1、裸程筱计报告系(部、中心) xxxxxxxx姓名 xxxxx 学号 xxxxxxx专业 xxxxxx班级 xxxxx同组人员 xxxxxxxxxxxx课程名称 xxxxxxxx设计题目名称 图书信息管理系统一用户管理与更新子系统设计与实现起止时间 xxxxxxxx成绩指导教师签名xxxxx第一章绪论1.1当今形势在各行各业中离不开信息处理,这正是计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系统的 环境。使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安 全性。尤其对于复杂的信息管理,计算机能够充分发挥它的优越性。计算机进行 信息管理与信息管理系统的开发密切相关,系统的开发是系统管理的前提。本系 统
2、就是为了管理好图书馆信息而设计的。1.2存在的主要问题目前部分地区的图书馆都是以工作手工操作管理的,随着计算机的发展,更 多的图书馆采用计算机图书管理系统来实现,这样可以得到更好的管理。对于图 书馆而言,一个功能完备的图书管理系统是很重要的,它可以很大程度上,节省 人力和物力资源。传统的管理方法既浪费人力物力财力,又容易导致各种错误的 发生。而对图书馆数以万计的图书,纷繁复朵的读者信息,频繁更替的借还书信 息,传统的直接方法,不但管理起来极其不方便,而且极易容易岀现漏洞,从而 造成不可估量的损失。1-3此系统解决的问题实现一个智能化、系统化、信息化的图书信息管理系统是十分必要的。充分 利用计算
3、机的功能实现对读者管理的,书籍管理,借阅管理等的自动化控制,将 会使图书管理工作大大减轻,方便友好的图形用户界面,简便的操作,完善的数 据库管理,将会使图书信息管理系统极大限度的应用于现代化图书管理成为图书 信息管理员的得力助手。木文介绍了一个图书信息管理系统的基木设计方法,给 出了研究开发的过程,以及对设计思路和实现细节的考虑,并对各部分周期进行 了详尽的分析和描述。第二章 需求分析及其设计概要2.1需求分析冃前还冇部分的图书馆还存在着,图书管理员还需要手工操作的局面,未使用图书 信息管理系统时,出现了诸多的不便。主耍表现为如下几点: 图书采购:对新书的口录进行查存,判断图书馆是否订过了,要
4、人工阅读账本的 方式实现,非常麻烦。 图书编目:通过手工对书编目,对不同种类的书都要查找书是否已有,如果没有 的话,对新的书进行编目,还要更新书卡和大量的查阅卡片,非常不方便。 图书检索:用户对图书的检索以卡片的形式进行,耗费大量的时间,即使找到 图书的存放位置,也无法确认图书是否还有剩余。 图书更新:无法对现有的图书做数据统计和动态更新。无法统计书的阅读次数、 是否即使归还、当天的借还书目等很多信息。图书流通:在借书的时候耍填写跟书卡和借书证并保管跟书卡做为借条; 在还书的时候工作人员先要花一定时间把保管的跟书卡先找出来,再 填写跟书卡和借书证。然后再把跟书卡和书夹在一起,工作人员要消 耗很
5、多吋间,大大降低了工作效率。基于以上几点及其诸多的不便,图书馆采川图书管理系统能够获得更好的管理。随着 计算机的发展,更多的图书馆己经采用了计算机图书铮理系统,來实现对错综复杂的 图书进行管理,以便于提高图书悖理员的工作效率,节省更多的财力,物力,缓解借 还书压力。方便用户对图书的查找及其借阅。2.2系统功能范根据高校图书管理的实际要求,结合本系统开发的要求,图书信息管理系统 主要实现书目检索、书刊借阅、用户管理及其更新四大功能。具体介绍如2书目检索:其包含的功能有书名检索、作者检索、出版社检索。书刊借阅:其包含的功能有用户借书、用户述书、借阅查询。用户管理:用户登陆、信息查询、信息修改。其中
6、用户登陆又分为管理 员登陆和普通用户登陆。更新:包括用户更新和图朽更新。用户更新屮实现添加用户和删除用户 的功能,使得管理员能及时更新新老用户;图卩更新是指添加新的图示 和删除图书。2.3系统实现目标实现图书的多样化检索,图书的查找方式可以是书名、出版社或者作 者,这样能更方便读者在不明确书籍的情况下,找到自己所要的书籍。解决繁琐、耗时的借阅方式,读者可以根据检索到的图书信息、存放 地点等,到书库里面找到自己所需的图书,然后到前台登记借阅即可, 既方节约了读者排队等待的时间又捉高了管理员的工作效率。提高安全性,用户可以对自己的密码等进行修改。管理员可以实现对读者和图书的信息化管理,不用翻阅厚厚
7、的登记资 料,通过数据库中存放的信息,就口j以对新旧读者和图书信息一目了 然。增删工作也能高效的完成。2.4系统总体功能模块图图书管理系统i借阅ahu 吊刊借阅用户管理估息代询粹血用户0录 r用户«录i 晋理mlftl录!£!.新 1加 川 户册勺 除 川 户修改联系电话ifri息修改匚 修改蛊-舉更新加 图 15除152.5系统的流程图更具学校图书管理的实际流程,结合上述各个功能模块,系统的整体流程如 图所示:第三章系统设计3.1功能设计功能设计包含4大部分:图书检索、图书借阅、用户管理、数据 更新图书检索:可以根据用户(管理员)提供的书目、作者、岀 版社对图书进行检索,
8、查看图书的位置、库存等信息。图书借阅:由用户借书、用户还书、借阅查询3个部分构成。用户管理:其拥有3个功能模块,用户登陆、信息查询、信 息修改。管理员修改普通用户的联系方式及其密码。普通用 户可以修改自己的密码及其联系方式。数据更新:添加用户、删除用户、添加图书、删除图书。3.2数据库设计3.2.1数据库表设计管理员表单:字段名为管理者id、管理者密码、管理者名字、管理者电 话,其中管理站id设置为主键。如f图所示:admistrator table:字段名称数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引admi_id字符型15主键admi_psw字符型12不为空admi_name字符型25不为空admi
9、_(el字符型12图书表单:字段名为图书id、书名、作者、出版社、入库时间、存入数 量,其中图书id设置为主键。如下图所示:books table:字段名称数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引bookjd字符型15工键book_name字符型25不为空是book_ author字符型25不为空是book_publisher字符型25不为空是book_time日期型8book_number整型4小于等于15木读者(普通用户)表单:字段名称包括读者id、密码、名字、借记、电 话,其中读者h)设置为主键。如下图所示:reader table:字段名称数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引reader_id
10、字符型15主键reader_psw字符型12不为空reader_name字符型25不为空是reader_dept字符型25是reader_tel字符型12借记表单:字段名称为管理者id、图书id、读者id、借出时间、归述时间,并将管理者id、图书id、读者id设置为外键。如下图所示:borrow table:字段名称数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引admi_id字符型15外键不为空book_id字符型15外键不为空reader_id字符型15外键不为空borrowme日期型8returnjime日期型8322数据库关系图booksborrowadmibook_i dzbook_najnebo
11、ok_au thorbookjubli sherbook_timebook_nujnber第四章系统的实现用户管理模块实现用户登录、信息查询以及修改个人信息等功能。用户登录界面:登录界面loginform类代码:imports systcm. dataimports system .data .sqlclientpublic class loginformpublic conn as new sqlconnection(data source=20100310-1126;initialcatalog=library;integrated security二truo")public e
12、md as new sqlcommandpublic red as sqldatareaderpublic function admi login(byval admi id as string, byvai admi psw as string) as booleanconn. connectionstring 二"data source=20100310-1126; initial catalog二library; integratedsecur ity=truez/conn. open()dim str as string = '"select * from
13、admi where admi_id二'"& admi_id & and admi.psw二'”& admipsw &"emd = new sqlcommand(str, conn)red = emdexecutereader()return red readred. closeoconn. closeoend functionpublic function readerogin(byvai reader_id as string, byvai readerpsw as string) asboolean'conn.
14、conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog=library: integrated secur ity=truez/conn. open()dim str as string 二"select * from reader where reader_id二"& reader_id & " andreader_psw=" & reader_psw & "、”emd = new sqlcommand(str, conn)red
15、= emdexecutereader()return red readred. closeoconn. close()end functionend class登录界面form窗体代码:public class欢迎登录图书馆管理系统'重置private sub button2 click(byval sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs) handles button2. clicktextboxl. clear 0maskedtextboxl. clear()textboxl. focus()end sub
16、9;退出private sub button3 click(byval sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs) handles button3. clickdini ms as integer = msgbox(*确定要退出吗? “,1 + 32,"提示")tf ms = 1 thenme. closeoend ifend sub'登录private sub buttonl_mouseup(byvai sender as object, byvai c assystem windows form
17、s mouseeventargs) handies button1. mouseupdim login as new log informif textboxl. text = "” thenerrorproviderl. seterror (textboxl,"必须选择用户名")msgbox ("必须选择用户冬|")elself maskedtextboxl. text = "” and textboxl. text <> "” thenerror provider 1 clear ()errorprovide
18、r2. seterror (maskedtextbox 1,"必须输入密码")msgbox ("必须输入密码")elsemy. forms.功能界而< textboxl6. text = me. textboxl. textmy. forms.功能界面.textboxl6. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界面 textbox9. text = me. textboxl. textmy. forms.功能界而.textbox9. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界而.textboxl3. text = m
19、e. textboxl. textmy. forms.功能界而.textboxl3. enabled = falseif radiobuttonl. checked = true thentf login, readerogin(textboxl. text, maskedtextboxl. text) = true thenme. hi de ()msgbox("欢迎使用图书馆管理系统“,"图书管理系统)功能界面.show()my. forms.功能界而.tabcontrol3. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界jfli. tabcontrol5.
20、 enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界而-radiobutton5. checked = truemy. forms.功能界而-radiobutton6. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界ifli. radiobuttonl. checked = truemy. forms.功能界而-radiobutton2. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界而-radiobutton3. checked = truemy. forms.功能界ifli. radiobutton4. enabled = falseelsestatic a, b
21、 as integerb = b + 1a = 3 - bmsgbox("密码输入错课!","提示)textboxl. clear()maskedtextboxl. clear()textboxl. focus ()label 1. text ="你还剩下"+ a. tostring + "次机会"tf a = 0 thenbutto nl.en abled = l?alseend ifelsetf radiobutton2. checked = true thenmy. forms.功能界而 textbox5 text =
22、 me. textboxl. textmy. forms-功能界ifti. textbox5. enabled = falseif login. admi_login(textboxl. text, maskedtextboxl. text) = true thenme. hi de ()msgbox("欢迎使用图书馆管理系统“,"图书管理系统")功能界面.showomy. forms.功能界面.radiobutton5. enabled = falsemy. eorms.功能界jfli. radiobutton6. checked = truemy. forms
23、.功能界面.radiobuttonl. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界面.radiobutton2. checked = truemy. forms.功能界jfli. radiobutton3. enabled = falsemy. forms.功能界面.radiobutton4. checked = trueelsestatic i, j as integeri = i + 1j = 3 - imsgbox ("密码输入错误!","提示")textboxl. clear()maskedtextboxl. clear()text
24、boxl. focus()label 1. text ="你还剩下"+ j. tostring + "次机会"if j = 0 thenbuttonl. enabled = falseend tfend ifend ifend subend class个人信息查询界i崖功能界面修改密码界面:修改联系方式界面:用户管理change类代码:imports systemdataimports system .data .sqlclientpublic class chtmgepublic conn as new sqlconnection(z,data sou
25、rce=20100310-1126; initialcatalog二library;integrated security二true")public cmd as new sqlcomnicindpublic red as sqldatareaderpublic function displayl(byvai aa as string) as stringdim ss as string =conn. connectionstring =,zdata source=20100310-1126; initial catalog=library; integratedsecurity二t
26、rue"dim str as string = "select * from reader where reader_id=" & aa &"cmd = new sqlcommand(str, conn)red = cmdexecutereader()while red. read()ss += string. format (,z 01 2 3 45, rcd(o), red(l), red (2), rod (3),red(4), red (5) & chr(13)end whilered. close ()conn clos
27、eoif ss <> "” thenreturn sselsereturn "null"end if'return ssend functionpubl ic function display2(byvai aa as strir)g) as stringdim ss as string =""'conn. conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog二library; integratedsecur it v=truez/co
28、nn. open ()dim str as string = "select * from admi where admi id=,z,& aa &"cmd = new sqlcommand(sti conn)red = cmdexecutcrcador()while red. read()ss += string. format (z/ 0)1 2",red(0), red(l), red(2), red(3) & chr(13)red. closeoif ss <> ” thenreturn sselsereturn &qu
29、ot;null"end if'return ssend eunctionfunction checkuserl (byvai aa as string) as booleandim tempid as string ="”'conn. conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog二library; integratedsecurity二true"conn. open()emd = new sqlcommand(select * from reader wher
30、e reader_id ='" & aa & conn)red = emdexecutereader()wh i1e red. readtemp id = red (,reader_id,/)end whileconn. close()red. closeoemd disposeotf temptd <> "” thenreturn trueel sereturn falseend ifl?uncti on checkuser2 (byvai aa as string) as boo lea ndim userid as string =
31、'conn. connectionstring 二 z,data source=20100310-1126; tni tial catalog=l ibrary; integratedsecurity=trueconn. 0pen()cmd = new sqlcommand("select * from admi where admi id =," & aa & conn)red = cmdexecutereader()wh i1e red. readuserid = red (,admi_id/,)end whileconn closeored.
32、closeocmd dispose。if userid <> ” thenreturn trueelsereturn falseend ifend l?unctionfunction checkpswl (byvai aa as string, byvai bb as strir)g) as booleandim temppass as string ='conn. connectionstring = zzdata source=20100310-1126; tnitial catalog=l ibrary; integratedsecuri ty=true,zconn.
33、 open ()cmd = new sqlcommand (z,select * from reader where reader_id=," & aa & and reader_psw ="& bb &conn)red = cmdexccutcrcador()whi le red. readtemppass = red c'readerpsw)red. closeocmd disposeoif temppass <> thenreturn trueelsereturn falseend ifend functioneun
34、ction checkpsw2(byvai aa as string, byvai bb as string) as booleandim temppass as string ='conn. connectionstring 二''data source=20100310-1126; tni tial catalog=l ibrary; integratedsecur ity=truez/conn 0pen()cmd = now sqlcommand (''select * from admi where admi_id 二'"&am
35、p; aa & and admi_psw二'"& bb &conn)red = cmdexecutcroador()while red. readtemppass = red (,/admi_psw,/)end whileconn. closeored. closeocmd disposeoif temppass <> "” thenreturn trueel sereturn falseend functionsub updatepasswordl(byvai aa as string, byvai cc as string)&
36、#39;conn. conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog二library; integratedsecurity二true"conn. open()tryemd = new sqlcommand("update reader set rcador_psw 二'"& cc & where reader_id='"& aa &", conn)emd executenonquery 0catch c as
37、exceptionmsgbox(c. tostring)end tryconn. close ()emd. disposeoend subsub updatepassword2(byvai aa as string, byvai cc as string)'conn. connectionstring = "data source=20100310-1126; initial catalog=library; integratedsecuri ty=true,zconn. open ()tryemd = new sqlcommand ("update admi se
38、t admi_psw =,” & cc & where admi_id =,”&aa &conn)emd executenonquery 0catch c as exceptionmsgbox(c. tostring)end tryconn. close()sub updatetell(byvai aa as string, byvai bb as string)'conn. conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog二library; integrated se
39、curity二true"conn. open()tryemd = new sqlconunandcupdate reader set rcador.tol 二'"& bb & where rcader_id='"& aa &", conn)emd executenonquery 0catch c as exceptionmsgbox(c. tostring)end tryconn. close ()emd. disposeoend subsub updatetel2(byval aa as string,
40、byvai bb as string)'conn. connectionstring = "data source=20100310-1126; initial catalog=library; integratedsecuri ty=true,zconn. open ()tryemd = new sqlcommand ("update admi set admi_psw =,” & bb & where admi_id =,”&aa &conn)emd executenonquery 0catch c as exceptionmsg
41、box(c. tostring)end tryconn. close()end class用户管理f orm窗体代码:'查询个人信息private sub button18_c1ick(byvai sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs)handles buttonl8. clickdim aa as string ="”dim qq as stringaa = tcxtboxl6 .textif radiobutton5 checked = true thenqq = xiugaidisplayl(aa)
42、* richtcxtbox7 .text = xiugaidisplayl(aa)if qq = "null" thenmsgbox用户id输入错误,请重新输入! ,4& "提示)textboxl6. clear ()textboxig .focus ()elserichtextbox7 text = qqend ifelseif radiobutton6 checked = true thenqq = xiugaidisplay2(aa)'richtextbox7 .text = xiugaidisplay2(aa)if qq = "n
43、ull" thenmsgbox (用户id输入错误,请重新输入! ,4& "提示)textboxlg. clear ()textboxi6. focus ()elserichtextbox?. text = qqend ifend ifend sub'修改密码private sub buttonl2_click(byvai sender as system. object, byvai c as system. eventargs)handles buttonl2. clickdim aa as string =""aa = textbo
44、x9 textdim bb as string ="”bb = textboxlo. textdim cc as string =""cc = textboxl1texttf textbox9. text = thonmsgbox (z/必须输入用户id", 提示)elsetf textboxlo. text = and textbox9. text <> thenerrorprovider2. seterror (textboxlo,"必须输入旧密码")msgboxc必须输入旧密码,4& 提示)el setf t
45、extboxlo. text = textboxll. text thonmsgbox c新密码不能与旧密码相同! ", 48,"提示")textboxll. clear()textboxl2. clear ()elsetf textboxll. text <> textboxl2. text thenmsgbox ("新密码两次输入不一致! ”, 48,"提示)textboxll. clear()thentrue thentextboxl2. clear ()elsetf radiobuttonl. checked = true
46、thentf xiugai checkuserl (aa)二 true and xiugai checkpswl (aa, bb) = truexiugai. updatepassword1(aa, cc)msgbox(z,您的密码已成功更新! “,4& "图书管理系统)elsemsgboxc输入错误,重新输入!",48, 提示)textboxlo. clear ()textboxl 1. clear ()textboxl2. clear ()end tfel seif radiobutton2. checked = true thentf xiugaichecku
47、ser2(88) = true and xiugaicheckpsw2(aa, bb)=xiugai updatopassword2 (aa, cc)msgbox("您的密码己成功更新!,"图书管理系统")elsemsgbox(输入错误,重新输入!",提示")textboxlo. clear ()textboxl 1. clear ()textboxl2. clear ()end ifend tfend tfend ifend tfend ifend sub'修改联系方式private sub button15_c1ick(byvai
48、sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs)handles buttonls. clickdim aa as string = textboxl3.textdim bb as string = textboxl4. texttf textboxl3. text = thonmsgboxc必须输入用户id! ", 提示)el setf textboxl4. text = and textboxl3. text <> thenerror provider 4. seterror (textbox 10,&quo
49、t;必须输入新联系方式")msgbox("必须输入新联系方式! ”,"提示")el seif textboxli. text <> textboxl5. text thenmsgbox("新联系方式两次输入不一致!,"提示")textboxl4. clear ()textboxl5. clear ()el setf radiobutton3. checked = true thenif xiugaicheckuserl(aa) = true thenxiugai updatctcl1(aat bb)msgbox(
50、v您的联系方式己成功更新! “,"图书管理系统")elsemsgbox("用户不存在,重新输入!","提示“)textboxl4. clear ()textboxl5. clear ()elseif radiobutton4. checked = true thent f xi ugai. checkuser2(aa) = true thenxiugai updatetel2 (aa, bb)msgbox(v您的联系方式己成功更新! “,"图书管理系统)elsemsgbox("用户不存在,重新输入!","
51、提示")textboxl4. clear ()textboxl5. clear ()end ifend tfend tfend ifend tfend tfend sub'修改密码重置private sub buttonl3_click(byvai sender as system. object, byvai c as system. evcntargs)handles buttonl3. clicktextboxlo. clear()textboxl 1. clear()textboxl2. clear ()end sub'修改密码取消private sub bu
52、tton14_c1ick(byval sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs)handles button14. clickdim ms as integer = msgboxc确定要取消吗? ",1+32,"提示")tf ms = 1 thentextboxlo. clear 0textboxl 1. clear()textboxl2. clear()end ifend sub'修改联系方式克置private sub buttonl6 click(byval sender as sys
53、tem. object, byvai e as system. eventargs)handles buttonl6. clicktextboxl4. clear()textboxl5. clear ()end sub'修改联系方式取消private sub button17_c1ick(byvai sender as system. object, byvai e as system. eventargs)handles buttonl7. clickdim ms as integer = msgboxc确定要取消吗? ”,1 + 32,"提示")if ms =
54、1 thentextboxl4. clear()textboxl5. clear()end ifend sub3.1更新子系统添加图书界面:删除图书界面:添加读者界面:删除读者界面:更新add控制类代码:imports system dataimports system. data.sqlclient.public class addpubl ic conn as new sql connect ion (''data source=20100310-1126; initialcatalog=library;integrated security二true")publ
55、ic cmd as new sqlcomniandstring, byvai cc as string, byvai dd asfunction checknull 1 (byvai aa as string, byvai bb asstring, byvai ee as string) as booleanif aa = or bb = or cc = or dd = ”" or ee = "" thenreturn falseelsereturn trueend tfend functionfunction chccknull2(byval aa as str
56、ing, by vai bb as string, byvai cc as string, byval dd as string) as booleanif aa = ”" or bb = "” or cc = ”" or dd = "” thenreturn falseelsereturn trueend ifend functionsub cidd_book (byveil aa as string, byval bb as string, byval cc as string, byval dd as string, byval ww as dat
57、e, byval ee as string)'conn. conncctionstring = "dala source=20100310-1126; initial catalog=library: integrated secur ity=truez/conn. open()cmd 二 new sql command ("insert into books values & aa && b b && cc &"& dd &" & wwee &conn)cmd executereader ()conn. closeocmd. di sposeoend subsub add_reader (byvai aa as string, byvai bb as string, byvai cc as string,
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