates,insurance,justice,associations,foundations,political parties etc.);2. education and culture (universities, s

8、chools/high schools/colleges/libraries/bookstoresetc,);3. transport activities (driving schools,taxies,transport companies, auto brands, car parts stores etc.);4. constructions and development programs (construction materials,decorations,furniture, solar energy, equipments and hardware etc.);5. medi

9、cal activities/pharniaceutics (medical clinics,health spas, drugstores,specialized cabinets etc.);6. cosmetics and spa treatments (cabinets and body wellness salons, fitness,cosmetics, hairstyle,barber shops, spa & beauty salons etc.);7. food industry (candy shop/pastry shop, coffee shop,restaur

10、ant/pub/bar,tea house, catering etc.);8. media & advertising (media network,tv cable,tv company,audio company, advertising/commercials etc.);9. sports and sports equipment (sports clubs,sporting events,sports, sport fashion stores, etc);10. financial-banking activities (banks, financial-banking

11、consulting firms,exchange offices etc.);il varied services (tourism/travel,recreation activities, auto service,car wash, vulcanization shop, auto garage,supermarket, cleaning, sanitation,utilitarian mountain climbing, telecommunications, internet/so ft ware etc.).for these activities there are neces

12、sary proper symbols. for example:-justice: law books,the justice scale,the constitution,a person pleading etc.;-travel: landscapes, boats,trucks, beach, sea,mountains,cottage etc.;-auto: cars,wheel,tyres, body car parts,dash board etc.;-pet shop/vet medical care: domestic and savage harmo

13、nious mixture which is driven,to catch” and to be part of peoples mind.3. the attributes and the functions of a logo3.1 the attributesits characteristics come from its flexibility to be pictured on a lot of support items, as paper, plastics,textile, metal etc. a logo attributes have to assure a stro

14、ng identity of a company/scrvicc/product. a logo must be:legible - a very good writing;coherent - clear, easy to be understood;adaptable - to be designed in horizontal and vertical formats,in any size;reproducible - easy to be copied, black and white or colored;memorable - never forget it;timeless -

15、 means a test to survive in time;simple - to be easy recognized.3.2 the functionsthe logo functions are those who assure the graphic,visual and feeling communication and allow the translation of (he message to the public. the power of a logo is a guarantee of the quality and the value of products. i

16、ts functions are rational and feeling. see these functions below with a short characterization:1. contact function - assures and sustains the contact to the public;2. explain function - specifies the identity and the personality of the organization;3. denotative function - offers information about t

17、heproduct/service/event;4. identification function - indicates the target public;5. signification function - follows to add emotion;6. translation function explains the code of the message;7. esthetics function - inspires pleasure,sensibility.4. logo design stagesthere are two stages very important

18、to create and to define a logo: first,the research and,second, the graphics. that is why a logo designer has to know the action area and the purposed theme thus to develop a high level work and not a copy according to known patterns. it is necessary to go over them from the beginning till the end. w

19、hat is in front of the public is the graphic result. below,in figure 2, we present the two stages and the phases for each. every phase and every sketched line mean something important and our advice is: do not burn stages! do not burn some phase!the first stageresearch and market projectionto set th

20、e theme;to identify existing logos in the gainer domain;to realize a competition study of existing logos in the market;to fix the target public of the presumtive logo;to specify the support elements of the logo;to analyse the creative graphic possibilities in the demandedthe second stage creative gr

21、aphic workto sketch some exemples for the demanded logo;to achieve a brainstorming session to obtain 2-3 solutions; to develop a swot analysis; to set the best graphic-visual logo solution;to convey a first graphic print to the gainer;to create the computer graphic design logo;to show this solution

22、and tofigure 2. the logo design stages5. logo typologythe logo design universe is unsuspected wide. the existing geometric shapes and other new developed and, also, the wide scale of colours,allow a very good field for a creative designer. by analysing the logo typology we see three main types:1. ic

23、onic or symbolic logo represented by an emblem, a symbol, a sign or an object; (this kind of logo is a suggestive graphic representation,something which can be mental registered,processed,explained and understood. for this kind of logo is possible to have graphic representations of animals, fruits,

24、insects, daily units,suggestive symbols for various activities or actions. if somebody is wishing to create an iconic logo, it has to drive into the first stage and phases and after that work,to sketch suggestive logos,using the meaning of the geometric shapes and colours.)2. a text defined a logo -

25、 is represented only by letters/numbers as a text or as single letters/number; (there is no graphic symbol. the creation of these logos is a personification using a peculiar writing.)3. a mixed logo - concerning in a symbol and a text together; (for this kind a logo there are two support elements: t

26、he first one is a text (the name of the company/product/service/event etc.) and the second one is a symbol (geometric shapes, different signs, various images etc.).there are logos which include inside a geometric shape a text which may be a name.)6. shape and colour in logo design6.1 geometric shape

27、the geometric shapes are important elements in a corporate identity strategy. there are many classic geometric shapes which suggest an image of the company. table 1 presents only a few geometric shapes and their suggestive these shapes try to satisfy the attributes and the functions of

28、a logo through graphics and to communicate the identity of the company. graphics elements as symbols,signs, pictograms etc. are usually used in logo design. it is aproblem of choosing the right graphic element and this means a solid creative work of a designer.table 1. suggestive induction of the sh

29、ape in a logo designgeometric shapesuggestive inductioncircleperfection,balancesquarestability, powerrectangleduration, progressellipsecontinue searchingtriangleharmony,urge towardsspiraladvancement,detachingsphereperfection,finalitypyramidintegration, convergencecubestability, integrity6.2. colourt

30、he colour is a very important constitutive element and has a role to balance its graphic. the colour has to be carefully selected do not disturb the public. in this universe of logo design there are monochrome logos, two colours logos,three or four colours etc. the essential thing is to be very good

31、 integrated in the graphic structure of the logo. it is known that many colours in a logo made a difficult reception of it from the public. generally we speak about one, two or three colours in a logo. also, another important feature of a logo is to be understood as graphic message in any size. it i

32、s very important for a logo to have the same characteristics and the same shape in any size. in figure 3someone may see this appearance.gidi solutiongidi solutiongidi solution gidi solution gidi solution gidi solutionfigure 3. the adaptability of a logo7. logo evolution/logo liftingis very important

33、 to see the evolution of well-known logos to understand in which way the public received the logo after a lifting process. every time, in a specialized literature,is presented coca cola logo as a timeless graphic symbol, the same from 1885. as a distinction, pepsi cola logo is different from writing

34、 hand (1898) to typographic style (today). apple is another example. at the beginning(1976) was as a picture of isaac newton and the name apple computer(difficult to be understand for many people) and now is only an apple. ford- from 1927 till now is almost the same shape and the white name ford on

35、a blue matter. mazda has passed from writing mazda (1934) to thisspectacular logo of today. for renault is a rhomb (1925) till the diamond rhomb (2011). general electric has the same circle from 1930 and an ornamental writing. alfa romeo is keeping the same shape and symbols from 1910. shell also ha

36、s kept a shell shape (from 1904) and now there is a modern and styling shape of it. federal expressis now fed ex having an incorporated white arrow assign.there are many other examples which show different shape,colours or symbols of logos in time (nokia, bp,ibm etc.).as an example of logo design is

37、 the creative work for a logo for engineering graphics and industrial design department (politehnica university of bucharest). figure 4 represents a variety of this logo.figure 4. engineering graphics and industrial design department (gidi) logoacknowledgementsthe logo design is a creative work whic

38、h allows to a company to be seen through a symbol as a visual and graphic message. we think there for many opportunities to build an image using such a graphic symbol. as you see the logo lifting” try to rebuild a new “face” of a company using the already existing elements or other new, unknown. siz

39、e,colours and shape are three important elements in a design activity. if someone wants “to picture” a logo must know the attributes and functions of it,suggestive induction of shapes and the number and meanings of colours. when someone tolks about corporate identity can not imagine this without spe

40、aking about logo and graphics. the two stages,the research and creative graphic work have to be developed by any logo designer to obtain best results.referencesadir,v.(2011). o comunicare specializata. graftca publicitara. bucuresti, ed. printech,( chapter 3).adir,v” adir, ci, pascu, n., e.(2009). l

41、ogo, as identity graphic vector. acta technics napocensis52, vol.ia, 121-124adir,v.,adir g,pascu,n.,e.( 2011). logo, as a graphic tool of branding. buletbud institutului politehnic din iasi, tomul lvii(lxi),fasc 3,7-12.adir,v.,adir, g, pascu, n.,e.(201 l ).gcomctric shape and colour in logo design.

42、buletbud institutului politehnic din iasi, tomul lvii(lxi),fasc.3,267-274.carter, e.,d.(2005). the big book of color in design, new york, collins design.carter, e” d.,stephens, s.(2007). the big book of loos. new york,collins design.drewj”t”meyer,s”a.(2008). colour management for logos. lausanne, ro

43、tovision sa,( chapters 1,2,3,4,5).evamy,m.(2007). london: laurence king publishing ltd.heilbrunnb.(2()06). logo-ul.,bucuresti: ed. comunicare.macario,j.,w.(2009). graphic design essentials: skills,softwareaand creative solutions. london: laurence king publishing ltd,(chapter 6). 01ins,w.(2009). manu

44、alde branding. bucurcsti:cd. vcllant,(chapters 23).标志设计和企业形象gad”r,vadr”,ne pascu摘要木文介绍了一个标志作为一个图形元素来支持企业的身份的重要性。一个标志是一个图形的 矢量,它在一个公司的营销策略中有一定的重要位置。它是辨识一个公司的标准。这就是为 什么在标志设计领域能够设计出一个颜色和形状都配合出色的标志很重要的原因。要设计山 一个出色的标志,有两个阶段:首先,要进行研究和市场预测,第二,创意图形的制作。这两个阶 段对于成功设计一个出色的标志来说,是非常必要的。©2012爱思唯尔岀版有限公司。在prof.

45、 dr. ayse cakir ilhan监督审查下完成。关键词:标志设计、图形符号、设计阶段,标志提升;1、介绍首先我们必须明d标志到底是什么。它是一个象征,一个图形和视觉信号,在一个公司的传播 策略中扮演这一个重要的角色。一个标志是一个清晰的图形元素,它使公司变得独特,与众 不同,能够区别于其他公司。一个标志是一个公司的象征,可能会像一个新概念,一个特定的 生活方式等。它是大众和公司的桥梁。它集中的通过一个图形的细节来表达要传达的意义。 它是一个比较同类公司的信号。这就是为什么创建一个标志不是一个随意的事情,是经过详细 的分析、儿何图形、颜色、各种标志和符号肜得出的结果,把所有元素完美的混

46、合在一起,创 造出一个能够“吸引”并成为人们思想的一部分的标志。2、标志应用领域它的领域是如此广泛。迅速的,人们将看到这个图形符号在社会、经济和政治生活中出现。以 下有指定的只有儿个领域:1. 合法性和法律(正式文木,侣导者,保险,司法,协会,基金会,政党等);2. 教育和文化(大学,中学/高中/学院/犀/书店等);3. 运输活动(驾驶学校,出租车,运输公司,汽车品牌,汽车配件商店等);4. 建设和发展计划(建材,装饰,家具,太阳能,设备和硬件等);5. 医疗活动/医药(医疗诊所,健康水疗中心,药店,专业橱柜等);6. 化妆品和水疗护理(柜和身体健康美发,健身,化妆品,发型,理发店,水疗和美容

47、美发等);7. 食品工业(糖果店/糕点店,咖啡厅,两餐厅/酒吧/酒吧,茶馆,餐饮等);8. 媒体及广告(媒体网络,电视线,电视公司,音响公司,广告/广告等);9. 体育及运动器材(体育俱乐部,体育赛事,体育,运动时尚店等);10. 金融银行业务(银行,金融理财咨询公司,兑换处等);11. 多样的服务(旅游/旅游,娱乐等活动,汽车服务,洗车,硫化车间,自动车库,超市,清洁,卫生,功利登山,电讯,互联网/软件等)。对于这些活动,有一个正确的标志是必要的。例如:-正义:法律书籍,司法尺度,宪法,个人要求等;-旅游:山水,船只,卡车,沙滩,大海,高山,山寨机等;-汽车:汽车,车轮,轮胎,车身汽车零件,

48、仪表板等;-宠物店/兽医医疗:家庭的和野蛮的动物。一个完美和谐的结合是驱使一个标志抓住人的注意成为人思想一部分的原因。3. 标志的属性和功能3.1属性其特点来自它的灵活性,可以被印刷在很多承印物上,如纸,塑料,纺织物,金属等。 标识属性必须确保公司/服务/产品的强大的身份。标识必须是:易读-一个很不错的写作;相关-清晰,易于理解;适应性-被设计在水平和垂直格式,可以放大缩小成任意尺寸;重复性-容易被复制,黑白或彩色;难忘的-永远不会忘记;永恒的-指一个测试中的吋间才能生存;简单-要容易确认。3.2功能该标志职能是保证图形、视觉和感觉的沟通,并把信息传递给公众。标识的力量是产品 的质量和价值的保

49、证。它的功能是理性和感觉。请参阅下面的一个简短描述这些功能:联系功能-确保和维持接触公众;解释函数-指定的身份和组织的个性;外延功能-提供存关产lii/服务/事件信息;识别功能-指示目标公众;意义的功能-如下补充情感;翻译功能-解释消息的代码;美学功能-激发愉悦,感性。标志设计阶段对于创建和定义一个标志有两个特别重要的阶段:第一,研究。第二,图形。这就是为 什么一个标志设计师必须知道作用领域和主题旨意以便于创造一个高端的作品,而不是模仿 已知的模式。有必要在设计过程屮一直去对他们进行审核。在公众面前展示的是图形结果。 下面,在图2中,我们提出了两个阶段和每个吋期。每一个阶段和每一个绘制的线都很

50、重要,我们的建议是:不要忽视每个阶段!第二阶段研究与市场预测要设置主题;耍识别现有的标志在优秀的领域内要对现有的标志进行竞争调研;要固定标志的冃标公众群体要指定标志的支持元素要分析的图形创意在所要求领域的可行性。创意图形工作1为要求的标志绘制一些例子;2要实现一个头脑风暴会议取得2-3的解决方案;3要开发一个swot分析;4要设定最佳的图形视觉标识解决方案;5要把第一个图形打印稿传达给获得者6要创建计算机图形7展示这一解决方案,并得到获得者的鬥疋。在第一阶段图2.标志设计阶段5.标志的类型标志设计的宇宙是没有限制的。现有的儿何形状和其他新开发的包拈颜色的比例颜色的 宽比例,为创意设计师提供了一

51、个非常好的发挥场地。通过分析标志的类型我们看到三种主 要类型:1. 标志性的或象征性的标志-由一个象征,一个符号,一个标志或一个对象表示,(这种标 志是提示图示,一种可以在心理记住,处理,解释和理解的东两。对于这种标识可能由动物的图形,水果,昆虫,每日单位,暗示各种活动或行动的符号来表 示。如果有人希望创建一个标志性的徽标,它必须按照第一阶段进行工作和审查,并且在这 些都完成之后,绘制提示标志,使用儿何形状和颜色其有含义)。2. 用文本定义的标志-仅由字母/数字作为文本或单个字母/数字表示;(没有图形符号。这 些标志是使用一种特殊的写作方式进行创作的。)3. 混合的标志-把符号和文字组合在一起

52、(对于这种标志有两个支持元素:第一个是文木 (公司/产品/服务/事件的名称等),第二个是符号(儿何形状,不同标志,各种图像等)。有的标志铋拈儿何形状的内部有文本的可能是一个名称。)6、标志设计中的颜色和形状6. 1几何形状几何形状是在一个企业形象战略的重要内容。冇很多经典的几何形状來表示公司的形 象。表1列出了只冇少数的几何形状和它们的暗示感应。所有这些形状尝试通过图形以满足标识的属性和功能,从而更好的表达公司的特性。图形元素,符号,标志,象形等通常被应用在标志设计中。能够选择一个恰当的图形元素是-个难题,这意味着设计师要有扎实的创意功底。表1中.标志设计中形状的暗示诱导几何形状暗示诱导岡完美

53、,平衡方形稳定性,力量矩形工期,进度椭圆继续搜索三角形和谐,激励螺旋推进,分离球体完美结束椎体整合,衔接立方体稳定性,完整性6.2颜色颜色是一个非常重要的组成元件,它在平衡图形方面起到一定的作用。颜色一定要经过精挑 细选防止公众反感。在标志设计领域屮有単色标志,双色标志,三个或四个颜色的标志等。 最基本的足保证标志结构的完整性。我们知道一个包含很多很多颜色的标志一般都很难被公 众接受。通常我们谈论的都是一,二或三种颜色的标识。另外,标识的另一个重要特征是 将被作为任何尺寸阁形信息。在任何尺寸下都冇相同的特性和相同的形状是一个标志的重要 特征。在图3中,有人可能会看到这样的景象。qidi 卜 luti ongidi solutiongidi solution gidi solution gidi solutioni冬i 3. 个标志的适应性7、标志的进化/标识崛起去观察一个著名的标志是非常重要的,以了解公众是以哪种方式接受升级之后的。每当 在一个文献中提及可门可乐时,都会介绍可口可乐的标志作为一个永愤的图形符号,从1885 之后就没冇变过。作为区分,百事可乐标志的演变是


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