



1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载we will continue to impr ove the compa ny's inter nal control sy stem、 and steady improveme nt in a bility to manage a nd contr ol、 optimize business proce sse s、 to ensure sm oot h processes、 responsi bilities i n pla ce; to furt her strengt hen i nternal contr ols、 play a cont

2、rol post inde pendent ov ersight role of evaluation com plying wit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential management、 streamline、 standardi ze related transacti ons、 strengthe ning operati ons in accor dance with law. deepeni ng the informatio

3、n manageme nt to ensure full communicati on "zero resistance". o constantly perfect erp 、 and bfs+ 、 and pi、 a nd mis 、 and scm、 i nformation system based construction、 full integration information system、 achieve d information resource s share d; to expa nd portal system application of br

4、eadt h and de pth、 play i nformation sy stem on e nterprise of assistant rol e; to perfect daily r un mainte nance operation of records、 promote problem reasons a nalysis and system handover; to strengthe ning bfs+、 a nd erp 、 and s cm、 technology a ppli cation of training、 im prove empl oyees a ppl

5、i cation information system of capacity and level. humanistic care t o ensure "zero." to strengtheni ng huma nities care 、 continues to foster compa ny wind clea r、 and g as are、 and heart shun of culture atm osphere; strengthe ning l ove hel ped tra ppe d、 care difficult empl oyees; carri

6、ed out style a ctivities、 ri ch empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction、 organi zation career health medical、 contr ol career agai nst; conti nue s t o impleme ntation psychol ogical warni ng preventi on sy stem、 training empl oyees health of chara cter、 a nd sta ble of mood

7、 and enter prisi ng of attitude、 created friendly fraternity of humanities environment. t o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt、 ensure t hat the busi ness of "zero risk". t o stre ngthe ned business pla ns manageme nt、 will busine ss busi ness plans cov er to all level、 e nsure t he busi ness c

8、an contr ol in contr ol; to close concer n fina ncial、and coal ele ctric li nkage、 and energy-savi ng scheduling、 national policy tre nds、 strengtheni ng track、 active should; to impleme ntation state -ow ned a ssets method、 furt her specification busine ss financial management; to perfect risk tube

9、 control system、 achieved risk re cog nition、 and measure 、 and assessme nt、 and report、 and control feed back of closed ri ng management、 im prove risk prev ention ca pacit y. o further standardize trading、 a nd strive to achieve "accordi ng to law、 standardize a nd fair." innovation of p

10、erformance manageme nt、 to ensure that potenti al employe es "zero fly". t o strengt hen performance manageme nt、 process control、 e nha nce employe e evaluati on and levels of effective communication to impr ove performance manag ement. to further qua ntify and refine em ployee standar ds

11、 . work、 full play party、 and branch、 a nd members in "five type enter prise" construction i n the of core rol e、 and fighting fortress rol e and pi oneer model rol e; to conti nue s to strengt heni ng "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on秋风清,秋月明 、落叶聚仍散 、寒鸦栖复惊;医学统计学基础理论复习题一.为非题

12、:(如判定该题正确就在题后括号内打“”,判定该题错误就在题后括号内打“×” )1农村妇女生育情形调查结果如下所示,该资料类型为计量资料;()生育胎次01234妇女人数5257030142观看到 50 例某传染病的埋伏期, 整理成频数表如下: 这为计量资料; ()埋伏期 小时12366084108例数82212623. 身高的标准差比体重的大, 因此,身高的变异程度比体重的大;()4. 所谓均数的标准误, 其实就为样本均数的标准差;()5在进行简洁直线相关与回来分析时,相关系数r 的显著性检验结果和回来系 数 b 的显著性检验结果完全一样;()6. 从总体中抽出一部分个体就构成一个样本

13、;()7. 在进行成组设计资料的t 检验中, h0: 1=2, h1 : 1 2 , =0.05 ;如检验的结果为p=0.065,就结论为两总体均数相等;()8. 进行多元线性回来时, 进入方程的自变量越多越好;()9. 同一组资料作团体t 检验,双侧检验的 p 值为单侧检验的 10医学统计学的全部内容就为对收集来的数据进行统计分析;2 倍;()11. 在直线回来分析中, 要求因变量听从正态分布;()12. 在进行三组均数的方差分析中,如检验的结果为p=0.015,就结论为三个总体均数都不相等;()13. 进行多元线性回来时,如偏回来系数b1>b2,就指标 x1 对 y 的作用大于 x2

14、 对 y的作用()14. 假如理论上 a 药的确有减肥作用,但在一次临床试验中,它的降低体重值和劝慰剂的差异无统计学意义,可能为样本量太小;()15. 如 x1 和 y 之间的简洁相关系数有统计学意义,就在多元逐步回来中,x1 肯定会被选入方程;()16. 如 x1 和 y 之间的简洁相关系数无统计学意义,就在多元逐步回来中,x1 肯定不会被选入方程;()17. 二个率进行比较的显著性检验中,用准确概率运算为最正确的;()18. 如显著性检验的结论为a 组均数大于 b 组, p0.0021 ,这时 p 表示该结论犯错误的可能性的大小;()19. 回来分析中,回来系数越大,回来系数的标准误也越大

15、;()20. 正态分布的均数不肯定比标准差大;()二.填充题play levels ca dres in enterpri se devel opme nt in the of back bone backbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth w ork、 full play yo uth em ployees i n company development in t he of force role; to impr ove indepe ndent commission against corr upti on w ork lev

16、el、 strengt heni ng on enterpri se busi ness key link of effectiveness monitore d. 、 and maintai n stabilit y. to further stre ngthe n publicity and e ducation、 improve t he overall legal system. we must stre ngthen safety management、 esta blish and im prove the e ducation、 s upervi sion、 and evalua

17、ti on as one of the traffic safety management mecha nism. o conscienti ously sum up the olympi c security control s、 prom oting integrated ma nagement to a higher level 、 higher standards、 a higher level of devel opme nt. employee s、 today is lunar cale ndar on december 24、 the ox bell i s about to

18、ri ng、 at this time of year、 w e clearly feel the pulse of the xx power generation compa ny to flouri sh、 to more clearly hear xx power ge neration companies mature and symmetry breathing. recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng、 we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. future develo

19、pment opportunities、 we m ore exciting fight more spirited.employees、 let us toget her acr oss 2021 full of challe nges a nd opportunities、 to create a green、 l ow-cost operation、 full of huma ne care of a world-cl ass power ge neration com pany and work hard. the occasi on of the spring festival、 m

20、y si ncere wi sh that y ou a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year、 good health、 happy、 happy.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载we will continue to impr ove the compa ny's inter nal control sy stem、 and steady improveme nt in a bility to manage a nd contr ol、 o ptimize business proce sse s、 to ensu

21、re sm oot h processes、 responsi bilities i n pla ce; to furt her strengt hen i nternal contr ols、 play a control post inde pendent ov ersight role of evaluation com plying wit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit tools detect potential management、 streamline、 stan

22、dardi ze related transacti ons、 strengthe ning operati ons in accor dance with law. deepeni ng the information manageme nt to ensure full communicati on "zero resistance". o constantly perfect erp 、 and bfs+ 、 and pi、 a nd mis 、 and scm、 i nformation system based construction、 full integra

23、tion information system、 achieve d information resource s share d; to expa nd portal system application of breadt h and de pth、 play i nformation sy stem on e nterprise of assistant rol e; to perfect daily r un mainte nance operation of records、 promote problem reasons a nalysis and system handover;

24、 to strengthe ning bfs+、 a nd erp 、 and s cm、 technology a ppli cation of training、 im prove empl oyees a ppli cation information system of capacity and level. humanistic care t o ensure "zero." to strengtheni ng huma nities care 、 continues to foster compa ny wind clea r、 and g as are、 an

25、d heart shun of culture atm osphere; strengthe ning l ove hel ped tra ppe d、 care difficult empl oyees; carried out style a ctivities、 ri ch empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction、 organi zation career health medical、 contr ol career agai nst; conti nue s to impleme ntation

26、 psychol ogical warni ng preventi on sy stem、 training empl oyees health of chara cter、 a nd sta ble of mood and enter prisi ng of attitude、 created friendly fraternity of humanities environment. t o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt、 ensure t hat the busi ness of "zero risk". t o stre ngthe n

27、ed business pla ns manageme nt、 will busine ss busi ness plans cov er to all level、 e nsure t he busi ness can contr ol in contr ol; to close concer n fina ncial、and coal ele ctric li nkage、 and energy-savi ng scheduling、 national policy tre nds、 strengtheni ng track、 active should; to impleme ntati

28、on state -ow ned a ssets method、 furt her specification busine ss financial management; to perfect risk tube control system、 achieved risk re cog nition、 and measure 、 and assessme nt、 and report、 and control feedba ck of closed ri ng management、 im prove risk prev ention ca pacit y. o further stand

29、ardize trading、 a nd strive to achieve "accordi ng to law、 standardize a nd fair." innovation of performance manageme nt、 to ensure that potenti al employe es "zero fly". t o strengt hen performance manageme nt、 process control、 e nha nce employe e evaluati on and levels of effec

30、tive communication to impr ove performance manag ement. to further qua ntify and refine em ployee standar ds . work、 full play party、 and branch、 a nd members in "five type enter prise" construction i n the of core rol e、 and fighting fortress rol e and pi oneer model rol e; to conti nue s

31、 to strengt heni ng "four good" lea dershi p constr ucti on精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1 当拒绝了实际上成立的h0 时,称为犯不拒绝实际上不成立的h0 时,称为犯误差,常用表示;当误差,常用表示; 1精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载又 称 为; 要 同 时 降 低 和 值 的 唯 一 方 法 为;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载2 听从正态分布的计量资料常用表示其平均水平,用精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载表示

32、 其离 散程 度; 服 从对 数正 态分 布 的 计 量 资 料 常 用表 示 其 平 均 水 平 ; 非 正 态 分 布 的 计 量 资 料 常 用精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载表示其平均水平,用3 方差分析的应用条件为,;表示其离散程度;和精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载4 要检验某减肥药物治疗前后体重的降低为否有统计学意义可用检验方法;要比较两种药物降低体重作用的差别为否有统计学意精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载义可用计学意义可用检验方法;要比较三种药物降低体重作用的差别为否有统检验方法;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载5 要同时

33、检验多个因素的作用,仍要考察各因素之间有无交互作用,这时可用试验设计方法;6 在一个治疗单纯性肥胖的临床试验中,比较试验药和劝慰剂对于降低血糖的作用时,发觉治疗前两组血糖的差异有统计学意义;这时可用的统计方法, 把治疗前的血糖校正到相同后,再对于治疗后血糖的校正均数进行比较;7 要 比 较 各 种 药 物 治 疗 某 疾 病 有 效 率 的 差 别 为 否 有 统 计 学 意 义 可 用检验;假如其疗效分为显效,有效,好转和无效四个等级,要比较各种药物治疗的疗效为否有统计学意义可用检验;8 考核某药物治疗疼痛的疗效,把疼痛分为无,轻,中和重4 个等级;如需检play levels ca dre

34、s in enterpri se devel opme nt in the of back bone backbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth w ork、 full play youth em ployees i n company development in t he of force role; to impr ove indepe ndent commission against corr upti on w ork level、 strengt heni ng on enterpri se busi ness k ey

35、 link of effectiveness monitore d. 、 and maintai n stabilit y. to further stre ngthe n publicity and e ducation、 improve t he overall legal system. we must stre ngthen safety management、 esta blish and im prove the e ducation、 supervi sion、 and evaluati on as one of the traffic safety management mec

36、ha nism. o conscienti ously sum up the olympi c security control s、 prom oting integrated ma nagement to a higher level 、 higher standards、 a higher level of devel opme nt. employee s、 today is lunar cale ndar on december 24、 the ox bell i s about to ri ng、 at this time of year、 w e clearly feel the

37、 pulse of the xx power generation compa ny to flouri sh、 to more clearly hear xx power ge neration companiesmature and symmetry breathing. recall ing pa st one a not her acr oss a raili ng、 we are e nthusiasti c and full of confide nce. future development opportunities、 we m ore exciting fight more

38、spirited.employees、 let us toget her acr oss 2021 full of challe nges a nd opportunities、 to create a green、 l ow-cost operation、 full of huma ne care of a world-cl ass power ge neration com pany and work hard. the occasi on of the spring festival、 my si ncere wi sh that y ou a nd the families of the staff in the ne w year、 good health、 happy、 happy. 2精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载we will continue to impr ove the compa ny's inter nal control sy stem、 and steady improveme nt in a bility to


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