1、出国留学介绍信(英文版)出国留学介绍信英文( 一 )i am pleased to write this letter for my formerstudent miss nan li,who graduated from this collegewith an l.b.degree in june 1978.miss li was admittedtothedepartmentoflaw of thiscollegein1974 throughhighlycompetitiveentranceexaminationwhichisconductedannuallyand isopen to t
2、hewhole nation.eveninsuchaselectivegroup.misslimadeherselfdistinguished.as professor and dean of the college,ihave access to her records of academic work and moralconduct,in her fourth year study,i instructed her inanglo-americanlawsontrespass.soihaveknownherquitewell.misslisperformance,likethatinma
3、ny othercourses she taken,was excellent with asuperior gradeof 86 for the first semester,and 84 for the secondsemester.in our university and in other university here,80is considereda,the highest level.as far as iknow,missli wishes to continue her study in law for an advanceddegree.i am sure she has
4、had sufficient prerequisiteknowledgeforthesubjectand certainlyhas theabilityto undertake reservationtheandstudy.i shallrecommend miss appreciate yourliwithout favorableconsideration of her application.出国留学介绍信英文( 二 )attherequestofmr. xizhenchen, my former studentin the department of computer science,
5、 beijing univ.of sciences, i am glad to write this letter furnishingmyevaluationofhisacademic aptitudeforyourreference.mr.chenisinterestedinyourgraduateprogramincomputerscience.icame toknow him inseptember 1987 when mr. chen enrolled in my class onfortranivprogramming,a hecla
6、ss he was one of the most outstanding students. atthe semester final he earned a high grade of 81, whichshouldbe a accordingtoourgradingsystem.ialsooundhimgoodatotherstudies.aftertheclass,hehadpersonal talks with me several times. he indicated agreat interest in computer hardware,inmy opinion,mr. ch
7、en has a potentialincomputerscience,whichcan be furtherdeveloped.inview ofhispreviousachievementsin thiscollege,iam firmlyconvincedthatmr. chen willmake a successfulgraduatestudent.yourfavorableconsiderationofhisadmissionwill be highly appreciated.出国留学介绍信英文( 三 )dear colleagues:asa teacherindepartmen
8、tofbiology,nankaiuniversity, a leading university in china, i am verypleased to take this opportunity to recommend one ofmy favorite students to your phd program.in september, XX, miss zhang was my students ingeneral biology, the first professional course theytake in the field. she likes it very muc
9、h. i teach herin an open and interactive manner, she is active andpassionateaboutansweringclassquestions. misszhangis bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who lovesspeakingouther own ideas.she neverescapes fromthosepoints of which she is skeptical. apart from that, sheoften putsforwardherideasupo
10、nquestionsandexchanges allofherinnovate ideas withme afterclass.upon ending of general biology course, i asked mystudentstowritean essayupon theirunderstandingofbiology.idiscoveredmiss zhangsessaywassoimpressiveand persuasive;her carefulessay comes fromdozens of references to biology literatures. in
11、 essaymiss zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. all of this speaks to her creativeand logical and scientific thinking capability. i amgladlytosaythatmiss zhang has a clearunderstandingaboutgeneralbiology,thatcomprehens
12、ionhas beenreflectedfullyinheressay.thereforemisszhanggota full point for her essay in her class, and otherstudents took it as model essay for granted.ibelievemisszhangs industriousness,passionanddedication will make her an ideal candidate you areseeking for your program, so i highly recommend herwi
13、thoutany hesitationtoyou.and iwillgreatlyappreciateitifyou couldaccept her intoyourprogram.sincerely yours,出国留学介绍信英文( 四 )dear sir or madam:iam verypleasedtowrite thisrecommendationformr. w.y. so as tosupporthisapplicationforadmissioninto yourphd program and foryourconsiderationofhisfinancial support
14、.and he also took part in two published papers, onetitled xxxx, the other xxxx. this type of acclaim isnormally reserved for graduate students and i believethatthisexemplifieshiscommitment tofurtheringhiseducation.besides merits for scientific research, mr. w.y.also has a wonderfulpersonality.allofu
15、s around enjoytheacquaintanceand friendshipfromhim.no matterasa teammate or a team leader, he is always cooperative,considerate and eager to provide help, making us feelsocomfortableand confidentto be alongwith him,either for work or just for personal companion.thisyoungmansprofessionalqualitiesandp
16、ersonalcharacterhave convinced me thathe willhaveno trouble in succeeding in any career that he choosesto pursue, given the opportunity to have a try.in short, i am confident to assert that mr. w.y.hasthepotentialtodistinguishhimselfasasuccessfulresearcher, and thatthispotentialwillbesure to be full
17、y caressed and exploited if he can beacceptedfor further pursuitin thisfieldin yourinstitution.ishallgreatly appreciateitifyouwillconsider his application in light of this potential.yours sincerely,出国留学介绍信英文 (五 )in capacity as professor of mathematics at fudanuniversity?imwritingtorecommendmr.wang?g
18、esintosyour phd program in computer science. ihaveknownmr.wangsincehissophomoreyearofcollege?andhave acted as his thesisadvisorand mentor.inmy experience?heisagiftedanddiligentstudent?and an admirably hard worker.wang is an impressive student because he has beenforcedtoovercomethesignificantchalleng
19、eofaseriousillnessduringhisfreshman year.when ifirstmet wang in my discrete math class?he did not appeartobe anythingspecialtome. whilehisexam scoresweregood?theywere notas highas iwould now expectofhim.what ididntknow thenwas thatdue tohisillness?wangwas attemptingtotakeallofthedifficultearlymathem
20、aticscoursesatonetime?includingdiscretemathematics?advancedmathematics?linearalgebra?andpossibilities.whilemost studentsfoundpreparingforjustonesetoftheseexamsdifficult?wangwasoverwhelmed by fourof them. but in theend?he achievedan impressive score on the final exam?which made meconsciousof his unus
21、ual determinationhe demonstrateswhen confronting difficult challenges.mr. wang and i have often talked about a varietyofmathematicsandcomputerscienceconceptsandproblems. during these discussions?i always found himtobedelightfullyintelligent.notonlydoeshequicklyunderstandtheconcepts and problems pres
22、entedtohim?he isable toanalyzetheseproblems and presentsolutions. but perhaps most important is that wangsthinking is intensely rigorous. when looking at anyquestion?he carefully scrutinizes it and if he findsany uncertain issues?he clears them up immediately. ibelieve this kind of thought is essent
23、ial to become anexcellent computer programmer.serving as his thesis advisor?i had a first-handopportunitytoobservetheway inwhich wangs mind works.inhissenorthesis?mr.wangmainlydiscussedtwochallenging questions in regards toann. in our booksin china?knowledge of ann and its uses are very rare.fewpeople inchinahave studiedthistopicandconsequently?the materials that are
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