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1、人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)1 / 9 unit4 sectiona (grammar focus-4c ) 教案【教材版本与册数】 新目标人教版九年级上册【单元名称】 unit4 i used to be afraid of the dark. 【课时】 grammar focus-4c (第 3课时)【课型】 grammar(语法课)教材分析【本单元话题】围绕“我们发生了怎样的变化”为话题,谈论“过去经常有的习惯”。【本单元重点掌握目标】理解、掌握和运用used to 结构。【教材内容拆分分析】section a从描写外貌

2、和个性相关的词汇入手,展开了简单地描述“过去”的听力、会话和阅读等活动,对人物的个性、外貌和经历作今昔对比,使学生感知新语言内容used to 的结构特征,体会其用法。section a(grammar focus-4c )突出学习和总结归纳语法used to句型结构,包括肯定、否定和疑问结构及其回答。“ grammar focus ”明确呈现出语言点,便于学生自我探究及归纳总结。4a 侧重语句构建训练,旨在帮助学生强化语言结构;4b 借助 emily 的过去、现在的变化的对比,引导学生对比性地使用语言,反馈学生对重点语言学习内容的掌握情况;4c 突出个性化语言交际,以填表活动为学生创设运用所

3、学语言结构进行交流,获取信息的平台。【通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】1. 需理解、掌握和运用描写外貌、性格和爱好的生词和短语;需理解、掌握和运用used to结构。2. 能在听力练习中能够捕捉有关人物生活变化方面的细节信息。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)2 / 9 3. 运用 used to 描述过去的形象,性格,爱好及经历。4. 能够通过新旧对比,学会关注他人的变化和关心他人,领悟人生的转折和把握命运的方法。5. 需利用了略读、跳读、上下文语境或句子前后关系猜词的方式进行阅读,提高阅读理解的有效性。教学目标语言知识目

4、标:1. 通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句型,激发调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型:单词: european, african, british, speech, public 短语: in public 句型:掌握 used to 陈述句、疑问句及其简单回答。语法:总结 used to结构。y语言技能目标:( (1)学前使学生在一定的语境中通过听、说和写的活动感知和理解语法项项目 used to 所表达的意义。(2)学中能够使学生通过体验、对比、发现used to的结构特征并归纳总结其语言规律,然后进行不同层次的练习,让学生主动理解和掌

5、握语法知识并体验到语言学习的快乐性。( (3)学后的活动设计将帮助学生内化目标结构和语言,在新的语境中运运用语言,能更好地检测学生的掌握程度,从而获得理性认识。情感态度价值观目标 :让学生明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态。教学重点:1. 复习巩固 section a 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)3 / 9 教学重难点2.对 used to 结构进行总结和运用。教学难点:used to的运用。正确使用used to结构描述或询问过去的外貌、性格特点及经历。建议教法

6、采取任务性教学法,语法课的“4p”教学模式:preparation 发现准备阶段presentation 呈现体验阶段practice实践阶段production应用阶段引导通过自主学习、自主探究、小组合作与交流、总结归纳和操练的方式达成目标。教学流程(详见相应教学设计)教学评价1. 本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。2. 学中的任务设计遵循从感性到理性的语言规律,符合语法课目标,由浅入深,环环相扣,能兼顾边缘生。3. 学后的活动设计体现运用教材有创造性,补充内容有针对性,拓展知识有可行性,课后作业能体现知识的迁移性。有利于对学生思维品格的训练与培养。【本课时

7、教学设计】步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)4 / 9 delc4 1 预备与激活先期知识step 1 greeting and leading in ( 3mins ) 1.greet the class as usual and ask ss to review some main words and phrases they learned 2.t asks ss make an interview with your partner about candy wang. one

8、is a interviewer, and the other is candy. these sentences may help ss. tell something about candy s background. tell something about how candy s life has changed. what s candys advice to young people?利用 iqee策略, 利用复习所学描述人物外貌和性格的方法及词汇, 通过记者采访复习旧课, 导入新课, 激发学生兴趣 , 培养学生良好的预习习惯。1. 通过课前预习和复习,培养学生的“iiqee”学习

9、策略。2. 学生利用老师提供的问题了解本篇文章的背景信息。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)5 / 9 delc5 2 获取新知识step2 preparation (发现)(4 mins) discover the structure. : t show the sentences on the screen. ss read “grammar focus” and then complete the following sentences. 我以前是矮个子。i _ _ be short. 我以前在学校常不受欢迎。i _ _ to

10、 be popular in school. 保拉以前的确不爱说话。paula _ _ be really silent. 她以前不喜欢小测试。she _ _ _ like tests. 你以前很矮,不是吗?是的,我是。/ 不,不是。you used to be short, _ _? yes, i _. / no, i _. 他以前戴眼镜吗?_ he _ _ wear glasses? answers: used to didn t use used to didn t use to didn t you; did; didn t did use to summarize the struc

11、ture. work on grammar focus :学生在前面的学习中已经接触过used to ,因此能很快回忆并发现这个语法现象,为呈现体验做好铺垫。环节的设计,是尊重学生已有经验的体验,也是对困难学生的关心。学生应该能利用此策略获取有效信息,发现 used to的语法现象。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)6 / 9 delc63 深度加工知识step 4 practice(练习)(14 mins) work on 4a t helps ss to pay attention to the contents of the

12、title. the first example can help. ss try to write down the right sentences according to the information. check the answers with the class . work on 4b (1) competition task: t shows an old picture and a new picture of emily . ss describe the two pictures. requirement: use “used to “ .two groups are

13、divided .one is boys ,the other is girls. boys describe the picture in the past .girls describe the picture now. the group got the highest point will win. (2) t helps ss to pay attention to the contents of the title. the example can help. ss try to write down the right sentences according to the inf

14、ormation. e.g. emily didn t use to eat a lot of vegetables, but 在总结结构的基础上进行实践练习,4a的完成使学生进一步内化理解used to 结构的意思及它的肯定句和否定句的正确书写。通过游戏,引入竞争机制, 刺激学生思维,促进学生思考, 在新旧对比中训练目标语言,加深了对语法知识used to 的理解和掌握,从而进一步体验到语言学习的快乐性。学生应能顺利完成used to 结构的练习。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)7 / 9 now she loves carro

15、ts and tomatoes. delc74 评价学生学习step 5 productio-n (应用) (10 mins)work on 4c t helps ss to understand the contents of the title and t he main questions. ss work in groups. do a survey and check the answers ,then ask your partners. s1: did you use to be afraid of being alone? s2:yes, i used to be afraid

16、 of being alone .im still afraid of being alone. s3: no, i didnt. but i used to be afraid of the dark.s1: did you use to be afraid of flying? s2: no, i didnt. but i used to be afraid of high places. s3: no, i didnt. but i used to be afraid of giving a 小组活动提供学生实践机会,可以让不同水平的学生得到提高, 注重了个体差异;在具体的语境中应用,帮

17、助学生内化目标语言结构,能更好地检测学生的掌握程度。 ,学绝大部分学生能询问和谈论过去的经历。大部分学生轻松地进行调查并自信地展示调查结果。人教版英语九年级全一册教案:unit4 sectiona ( grammar focus-4c)8 / 9 speech in public. t asks some groups to act out in front of class. t: t uses a simple mind-map to let ss review what they have learned this class and check whether they can say the key points or not. s:ss remember what they have learned and say the key words by thinking over . 便于记忆,培养学生的思维能力。巩固和提升课堂所学语法知识。通过思维导图


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