1、【书面表达】高考英语15种类型、30 范文、篇篇经典15种类型1. 感谢信、2祝贺信、3.建议信、4投诉信、5.推荐信、6请求信、7.邀请 信、8道歉信、9.申请信、10.咨询信、11.讲话稿、12.倡议书、13.欢迎辞、 14通知、15.新闻报道1感谢信假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大 学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。注意:1 词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear PrOfeSSOr Liang,! am WIItinq to extend mv qratitude to VOU because With your
2、help I am IlOW a StUdent Of ChemiStry DePartment Of Sydney University.LaSt June, When I applied to become agraduate StUdent Of Sydney University, you really gave me a IOt Of VaIUable help. YOU not Only WrOte a recommendation for me to PrOfeSSOr WellS WhO WOrkS in the Sydney University but also gave
3、me CarefUl and Patient instructions On how to fill the application forms and Write the applicatiOn IetterS.It is VOUr UnreSerVed help that enables me to Obtain this SPlendid OPPOrtUnitV Of further education. FOr the following two years I Will StUdy hard to reciprocate your SinCere help and expectati
4、OnS With excellent gradesLi HUareciprocate n Siprakeit回报假如你叫李明r在伦敦学习期间,你待在JOnathan的家里。请你给JOnathan 写一封电子邮件表示感谢,并邀请他明年暑假来你家。内容要点:1. 感谢JOnathan让你住在他家;2. 他们给你创造了一个很好的家庭氛围;3. 明年你将中学毕业,届时你将有两个月的假期,你和家人诚邀JOnathan暑 期来西安度假。注意:1 词数100词左右。2. 内容应包括以上要点,并适当增加细节,以使内容连贯【参考范文】Dear JOnathan,I Carft tell you how much
5、 I appreciated VOUr kindness in Iettinq me StaV at VOUr home While I WaS in London, It WaS a delight to See a IOVinq family, YOU kept me COmPany and Created a great home atmosphere for me. I Shall always treasure the time When We Were together.NeXt summer, I WiIl graduate from SeniOr high SChOOl and
6、 it WiIl be about two months before I go to UniVerSityl SO my Parents and I WOUIel really Iike you to COme here On VaCatiOn. There are a IOt Of beautiful and historic PlaCeS in Xi,an. I,m SUre you WiIl Iike it. Meanwhile, We WiIl have a nice time and enjoy OUrSeIVeS again.m IOOking forward to your r
7、eply. PIeaSe Send my best regards to your Pare nts!Yours,Li Ming2祝贺信假如你是李华,你的英国好友George即将参加”汉语桥”决赛。他来信询问学 习汉语的方法,现在请你用英文给他回信,内容要点包括:1祝贺进入决赛;2.传授学习方法;3表达美好祝愿。注意:1 词数80词左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear GeOrge ,COngratUIatiOnS On your entering the final Of ChineSe Bridge. I am more than qlad to Offer SOme
8、 advice On how to Iearn ChineSe WeII, WhiCh hopefully Can help you gain a good result in the COnling competition.In Order to acquire a good knowledge Of Chinese CUItUrel you are SUPPOSed to read more books inClUding noVeIS. COnSUltinq a dictionary is UndOUbtedIy a good Way to enlarge your VOCabUIary
9、 and grasp its USaqeS If POSSible, make full USe Of your time to IiStenl SPeak because PraCtiCe makes perfect.COngratUIatiOnS again and best WiSheS for your brilliant future.Yours, Li HUa 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友SteVe被当地一所孔子学院录取,即将入学,不 知道如何作学业方面的准备。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:1 表不祝贺:2你的建议; 3 表达祝愿。注意:1 词数80词左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连
10、贯。【参考范文】Dear SteVe ,l, m delighted to Iearn that you,ve been admitted into the COnfUCiUS Institute. COngratulations! Here, rd Iike to Share how to get PrePared for the COming StUdy thereFirStl you need to enIarge your Chinese VOCabUIary, thus POtentially helping you better fit into the class. Also,
11、SOme knowledge Of COnfUCiUS Will SUreIV help VOU CatCh a qlimpse Of his thoughts and ideas, WhiCh are deeply rooted in the ChineSe CUltUre but quite different from What VOU hold.I hope you'll harvest a IOt in the COnfUCiUS InStitUte and hopefully be a man With a global vision. May everything go
12、Well With you!Yours, Li HUa3.建议信假如你是李华。某中学生英语报社准备增设一个EnVirOnmental PrOteCtiOn的 栏目,为此报社就报道内容与方式向读者征求建议。请你根据以下提示给编辑 写封信,提出你的建议。1 .报道内容广泛;2. 报道应包括原因、危害,并重点突出应对方法; 3语言简单易懂,适合更多的读者。注意:1 .词数80左右;2 .可适当增加细节f以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear editor ,m glad to know from your PaPer that you are asking readers for SUggeStiOnS
13、 On your new SeCtiOn, EnVirOnmental PrOteCtion. Mine are as follows :The SeCtiOn ShOUId COVer a Wide range Of environmental ConCerns and meanWhile ,each report ShOUld inClUde CaUSeS fettects and more importantly f effective measures , thus making the PUbliC aware that everyOne ShOUId and Can do SOme
14、thing to deal With enVirOnmental PrOblemS. Besides, reports ShOUId be Written in SimPle EngliSh in OrCler to attract as many readers as POSSible.d appreciate it if VOU COUld take mv advice into account.YOUrS truly, Li HUa 假定你是李华。新落成的外文书店为增加访客量现向市民征求建议,请给书店 经理Mr. Davis写一封建议信,内容包括:1. 拥有宽敞的空间以提供良好的阅读体验
15、;2. 提供咨询、讲座等服务;3. 其他建议(至少一条)。注意:1 词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Mr. Davis1COngratulatiOnS On your newly-opened bookstore and here are SOme SUqqeStiOnS On how to increase the POPUlaritV Of VOUr store.Firstly, SPaCiOUS room that PrOVideS readers With a COZy and agreeable reading environment is ess
16、ential SO as to ensure a PleaSant and SatiSfaCtOry reading experience. SeCOndly, SerViCeS Iike COnSUItatiOn and IeCtUreS are highly recommended, With WhiCh COnSUmerS Can make more PrOPer ChOiCeS Of books and their interest in readinq miqht be StinlUIated as well. In addition, it is also a WiSe ChOiC
17、e to Set UP a COffee and Snack SeCtiOn to add more fun to the bookstoreHOPe you,ll find my SUggeStiOnS USefUl and WiSh you great SUCCeSS in your business.YOUrS SinCerelylLi HUa4.投诉信假如你是李华,上周你在海外购物网站AmaZOn上购买了一个书包,但是寄到 后发现存在质量问题,请你给该网站负责人Smith先生写一封信,内容包括:1. 反应质量问题2你的诉求注意:1.可以适当补充细节,以使行文连贯;2词数80左右。【参考
18、范文】Dear SmithlI am Li Hua, a regular CUStOmer Of AmaZ On .I'm SOrry to trouble you, but I have to make a COmPlaint about the SChOOl bag I PUrChaSeCl IaSt WeekWhen receiving the SChOOl baq, I WaS disappointed to find the COlOr WaS quite different from What WaS ShOWn in the advertisement. What als
19、o annoyed me WaS that there Were SeVeral black SPOtS On the baq, WhiCh COUldrvt be WiPed away. For the reas OnS above, I StrOngly dema nd either the SChOOl bag be exchanged Or I be COmPensated With full refund.LOOking forward to your PrOmPt reply.YOUrS SinCerelylLLiHUa假如你是李华r昨天在商场购买了一台电风扇,回家后发现它不能运转
20、。你 回到店里与营业员交涉时,该营业员对你的态度恶劣,对你提出的问题不予 受理。请你为此向经理写一封投诉信。Dear Manager1I feel SOrry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a COmPIaint.YeSterday I bought an electric fan in your shop, but When I got home and turned it on, it didn't WOrk. SO I took it back and talked to the assistant abou
21、t the PrOblem TO my SUrPriSel instead Of helping me SOlVe the problem, the man, in a rude manner, refused to examine it.Generally,your ShOP is WeII-known for good SerViCe and that is WhV I bought the electric fan in VOUr ShOP I WaS realv UPSet to find that SUCh a thing ShOUld have OCCUrTed in your s
22、hop.! am Waitinq for a reasonable explanation and expecting an early reply.SinCerely yours, Li HUa5.推荐信假设你是李华,得知你的英国笔友JaCky根到中国读大学,学习并体验中国文 化,想征询你的意见。请你根据以下内容,给他写一封电子邮件。内容包括:1 .表示欢迎;2 推荐大学;3 你的期待。注意:1 .词数80词左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Jacky,I am SO delighted to have received your letter. m Writ
23、ing to express my WarmeSt WeICOme to you and m SUre you WiIl have the most UnfOrgettabIe COIIege experience.GiVen VOUr keen interest in ChineSe culture, I recommend VOU apply for Zhejianq University. YoU Can immerse yourself in OUr PrOfOUnd history and SPlenClid CUltUre in its Chinese LiteratUre maj
24、or. MOreOVer, Zhejiang University is IOCatecl in Hangzhou5 WhiCh Will attract you With its beautiful SCenery and harmonious CUItUral environment.I SinCerely hope your Clream WiIl COme true .If you have further questi Ons, PleaSe Iet me know.Yours, Li HUa 假走你是李华,你们学校下周将要举行全校英语演讲比赛,学校安排外教Jay选拔 名主持人,请(
25、馅Jay号封信,鲫血伺班学王瞋舌:1. 写信目的;2. 推荐理由;3. 希望给予考虑。【参考范文】Dear Jay,I am Writing to recommend Wang Ming as the host Of the COming English SPeeCh COnteStHUnlOrOUS and OUtqOinq, he never fails to make US feel at ease. BeSideSI he Can SPeak EngliSh fluently and accurately. MOreOVer, he has the experience Of bein
26、q a host in the NeW Year Party WhiCh Ieft US a qreat impression. He knows exactly What makes a qood host.I SinCerely hope you Can COnSider my recommendation because he is the right PerSOn you are IOOking for.Yours,Li HUa6请求信假走你是校英语俱乐部负责人李华,你校即将举行“英语角”活动,你根求助于 你的朋友一某国际高中学生会主席JaCk帮忙选派5位学生参加活动。请给 JaCk写
27、一封电子邮信,内容包括:1 活动时间;2. 活动主题;3希望选派什么样的学生。注意:1 词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯【参考范文】Dear Jack,The English COrner Of OUr SChOOl is SChedUled for JanUary 4th. TO make it more attractive, m Wnting to ask you if you COUld arrange for five StUdents Of your SChOOl to join us.AS the topic WiIl be UDifferenCe between C
28、hineSe and AmenCan Educationp, it WOUId be great if the five StUdentS Were familiar With the AmeriCan educatiOn SyStem. absolutely SUre that your SUPPOrt WiIl add much COlOr to the eve nt and guara ntee its SUCCeSS.YOUr timely reply WiIl be highly appreciatedYours, Li HUa 假定你是李华。你的外籍教师John本打算春季开学时返回
29、中国,现因新冠(COVlD-19 )疫情待在LOndOn家中。你在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,请给他写一封E-mail寻求帮助。内容如下:1. 询问JOhn的健康情况2. 告知学习中的困难3. 请求帮助注意:1 词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear JOhn,HOW are you doing these days? ve got into SOme trouble in Iearning EngIiSh recently, SO m writing to Seek SOme help from you.It's a great Pity that you
30、 can,t return to China because Of the OUtbreak Of COVlD-19 Take Care Of yourself at home. With the CEE approaching, I find it more and more difficult to improve mv Wrltinq skills, WhiCh makes me frustrated. WoUld you PleaSe give me SOme advice On it?I WOUld appreciate it if VOU COUld do me the favor
31、. BeSt wishes.YOUrS , Li HUa7.邀请信假定你是李华,校学生会主席。即将高中毕业,你代表全体高三学生邀请外教Jeff来参加毕业典礼。1 .时间:6月6日上午9 : 00 ;地点:学校音乐厅;2. 介绍毕业典礼的活动;3 希望Jeff能够发表简短的演讲。注意:1词数80左右;2可适当增加细节f以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Jeff,I am Li HUaJ Chairman Of the StUdents, Union, Wnting to invite you to attend OUr graduatiOn CeremOny.The CeremOny is t
32、o be held in the SChOOl MUSiC HaIl at 9:00 am, On JUne 6th. It Will Start With the SChOOl Anthem, WhiCh is followed by VariOUS PerfOrmances raging from dances to martial arts. MOreOVer, VideOS made by StUdentS themselves Will bring the ViVid recollectiOnS Of PaSt SChOOl Iife into ViSUal reality. ShO
33、Uld OUr qraduation CeremOnV bv ended With VOUr speech, it WOUld do US a qreat honor.PIeaSe reply at your earliest convenience.Yours, Li HUa 请写一封信邀请你的英语外教Smith 同前往参观国际非物质文化遗产博览 园 the InternatiOnaI IntangibIe CUltUraI ParkO 内容如下:1、时间安排:12月10日8点校门口集合乘大巴前往,下午3点返回。2、活动内容:随导游参观;中午野餐(自备)要求:1、Ioo字左右;2、可适当增加
34、内容。参考词汇:遗产:heritage【参考范文】Dear SmithJTO have a better UnderStanding Of What We Iearnt about CUltUral heritage in EngliSh class, We have arranged a ViSit to the International Intangible CUltUral Park. TherefOrel I Wonder if you are interested to go With us, during WhiCh We Can have a feast Of amazing
35、Chinese culture.AS has been Planned, We Will gather and Set off/out at the SChOOl gate at 8:0OI DeCember 10 and return at 15:0O. UPor) OUr arrival, a guide WiIl introduce US those remarkable PaStS in different aspects Of PeOPle,s Iife When ShOWing US around the Park. At lunchtime, well be enjoying O
36、Ur PiCniC PrePared in advance On the grass, Chatting and having fun.We WOUIel feel greatly honOred and PIeaSed if you COUld accept the invitation. I am IOOking forward to your reply at your earliest COnVenience.YOUrSl Li HUa&道歉信假如你是李华。你已和英国朋友EriC约定于本周三下午去高铁站接他。 但你临时有重要会议不能如约前往,将委托他人接站。请你用英语给EriC
37、写 封致歉信,主要内容包括:1 .表ZF歉意;2解释原因;3. 接站安排。注意:1 .词数80词左右;2 .可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear EriC JI am Writing to apologize for being Unable to meet you at the railway StatiOn this Wednesday afternoon. I've just been informed to attend an important COnference, SO I WiIl arrange for my COIIeagUe Li Lei to Pi
38、Ck you up. He WiIl be Waiting for you in due time at the arrival exit YOU Can COntact him atif necessary.SOrry again for any inconVenience that may be CaUSed I Shall meet you at your hotel in the evening and then We Can have dinner together. WiSh you a PleaSant journey.YOUrS SinCereIy,L
39、i HUa 假如你是李华,你在外教Mr.Smith星期一的阅读课上迟到了,请根据以下提 示给史密斯先生写一封电子邮件道歉。1. 道歉原因:因迟到而破坏正常的教学进程;2. 希望帮老师做点什么事情弥补;3. 表达以后不迟到的决心。注意:1 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;【参考范文】Dear Mr.Smith,I am Writing to apologize for being Iate for your reading ClaSS On MOnday. I am Very SOrry for any inconvenience that I may CaUSe in y
40、our teaching, and I Want to express my deep regret. I WOUICl appreciate your allowing me to take SOme make-up action. Maybe I Can VOlUnteer to be your assistant in the reading activity SOmetime soon. If you agree, PleaSe Iet me know When We Can arrange to COmPlete this project.I PrOmiSe that I Will
41、never be Iate for ClaSS again and WiIl do my beat to fully COntribute to the SmOOth functioning Of the ClaSSrOOm. At last, I hope you Can accept my SinCere apology.YOUrS SinCerelylLi HUa9申请信WOrId WithOUt BOrders(义工组织)正在招募前往斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka ) 支教的义工。假定你是高中生李华f请写一封申请信。内容包括:1. 介绍自己;2 申请理由。注意:1. 词数80左右;2.
42、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Sir / Madam,I am Li Hua, a senior SChOOl StUdent from China.Wnting to apply for a job as a VOlUnteer teacher in Sri Lanka.With abundant PreViOUS experience, m SUre ll be fit for the job. MOre importantly, I have a good COmmand Of English and get On WeIl With kids, WhiCh WiI
43、l enable me to be a qualified teacher.I WOUICl be grateful if Offerecl the Chance. LOOking forward to your earliest reply.YOUrS ,Li HUa 假如你是李华,从网上看到了美国的一家“孔子学院”在中国招聘教学助理的广 告,欢迎中国学生参加。请用英语给该校负责人MiSS Lee发一封电子邮件申 请参加。内容主要包括:1. 自我介绍(兴趣、特长);2. 参加意图;3. 希望获准。注意:1词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear MiSS Lee
44、,m Wnting to apply for a POSitiOn WOrking as a teaching assistants in your SChOOl as is advertised On the IntenIet. I am IOnging to get this job to better qualify myself and help OtherS as WeIlFOr me,Chinese is my mother tongue and m excellent in it. Besides, having Iearned EngIiSh for 9 years, m ra
45、ther PrOfiCient in both SPOken and Wntten EngliSh. And m WiIling to help foreigners Iearn the ChineSe IangUage and CUltUre.I'd appreciate your COnSideratiOn Of my applicatiOrL LOOking forward to your reply.YOUrS sincerely, Li HUa10.咨询信假定你是李华,在网上看到英国King's SChOOl有关远程教育课程(DiStanCe Learning COU
46、rSe)的信息,你对其中某一门课程很感兴趣,决定给该校负责人 写一封信,询问这门课程的具体情况,内容包括:1. 课程开设时间、内容等;2课程报名方式。注意:1. 词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear SirMadam1The Other day, I Came across your DiStance Learning COUrSe When SUrfing the Internet. IntereSted in the EnqIiSh Writinq COUI"se, l,m Writinq to ask for more details.My fir
47、st COnCern is When the COUrSe StartS and how Iong it IaStS. I also WOnder What the COUrSe is actually about and how it is arranged. Besides, COUId you tell me What I ShOUlcl do if I decide to Sign up?LOOking forward to your earliest reply.YOUrS , Li HUa 假如你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语,为期六周。请你向这所学校 写封信,询问课程坏境及住
48、宿等相关情况。【参考范文】Dear Sir/ Madam,I am a StUdent in China, Planning to go to Britain to attend a SUmmer SChOOl during the VaCatiOn. I am Writing to See if it is POSSible for you to Offer me information regardiDg your SiX-Week English COUrSeTO begin Withl I WOUld appreciate it if you COUIcl tell me When t
49、he COUrSe WiIl Start and how many ClaSS hours are there Per week. What,s more, What about the ClaSS size? I WiSh there WOUId be fewer StUdentS in a class,in WhiCh CaSe StUdentS Can qet more attention. AdditiOnaIIV , d also Iike to know how much I have to Pay for the COUrSe and Whether accommodatiOr)
50、 is in eluded. LaSt but not the least, What deserves my SPeCial attention is Whether there Will be any host families Or UniVerSitV dormitories.Thank you for your kindness, and your early reply to this Ietter WiIl be highly appreciated.YOUr faithfully , Li HUa 11讲话稿假定你是李华,美国某所高中的学生即将来你校做交流活动,请你写一篇讲话
51、稿,简要介绍你校,内容包括:1 学校概况;2 活动特色。注意:1 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 不可出现真实校名。【参考范文】Dear triends,m Li HUa. WelCOme to OUr SChOOI! OUr SChOOl is founded in 1919 .It COVerS an area Of 27 hectares With a total Of 800 StUdents. WeIlknown for its quality education, OUr SChOOl takes qreat Pride in the ClUb activ
52、ities. Different ClUbS focus On different themes On a monthly basis. Currently, OUr Art ClUb is StUdying ChineSe traditional CUItUre.Fm SUre it,ll be a fantastic experience for you to join us.HOPefUIly you,ll enjoy a WOnderfUl stay. Thanks.学校将为2020届学生举行毕业典礼,邀请你作为学生代表发言。请你用英语 写一篇发言稿,要点如下:1 表达感谢;2. 简述
53、对学校生活的感受;3. 展望未来注意:1 .词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear teachers and schoolmates,GOod morning! It is a great honour for me to deliver a graduation SPeeCh On be half Of my ClaSSmateS.FirSt Of all, We ShOUIcl thank OUr Parents for their SinCere IOVe for us. Whenevewe,re UPSetl they always enCOUrage
54、us. Besides, We ShOUId be grateful to OUr teachers for their help With OUr StUclieS at SChOOL NOt OnlV do they teach US knowledge but also help US ShaPe OUr characters. And We WiIl also give OUr heartfelt thanks to OUr ClaSSmateS for their friendshipOVer the PaSt three years, we,ve made great PrOgre
55、SS in every aspect. Now, we,ve grown UP both PhySiCaIIy and mentally. We,re ready to develop OUr OVeraIl abilities to SerVe OUr motherland. We,re SUre to be your pride, my dear SChOOLThat,s all. Thank you.12倡议书假定你是李华,注意到你校学生很少进行英语文学阅读。请给全校同学用英语写一封倡议书,倡导大家多阅读英语文学作品。内容包括:1、介绍现状;2、你对英语文学阅读的看法;3、发出倡议。注意
56、:1、词数80左右;2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】My fellow students,CUrrently, most StUdents in OUr SChOOl read Iittle EngliSh literature, IIOt Only because they COnSider it too difficult, but because they do,t think it necessary. In my view,however,EngIiSh IiteratUre is What We Carrt afford to miss. It OfferS US a
57、n OPPortUnity to appreciate the beauty Of English and have a taste Of a different CUltUre. Better yet, it allows US to COmmUnicate With those great minds.I hereby appeal to every One Of you to read more EngliSh IiteratUre and you WOn,t regret it !Li HUa假定你是李华,最近你发现有学生将共享单车停到了校园内并且上了私锁。请 你就此现象,写一封倡议书发表在校英文报上,倡议同学们文明使用共享单车。 内容提示:1. 共享单车带给人们的便利;2. 如何正确使用共享单车。【参考范文】Dear fellow StUdentSlCUrrently ShareCl bikes are booming but also mirroring SOme PrOblemS SUCh as in appropriate Parki ng and eve n IOCki ng them PriVatel y. I'm here to highly advocate truly Sharing t
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