1、职称英语综合类B级-13(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、B第1部分:词汇选项/B( 总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.1 t proved that the old woman she had been taking care of was indeed her own mother. (分数:1.00)A.turned overB.turned inC.turned downD.turned out V解析:prove意为“证明",turn out意为“结果是,证明是”,意思相近。其它选项A意为“打翻” ;B意为“上缴”;C 意为“把声音变小”。2 .Your ha
2、ir wants cutting you'd better have it done tomorrow,(分数:1.00)A.likesB.requiresC.needs VD.desires解析:本题句中的wants等于needs,是一种口语惯用法,后接动名词主动式表被动含义,动名词与主语之间是动宾关系。3 .The court sentenced him to death for murder. (分数:1.00)A.lawyerB.tribunal VC.attorneyD.barrister解析:court意为“法庭”,与tribunal意思相同。其它三项均为“律师”的不同写法
3、。4 .These goods are essentially for export, though a few of them may be sold on the homemarket. (分数:1.00)A.basically VB.completelyC.necessaryD.remarkably解析:essentially 意为"本质地,基本地"(=basically)。选项B. completely 意为"完全地”;选项C necessarily 意为"必要地”;选项D. remark ably意为"大量地,显著地"。5
4、.Unfortunately, the technology employed to send men to the moonis not relevant to the solution of the problems of the inner city.(分数:1.00)A.resultantB.reliantC.responsibleD.related解析:relevant(to)"相关联的",related意为"有关的",两者意思相近。resultant"作为结果的";responsible“承担责任的,作为原因的"
5、 ;reliant(no) “依赖的”。6 .Although nobody acknowledged his presence, Mr. Smith knew he had been recognized. (分数:1.00)A.recognizedB.assentedC.admittedD.attributed解析:acknowledge意为"承认",admit也有"承认”之意。其余选项A意为"认识";B意为"赞成";D意为"贡献"。7 .When they moved to California,
6、where there were more job opportunities, they decided to discard most of their old furniture.(分数:1.00)A.abandon VB.dismissC.dislikeD.dispense解析:discard意为“遗弃,丢弃",abandon也有此义。其它选项B意为“解散”;C意为“不喜欢”;D意为“分发”。8 .The replacement of air-polluting cars by non-pollution cars will take some time. (分数:1.00)
7、A.supplementB.substitute VC.replenishmentD.complement解析:replacement意为"代替品",同substitute 意思相同。其余选项A意为"补充";C意为"补给";D意为"补 给物”。9 .The boys were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure.(分数:1.00)A.bewilderedB.attracted VC.distractedD.diverted解析:charmed意为“着迷的",
8、attracted意为“被吸引的",两者意思相近。其它选项 A意为“迷惑的”;C意为“心 烦意乱的”;D意为“高兴的”。10.Once again Tom checked his test paper carefully to diminish all the spelling mistakes fromit.(分数:1.00)A.eliminateB.abandonC.withdrawD.decrease V解析:diminish意为"减少",decrease也为"减少",故应选D。其它选项A意为"除去";B意为"
9、;遗弃";C意为"收 回”。11 .The two small independent countries entered into alliance with each other and they felt less afraid of their powerful neighbour.(分数:1.00)A.separationB.cooperationC.agreementD.union V解析:alliance意为“联盟”,而union也有此意义。其它选项A意为“分裂”;B意为“同意”;C意为“合作”。12 .The defeated troops were ord
10、ered to scatter and then concentrate fifty miles to the south.)1.00 (分数:A.rally VB.attackC.marchD.retreat解析:concentrate意为“集中”。四个选项的意思分别是“聚集”、“攻击”、“行进”、“退却”,因此A项为正确答案。13 .The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.(分数:1.00)A.changed VB.separatedC.differedD.disgui
11、sed解析:range意为“在范围变化",change意为“变化”,两者意思相近。其它选项B意为“分开”;C意为“不一致”; D意为“伪装”。14 .She's one of the smartest students in the whole school. (分数:1.00)A.most beautifulB.cleverest VC.cunningD.hardest解析:smartest意为“最聪颖的”。四个选项的意思分别是:“最漂亮的”、“最聪明的”、“最狡猾的”、“最严厉的,最苛 刻的",故B为正确答案。15.I am not willing to con
12、cede that I have hurt her, because that's not my real intention. (分数:1.00)A.agreeableB.readyC.compliantD.reluctant V解析:reluctant意为"不情愿的",相当于not willing 。其余选项A意为"惬意的";B意为"有准备的";C意为"顺 从的”。二、B第2部分:阅读判断/B(总题数:1,分数:7.00)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。BSupersti
13、tion(迷信)/B迷信的).This isSailors and fishermen in particular, have always been extremely superstitious ( hardly surprising when one considers the changeable nature of the sea where, even today with sophisticated weather-forecasting techniques a sudden storm can blow up quite unexpectedly. In the days b
14、efore radio and engines, where there could be no long-distance communicating with another ship or land and when sails were the only means of movement, it was only natural for the sailor to take every precaution to avoid offending the gods who control the sea.One way of pleasing these gods was to mak
15、e an annual offering. This custom survives in the ceremonyof blessing the sea, which can still be seen once a year in some fishing ports.Next to pleasing the sea-gods, the most important thing for the sailor is to know that his boatis free from evil influences. The time to make sure of this is at th
16、e launching ceremony. It is clear that the well-known custom of launching a ship by breaking a bottle of champagne against the side goes back a very long way.On the North coast of Britain new ships are launched with sea-water, and on the North-East coast of Scotland a similar ceremony takes place bu
17、t with whisky substituted for sea-water. In both cases, the launching is followed by drinking and celebration. The purpose of these ceremonies is to keep away evil spirits, rather than to ask for the sea-god's protection.Starting on a new voyage or fishing trip was a dangerous business at the be
18、st of time. Once the fisherman has set out for his trip he dared not, on any account look back. It was bad luck even to call after him, so if he had forgotten anything, someone had to urn after him and put the object into his hands.But bad luck could also result from some chance meeting on the way t
19、o the boats. In some countries, it was considered particularly unlucky to meet a priest, a rabbit or a woman. In such an event, the only thing to do was to turn back and sail next day.Redheads and people with flat feet were also to be avoided, but if the fisherman did happen to meet them, he could a
20、vert bad luck by speaking to them first. For a fisherman to see a dog near his boat was unlucky, while cats were considered lucky, especially black ones. Some fishermen's wives believed a black cat would bring their husbands back from the sea, and sometimes domestic cats disappeared from island
21、towns and turned up in fishing villages!(分数: 7.00 )(1) .It is implied in the passage that superstitious practices stemmed from sailors and fishermen'sfear for the unreliability of nature. (分数: 1.00 )A.A. RightVB.B. WrongC.C. Not mentioned解析:从文章的第一段就可以看出,水手和渔民的迷信主要来源于他们对于大自然的力量的恐惧心理。(2) .Cat is a
22、n object that is supposed to bring bad luck to sailors and fishermen. (分数: 1.00 ) A.A. RightB.B. WrongC.C. Not mentioned解析:文章最后一段指出:猫,尤其是黑猫,被认为是吉祥的象征。不会给水手带来坏运气。(3) .In order to avoid bad luck when a fisherman encounters a redhead on his way to the boat. Heshould take the initiative in starting to t
23、alk to the person he meets. (分数: 1.00 )A.A. RightVB.B. WrongC.C. Not mentioned解析:本章倒数第二段指出,如果渔民在上船以前遇到红头发的人,他惟一能避免坏运气的办法就是主动先和那个红头发的人说话。(4) .The purpose of breaking a bottle of whisky when new ships are launched in Scotland is to please) 1.00 (分数: the gods that control the sea.A.A. RightB.B. WrongVC
24、.C. Not mentioned解析:在文章第四段提到,苏格兰的渔民在新船第一次航行之前都要在船头打碎一瓶威士忌酒,此举的用意是为了避开魔鬼的滋扰。(5) .Making an annual offering can pleases the gods who control the sea. (分数: 1.00 )A.A. RightVB.B. WrongC.C. Not mentioned解析:见文章第二段第一句。(6) .All these superstitions things can't save the sailors or the fishermen in realit
25、y. (分数: 1.00 )A.A. RightB.B. WrongC.C. Not mentioned解析:文章只对渔夫和海员相信的迷信进行介绍,并未提及这些迷信是否有效。1.00)(7).It was thought meeting a priest, a rabbit or a woman is unlucky in all the countries.A.A. RightB.B. WrongVC.C. Not mentioned解析:见文章倒数第二段,注意为 some countries 。三、 B 第 3 部分:概括大意与完成句子/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 8.00)阅读下面这篇短
26、文,短文后有2项测试彳£务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为规定段每段选择1个正确的小 标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。BStock exchange/B1. Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create n
27、ew jobs.2. there can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting pe
28、ople to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through The Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas.3
29、. When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.4. Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by
30、the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone.
31、The Government, local authorities, and nationalised industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to The Stock Exchange.5. There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability
32、 of his/her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.A. The way companies reaching the savingsB. Why
33、 stock exchange comes into beingC. The faction of stock exchangeD. How the savers take their money backE. Another factor which stock exchangeF. How to use stock(分数: 8.00 )(1) .Paragraph 2 . (分数: 1.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:B)解析:本段从私人借贷说起,证明其它方式均无法满足企业集资需要,所以最后形成股票交易。(2) .Paragraph 3 . (分数: 1.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案
34、:D)解析:本段先说投资者并不需要到公司去要钱,而只需抛出股票,所以选D。(3) .Paragraph 4 . (分数: 1.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:E)解析:本段说明了一些政府机构等参加股票交易的必要性,而这也推动了股票交易的发展。(4) .Paragraph 5 . (分数: 1.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:C)解析:本段最后一句中的 channel ,表明本段是在说明股票交易的作用。1.00)(5) .Almost all companies involved in new production and development must depend on填空项 1: (
35、正确答案:D)解析:在第二段中,作者强调,这些公司不能只依靠亲朋好友来募集资金,而要转向公众。公众即是peopleas a whole ,请后者借钱给这些公司,其中的方式包括发行股票。(6) .The moneywhich enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is raised . (分数: 1.00 )填空项 1: (正确答案:E)解析:见文章第三段。 1.00)(7) .All the essential services on which we depend are填空项 1: (正确答案:B)解析:根据文章第四
36、段,可知所有机构均需要钱,即B。(8) .The stock exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and nationalised1.00)industries to raise填空项 1: (正确答案: F)解析:见文章第四段最后一句。四、 B 第 4部分:阅读理解/B( 总题数: 1 ,分数:15.00)下面有 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 道题,每题后面有4 个选项。请仔细阅读短文,并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择 1 个最佳答案。B 第一篇 /BBThe Acquisition of
37、 Two Companies/BThe Provident Companies, the No. 2 seller of individual disability insurance policies, agreed yesterday to buy the No. 1 insurer in the field in a deal that would give it more than 1/3 of the market.The $1.2 billion deal would eliminate about 600 jobs, give a big Swiss money-losing p
38、olicies sold by the insurer that is being acquired, the Paul Revere company.Last year Provident's insurance units had $2.6 billion in premium revenues and Paul Revere had $1.5 billion. About 57 percent of the combined $4.1 billion in premiums came from disability policies that were sold to indiv
39、iduals. Provident's next largest competitor, the UNUM Corporation, has about 10 percent of the market.Paul Revere has been controlled since 1985 by Textron Inc. Textron acquired the insurer when it bought Avco Financial Services, which makes high interest rate loans to people whose employment an
40、d credit histories make them too risky for bank loans.James F. Hardymon, Textron's chairman and chief executive, said the sale einforces Textron'sstrategy to focus on its core manufacturing and finance businesses. He said, that up to half the income might be used to pay down the company'
41、s more than $10 billion of debt or to buy back stock. Paul Revere's remaining public shareholders will get $26 in cash for each share, Provident stock worth $26, or $20 in cash and Provident stock worth $6.To finance the deal, Provident is getting a $300 million infusion of cash from the Zurich
42、insurance Group of Switzerland, which is buying a 15.2% stake in Provident under an agreement allowing it to increase the stake to 40%.Provident, which is based in Chattanooga, Tenn., announced a $423 million write-off on individualdisability policies in December 1993. Paul Revere, which is based in
43、 Worchester, Mass., has not taken a similar write-off, said John M. Hanon, an analyst at Derby Securities.Provident, Paul Revere and other companies have previously said that they had to pay claims on diseases not even known when the policies were written and that many disability claims resulted in
44、larger than expected benefits payment.The deal drew mixed responses from insurance ratings agencies, which had ranked both companies in the upper grades, indicating a strong likelihood that they would be able over the long haul to pay claims.(分数: 15.00 )(1) .Which of the following is TRUE according
45、to Para. 1? (分数: 3.00 )A.No. 1 insurer acquired the No. 2 insurer.B.No.2 insurer acquired the No. 1 insurer.VC.This deal provided 600 more job opportunities.D.This deal would produce 1/3 more market share.解析:可在第一段直接找到答案。(2) .Who would write off the money-losing policies? (分数: 3.00 ) A.Paul Revere Co
46、mpany.B.The acquired insurer,C.provident Companies. VD.Textron Company.解析:根据第一段,可知C为正确答案。(3) .How much was earned from both companies' sale of the disabilities policies? (分数: 3.00 ) A.$ 2.6 billion.B.$ 1.5 billion.C.$ 4.1 billion.D.$ 2.3 billion. V解析:根据第三段的信息:这两家保险公司全部收益4.1 亿美元的57%是来自于其伤残险的销售,故答
47、案是D。(4) .All of the following companies may be the owner of Paul Revere EXCEPT . (分数: 3.00 )A.TextronB.UNUM Corporation V C.Avco Financial Services D.Provident Companies 解析:可在第四段中找到答案。即 Avco 是 Paul 公司的母公司,而Textron 又收购了 Paul 公司,现在Provident 又从Textron 公司收购了 Paul 公司,所以Avco、 Textron 、 Provident 三家公司先后都曾是
48、 Paul 公司的股东。(5) .According to the passage, why had the rating agencies ranked both companies in the upper grades? (分 数: 3.00 )A.Because both companies were claimed very often.B.Because both companies were never claimed.C.Because both companies were able to pay claims. V D.Because both companies were
49、 not able to pay claims.解析:文中指出;信用评级机构认为这两家保险公司具有较高的信用,原因是这两家公司在长时间内具有保险理赔的支 付能力。所以答案是C。5、 B 第二篇 /B( 总题数: 1,分数: 15.00)BInternational community/BSome people say the international community is only a fiction. Others say it is too elastic a concept to have any real meaning. Some say there are no intern
50、ationally recognized norms, goals or fears on which to base such a community. Oped pages refer routinely to the so called international community. I believe these skepties are wrong. The international community does exist. It has an address. It has achievements to its credit.When governments, urged
51、along by civil society, come together to adopt a statute for the creation of an International Criminal Court, that is the international community at work for the rule of law. When we see an outpouring of international aid to the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Greece, witch is the international
52、 community following its humanitarian impulse. When people come together to ress governments to relieve the world's poorest countries from crushing debt burdens, that is the international community throwing its weight behind the cause of development. When the popular conscience, outraged at the
53、carnage caused by land mines, obliges governments to adopt a convention banning those deadly weapons, that, too, is the international community in action. There are many more examples of the international community at work, from east Timor to Kosovo, but there are important caveats. Too often the in
54、ternational community fails to do what is needed. It failed to prevent the genocide in Rwanda. In East Timor, it acted too late to save many hundreds of lives and thousands of homes from wanlon destruction. The international community has not done enough to help Africa at a time when Africa needs it
55、 most and most stands to benefit, And it allows nearly 3 billion people almost half of all humanity to subsist on $2 or less a day in a world of unprecedented wealth.The international system for much of our century has been based on division and hard calculations of realpolitik. In the new century,
56、we can and must do better. I do not mean to suggest that an ear of complete harmony is within our reach. Of course, interests and ideas will always conflict. But we can improve on this century's dismal record. The international community is a work in progress. Many strands of cooperation have as
57、serted themselves over the years. We must now stitch them into a strong fabric of international community for an international era.(分数: 15.00 )(1) .According to what some people say, the international community . (分数: 3.00 )A.is an organization recognized internationallyB.is a concept with no fixed
58、explanationVC.is invented by a fiction writerD.is a community with an adaptable pattern解析:根据第一段“ Some people say the international community is only a fiction. Others say itis too elastic a concept to have any real meaning. Some say there are no internationally recognized norms, goals or fears on which to base such a community.” ,可知B 为正确答案。(2) .From what governments do we can infer that . (分数: 3.00 )A.the world is really a disastrous place fo
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