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1、第1页共 7 页课时跟踪检测(一)Liste ning and Speaki ng一、听力强化训练i听下面句子,标注连续音。1.Don(t) tell me hes asleep.2.Come_along home_if you like.3.Would_you like a walk now?4.Can I help you?5.Wha(t) can_I_do for you?6.Theyve been away fo(r) ages.7.The work_is hal(f) finished.6Put i(t) dow n!9.Don(t) sto(p) them.10. Can_l sp

2、eak to John?n.听力训练(一)听第 1 段材料,完成第 1 至 4 题。根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填 T,不正确的在括号内填F。1.The man should move the coffee table near some chairs.(T)2.The woma n does nt think the furn iture is good.(F)3.The woman thinks the picture hanging on the wall should be moved.(T)4.The man thinks the furn iture does

3、nt n eed to be moved.(T)(二) 听第 2 段材料,回答第 5 至 7 题。5.How many books can the man borrow at a time?A . One.B . Two.C. Three.6.What kind of books is the man interested in?A . Scienee.B . Sports.C. History.7. When isnt the library ope n?A . On Tuesday.B . On Wed nesday.C . On Thursday.答案:57 BCB第2页共 7 页(三)

4、听第 3 段材料,回答第 8 至 11 题。8.Where does the conversation take place?A . In a park.B . In the street.C.At a hotel.9.What is the weather like today?A . Sunny. B . Rainy. C . Cloudy.10 . How will the man probably go to Wrigley Field?A . By bus. B . By taxi. C . By subway.11. What time is it probably now?A .

5、 3 : 00 p.m.B.4 : 00 p.m.C. 5 : 00 p.m.答案: 811CACA附:听力材料(Text 1)W: That does nt look right. Can you put the sofa n ext to that side table?M : You mean across from the bookshelf?W: Yes. Oh, and maybe we should just move the coffee table over here by these chairs.M : Anything else?W: Well, now the fur

6、niture looks good, but I think we should move the picture hanging on the wall.M : I dont know why youre moving everyth in g. It looked fine before.(Text 2)M : Excuse me, Miss White! Are there any books about the earth?W: Yes, here you are.M : Thanks.W: Are you interested in scienee, Henry?M : No. I

7、was asked to give a talk about it.W: Oh. I see.M : How many books can I borrow at a time?W: Two.M : Good! Can I have a look at the books about history? I love them very much.W : Sure. Theyre on that shelf over there.第3页共 7 页M : Mm . Id like this one about the world history. And ni retur n them next

8、Wedn esday after noon.W: Oh, our library is open every day except Wednesday. No hurry. Please take your time. You maykeep them for two weeks.M : OK. Thank you.(Text 3)M : Excuse me, madam?W: Yes, sir. How can I help you?M : Im a guest i n Room 514. I have some free time this after noon, so I want to

9、 go to see a park, a Iandmark, someth ing like that. What would you suggest?W: Uh . Wrigley Field on a sunny day like today is ni ce.M : Wrigley Field? Dont the clubs play baseball there?W: Thats right. In fact, they have a game there at 4 : 00. If you want to see a building with history,I thi nk Wr

10、igley Field is the Chicago Ian dmark for you to see.M : Great. How do I get there?W : Go n orth one block and take the subway. Noth ing gets you in or out of Wrigley faster tha n it.M : Well, the game starts in one hour, so Id better go now. Thanks for your help.W : Have a good time!二、语言基础训练I.单词拼写1.

11、I accidentally scuffed (磨坏)the heel (鞋跟)of one shoe on a paving stone.2.Many visitors come to visit Confuciuss cemetery ( 墓地)every year.3.The mansion (公馆)was declared a fire, which surprised all of us.4.Dont expect anything and you wont be disappo in ted, thats my philosophy ( 哲学).n.单句语法填空1.She cant

12、 reply to fan s letters _in dividually (in dividual); she is too busy.2.The activity is about cultural (culture) and educational exchanges between Britain and India.3.Our teachers teachi ng style is similar to_that of most other teachers.4.Levin sat there, an expression (express) of sadness on his f

13、ace.5.There are two among their recent introductions (introduce) that have greatly impressed me.川.完成句子1.Do you know_something_about the holiday camps in Hong Kong?你知道香港的假日营吗?第4页共 7 页2.I want to write_down what you just said.我想把你刚才说的话写下来。3.The members share views on protection of cultural heritages.成

14、员们就保护文化遗产交换意见。4.My father allowed me to go out for a walk after finishing my homework.我父亲允许我做完作业后出去散步。三、交际交流训练(补全对话)AW: Congratulations, Simon! _1_ How do you feel about winning this dancing competition?M : Im proud. This is the first time I have won a dancing competition.W:2M : When I was 5 years o

15、ld, my mom took me to a live dancing show. _3_W: Did you take special dancing courses or did you just learn it by yourself afterwards?M : Some special courses.W:M : I lear n the pia no to support my skill. But I did nt have too much time for it.W :_5_M : My pare nts did nt want me to be a dan cer. I

16、 had to talk with them about it aga in and aga in.A . And I started to love it.B.When did you become interested in dancing?C. What was the hardest thing in your career?D. Did you also learn about music?E.It was quite an achievement!答案:15 EBADCBW: Why are you so interested in the history class?M : Ou

17、r history teacher Mr. Zhang is really humorous. He 1.knows more about Confucius (关于孑 L子了解的很多).W : Really, but he looks very serious and strict, 2._like_a_philosophy_teacher(像一位哲学老师 ).M : No, not at all. The examples he gives are really interesting. And 3. I learn many good historic stories (我知道了很多历史

18、故事 )from him , for example, many kingdoms. There is lots of laughter in his class.W : What else is he good at?M : He has a good knowledge of 4.military_forces ( 军事力量 ).第5页共 7 页W : No won der you like him so much. I wish 5.he_were_our_history_teacher(他是我们的历史老师 )too.四、语篇阅读训练I阅读理解The traditional Chines

19、e Longtaitou Festival, or Dragon Heads-raising Day, falls on the second day ofthe second lunar month every year, and recognizes the start of spring and farming. This year it falls onMarch 8.Ancient people believed that after this day, rain fall in creases because the rain-bri nging Drag on Kinghas a

20、wake ned from his win ter sleep. A well- known phrase goes, Er yueer, l ong tai tou”, meaning ,“ On the sec ond day of the sec ond mon th, the drago n lifts his head.The festival celebrates ancient agrarian Ch in ese culture, and while some of traditi onal ways tocelebrate it are no Ion ger practice

21、d, others con ti nue to exist.The most famous traditi on is gett ing a haircut. Some believe that going to the barber on this day getsrid of bad luck, while others believe getting a haircut during the first month of the lunar ealendar bring badluck. Another saying warns that cutting your hair in the

22、 first month will cause your uncle to die. Althoughtoday few pay attention to it, it was once a tradition to line up outside barbershops on the day of Lon gtaitou.People eat tofu balls in East Chinas Fujian Province during the festival, and often make tofu andvegetable balls to pray for family and b

23、us in ess. Fried bea ns are the traditi onal festival food for people inparts of Shandong Province. Eating chengyao cakes, which are made with sticky rice, duri ng the festival isa traditi on in Suzhou, East Chin as Jia ngsu Prov in ce, owing to the say ing , If you eat chengyao onLongtaitou, your w

24、aist wont hurt all year. IMeanwhile other foods, like no odles, dumpli ngs, and spri ngrolls, are n amed after drag on body parts to mark the day. Noodles are drago ns beard (long xu), dumplings are drago ns ears (long er), spri ng rolls are drag ons scales (long lin).语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国的民间传统节日一

25、一龙抬头(农历二月二),包括其文化和习俗等。1. What did ancient people believe after Drag on Heads- raisi ng Festival?A . The dragon lifts his head.B . Theres more rainfall.C. The drag on is still sleep ing.D . Theres less rainfall.解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“ Ancient people believed that after this day,rain fall in creases be

26、cause the rain -bri nging Drago n King has awake ned from his win ter sleep”可知,古代人们认为,龙抬头后降雨量会增加。第6页共 7 页2. What does the underlined word “agrarian man in Paragraph 3?A . Agricultural.B . In dustrial.C. Travelling.D . Manufacturing.解析:选 A 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的ancient” “hinese culture 并结合常识可知,中国古代以农业为主,因此

27、龙抬头是为了庆祝中国的农业文化,故选A。3.What do people eat in Suzhou during the festival?A . Tofu balls.B . Fried beans.C. Chengyao cakes.D . Dumplings.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句Eating chengyao cakes, which are madewith sticky rice, duri ng the festival is a traditi on in Suzhou, East Chin as Jia ngsu Provi nee 可知,苏州人在龙抬

28、头节日那天会吃“撑腰糕”来庆祝。4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A . The history and development of Chinas Longtaitou FestivalB . Cut your hair on Chinas Longtaitou FestivalC . The culture and traditi ons of Chin as Lon gtaitou FestivalD . Food about Chin as Lon gtaitou Festival解析:选 C 标题归纳题。根据对文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了中国的民间传统节日龙抬头的文化及习俗,故选C。n.阅读七选五Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and


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