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1、毕业论文译文题目名称:网络营销之综述 院系名称:国际教育学院 班 级:市场营销084班 学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:2012年2月网络营销之综述henry stewart摘要:多年的网络营销研究已经取得了一系列重要的发现。木文的fi的是 回顾这些发现和分析该领域哪些是已经研究过的,哪些是还没有研究的。在这一 过程中,作者的回顾的研究成杲涉及网上商品的类型、因特网作为营销渠道、互 联网作为一个广告和传播媒介、采用互联网销售对传统市场的影响。在回顾这些 研究的基础上,进行进一步的理论和实证调杳研究。一、介绍在过去的十年屮,互联网的普及以爆炸性增长。这一趋势主要体现在几个方 而。第一,根据c2002

2、年的数据,美国互联网用户以每月200万 的速度增长;截止2001年9月,美国共冇1.43亿人使用互联网(占总人口的54%), 较2000年八月增长了 26%。第二,公司创建的用以和顾客、其他公司交流的网 站数量大大增加。第三,互联网已被广大消费者用于各种用途,比如搜索信息和 在线购买。同时,据c2002年的报道,36%的美国人使用互联网寻 找产品和服务信息,比2000年增长了 10%0互联网用户屮,冇39%是在网上购 物,35%是在搜寻健康信息。随着互联网的日益普及,市场营销研究人员已经给对这种现彖给予了定性和 实践上的关注。一些学术刊物上已经刊登了有关网络营销的特刊(例如:市场营 销学、营销

3、学会期刊、零售期刊等)。多年的研究已经取得了许多重要的发现。 这些研究中,互联网被看成这样的一个销售渠道,即一个新的广告媒体、一个交 流平台。本文的研究目的是对网络营销的一些现有相关理论和研究成果进行综述,并 捉供该领域的进一步研究方向。英余的章节如下:第二章论述适合在线销售的各 类产品。互联网作为网络销售渠道在第三章已经论述过了。第四章回顾了企业和 消费者对互联网的认可。第五章讨论互联网对传统市场的影响。最后,第六章是 结论和未来研究的预测。二、网络商品网络商品的研究试图冋答下列问题:1. 什么样的商品可能适合网络销售?2. 什么样的营销策略有利于网络销售?买主对任何产品的感知都来口于对设备

4、综合体(例如质量、价值或功能)所 能提供的消费者满意度的评估,即预期的收益减去耗费(murphy and enis 1986)。 通过收集购买信息,消费者可以预测产品是否能够满足他们的需要和/或预期 (albaet al 1997)。基于信息搜索、经验和信用商品分类,一个人看待信息的性 质很可能改变。从经济学角度考虑,货物经常按照消费者在购买前后对质量和价值的评价能 力的能力,被分为搜购、体验和信用物品(darky and kami 1973)o搜购商品的 质量和价值很容易被消费者在购买前评价;体验类商品在购买或使用前会很难或 者很耗吋去评价;信用类商品在重复购买和使用之后也难以证实。在此研究

5、分类的基础上,-些学者得出了有关可以成功地在网上销售的各类 产品的初步结论。例如:克莱因(1986)指出互联网对搜索类货物具有提供信息 方便、低成木、更可定制的特点,因此可以通过方便消费者信息处理来降低搜索 成本(如吋间、旅行等)和提高预取收益。同样,pterson,balasubramanian和 bronneberg (1997)预测:对那些希望可以在购买前体验商甜的消费者来说,可 以检查商品的传统商店是网络锁不能替代的。由于搜购商品相比体验商品而言通常'更适合于网络销售,为了是体验商品在 网上成功销售,有关产品的质量和价值信息应该在消费者购买前是可以知道的。 研究者已经从不同的角

6、度提到这个问题,以软件和酒类产品作为体验产品的例 子,klein (1998)讨论了如何通过互联网把体验产品转换为搜购产品。例如, 消费者可以下载试用或者示范版木软件,以此来了解该产品的功能。几个葡萄酒 点为来宾提供广泛的信息,包括口感、葡萄酒厂历史和消费者评价,在信息库屮 很容易搜索到。alba et “1.(1997)也说明了同样的产品可以是搜购的、体验的或者 信用产品,以及体验产品如何转换为搜购产品。换句话说,当消费者对一个产品熟悉了之后,体验产品就转换为了搜购产品, 假如产品的关键属性是一致的。而且,这也说明了一些体验性产品,通过控制产品感性属性,互联网可能会 和传统渠道-在传递信息给

7、消费者方面一样有效,甚至更有效(alba et al. 1997, klein 199& and peterson, balasubramanian and bronnenberg 1997)。根据先前的讨论,得出了下面的命题:(1) 、搜购类产詁通常比体验类产詁更适合在线销售;(2) 、知名产品更适合在线销售;(3) 、公司可以使用允许产品试用,或在网上提供更多的评估信息以把体验 产詁转换为搜购产詁,以消除体验产詁在线销售的不利条件的策略。虽然有关这一问题的研究主要是基于理论推理,但是从屮得出的结果(如上命题),已被该领域所广泛接受。三、互联网作为一种营销渠道正如任何创新,成功的网络

8、营销渠道作为一 种取决于能够比其他系统或技术 提供新的冇价值的功能,更好地满足消费者的需求或超过超过其他渠道形式的优 势系统,研究人员一直从不同的角度比较互联网与其他营销渠道邙可尔巴等人, 1997) o从区分不同的零售成本和收益的消费者,包括提供可供选择的考虑,筛选 替代形式考虑设置,选择提供信息从一个补偿集、交易成本以及其他福利,如娱 乐、社会交往和个人安全。皮特森,balasubramanian和bronnenberg (1997) 表明,互联网与其他的营销渠道相比增加了一些其他功能和能力,这些特征包括 以下内容:(1)、较大数额的信息存储在相对低的成本,并提供信息交互,从而减少 买家和

9、卖家之间的信息不对称;(2)、提供强大的和廉价的方式(例如,搜索引擎)來组织和分配等信息(3)、提供感性经验(例如,三维图像和视频预览);(4)、服务作为交易媒介,以及为某些商品分发物理介质(如软件);(5)、建立在相对较低的成本的存在。哪些因索会影响自愿时间,包括“消费者在购物上的内在兴趣、店内零售组 合、以及消费者的吋间不足感”。与此相反,消费者无法避免和减少非自愿的吋 间(例如,收集和运输的产品,和/或排队等候他们作出购买)。互联网应用这个 概念,它是明确的,不自主的时间都是可以避免的。当消费者在线购买。网上购物也口j以缩短自主吋间,因为消费者不需要到实 体店。这里应注意两个问题。首先,

10、消费者无法在网上购买后无法立即获得产 品。第二、只有有限的社会互动是在互联网上提供。根据以往的讨论和建议,给出了以下命题:1、产品种类,产品信息,消费特点,消费者的购物时间的使用与消费者之 间的渠道选择。2、消费者更倾向于在互联网上易于搜到的商品,更多产品信息在互联网上 提供的,更冇可能促使消费者在线购买。消费者的时间不足感越强烈,就越冇可 能会在网上购买。一些替代品的提供不影响消费者对渠道的选择。四、互联网的采用这个课题的研究,试图回答以卜问题:(1)、哪些因素可能会影响企业和消费者采用互联网?(2)、如何增加互联网公司的绩效?如何影响消费者线上行为?网络营销的研究已经确定了一系列因素可能会

11、影响消费者接受互联网作为 交易通道和/或传播媒介,包括人口变量,心理特征,态度特征和情境因素。自助服务技术的研究述确定了一些因素,可能导致消费者网上购物行为的积 极或消极的反应(meutur等人,2000)。发现他们的项口是最满意的技术,可以 节省吋间(30%),工作可靠(21%),使用方便(16%),满足一个突出的需要 (11%),并提供更大的控制权访问(8%),而科目不满意时,技术失败(43%), 进程失败(17%),或服务设计不当(17%)。根据前面的讨论,很明显,一些因 素影响消费者网上购物行为,消费者对这些因素的重视程度也是不同的(包括人 口统计特征)。公司如果计划在网上销售产品,了

12、解这些关系是非常重要的,因 为它可以帮助他们确定自己的口标市场。两类公司预计将在互联网上更加成功。一是涉及的零售商,有强大的国家的 声誉,提供高品质,独特的商品,但有区域渗透邙可尔巴等,1997)。这样的零 售商可以利用互联网扩大市场功能,吸引新客户,无重大投资在商店位置上。联 网是理想的生态位零售商,能够达成广泛分布的客户群(奎尔奇和克莱因1996)。 同样,彼得森(1997)表示,互联网似乎是合适的,尤其是针对利基市场,在买 家和卖家都是小和分散,产品或服务的专业或独特的(例如,稀有的收藏品)。 例如,hothothot. com是一个专卖店,通过互联无,船舶和货物向超过43个国 家提供超

13、过100个詁牌的辣椒酱和辣酱。互联网使这种坚定的国际接触,没有重 大的广告投资。一些研究者实证研究,互联网的性能因素可能会影响企业参与电子市场的意 愿。例如,格雷瓦尔,科默和梅塔(2001)发现,效率动机和it能力是企业参 与珠宝交易商之间的电子市场的重要因素。吉尔恩斯(2002)探讨如何通过 互联网渠道除响公司在报纸上的财务业绩。他们发现公司直销渠道较少的经验和 更多的渠道权力比更多点接的渠道销售经验和更少的渠道权力在互联网市场屮 占有优势。随着越来越多的企业建立自己的互联网渠道,许多零售商自己也在发展多渠 道,维护他们的实体店的同吋也创办了网站。因此,需要回答一些问题,例如, 这种营销策略

14、,能不能增加零售商的销售总额?如果不是,这些渠道如何互相交 流,不拆发挥什么作用,如果有的话,多少渠道是合适的?零售商可以使用整合 多渠道的营销策略吗?零售商应在不同的渠道实施不同的营销组合吗?零售商 在什么情况下以及在何种程度上应促进消费者的尝试跨渠道协调他们的行为呢?五、互联网对传统市场的影响互联网营销是一个重要的焦点正如霍夫曼和诺瓦克(1996)所表明,有几 个原因。首先,消费者和企业都在互联网上进行大量和迅速增加的业务量。其次, 市场更分散,多对多的网络电子商务的集中,封闭式准入环境提供的网上服务。 第三,万维网是更广泛的范围内,其他超媒体(以计算机为中介的环境)的存在。 第四,网站提

15、供了一个冇效的渠道,广告,营销,其至某些分配商品和信息服务。 它已经清雄地表明,互联网正在改变规则,进行市场营销和评价,和新的消费市 场结构会出现的后果(彼得森,1997)。利维(1996)认为,互联网最终将成为 “我们不断接触的媒介,使我们保持我们的家庭,看电视,匆忙写了一个便条给 朋友,检查交通,读取新的文件,准备工作的报告,打个电话,买书研究有关在互联网上的价格是否低于传统渠道的争论是喜忧参半。史密斯 (2000)比较在互联网和传统渠道的书籍和光盘的价格发现,在互联网上的价格 比传统渠道低9-16%,取决于是否有其他相关税费,运输和装卸费用被占了。 另一方面,一些研究表明,在某些情况下,

16、更高的价格预计将在互联网上收取。 阿尔巴等人(1997)表明,在互联网上的消费者价格敏感度会比其他的非价格属 性(如质量,服务)等在传统渠道中非常重要的属性低。换句话说,一个在线公 司可以区分其产品从竞争对手的产品通过非价格属性信息提供产品和服务,从而 降低消费者的价格敏感度、提高网上价格。换句话说,一个在线公司可以通过非 价格属性信息的提供和服务,从而降低消费者的价格敏感度,较高的网上价格可 能区别于竞争对手及其产品。前所述,拉尔和sarvary (1999)也表明,互联网 可为企业提供机会,以收取高价格(例如,互联网的范围是足够广)。虽然冇论 点为较高和较低的价格在互联网上相比其他渠道,价

17、格仍然是吸引消费者的在线 零售商的主导因索(雷伯斯泰恩2002)o互联网也又多样化的定价机制。这种定价策略和反向拍卖,拍卖,动态定价, 和“自己定价”,似乎是不可行的传统机制可以有效地在互联网上实现 (kalyananam和麦金泰尔2002)。联网及其相关的通信技术已经人人提高了公司 的交互能力,从而更好地服务消费者以及其他关系的合作伙伴。罗杰斯(1999) 国家关系营销“最近才成为实际和成本效益上,因为大型数据库技术和互联网” (第122页)。互联网冇能力的个人资料的客户关系,开发定制产品由于基于互 联网的应用,从而使某些顾客关系管理策略可能(索内,2002)o网络公司不仅 可以销售不同的产

18、品包装不同的客户群体,同时也提供产品单独作为一些商业网 站允许用户配置他们自己的产品(例如,戴尔公司)。企业则可以根据客户的喜 好和基于互联网的企业和消费者之间的互动,提高他们的产品和服务,从而加深 与客户的关系。在这种个性化和定制的过程屮,顾客的忠诚度也将增加(安德森, 2002 )o木文屮提出以下问题为未来的研究方向。1、在何种程度上制造商可以绕过零售商,直接在互联网上销售给消费者? 如何在不同的产詁类别和市场细分屮做屮介?2、互联网供应商之间的竞争是不可避免的。什么营销策略可能是有效的, 产詁差异化,价格歧视,和/或营销分割?这些战略如何实施?3、建立有效的企业客户关系需要双方关系特定投

19、资(威廉森,1975)。由于 这些投资的增加,这种关系将得到加强,如果他们试图切换到另一个关系,客户 将面临成木增加。一个研究的问题是要确定企业如何可以使客户在互联网方面投 资更多。由公司提供什么样的激励机制和提供包可以吸引和留住客户,以了解更 多有关这些公司以及他们的产詁,并最终使重复购买?六、结论十年以上互联网营销的研究已经取得了一系列重要的结果。根据我们的这些 调查结果,很明显,互联网在营销领域正在发挥着越來越重要的作用。理解网络 营销将继续是冇意义的,至少冇三个原因。从院士的角度來看,它不仅可以帮助 获得冇关互联网的新思路,而且还增强了我们的理解,以现冇的营销理论是否可 以应用到这种新

20、现象。从医生的角度來看,网络营销研究提供有关网上消费的 信念和行为的知识,从而提高成功的在线公司的机会。从公共决策者的角度来 看,也有一些需要加以解决的课题,如安全,消费者保护,税务。在这三个方 面,未來可以有针对性的研究。来源:department of marketing, school of business administration, university of mississippi, university, ms 38677, usainternet marketing: an overviewabstract: years of internet marketing rese

21、arch have yielded a set of important findings. the purpose of this paper is to review these findings and assess what has been done and what has not been done in the area in doing so, the authors review existing findings ranging from the types of products on the internet, the internet as a marketing

22、channel, the internet as an advertising and communication medium, the internet adoption, to the effect of the internet on traditional markets. based on the studies reviewed, implications are drawn for further theoretical and empirical investigations.introductionduring the past decade, the popularity

23、 of the internet has been growing explosively. this trend is manifested in several ways. first, according to c (2002), the internet in the united states is growing at a rate of 2 million new internet users each month; 143 million americans (54 percent of the population) used the internet in septembe

24、r 2001, a 26 percent increase over august 2000. second, the number of companies that create web presence to communicate with customers as well as other firms has been dramatically increasing. third, the internet has been accepted by broad consumer segments for various purposes, such as information s

25、earch and online purchasing. also, as reported in c (2002), 36 percent of americans use the internet to search for products and service information, a 10 percent increase over 2000. among internet users, 39 percent are making online purchases and 35 percent are searching for health information.along

26、 with the increasing popularity of the internet, marketing researchers have given qualitative and empirical attention to this phenomenon some academic journals have released special issues related to the internet marketing (e.g., marketing science, journal of the academy of marketing science, and jo

27、urnal of retailing). years of research have yielded many important findings. among those studies, the internet has been viewed as a marketing channel, a new advertising medium, and a communication platform.the purpose of this paper is to overview existing studies regarding theories and findings of s

28、ome aspects of internet marketing and to provide directions for further investigations in the area the remainder of this paper is organized as follows. section 2 discusses the types of products that may be suitable for online selling. the internet as a marketing channel is reviewed in section 3. sec

29、tion 4 reviews the issue of internet acceptance by firms and consumers. the effect of the internet on traditional markets is discussed in section 5. finally, conclusions and perspectives for further research are provided in section 6.products on the internetresearch on the topic of internet products

30、 attempts to answer the following questions: what kind of products may be suitable for online selling? what kind of marketing strategies can be used to facilitate online selling?any product is perceived by a buyer to be a combination of utilities (e.g., qualities, values, and/or capabilities) that i

31、s expected to provide customer satisfaction assessed in terms of expected benefits minus costs incurred (murphy and enis 1986). by gathering information prior to purchase, consumers can predict whether the purchased product may satisfy their needs and/or expectations (alba et at 1997). the value of

32、this information to consumers depends on its nature and its reliability (alba et at 1997).the nature of the information will likely be altered if one views such information based on search, experience, and credence goods classification (darby and kami 1973).from an economic standpoint, goods are oft

33、en classified into search, experience, and credence goods in terms of the consumers9 ability to assess quality and value before and after purchase (darby and kami 1973). the quality and value of search goods can be easily assessed by consumers prior to purchase; the quality of experience goods is di

34、fficult and/or costly to assess prior to purchase and usage; the quality of credence goods cannot be verified even after repeated purchase and usage.based on this trichotomous classification, some marketing researchers have drawn some tentative conclusions regarding the types of products that may be

35、 successfully sold on the internet. for example, klein (1998) states that for search goods, the internet has the potential to provide information in a more accessible, less costly, and more customizable format, thus increasing the value of the internet, reducing the costs of search directly (e.g., t

36、ime, travel) and enhancing the expected benefits by facilitating consumers' information-processing. similarly, peterson, balasubramanian and bronnenberg (1997) anticipate that consumers who wish to directly experience a good prior to purchase may view the internet as an ineffective replacement o

37、f traditional in-store shopping where the good can be inspected.since search goods generally tend to be more suitable for online selling compared to experience goods, in order for an experience good to be sold online successfully, information regarding the goocts quality and value to the customer sh

38、ould be made available prior to purchase. researchers have addressed this issue from different perspectives. taking the software and the wine product category as an example of experience goods, klein (1998) discusses how the internet could transform experience into search attributes- for instance, t

39、he consumer can download a trial or demonstration version of the software and thus get insights into the product functions. several wine sites offer visitors a broad scope of information, ranging from wine taste information, winery histories, consumer reviews, to easily searchable product databases.

40、 alba et al. (1997) also illustrate that the same product can be a search, experience, or credence good and how an experience good can be converted into a search good.in other words, an experience good tends to be transformed into a search good as consumers become more familiar with the product, pro

41、vided the key attributes of the good remain consistent.moreover, it has been also suggested that for some experience goods that are dominated by perceptual attributes, the internet can be as effective as or even more effective than traditional transaction channels to deliver useful information to co

42、nsumers (alba et al. 1997, klein 199& and peterson, balasubramanian and bronnenberg 1997).based on previous discussions, the following propositions are presented:p 2:search goods are generally more suitable for online selling than experience goods.p 2.2: well-known products are more suitable for

43、 online selling than other products-p 2.3: firms can implement marketing strategies such as allowing product trial and providing more assessable information to transform experience goods into search goods on the internet thus negating the disadvantage of selling experience goods online.although rese

44、arch on this topic is mainly based on theoretical reasoning, results from this research stream seem robust as the consensus (as indicated in the propositions) has been established and well accepted within this area.internet as a marketing channeljust as any innovation, the success of the internet as

45、 a marketing channel depends on the advantage the system can offer compared to other alternative systems or technologies 一 as by providing new valuable features that better match the consumer needs or exceed the utility provided by other channel formats. researchers have been comparing the internet

46、with other marketing channels from different perspectives- alba et al. (1997) distinguish different retail formats in terms of costs and benefits to consumers, including providing alternatives for consideration, screening alternatives to form a consideration set, providing information for selecting

47、from a consideration set, transaction costs, and other benefits such as entertainment, social interaction and personal security. peterson, balasubramanian and bronnenberg (1997) indicate that the internet shares several characteristics with other marketing channels and adds a number of other feature

48、s and capabilities that are unique to the internet medium. these characteristics include the following (peterson, balasubramanian and bronnenberg 1997; varadarajan and yadav 2002): storing larger amounts of information at relatively low costs and providing information interactively and customizably,

49、 thus diminishing information asymmetry between buyers and sellers; providing powerful and inexpensive ways (e.g., search engine) to search, organize, and distribute such information; providing perceptual experiences (e.g., 3d image and video preview); serving as a transaction medium as well as a ph

50、ysical distribution medium for certain goods (e.g., software); establishing presence at relatively low costs;factors that may affect voluntary time include “consumers,intrinsic interest in shopping, the in-store retailing mix, and consumer sense of time shortage'5 (ingene 1984). in contrast, con

51、sumers cannot avoid and reduce involuntary time (e.g., gathering and carrying products, and/or waiting in line) if they make the purchase. applying this notion to the internet, it is clear that the irritating involuntary time can be eliminatedwhen consumers purchase online. the internet shopping can

52、 also shorten voluntary time because consumers do not need to visit the physical store. two issues should be noted here. first, consumers cannot acquire the product immediately after they make the purchase online. second, only limited social interaction is available on the internet.based on the prev

53、ious discussions and propositions, the following propositions are presented:p 3.1: product types, product information, consumer characteristics, and consumers use of shopping time are linked to consumers9 selection among channels.p 32 consumers are more likely to purchase search goods online than ex

54、perience goods. the more the product information is provided on the internet, the more likely the consumers will purchase online. the higher the consumer values the social interaction, the less likely the consumers will purchase online. the stronger the consumers' sense of time shortage, the mor

55、e likely the consumers will purchase online. the number of alternatives provided has little effect on consumers9 selection among channels.the adoption of the internetresearch on this topic attempts to answer following questions. what factors may influence firms5 and consumers,adoption of the interne

56、t? how does the addition of the internet influence firms' performance how do consumers behave online?research on the internet marketing has identified a set of factors that may affect consumers acceptance of the internet as a transaction channel and/or communication medium, including demographic

57、 variables, psychographic characteristics, attitudinal traits and situational factors.studies on self-service technologies also identify some factors that may induce consumers positive or negative reactions to the internet shopping service. meuter et al. (2000) find that their subjects are most sati

58、sfied with technologies that can save time (30%), work reliably (21%), be easy to use (16%), meet a salient need (11%), and offer greater control and access (8%), whereas subjects are not satisfied when technologies fail (43%), processes fail (17%), or services are poorly designed (17%).based on the

59、 previous discussion, it is clear that a number of factors influence consumers likelihood to shop online and different consumers may value these factors (excluding demographic features) differently. understanding these relations is important for companies who are planning to sell products online since it can help them segment and identify their target market


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