



1、形容词娄罰词规律和练习欧阳光明 (2021.03.0)71 ?大部分形容词加 ly 变成副词carefulcarefully carelesscarelessly quick quicklyquietquietly differentdifferently successful - 一 successfully2. 不用去掉字母 e:polite-politely safe 一 safely wide widely,wise (聪明的 / 明智的)? wisely (聪明危 /明智地)注意:唯 - 个去 e:true-truly (真的没 e)3?.以le结尾的形容词变le为lypossibl

2、epossiblycomfortablecomfortably tembletenibly4. 以y结尾的形容词变y为i加lyeasyeasily angryangrily noisynoisilyhappy happily heavy heavily healthy healthily5. 本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变fastfast earlyearly hardhard late late farfar6. 虽然以 ly 结尾,但却是形容词,不能用来修饰动词friendly lively:活泼的,生动的lovely:可爱的,Ionely:孤独的7. 形容词和副词为完全不同的单词好:g

3、ood-well8. wide (形容词,宽阔的)widely (副词,广泛地)9. hard:形容词:硬的,难的副词:努力地; hardly:"几乎不”(与hard毫无关系)10. weekly:.形容词:每周的副词:每周地daily:.形容词:每日的副词:每日地 alo ne:形容词:独自,一个人的副词:独自地 lonely: 形容词:孤独的练习1. Look at the children on the playground. They are flyingkites (愉快) .Lefs join them.2. Why do you think you did so (糟糕

4、) in your test?3. We can(容易)forgive (原谅)a child who is afraid ofthedark, but we caift forgive an adult ( ) who is afraid of the light.4. Congratulations! You've answered all the Questions ( correct)5. The computer is (广泛) used in our daily life.* 欧阳光明 * 创编 2021.03.076? I changed into my sports s

5、hoes so that I could walk more (comfortable).7. Mary passed her examination because she studied very (hard).8?“ Why didift you tell me earlier?八 The boss shouted(生气)9? ITs (tme) possible that robot teachers will be popular inschools some day.10. How (comfortable) the giant pandas are living inTaiwa

6、n.11. Miss Xu smiled and said to me (soft): Never mind ,my boy!"12. Last night rained/ (大) in the southern part of the city.13. The children clapped their hands (兴奋) as soon as theastronauts appeared on the stag?e14. Tom had an accident yesterday.His teacher sent him to the hospital( 快)?15We sh

7、ould speak to the old man (polite)?16. Pm (true) sony I caift go with you.I have a lot to do thisafterno on.17. His father was running to his home(饿)because he did n'thave meals today?1&Mike walked (quiet) into the room not to wake up hisgrandpa?19. How (quick) Betty answered the teacher'

8、;s question!20. The foremen havesavedthe boy fromthefire (successful).21.Simon hates to be likeothers, he often tries todoeverything (不 同).22. Does your father walk up with you?A? fast enough to catch B? enough fast catchingC? enough fast to catch D. fast enough catching23. -How was the weather yest

9、erday?-It was terrible. It rained all day.A. strongly B. heavily C. hardly D. badly24. People in different countries behave () when they eatdinne 匚A. politely B. differently C. healthily D. quietly* 欧阳光明 * 创编 2021.03.0725. 一- Is the physics problem?- 一 Yes. I can work it out .A. easy; easily B? easy

10、; easy C. easily; easy D? easily; easier26. The busier he is, the he feels?A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happy27. Her mother was out. She stayed at home , but she didn't feelA.aloneJonelyB.lonelylonelyC.alone,aloneD.lonely,alone2& I got up today.A. later B. more lately C. lately D.

11、late29. What a_ cough!You seen ill.A.terrible,terriblyB.terribly,terribleC. terrible,terribleD.terribly.tembly30? 一 What was the weather like yesterday?一 It was very bad.It rained people could go out.A.hard, hard B. hardly, hard C.hardly, hardly D. hard, hardly31? Alice goes to school at seven. A. u

12、sual B? usually C? hard D?a little32. You must wear glasses.They can keep your eyes_?A.soft B.safe C.safely D.safety33. Would you please speak ? I still can't follow you.A.slow B.much slow C.much slowly D.more slowly34. These oranges taste.A. good B. well C ? to be good D. tobe well35. Doift feel (wony) about your child ? The whole classwould be (friend) to the new classmate.36. The children in China are living a (color) life.37. The night was ve ry _ , so he had to take off his shoes_


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