



1、unit 6 the admirable课时分层作业( 八). 单句语法填空1. you didn't have any boys' names picked out?2. all these techniques are equally(equal) effective.3. weshoulddo somethingtogetherat weekends so as tostrengthen(strength)our relationship.4 russiawillremainastrongcountrydeterminedtoprotect(protect)its sov

2、ereignty and interests.5. he never took more than two slices of bread and butter to eat in the pit,so an apple or an orange was a treat to him.6. frightened(frighten) and angry, she says she pulled out of the campaign.7. they scared him into handing(hand) over the money.8. lots of companies don'

3、t permit smoking(smoke) anywhere on the premises, and some don't like to hire smokers at all.9. the resultsi have seen show an impressive(impress)and rapidimpacton health outcomes.10. judging(judge)from a un.foodassessment lastfall, thatpatternpersists. . 完形填空at an airporti overhearda fatherand

4、a daughterintheirlastmoments together.ithad announced her plane's 1 and standing near the door, he said to his daughter, “ i love you.i wish you enough.” she said.“ daddy, our life together has been2 enough.yourloveisalli3 needed.iwish you enough, too.daddy.” they kissedgood- bye and she left.he

5、 walked over toward the window where i4 i could see he wanted to cry.itried not to disturb his privacy( 隐私 ) , but he5me in by asking,“ did you ever say good - bye to someone you love, knowing it would be forever?”,“ yes, i have ,”i6 sayingthatbroughtback memories ihad ofexpressingmy loveand7forall

6、my dad had done for me.after thirty seconds of silence.“forgive me for asking, but why is thisa(n)8good- bye?” iasked. “i am old and shelives much too far away.the realityisthat hernext trip back will be formy funeral,” he said.“ when you were saying good- bye i heard you say, i wish you enough may

7、i ask what that means?” he began to9“ that'sa wishthathas been handed down from othergenerations.myparentsused- 5 -to say it to everyone.” he paused for a moment and10 as if trying to rememberit in detail, he smiled even more.“ when we said i wish you enough, we were wanting the other person to

8、have a life filled with enough good things to11 them”,he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were recitingit from memory.i wish you enough sun to keep your attitude 12 .i wish you enough rain toappreciate the sun more.i wish you enough happiness to keepyour spirital

9、ive.i wish you enough pain so thatthesmallestjoysin lifeappear much13i wish you enough gain to14 your wanting.i wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you have.iwish enough hellos to get you through the15“ good-bye. ” he then began to sob and walked away.【语篇解读】本文说的是一位老父亲和女儿在机场告别时的场景,这一幕深深触动了在旁边

10、的作者。后面又讲述了这位老父亲和作者之间的一些交流,主要是解释了他和女儿告别时所说的话的意思。用一句“i wish you enough”贯穿全文,讲出了老父亲对女儿的爱。1. a arrivalbleavingc delaydlandingb 句意:她的飞机将要离开,他站在门口附近,对他的女儿说:“我爱你。我希望你一切都好。”结合下文可知,此处应该是女儿要离开了。故选b 项。2. a more thanbor ratherc rather thandless thana 句意:我们一起的生活,已经令我十分满足了。分析句意可知,more than enough超出了我所期待的,符合语境。故选a

11、 项。 3. a neverbevenc everdhardlyc 句意:你给予了我需要的全部的爱。结合全文为一般过去时,可知父亲已经给予了女儿全部的爱。故选c 项。 4 a satc hidbworkeddtravelleda 句意:他向着我坐着的窗边走来。结合语境可知,他向我走来,而我是坐着的。故选 a 项。5. a hatedbjokedc welcomeddstaredc 句意:但他问我“你曾经和你爱的人告别过吗,并且是永远的那种告别?”说着他和我攀谈起来。结合上下文,他开始和我交谈,故此处他应该是欢迎我的。故选c 项。6. a addedbrepliedc doubteddshout

12、edb 句意:“是的,我有。”我回答道。分析句子可知,此处为我的回应。故选b项。 7. a painbangerc appreciationdboredomc 句意:表达我对父亲为我所做的一切心怀感激。我对我父亲所做的一切是感激的。故选 c项。 8. a foreverbenoughc familydflighta 句意:为什么是一个永久的告别?根据后文可知,这可能是自己最后一次见到女儿了。故选a 项。 9 a crybsmilec wishb 句意:他开始微笑。根据后文“dcomplainsmiled even more ”可推测此处应为微笑。故选b项。 10. a looked intob

13、looked upc looked throughdlooked afterb 句意:他停了一会,向上望去似乎要努力回忆起一些细节。结合情境,作者能够看到老人的微笑,老人应该是抬起头进行回忆。故选b 项。11. a guidebinterestc supportdfindc 句意:我希望你生活中充满足够多的美好事物支撑你的生活。结合语境可知,生活需要美好的事物来支撑。故选c 项。12 a sunnyc relaxedbcuriousdsimplea 句意:我希望你生活里有足够多的阳光,让你保持积极的生活态度。结合语境可知, 生活里充满阳光才能使自己的生活快乐,态度积极。故选a 项。 13. a

14、 sadderblowerc closerdbiggerd 句意:希望你经历足够多的痛苦后,生活中小小的幸福都可以被放大。结合语境可知,经历了足够的痛苦后,生活中的小小幸福都会被放大。故选d项。 14. a comfortbtouchc satisfydliftc 句意:我希望你付出足够的努力来满足你想要的生活。satisfy one's life为固定搭配,意为“使某人生活得到满足”故选c 项。15. a firstblostc onlydfinald 句意: 我希望有足够多的祝福能伴你度过最后的“再见”。与上文永远的再见呼应, 故选 d项。 . 语法填空ilikeboardings

15、choolbecause notonlycan ilearntobe 1. (dependent) by arrangingmy studyand campus lifeon my own, but i willalsobecome mentallymature more 2. (quick) by getting along with my roommates and peers.one day, my roommates lisaand andrea saidto me,“ you know, mary, the onlyreason sarahstartsonthebasketballt

16、eamis3. thecoachlikesher. ” 4. hearing this, sarah's heart sank.she did not attack them back.instead,she told them the5. (true) directly and that they had hurt her.lisa felt6. (shame) for spreading rumour and andrea was speechless.it was sarah'sproper7. (behave) that prevented her from being

17、 harmed, 8. might otherwiseturnintoa dorm conflict.theyboth 9. (apologize)tosarah and they becamefriendsagain.fromthe story , i firmlybelievethatonlywithwisdom, tolerance and a good sense, will we effectively avoid conflicts with peers and thus create apeaceful and10. (value) relationship in school.

18、【语篇解读】作者通过合理地处理和其他同学的冲突,告诉我们要用智慧避免与同龄人的冲突,在学校里创造一种和平而珍贵的关系。1. independent 考查形容词。句意:我喜欢寄宿学校,因为我不仅可以通过自己安排学习和校园生活来学会独立,而且通过与室友和同龄人相处,我的心智也会更快地成熟。此空用形容词作表语,根据句意“独立的”,故填independent。2. quickly 考查副词。 句意参见上题。 此空副词比较级修饰动词become,前已有 more,故填 quickly。3. that 考查名词性从句。句意:mary,你知道sarah 开始参加篮球队的唯一原因是教练喜欢她。 根据 the reason (why) isthat.,可知此处用that引导表语从句, 故填 that 。4. on 考查介词。句意: sarah 一听这话, 心就沉了下去。 on doing/ n. 表示“一就”,符合


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