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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。- 1 - / 7 2019-2020 年高中英语 unit 2 robots revision导学案 新人教版选修 7 一,单项选择(每小题1.5 分,共计30 分) 1,she doesnt speak _ her friends , but her written work is excellent. a as well as b as often as c as much as d as good as 2,he dived in the water and _ to search for his lost watch a caught

2、his breath b held his breath c cost his breath d took breath 3,the teacher said there were twelve _ who had failed in the exam. a at all b in all c all in d all in all 4,i suggested that they should _ themselves to their new conditions. a adapt b put c match d suit 5,though the radio seems a bit too

3、 expensive, it is well_ a worth to buy b worthy of buying c worth buying d worth being bought 6,its bad manners to _ the disabled. a make a fun of b make fun to c make fun d make fun of 7._ you keep on practicing english, i m sure you will be able to speak it fluently. a. as soon as b. as long as c.

4、 even if d. as if 8.they desired that they_ the right to vote. a. had b. have c. are d. were 9. nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_ his boss. a. serves b. satisfies c. promises d. support 10. when we finally_ to get home after the tiring long journey we could hardl

5、y move a step farther. a. tried b. succeeded c. managed d. attempted 11. a tales of two cities is_ a novel. it helps us to understand the history of england and french of that time. a. more than b. not more than c. no more than d. less than 12. it s the ability to do the job _ matters not where you

6、e from or what you are. a. one b. that c. what d. it 13. sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _ her boss could read it first thing the next morning. a. so that b. because c. although d. when 14. tom should love _his little sister to the theater this evening. a. to be taken b. to tak

7、e c. being taken d. taking 15. with a lot of problem _, the newly elected president is having a hard time. a. settled b. settling c. to settle d. being settled 16. -why are you smiling at me? - you look _ in that hat. a. absent-minded b. absurd c. gifted d. wise 17. john has no difficulty making fri

8、ends in any situations due to his _ character. a. selfish b. hardworking c. easygoing d. shy 18. in some part of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. 真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。- 2 - / 7 a. a,is serving b. is served c. serves d. served 19._ a new library _ in our school last year? a. a.is ; built b. w

9、as ; built c. does ; build d .did ; build 20.a lot of things _ by people to save the little girl now. a. a.are doing b. are being done c. has been done d. will be done 二, 完型填空(共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从20 40 各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和 d)中,选出最佳选项。just home from work, daddy stepped in the kitchen whe

10、re mother and i were preparing supper from the look on his face, we knew something was 21 him“mrroth is worse, ” he said “the doctor says it s only a 22 of time nowthe old man can 23 his pain, but not the long hours he has to spend alonehis eyes are 24 bad that he cant read ,and he doesn t get much

11、25 he keeps begging for a big dog to be his panion(伴侣 ) , 26 he can reach out and touch as he sits in his wheelchair in the sun”“why dont they 27 him a dog?” i asked“honey,with mrroth in the hospital so much of time there are a lot of 28 there isn t enough money.”“they could go to the animal shelter

12、(庇护所) and get one” i 29 “yes,” daddy said “ i suppose they could but it has to be a 30 dog,which they can trust to be gentle(温顺的) not all big dogs are” after supper ,i went 31 my big german shepherd( 牧羊犬 ) ,dan,was usually playing he jumped up and ran to meet me 32 he always did when i came into sig

13、ht there were no other 12 一 year old girls in our neighborhood,so i 33 dan for panionshipwhen i rode my bicycle, he ran behind me; when i rollerskated on the sidewalk, he followed behindit had been that way since daddy 34 him home four years before now, i couldnt 35 daddys words in the kitcheni thre

14、w my arms 36 dans neck and buried my face in his stiff hair“i love you,” i whispered to him “i d be 37 without you,but oh, dan ,i know what i should do, 38 i dont want to do it”i thought about mrrothhe was old ,sick and almost 39 it seemed to me that he was just about out of blessingsi 40 quicklyi k

15、new what i had to do i went to my father and said, “mrroth can borrow dan” tears started down my face ( )21a pleasing bbothering cpuzzling dfrightening ( )22a sort blot cwaste d matter ( )23a consider bsuffer cbear dcure ( )24a so btoo cvery dalso ( )25a 1uck bpany cwealth dbusiness ( )26a someone b

16、this cone dthat 真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。- 3 - / 7 ( )27a buy boffer csupply dpromise ( )28a supplies boperations cexpenses dvisits ( )29a replied basked cexplained dsuggested ( )30a fierce bspecial cuseful dbrave ( )31a which bwhat cwhen dwhere ( )32a once bthough cas dif ( )33a came across bthought

17、 of cdepended on dfelt like ( )34a brought btrained cdrove d delivered ( )35a realize bunderstand cforget dappreciate ( )36a through bpast cover daround ( )37a lost bsurprising caggressive d fearful ( )38a so band cor dbut ( )39a crazy bblind clonely dpainful ( )40a ran up bgot up cwoke up dpicked u

18、p 三:阅读理解(每题2 分,满分14 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的上个选项(a、b、c、d)中,选出最佳选项。 a kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. such a person is not really a thief. they are sick and cannot help themselves. all small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to contro

19、l their actions. people with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. with medical help they may bee normal citizens again. the things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. they often give away

20、 what they have stolen or collect things without using them. 1. what is the topic of the text? a. young thieves. c. reasons for stealing b. an unusual illness d. a normal childs actions 2. from the text we learn that small children _. a. have little control over themselves c. are usually kleptomania

21、cs b. usually steal things but grow up honest d. like to give things away 3. which of the following word can best replace the word desire in the first sentence? a. chance b. power c. right d. wish 4. kleptomaniacs usually steal things that a. are valuable b. are unimportant c. their friends like d.

22、they themselves need b o. henry was a pen name used by an american writer of short stories. his real name was william sydney porter. he was born in north carolina in 1862. as a young boy he lived an exciting life. he did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he n

23、eeded to know. when he was about 20 years old, o. henry went to texas, where he tried different jobs. he first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. when some money went missing from the bank, o. henry was believed to have stolen it. because 真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。- 4 - / 7 of that,

24、he was sent to prison. during the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. after he got out of prison, he went to new york and continued writing. he wrote mostly about new york and the life of the poor there. people like his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would fini

25、sh with a sudden change at the end, to the readers surprise. 5. in which order did o. henry do the following things? a. lived in new york b. worked in a bank c. travel to texas d. was put into prison e. had a newspaper job f. learned to write stories a. e, c, f, b,d,a b. c, e, b, d, f, a c. e, b, d,

26、 c, a, f d. c, b, e, d, a ,f 6. people enjoyed reading o. henrys stories because _. a. they had surprising ending b. they were easy to understand c. they showed his love for the poor d. they were about new york city 7. o. henry went to prison because _. a. people thought he had stolen money from the

27、 newspaper b. he did not work well c. he wanted to write stories about prisoners d. people thought he had taken money that was not his c they can run all day. they never plain and if they demand a pay rise you can just remove their batteries: many premiership managers must dream of having a robotic

28、( 机 器 人的)football player. in fact, robotics researchers believe that by 2050 a robotic football team will take to the field that will be able to defeat the current human world champions. its an ambitious goal which sounds more like science fiction than realitybut the plan to develop the robotic equi

29、valent of brazil is already well on its way. this week, teams of robots from all over the world are taking part in robocup xx the robotic football world cup. this year the event is taking place at georgia tech university in the us for the biggest ever demonstration of robotic footballing prowess. wh

30、ile they might not have the guile or pace of wayne rooney just yet, scorelines that stretched into double figures proves that these robo- soccer stars certainly have a grasp of the games fundamentals. the groups ranged from the “ humanoid league” right through to robots so small they can only be see

31、n with a microscope in the inaugural “nano- cup” for robots to play football, various technologies have been developed including artificial intelligence so the robots know who to pass to and how best to defeat an opponent as well as sophisticated robotics and sensors. after the fun and games of the

32、robocup is over, the technologies developed for scoring winning goals is then transferred to a number of other more useful applications such as developing robots that can be used in search and rescue in large scale disaster. 1the first paragraph is mainly about _. 真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。- 5 - / 7 a

33、the features of robotic football players ba part of an interesting science fiction ca report on a football game in a newspaper da scene of the xx womens football world cup 2the incorrect description on robotcup xx is _. ait will be held in georgia tech university in the us brobots from a few countri

34、es have joined in the festival crobotic football players have ever achieved best dthe sizes of robotic football players are different 3what do the scores of the robo- soccer stars prove? arobo- soccer stars are equal to football players in skills. brobo- soccer stars will defeat the human world cham

35、pions. crobo- soccer stars understand the basic knowledge of the game. drobo- soccer stars have the pace of the famous stars. 4the main idea of the last paragraph is that _. arobots can be used to search for and save victims in accidents bthe advanced robots can defeat other players in a game cthe r

36、obots with artificial intelligence know how to pass balls dthe technology developed for robots can be used in other fields 5what would be the best title for the passage? aworld cup for robots kicks offbrobots join in the world cup football crobotic soccer stars are populardrobots promote the popular

37、ity of football 第二卷(非选择题单词拼写1i felt_(糟透的 )about not being able to help. 2she is having an_(暧昧关系 )with her boss. 3gary has a_(才干 )for making people laugh. 4to the_(满意 )of the customers, the problem was settled. 5it is difficult to_(评定 )the buildings value properly without seeing it. 6my father didnt find it easy to express his a_for us. 7mary was good - looking, rich and intelligent, so all girls e_her. 8the news of the radiation leak caused widespread public a_. 9the children seem unaffected emotionally by their parents d_. 10 i like my clothes


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