已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外刊经贸知识选读词语1compensation trade 补偿贸易2net exporter 净出口国3department store 百货商店4economic projection 经济预测5white paper白皮书6spin off 副产品7base metals 贱金属8technology transfer 技术转让9foreign-exchange reserve外汇储备10. saturation point 饱和点11. trade balance 贸易顺差12. areas of trade 贸易区13. north america free trade agreem

2、ent 北美自由贸易区14. current account经常项目15. free trade zone 自由贸易区16. european union 欧洲联盟17. growth rate增长率18. contractual conflict契约性的矛盾19. eec欧洲经济共同体20. portfolio investment证券投资21. per capita income 人均收入22. deinflationary police反通胀策略23. the single market 统一大市场24. business investment 商业投资25. exclusive con

3、tract 独家代理协议26. the gulf region海湾地区27. gnp国民生产总值28. budget deficit贸易赤字29. fiscal packages 一揽子计划30. barter trade 一伙贸易31. foreign trade 对外贸易32. the special economic zone经济特区33. natural resources 自然资源34. per capita income 人均收入35. trade priority贸易优先权36. carbon tax双重税收37. import targets进口指标38. credit gua

4、rantee 货款担保人39. accountancy service 会计服务40. national sovereign国家主权41. balance of payments 国际收支差额42. customs duties 关税43. punitive import tariff惩罚性进口关税44. primary commodity初级产品价格45. trade surplus 贸易顺差46. top priority 第一优先47. hard currency硬通货48. technology transfer 技术转让49. public funds 国家资金50. sliding

5、 price浮动价格51. debt restructuring 债务调整52. net exporter净出口国53. wet market生肉,鱼,蛋市场54. the general agreement on tariffs and trade 关贸总协定55. market forces市场力量56. petrochemical complete 石油化学企业57. tax breaks 税额优惠58. import targets进口指标59. trade reprisal 贸易报复60. trade barrier 贸易壁垒61. most-favored nation treat

6、ment 最惠国待遇62. imports of capital资本进口63. gross national product 国民生产总值64. domestic demand 国内需求65. trade barrier 贸易壁垒66. current-account 经常项目67. domestic policy内政68. debtor nations 债务国69. snack food小吃70. financial instrument 金融证券71. foreign exchange reserves外汇储备72. technical transformation 技术改造73. fre

7、e market 自由市场74. holding company 控股公司75. a chamber of commerce 商会76. bargain basement 廉价部77. trade fairs 贸易展览会78. trade volume 贸易量79. service industry 服务业80. capital stock 实际资本81. captical equipment 资本设备82. high-tech economy 高技术经济83. semiconductor chips 半导体集成电路芯片84. electronic commerce 电子商务85. proce

8、ss a loan 办理贷款手续86. retail sale 零售87. make way for 为让路88. liquid assets 流动资产89. developing countries 发展中国家90. precious metals 贵金属91. discount rate 贴现率92. securities 有价证券93. spot market 现货市场94. transfers component 资本转移部分95. trade barrier 贸易壁垒96. net assets 净资产97. barrier-free market 无壁垒市场98. trade re

9、prisal 贸易报复99. trade inventories 贸易库存100.nominal dollar terms 名义美元价101.unfair trade不平等交易102.exclusive trade 独家经销合同103.per capita income 人均收入104.long-term strategy 长期战略105.gatt 关税及贸易总协定106.financial crisis 金融危机107.trade representative 商务代表108.physical market 现货市场109.financial deregulation 撤销金融管制规定110

10、.sovereignty dispute 主权争端111.most-favored nation treatmen 最惠国待遇 t 112.trade surplus 贸易顺差113.hard currency 硬通货114.merger of banks 银行兼并115.liquid assets 易于变卖资产116.a hermit nation 关闭自守的国家117.trade negotiation 贸易谈判118.at a rough estimate 据粗略估计119.chinese export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会120.foreign exch

11、ange reserves外汇储备121.most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇122.trade surplus 贸易顺差123.hard currency 硬通货124.merger of banks 银行兼并125.liquid assets 易于变卖资产126.a hermit nation关闭自守的国家127.trade negotiation 贸易谈判128.at a rough estimate 据粗略估计129.chinese export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会130.foreign exchange reserv

12、es外汇储备131.fiscal package 财政一揽子计划132.countervailing duty 反补贴税133.debt service 利息付款134.liquid assets 流动资产135.good resistance 强阻力136.current account 经常项目137.cash crops 经济作物138.gnp国民生产总值139.deinflationary policy反通货政策140.equivalent value 对等价值141.反向贸易counter trade 142.省会 provincial capital 143.竞争优势 compet

13、itive advantage 144.经济局面 economic dimensions 145.内部融资 internal financing 146.中波 medium wave 147.期货 financial futures 148.燃气轮机 gas turbine 149.资本货物 capital goods 150.资本密集型投资 capital-intensive investment 151.政府采购 government procurement 152.优惠税率 preferential tax rate 153.贸易歧视 trade discriminations 154.

14、贸易让步 trade concession 155.贸易制裁 trade sancitions 156.核定资本 authoried capital 157.市场魅力 market appeal 158.广告词 marketing message 159.利率 interest rate 160.竞争优势 competive advantage 161.货币政策 monetary policy 162.曲折下降 irregularly lower 163.补偿贸易 compensation trade 164.出口定额 export quota 165.外汇管制 foreign exchang

15、e control 166.经济结构 economic structure 167.初级产品 primary commodity 168.工人侨汇 workers remittance 169.贸易体制 trade framework 170.国家资金 public funds 171.国民收入 national income 172.进口限额 import quota 173.贸易公司 trading companies 174.硬通货 hard curency 175.固执己见 stick by one s guns 176.自由贸易区free-trade zone 177.产地证明书 c

16、ertificate of origin 178.贸易差额 trade balance 179.合资企业 joint venture 180.贸易集团 tradingblock 181.无形贸易收支 invisable account 182.所得税税率income tax rate 183.证券及房地产市场securities and real-estate market 184.预算赤字 budget deficit 185.净资产 net asset 186.家用电器 consumer electronics 187.贸易逆差 trade deficit 188.进口指标 import

17、targets 189.财政一揽子计划 fiscal package 190.资本密集型投资 capital-intensive investment 191.知识产权 intellectual property right 192.服务贸易 trade in services 193.经济封锁 economic blockade 194.贸易限制 trade restriction 195.国内需求 domestic demand 196.优先权 preferred status 197.反侵销 antidumping 198.出口经济 export economy 199.最大份额 the

18、 lions share 200.有形贸易 visible trade 201.有形贸易收支 visble trade account 202.消费品 consumer goods 203.经济强国 economic power 204.商品市场 commodity market 205.初步协定 preliminary agreements 206.坏账 bad debts 207.假冒产品 pirated good 208.债权国 creditor nation 209.自动售货机 vending machine 210.贫困地区 distressed region 211.外汇业务 fo

19、reign exchange business 212.税率 tax rate 213.私营企业 private business 214.首席执政官 chief exective officer 215.亏本出售的商品 loss leader 216.容易上当受骗 fall guy 217.贸易协定 trade agreement 218.贸易顺差 trade surplus 219.生产方式 means of production 220.优惠税率 preferential tax rate 221.利润汇款 profit-remittance 222.出口经济 export econom

20、y 223.高科技公司 high technology firm 224.电路板 circuit board 225.销售总额 gross sales 226.掌握的线索 keep track of 227.强行推销 hard sell 228.国际货币基金组织the interational monetary fund 229.工业原料 industial material 230.高增产品 high growth rate 231.惩罚性进口关税 punitive import tariff 232.收入指数 income index 233.每年 per annum 234.赤字 in

21、deficit 235.顺差 in surplus 236.海关税 customs duties 237.国民收入 national income 238.有形贸易收支 visible trade account 239.反补贴税 countervailiny duty 240.无性贸易收支 invisible account 241.利息付款 debt service / interest payment 242.外商独资 sole foreign-funded 243.技术转让 technology transfer 244.国内需求 domestic demand 245.出口导向 export-oriented 246.贸易差额 trade balance 247.产地证书 certificate of origin 248.期货市场 futures market 249.市场份额 market share 250.进口税 import duties 251.独家经销合同 exclusive contract 252.经常项目 current account 253.清算协议 clearing agre


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