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1、期末综合能力测试(一)听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择正确的图片。(5分)1. The environment is v ery bad, and pandas are in danger.(A)l.A.B.C.2. It's raining in Sydney.I feel sick.(A)2.A.C.3. In Japan , you are supposed to bow .(C)3.A.B.C.C55. It*s important to plant more trees.(A)5 .A. J B."二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)6. M : What pro

2、gram are you w atching?W: Itrs about helping the old.Though Pm only a child, I still w ant to help them. (A)6.Who does the girl want to help?A . The old. B . The poor. C. The sick.7. W: How many children have been helped in your tow n by Project Hope?M : About 100 children last year, and this year t

3、he number is 150.(B)7.How many children have been helped by Project Hope in the manrs town this year?A . 100. B. 150. C. 250.8. W: Tom, w e w onft go to the West Hill for a picnic.M : Whafs the matter?W: Some factories have polluted the land there and the grass and flow ers are gone. (A)8.The speake

4、rs gave up the picnic because of A the pollution B. the weather C. the traffic9. W: Ha v e you seen myv olleyball?M : No, but I saw a football and a baseball in the corner.(A)9.Whats the girl looking for?A . Her volleyball. B. Her football. C. Her baseball.10. W: J im, don*t forget to turn off the l

5、ights after you take a show er.M : Oh, I kno w , Mum.(C)10.Mom teIls Jim to.A take a shower B turn on the lightsC. turn off the lights三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)M : You look tired, Maggie.Has it been a busy day today?W: Not really.But w hen I w ent out this morning, I locked myself out of the house.M : Wasn

6、't anybody in at that moment?W: Unluckily nobody but my 18monthold son , Andrew , was in the house.M : Oh ! Could he open the door for you?W : I spent 20 minutes trying my best to make him do that , but I failed.He was too young.I shouldnrt have left the house without my keys.M : Bad luck ! What

7、 did you do then?W : Finally , I walked around the house to check for an open window.But to my surprise , I found the front door open and Andrew standing there with a postman.M : It's too strange!(C)l l.How does Maggie look?A. Angry. B . Worried. C. Tired.(B)12.What happened to Maggie when she w

8、ent out?A She had an accident.B. She forgot to take her keys.C. She forgot to lock the door.(B)13.How old is Andrew?A . 18 days old. B. 18 months old. C- 18 years old.(A)14.How long did it take Maggie to ask her son to open the door?A . 20 minutes. B . 30 minutes. C. 40 minutes.(C)15.Who was standin

9、g at the front door with Andrew at last?A . A policeman. B . A reporter. C. A postman. 四、听短文,完成表格。每空词数不限。(5分)J ack lives in a tall building and his aunt li v es tw o floors below him.She has a v ery lovely cat named Kitty.Last Thursday ev en in g, J ack took a show er and w ent to bed.Suddenly he he

10、ard someoneknocking at the door.He opened the door and w as surprised to find the cat Kitty.J ack thought there must have been somethingw rong w ith his aunt.He ran out w ith the cat and rushed to his aunt's home.J ust before he got to the door, he found a man w ith a bag running out of his aunt

11、's home, Jack shouted loudly for help.Some neighbors w oke up and came out.Someone called 110, and the police caught the man at last.TimeLast 16Tl huFUay- e华PlaceIn a tall building.PeopleJack, his aunt (who lives 17, tw o_floors below Jack) and a thief.EventKittv 18丁砧姓"Jack's door for h

12、e Id. J ack rushed to 1。*治- wWvhomeand find a thief running away.Jack shouted loudly.Result20.Some neighborscame out and someone called 110.The thief was caught at last.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)(B)21.1 thoughtve ry useful to know the customs of fore ign countries.A . that B. it Ce this D . which(C)22.T

13、onyreading books and doing homework late at night.A . used to B. is supposed toC- is used to D. is used for (B)23.To my surprise , she kissed me onsides of my face.A . all Be both C. either D. each(C)24.We value the time wewith our friends and family in our everyday lives.A . live B. take C. spend D

14、. cost (A)25.The children ran out of the room ,and talking loudly.A . laughing B . to laugh C. laughed D. laugh (B)26.The rain washeavyCindy had to stop to buy an umbreIla.A . too; to B . so; that C. such; that D. as; as (C)27.What makes youthat he is a bad boy?A. thinking B. to think C. think D. th

15、ought (A)28.They didn't invite him to the party , so he felt A . left out B. given upC. pulled together D. kicked off (B)29When did she?She hasfor one year.A be married; been married B . get married; been marriedC. be married; married D. get married ; got married(A)30. It seems that you had anth

16、ing.一Yes, I forgot my classmate's name when I met her in the street.(C)31.The people heard the bad news that the heroseveral hours ago.(C)32.The apartment block is old and dangerous.lt should.A pull down B pulled downC. be pulled down D be pulling down (A)33. Whafs paper?Wood.A made from B. made

17、 ofC- made in D . made into(C)34.There are many kind andteachers in the junior high school.A . care B. careless C. caring D- cared(B)35.I rememberhim once.But I can't remember where I saw him.A . to see B. seeing C. saw D. seen六、完形填空。(15分)My mother only had one eye.And because of this , I never

18、wished her to show up in my school, being afraid that my classmates would 36 I had an ugly mother.One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill.My mother came.u Your mom only has one eye ? ! ” asked some of my class mates.I was so_37.I wished my mother would just _38from this world. " If

19、 you make me teased (嘲笑),why don't you just die ? ” I shouted at her , taking no notice of the sad look on her face.My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying _也_At that time , I felt _40to say what I always wanted to say , and I didn*t think I hadhurt her feelings very much.

20、That night I saw my mom _41 in her room , so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might _42 me.Even so, I hated her tears from one eye.I made a 43: I must study hard and leave my mother.Years later my dream came true.I was quite successful and lived _44_. I never thought of going back to see my “u

21、gly” mother _45_ one day I got a letter , which said, “My son.Pm sorry I only have one eye.When you were little , you got into a(n) 46 and lost your eye.As a mom, I couldn't _AZ_ watching you live with only one eye._I gave you mine.I was never _49 with you and I never regretted (后悔)what I did be

22、cause I you ”I cried out aloud.Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was ! (D )36.A.run out B. put out C. come out D . find out (B)37.A.happy B. embarrassed C. cool D pleased(A)38.A.disappear (C)39.A.everything (C)40.A. worried (D )41.A.cookingB change C. come D. goB something C. anything

23、B- bad C- good D annoyed B. working C. reading D .D. nothingcrying(B)42.A.break B. wake C. lose D. see(A)43.A.decis ion (D )44.A.luckily (C)45.A.if B . (A)46.A.accidentB. difterenceB . healthily C. unless C- untilB- appointmentC. suggestionD mistakebusily D . happilyD. thoughC. university D. habit(B

24、)47.A.enjoy B. stand C. help D . stop(A)48.A.So B . (C)49.A.excited (B)50.A.dislike 七、阅读理解。Because C. OrD. ButB . surprised C- B. love C. hate (30 分)angry D. proudD missADo you know Roma people ? They were called Gypsies ( 吉普赛人)by Europeans because they thought they came from Egypt (a country in Afr

25、ica) . About a thousand years ago, the Roma people left their homeland.They are known as nomads because for hundreds of years many of them have lived in large groups that trave 1 from place to place.They have no real homeland.Today, the Roma are now living all over the world.They have kept their lan

26、guage and many customs.For example , it's important for Roma to marry other Roma.Ifs also a custom for parents to choose the person their children will marry.Roma people get married when they are young , sometimes even as young as 14.Romany is the language of the Roma people , which was writte n

27、 down only recently.Because the Roma are nomadic and have moved all over the world , their language has developed in many difterent ways.It is sometimes hard for Roma in one part of the world to unders tand Roma from another part.Roma music is famous all over the world , because many Roma throughout

28、 history have been musicians.Their music has influenced many other kinds of music , like classical and jazz.Roma donrt usually assimilate (同化)into host countries.Over many centuries , governments have forbidden them to marry each other , travel or wear their traditional bright clothes.They have thei

29、r gold taken away from them treasures (财富)lk)m their parents and grandparents.They have been taken as slaves (奴隶), and have been forced to change their names.But today , the Roma are finding ways to live in peace with others while keeping the treasures of their culture. " There's a will wit

30、hin us to continue to live as a people , “ says George Kaslov, whose family arrived in New York from Russia a hundred years ago. " All the other ethnic ( 种族 ) groups who came to America assimilate gradually with time going ; they lose their customs and language.But not the Roma.We hold out. ”(D

31、 )5 1 .What does the underlined wo rd “ nomads" in theparagraph 1st mean?A. People who lived centuries ago.8. People who come from Roma.C. People who have their own homelandD- People who move from place to place.(B)52.What*s the main idea of the last paragraph?A George Kaslov has a strong will

32、to live on.B. The Roma still keep their customs and language.C. The Roma are finding ways to keep the gold of their own.D- Most ethnic groups assimilate into host countries step by step.(C)53.What can we infer (推断)about the Roma according to the passage?A Most of the Roma live in very unusual houses

33、.B. Their language is endangered and may soon die out.C. Their culture is very different from other European cultures.D- Most Roma get married either when they are very young or very old.(A)54.What is the main purpose of the passage?A To tell readers about an interesting culture.B. To te 11 us why t

34、he Roma need our help.C. To show us how all people are similar.D- To ask people how to live in peace.(C)55.What would be the best title for the passage? A Brave Roma TravelersB. Famous Roma MusicC. The Roma: Past and PresentD- Changing Countries , Changing CulturesBHappiness is important to everyone

35、.Most people want to be happy but few know how to find happiness.Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.Happiness depends on ours elves. In other words , we make our own happiness.Some people believe that if they are wealthy , they will be able to do anything they want which means ha

36、ppiness.On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness.In this way , you have not only money , but also many other things which canl be bought by money.However , other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness , nor is holding a hig

37、h position in the government.These people value their beliefs , or their inte lligence , or their he a 1th.They think these can make them happy.Here are a few ways to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life .Too often , we spend so much time thinking a

38、bout the iuture , for example , getting into college or getting a good job , that we don't enjoy the present.You should enjoy lifefs simple pleasures , such as reading a good book , listening to your favorite music , or spending time with close friends.People who have close friends usually enjoy

39、 happier and healthier lives.The second secret of happiness is to be active.Many people go dancing or play sports.People can forget about their problems and only think about the activity.Finally , many people find happiness in helping others.According to studies , people feel good when they voluntee

40、r their time to do many meaningful things for other people.If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.You can help a friend with his or her studies , go shopping to get food for an old neighbor , or simply help around the house.Now maybe you know how to find happiness!(D )56.The unde

41、rlined word“ wealthy ” means "" in the article.A . pleased B . healthy C. excited D. rich(A)57.Some people who hold a high position in the government think they can.A get money and something they can't buy with moneyB. do what they want to do at any timeC. enjoy health which makes them

42、 work hardD- take an active part in all kinds of activities every day (C)58.The writer thinks the secret of happiness is that people A think about getting a good job B. think of the present they don't like C. often spend time with close friends D- think about entering the college (B)59.Many peop

43、le find it happy to A remember the old days and troubles B. do some meaningiul things for others C. go shopping to buy some food D- make much money and little success (A)60.The passage mainly tells us A how to find happiness B. how to save happinessD. to do something good for othersD to value our be

44、liefs or healthcThis is a story from a meeting held by some people and two things in nature .We call it the FourS ided Talk.Lefs “ listen to " everyone care Hilly and find out what they think.An old treelam thousands of years old , but I have fewer and fewer friends.Pm a fra id I will be cut so

45、meday.People cut down many trees to make paper and chopsticks.Soon there will be no trees to make air and to protect people from floods.Mother Nature is making many disasters to teach people a lesson.The riverWhat the old tree said is right.I not only make the earth more beautiful , but provide the

46、clean water for people and animals.Now Fm sad because people put waste into me , which kills many animals and plants that drink my water.Some people drink this kind of water and get sick , too.PeopleWe have lived on the earth since ancient times.The earth is our home .We have done some harm to our h

47、ome ! From now on , we should make full use of the resources on the earth and protect the earth.Lets try our best!The United NationsWe know a little about the environmental problems.Hearing what all of you said, we've decided to protect the earth and love the earth.WeVe also made the June 5th Wo

48、rld Environment Day.(C)61.What doesn't the old tree tell us?A Hers afraid to be cut down some day.B. He has fewer and fewer friends.C. The trees have the longest lives in the world.D- He has lived for thousands of years.(D )62.Whatfs the meaning of the underlined word?" disasters ”A .神话B.奇迹

49、 C.财富 D .灾难(A)63.Why do some people get sick after drinking the water from the river?A Because the river is polluted.B. Because the river makes the earth more beautiful.C. Because the river can only offer water to animals.D- Because there are too many animals and plants in the river.(B)64.What have

50、the United Nations made up their minds to do from the passage?A Set an Earth Protecting Day.(D )65.What will people do according to the passage?©Overuse the resources. ® Make good use of the resources. (3) Start a global group. Protect the earth.A .B. C. D .八、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)66 .昨天的家庭

51、作业把我逼疯了。The homework drov e me crazy/mad yesterday.67 .铃声一响,学生们就冲出了教室。The students rushed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. D68 .初中毕业后每个学生都有很多东西可以期待。Each student can look forw ard to many things after they leave junior high school.69 .饭后跑步对人身体有害。Running after meals is harmful to our health.70 .我祝你们好运!希望你们过几年回来看看。I w ish you good luck and to come back to vis it in a few years* time.九丽如荀所框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,有一词多余。a。分)noise, tire , like, miss, week, visit, they, stay, be, shop, offerMany people who live in cities say that they 7L dislike city l


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