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1、新概念 49-96 测试题姓名 分数一 . 单选:( 30 分)me, I _ her about it.1. My mother did not ask me any thi ng. If ceremony it is!A. HowB. How a It_ that she will be there.A. seems likeB. likes We will do the work next week in whichB. asC. whe nD. until11. Nobody knew the reason they moved to that city.A. thatB. whyC.

2、 whe nD. which12. the man said yesterday moved every one. A. WhatB. ThatC. WhenD. Which13. That ' the new mach ine parts are too small to be see n. had asked, would have toldshe A. asked, would tellD. would ask, would have told toC. asks, will tellthe park.2. The mon itor suggested that we C. go

3、D. were goingA. would goB. wentat the man ager's office.3. I suggested that the meeting C. is held D. is to be heldA. holdB. be held there.4. I did not go to the party, but I do wish IB. wereA. had bee nD. would have bee nC. would bewriti ng their papers before July 1 s5. It is important that th

4、e students B. must finishA. finishD. will finishC. are to finish6. It is desirable that both the father and mother money for the family.A. earnB. must earn C. are to earn D. will earn7. He didn ' like to be interrupted when he is working, he?A. didB. didn 'C. wasD. wasnC. WhatD. What aC. see

5、msD. seemedwe won ' be so busy.A. itsB. whoseC. thatD. of which14. you failed to come to yesterday ' party is a great pity.A. ThatB. WhatC. BecauseD. Why15. It was not until midnight Martin came back home.A. whichB. thatC. whe nD. before二 . 阅读( 30 分)Passage oneThe Spring Festival ( 春节 ) is t

6、he Chin ese New Year ' Day. It usually comesin February. Every one in china likes the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually helps his parents clean their house. On that day every one in Chi na eats dumpli ngs, n ew-year cakes and some otherdelicious food. Li L

7、ei likes n ew-year ' cakes, but Wang Hong says dumpli ngs are nicer than new-year ' cakes. Chinese people eat new-year ' cakes and dumpli ngs in their houses. How happy they are!Questi ons:1. The Spring Festival usually comes in .A. SeptemberB. FebruaryC. OctoberD. August2. When the spri

8、ng festival comes, Li Lei .A. does his workB. usually helps his pare nts do many thingsC. plays football with his friendsD. flies kites ( 放风筝 ) in the open air3. On that day every one in China .A. eats bread and drinks some teaB. only eats moon cakes and applesC. eat n ew-year ' cakes and dumpli

9、 ngsD. stays in the ope n air4. Wang Hong says dumplings are than new-year ' cakes.A. niceB. biggerC. ni cerD. delicious5. People eat dumplings and new-year ' cakes .B. in the housesA. in the ope n airC. in the parksD. n ear their housesPassage twoIn some foreign ( 夕卜国的 ) countries, some peo

10、ple do not like the number 13. They don ' think 13 is a lucky number. For example, they don ' like to live on the 13 th floor.My friend Jack has got some ideas. One day, he asked some friends to dinner. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit around the dinner table. He began t

11、o count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food. Suddenly he cried out, oh, there are 13 people here! ” Everybody ' face turned white except Mr. Brown, he said slowly with a smile on his face. Don ' worry, dear frien ds! We have 14 people here. My wife will have a ba

12、by in a few weeks. She is in the family way now. ”All of them became happy again. Congratulation! " they said to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening.Questi ons:6. were asked to dinner that day.A. Jack and IB. Some of my friendsC. 14 peopleD. Some of J

13、ack f friends7. Jack the number 13.A. likes B. does n flikeC. has gotD. wants8. Jack began to count the people .A. before dinnerB. at dinner timeC. after dinnerD. whe n they came in9. People f faces turned white when Jack said there were 13 people, because _ A. the table was too small.B. they n eede

14、d ano ther pers on.C. they thought 13 was a lucky nu mber.D. they thought 13 was an uni ucky nu mber10. All people became happy again.A. whe n I went inB. because they had a good timeC. because the food was delicious (可 口的)D. because they heard they had one more pers on here三.完型(30分)A Pair of Trouse

15、rsA young man once went into town and bought himself 1 trousers. When he 2_home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them 3_.He found that they were about two in ches Ion ger.He went dow nstairs and there his mother and two sisters 4 up the tea things in the kitchen. These new trousers too long.

16、 " He said. They needto be shorte ned by about two in ches. Would one of you mind doing this 6_ me ,please?" His mother and sisters were busy and 7 of them said anything.But as soon as his mother 8 wash ing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son ' bedroom and shortened the trousers b

17、y two inches. She came down stairs without say ing9 to her daughters.Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother ' trousers. She was a kin d-hearted girl, 10 she went quietly upstairs and shorte ned the trousers by two in ches.The youn ger sister went to the cin ema, but whe

18、n she came in, she, too, remembered 11 her brother 12 . So she ran upstairs 13 herscissors (剪刀),needle (针),and thread (线),and took two inches 14 legs of new trousers.You can imagine the look 15_ the young man ' face while he put the trouserson the n ext morning.8 A. has fini shed B. had fini she

19、d1 A.a2 A.arrivedat3 A.up4 A. washed5 A. be6 A. on7 A. no8 . a suit ofB. got toB. onB.had washedB. amB. forB. n eitherC. a pair ofC. gotC. inC. was wash ingC. areC. byC. noneC. would fin ishD. a piece ofD. reached toD. ofD.were washi ngD. isD. withD.nobodyD. will finishD. anything9 A. someth ing B. nothingC. none10A.soB. andC. then11A.thatB. whichC. what12A.saidB. withoutC. take13A.w


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