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1、The SiXth PeriOd (第六课时)Part B Start to read & LefS CheCk & LefS SingA教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Start to read能够找出并能听、说、读、写图片中的字母能够熟练听说、认读本单元所有动物单词并掌握其书写形式Let's CheCk能够独立完成LetS CheCk板块的练习Let,s Siilg能够听懂、跟唱歌曲,并用其他学过的动物单词进行替换练习复习并掌握本单元所学字母及动物单词。A教学难点能够独立完成Lefs CheCk板块的练习。教学准备1 预习本课时的相关内容。2. 教学课件、字母

2、卡片、单词卡片等。A教学过程SteP 1: Warm-UP & ReViSiOnL Greetings.2. Lefs do.The teacher SayS the instjctions and StUdentS do the actions. T: ACt Iike a/ an monkey/ bird/ tiger/ panda/ elephant/3. What's this?ShOW the Ietter Card and ask, "WhaFs this?”Ss: mNJl.SteP 2: PreSelItatiOllTeaChing PlIrPOSe通

3、过复习上节课Let's do板块中的指令语,以及用 句型“WhafSthis? ”复习本 单元所学的字母,让学生迅 速投入英语课堂中来。L LOOk and finish(1) SharP eyesSIlOW SOme CUte PiCtllreS about the IetterS uJj, Kk, LI, Mm、Nn, On the PPT.(出示课件)TeaChiIlg PUrPOSe利用观察图片、找一找、 说一说的方式来复习、认读 和识别本单元的字母。T: BOyS and girls! LOOk at these pictures. What IetterS Can you

4、see?PleaSe read them aloudSs:(2) Find and say.ShOW the PiCtIlre of 44Find ad say”.(课件出示:教材 P43 Find and Say的图片)T: Here is a beautiful PiCtUre We Can See many beautiful things. Wow! Look! I See a CaPital Ietter "I (POint to the Ietter "L".) What IetterS do you see?SI: I see.S2:1 see.S3

5、:1 see.S4:1 See k, n, j ASk StUdentS to COUnt the IetterST: HOW many CaPital IetterS "JZK/L/M/N” do you see?Ss:T: HOW many IOWerCaSe Iettel*s “j/k/l/m/n” do you see?Ss:2. ReVieW the WOrdS about animals.ShOW the PiCtUreS and the WOrd CardS about animals to StUdentS(出 示课件)ASk sdents With "Wh

6、at's this?" and Iead StUdentS to answer With the SentenCe StnlCre “Its aan.vT: What,s tills?SI: IfS a. Whats this?S2: IfS a. What this?S3: Ifs an. 3 Read and count.SIlOW the PiCtme of 44Read and COlmt(课件出示:教材 P43 Read and COUnt 的图片) EXPIain the meaning Of the exercise and Inake a demonstrat

7、ion first. Finany Iet StUdentS Write down the numbers by themselves.T: Look! (POmt to the UPPe, PaIt Of UReael and COUnf,.) What animals are there?Ss: EIePhant, cat, bird, dog, Pig and monkey.T: Let,s SPen the WOrdS One by one. OK?Ss: OK.T: Duck.Ss: D-U-C-K, duck.T: Good. Dog.Ss: D-O-Q dog.T: Great!

8、 PigcatbearelephantmonkeybirdtigerPandaSs:TeaChing PUrPOSe通过动物图片和单词卡 片,帮助学生复习本单元电 点单词和句型。在这一环节 中,教师进一步放手,让学 生以接龙方式,持续问答, 提高学生的课堂参与度。TeaChing PUrPOSe让学生读出看见的动 物,找出每种动物对应的单 词个数。做到音形对应,巩 固所学单词和句型。TeaChing PUrPOSe在听听力之前 一定要 先做预测。让学生有准备地 去听听力,养成良好的听力 习惯。以开火车等多种操练T: Oh, the elephant eats two kinds Of food

9、 What about the cat/ bird/.? NOw, finish the exercises by yom,selves.SteP 3: PraCtiCeL LiSten and number.ShOW the pictures.(课件出示:教材 P44 LiSten and number 的图 片)Let StUdentS IOOk at the four pictures. ASk SOlne questions and IeaCi them to answer.T: What do you See in PiCtUre 1?SI: I See John.S2: I See

10、 a monkey.T: What do you See in PiCtUre 2?S3: I See Sarah and Mike.S4: I See a bird.T: What do you See in PiCtUre 3 and PiCtUre 4?S5: I See a PandaS6: I See a bear.T: OK! What are they talking about? Now, Iefs IiSten ad number.Then PIay the recording and Iet StUdentS finish the task.(课件出 示:教材 P44 Li

11、Sten and number 的音频)CheCk the answers together.(课件出示:教材 P44 LiSten and number的听力材料及答案)2. LOOk and match.ShOW the pictures.(课件出示:教材 P44 LOOk and match 的图片)Let StUdentS Say the WOrdS about animals they have Iearned One by One first. Then ask them to finish the task by themselves.T: Let's Say the W

12、OrdS about animals One by one!SI: Bird.S2: Tipe匚S3: Dog.TeaChing PUrPOSe学生对经典童谣Old MaCDOnald的疲律比较熟 悉,通过替换本单元学过的 其他动物单词,让这首歌更 加丰富。既能够培养和锻炼 学生的创新思维,同时也能 活跃学习氣围,让学生收获 成就感,在愉悦的氣国中结 束这堂课的学习。 T: Well done! Now, PleaSe match the WOrdS to the pictures.The teacher and StUdentS CheCk the answers togdher.(课件出示

13、:教 材 P44 LOOk and match 的答案)SteP 4: COnSOIidatiOn & EXtenSiOnLefS sing!(1)Play the VideO Of the SOng for the first time.(课件出示:教 材 P44 LefS Smg 板块的视频)Let StUdentS WatCh the VideO CarefUiIy.T: LefS enjoy the SOng together! If you Can sig, follow it, PIeaSe. Ss:(2)Play the SOng again.(出示课件)Lead StU

14、dentS to WaVe hands and Sing along With the Video. Let them PraCtiCe in groups InVite SOmeStUdentS to Sing in the front, and the OtherS Sing and WaVe hands With them.(3) Make a new SOngLet StUdentS try to make a new SOng by replacing the WOrdS about animals. GiVe an example:厂(课件出示* *« b * yOld

15、MaCDOnald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd On that farm he had SOme pigs, E-I-E-I-O With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there, Here an Oinkr there an Oinkr everywhere an Oink Oink Old MaCDOnald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.O OX <*«» O X <><» <> O OO<9 W* SaG 6 O<* Oito a

16、CB ro S Qa C* xc ocr x<sc丿 A板书设计Unit ii UJe IoVe animalsJj Kk LI Nrn NnA作业设计1. Sing the SOng to your family members2 Read the StOly OfUStOIy time"3. DO the exercisesA教学反思1. 以“滚雪球”的方法学习英语,做到以旧带新,以新温旧。2. 设置的教学活动循序渐进,符合学生的认知能力,易于被学生接受和掌握。3. 歌曲创新,亮点纷呈,效果极佳。学生的创意在这一刻得到充分体现。4. 板书设计条理清晰,一目了然,突出教学重点

17、。 TeaChing COnteIltS & TeaChing AimSStart to Iead Be able to find as Well as listen, speak, read and Write the IetterS in the PiCtUre Be able to IiSten and read the WOrdS about animals Of this unit, and master 什Ieir spellings.LefS CheCk Be able to finish the task OfULet CheCk idq)endently.LefS s

18、ing Be able to UnderStand and Sing along With the song, and Create a new SOng by replacing the WOrdS about animals TeaChing PriOritieS ReVieW and master the IetterS and the WOrdS about animals Of this unit. TeaChing DiffiCUltieS Be able to finish the task of “Let's CheCkM independently. TeaChing

19、 PrOCedUreSTeaChingStageSTeaCher, S ACtiVitieSStUdelts, ACtiVitieSTeaChing PUrPOSeSWarm-UP & RCViSiOn1. Greetings.2. LefS do.Say the instructions.3. WlIafS this?ShOW the Ietter CardS and ask questions 1 Greetings.2. DO the actions according to the teacher ,s instructions 3. ReVieW the IetterS Of

20、 this UnitThe TPR activity Can StimUlate students9 interest in Iearning and help StUdentS review the knowledge they have Iearned PreSentatiOn1 LOOk and finish(1) SharP eyesShOW SOme CUte PiCtUreS about the five IetterS On thePP.(2) Find and say.ShOW the PiCtIU,e OfUFilld and say".(1) LOOk at th

21、e PiCtUreS and read aloud the IetterS (2) Try to COUnt the IetterS and find OUt the most IetterS Lead StUClentS to review the IetterS they have Iearned through observing, finding and Saying 2. ReVieW the WOrdS about animals.ShOW the PiCtUreS and the WOrel CardS and ask With “What,s this?”LOOk at the

22、 PiCtUreS and the WOrd CardS AnSWer the teacher ,s questions by USing the SentenCe StrUCtulv "Its a/ aii"Create an interesting Iearning environment and help StUdentS COnSOIidate the WOrdS about animals and the SentenCe StrUCtUreS Of this Unit EnhanCe Stlldents, ClaSS PartiCiPatiOn.3. Read

23、and count.ShOW the picu,e OfURead and count”. EXPlam the meaning Of die exercise and make a demonstration. CheCk the SPeningS Of the WOrdS about animalsLOOk at the PiCtUreS Of the UPPe, Part OfURead and COUntV and Say the WOrdS about animals SPeil the WOrdS about animals One by one. Read and COUnt i

24、ndependently.ASk StUdentS to Say the WOrdS about animals they See and COUnt the number Of each kind Of animal. AChieVe the COITeSPOnding Of the SOUnd and the ShaPe. COnSOlielate the WOrdS and the SentenCe StnJCtUreS they have IearnedPraCtiCe1. LiSten and number.ShOW the PiCtUreS and Play the recording. CheCk the answers ObSerVe and talk about the pictures. LiSten to 什Ie recording and finish the task.HeIP StUdentS improve their IiStening SkillS by making PreCliCtiOn before IiStening US


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