



1、Unit 11 Section B 1a-1cBy Luo xianfenPart1 Teaching planContents;Vocabulary: general remaind search forStructure: 1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man?2) What was the poor man doing on the street?3. The general cannot find a happy person and the king remains unhappy forever.4. T

2、he general finds a happy person with power and money.5. The general realizes he is a happy person and gives his shirt to the king to wear.Part 2.Teaching aim.How to understand the new words and phrases.Part 3. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Let's have a short review ofThe Shirt of a Happy Man (Part 1

3、).Once upon _ time, there lived an (happy) king in therichest and (beautiful) country. No one slept in his countryas (bad) as he (do). He didn' t feel like (eat). Thequeen and people of (he) were very (worry). They sentthe most famous doctor (examine) him. The doctor saidnothing could help the k

4、ing a happy (man) shirt. Theprime min ister, the ban ker and the palace sin ger(call) in to thepalaceon ce, but none of them said they were happy and all of(they) had(they) own worries. (final), the king ' topgen eral was sent(find) a happy man in three(day) time.Step 2. Look at the possible end

5、ingsjo the story about the unhappy king:1. The gen eral cannot find a happy pers on and the king rema ins un happy forever.2. The general finds a happy person with power and money.3. The gen eral realizes he is a happy pers on and gives his shirt to the king to wear.4. The king suddenly becomes happ

6、y without the shirt of a happy man.Do you think any of these is the right one? If_so, which one?Step3. What are some other possible endings_to the story?1c. Liste n to The Shirt of a Happy Man (Part II) and check (V) the thi ngsthat happened in the rest of the story.The gen eral searched for three d

7、ays and found a happy pers on.The gen eral could not find a happy pers on.The gen eral saw a poor man on the street.The poor man was a happy man.The poor man gave the gen eral his shirt.Step4. Id.Listen again. Answer the questions.1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man?2) What was

8、 the poor man doing on the street?3) What made the poor man so happy eve n though he had no power, money or fame?4) Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor manWhy or why n ot?Step5.Discussi on.Do you agree with the poor man's thoughts about happ in ess? Discuss your ideas

9、with your group. Then role-play the rest of the story.Step6. Fill in the blanks.The(king) top gen eral searchedthe shirt of a happy manfor two days and he realized every one had(they) own problemsand n obody was(true) happy. Just the mome nt whe n he was aboutto give, he saw a poor man(eat) with his hands andsinging a(please) song with(please).“ You sound(happy). “I am(exact) happy. “ You are a poor manpower, moneyfame. Whatmakes you so(please)? “ You are(correct)! I have everythi ng I wan t. I don'twantI can't have. My happy song comes from the(happy) I h


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