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1、中考英语重点考点解密 完成对话交际常用语分类梳理与典题练习【典例】a: excuse me! 1you 2me the way to the park, please.b: yes. go 3this road, and 4right 5the second crossing. go 6the bridge (桥). you'll 7the park 8the left. it's 9the post office and the hospital. you can't 10it.a: excuse me. 11there a fruit shop 12here?c:

2、yes, there is. 13along this road, and 14the first turning 15the right.a: thank you very much.c: not 1617.【答案】15can / could, tell / show, down / along, turn / at 610across, see / find, on, between, miss1117is, near, walk / go, take, on, at, all【分类汇编】一、社会交往类 表示祝贺、祝愿的常用语;表示关心、感谢、歉意的常用语;表示邀请、允许、提供帮助的常用语

3、;打电话、就餐、购物的常用语。1.表示关心、问候与应答a: how are you?/ how is everything?你好吗?good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好。say hello to sb.向某人问好。haven' t seen you for a long time.好久不见please give my regards/best wishes to sb请代我向某人问好。b:fine, thank you. and you?好,谢谢。你也好吧?everything goes well. thanks.一切都好,谢谢。the sa

4、me as usual.老样子。2.表示感谢与应答a: thanks a lot.多谢。it' s very kind of you to help me.多谢您的帮忙。thank you very much非常感谢。thank you for your help.多谢您的帮忙b:(it's) my pleasure.(这是)我的荣幸。not at all/ you are welcome.不客气。don' t mention it.不用客气。3.表示歉意与应答a: i'm sorry for that.为此我非常抱歉。i beg your pardon,/ p

5、ardon me.请原谅。i'm sorry that.很抱歉b: never mind没关系( you can) forget it.忘了这件事吧。that's all right. /it'sok.没关系。it doesn't matter.不要紧。it's nothing.不要紧。4.表示祝贺、祝愿l best wishes( to you)!(给你)最美好的祝愿!l congratulations!祝贺你!l good luck!祝你好运!l enjoy yourself!祝你玩得愉快。l wish you all the success!祝你成

6、功!l may you succeed!祝你成功!l have a good time.祝你玩得愉快。l have fun!玩得愉快l have a good journey/trip!旅途愉快!l happy birthday( to you)!祝你生日快乐!l happy new year!新年快乐!5.邀请与应答a: will/would you like to come to.?你愿意来参加吗?how/ what about.?去怎么样?do join me for a coffee请一定同我一起喝杯咖啡。we will be glad if如果我们将很高兴。b:yes, i'

7、d love/like/be happy to.好的,我非常乐意去.t'hat would be very nice .那太好了。i'm afraid i can't.恐怕我不能来。i'd very much like to ,but.我很愿意,但是.good idea/sounds great/thunks/i' d love lo, but.好主意/听起来不错/谢谢(你的邀请)/我很乐您去,但是.6.请求允许和应答a: would/do you mind if i?如果我,你介意吗?you don t mind if i smoke here,do

8、you我在这里抽烟,你不会介意吧?i was wondering if i could take this.我在想我能否拿这个。b: please don't.请不要.yes; you'd better not.我介意。你最好別这样i' d rather you didn't. 我倒希望你不要这样。b: go ahead.请便。not at all.一点儿也不介意,no, please help yourself.不介意,请自便。7.提供帮助和应答a: can/could i help you? /what can i do for you?有什么需要帮忙的吗?

9、is there anything else i can do for you?有什么其他事需要我帮忙的吗?do you want me to help you? /can i give you a hand?你想要我帮忙吗?b1:it' s very nice/kind of you.你真好。thank you for your help.感谢您的帮忙。thanks. that would be nice.谢谢。那太好了b2 please don' t bother/ trouble,请不必费心了。no, thanks. i can do it myself.不用了,谢谢。我

10、自已能行。no, there's no need. but thank you just the same.不必了,但还是要谢谢你。8.电话用语a: may/can/ could i speak to.?请接电话,好吗?is that sb. speaking?是某人吗?can i leave a message?我可以留个信吗?i'll call back later/again.我稍后再打。b: who is apeaking,please?请问你是哪位?ben speaking.我是本。hold on( n moment),please/hang on!请稍等ocan i

11、 take a message for you?我能替你带个口信吗?sb.isn' t here right now.某人现在不在。sorry, i m afraid you have the wrong number.对不起,恐怕你打错电话了。9.就餐用语a: would you like something to drink/eat?你想喝/吃点什么吗?how/ what about a drink?吗一杯怎么样?what would you like( to have)?你想要点什么?help yourself( to some fruit).请吃点(水果)b: just a l

12、ittle, please.只要一点点就够了。it' s so delicious. thank you.太美味了,谢谢。yes, please.好的。a cup of tea, please.请来一杯茶。i wouldn' t say no.好啊。no, thank you.不用了,谢谢。thank you. i' ve had enough谢谢,我已经吃饱了。10.购物a: what can i do for you? /may i help you? /anything can ido for you?你要买什么?how many/much would you l

13、ike?你想要多少what color/ size would you like?你想要什么颜色/尺寸?what about this one?这个怎么样?here you are.给你。b: how much is it'?多少钱?may i try it/them on?我可以试一下吗?do you have any other colors/ sizes?还有其他颜色/尺寸吗?that's too expensive.i' m afraid.恐怕太贵了it' s a bit small for me.这个我穿小了点。that's the right

14、 size.这个尺寸正好。wel, i'll think about it.嗯,我考虑一下。11.提醒、警告l don' forget to take a raincoat with you.别忘了带上雨衣。l make sure that everything is ok.请确保万无一失。l mind your head!小心头!l no smoking!请勿吸烟!二、情感类 表示喜悦、惊奇、满意等的常用语;表示安慰、焦虑、遗憾等的常用语。1.表示喜悦l how wonderful!太好了!l that's nice/wonderful/great.太好了!妙极了!l

15、 im glad to hear that.听到这个我非常高兴。2.表示惊奇l how come?怎么会呢?l how surprising/ what a surprise!真是太让人吃惊了l really?真的吗?l is that so?真是这样吗?l oh dear!哦,天呢!3.表示焦虑l wha' s the matter?怎么了?l what's wrong?怎么了?4.表示安慰l well.it' s nothing serious!好了,没什么大不了的!l no hurry!/ take your time.不用急!l take it easy!/ r

16、elax!放松!慢慢来!l don' t worry.不用担心。l don't be afraid.不要害怕5.表示满意l that' s better.那样好多了l well done!干得好!l perfect!太好了!l that' s good enough.够好的了。l wonderful indeed!真是太好了!6.表示遗憾、同情l i' m sorry to hear.听到我很难过。l i' m so sorry.真遗憾。l it's a great pity!/ what a pity!真是太可惜了!l what a s

17、hame!真可惜!l that's too bad.太糟了。三、态度类1.表示同意和不同意(1)表示同意l why not?为什么不呢?l i couldn' t agree more.我非常同意。l that's a good idea.那是个好主意l sure/ certainly. /of course.当然可以。l exactly.正是如此。l i think/ believe/hope so.我认为/相信/希望是这样。l i' m with you on在上我跟你观点一致。(2)表示不同意l no way.没门。l forget it.得了吧。l i&

18、#39; m afraid not.恐怕不是。l not really.不是这样的。l no.idon' t think so.不,我不这样认为。l ican' t agree with you.我不同意你的观点。l it' s hard to say.很难说。2.表示意愿和打算l i intend/mean/plan to.,我打算l i' m going to start next week.我打算下周出发。l i hope so.我希望如此。l i hope not.我不布望这样。3.表扬和鼓励l very good!非常好! well done.干得好。

19、l wonderful!太好了! excellent!太好了!l come on!加油 keep trying,继续努力。l cheer up!振作起来! you can do it你能行的。4.表示冷淡l i don' t care.对我不在乎。l so what?那又怎么样?l who cares?我才不管呢!l it doesn' t matter to me.这跟我没什么关系。l (it's) none of my business这与我无关。5.责备和抱怨l come on!得了吧!算了吧!l you ought to be ashamed of.你应对感到羞

20、愧l i hate to say, but.我很抱妆这样说,但是.l i'm afraid i have a complaint about.我对有意见。方法技巧1.do you mind my closing the window? .it's much too noisy outsidea. yes please b. of course not c. all right解题技巧:b mind类交际用语的题目是对mind进行回答,而不是对其后要发生的动作进行回答。本题由答语“外面太吵了”可知,希望关上窗户,因此是“不介意”对方关上窗户的,故选b项。命题规律:解答有关mind

21、类交际用语的题目时要特别注意以下两个方面:是对mind进行回答,而不是对其后要进行的动作进行回答;共次回答有关mind的题目时要注意答语的委婉。2.it' s really nice of you to help me! a my pleasure b. dont say thatc. is that so? d with pleasure解题技巧:a 在对别人表示赞扬或者感谢的交际用语中,答语要符合英语交际的习惯,由此可知选a项。命题规律:由于汉语与英美国家文化、习俗等方面的不同,在对别人表示感谢或者赞扬的回答语方面,常常会给出不同的答案。同学们在做此类型题目时,一定要摆脱汉语思维的

22、束缚。专项训练一、单项选择类1( ) 1 -how's everything going on?-_. a. everything is finished b. everything is well c. not so bad, you know d. not doing wrong; you know( ) 2 -hello, kate. how was your birthday?-_. what about you?a. very well, thank you b. happily, in london c. it's great, thanks d. i'm

23、pleasure2( ) 1 -i'm sorry i broke your mirror.-oh, really? _.a. it's ok with me b. don't be sorry c. i don't care at all d. it doesn't matter( ) 2 -i'm sorry to trouble you.-_. a. the same to you. b. what a pity! i'm sorry to hear that. c. it doesn't matter. what is i

24、t? d. thanks a lot.( ) 3 -hi, tom, john sends his regards to your parents.-_. a. that's kind of him. b. that's kind of you. c. of course. d. how are you?( ) 4 -thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.-_. a. no thanks, please. b. i'm glad you like it. c. please don't say so. d

25、. no, it's not so good.( ) 5 -you need my help?-_. a. no, thanks.b. yes, but i don't need your help. c. no, it's very kind of you. d. yes, but i can manage.3( ) 1 -may i draw it now?-_. a. yes, thanks. b. you are welcome. c. do, please. d. yes, you may.( ) 2 -please pass me the dictionar

26、y.-_. a. that's right. b. here you are. c. not at all. d. it's a pleasure.( ) 3 -would you like me to fetch you something to read?-_. a. go ahead, please. b. no problem. c. that would be nice. d. you're welcome.( ) 4 -will you do me the honour of dancing with me?-_. a. oh, it's very

27、kind of you. b. that's a good idea.c. i'd love to, but i am wanted on the phone. d. thank you all the same.( ) 5 -shall we go to see mr green tomorrow afternoon?-_. a. it's very kind of you. b. you are all right. c. that's great. d. it doesn't matter.4( ) 1 -would you mind if i s

28、moke here?-_, but i think youd better do it over there.a. yes, please b. i'm sorryc. certainly not d. no, go ahead( ) 2 -wouldn't you like to go to the party with me?-_. a. no, i never b. yes, please c. yes, i'd be glad to d. yes, i would like( ) 3 -why not come here on saturday? i think

29、 you'd like it.-_. a. that's all right b. never mind c. that's a good idea d. no problem( ) 4 -could you tell me the way to the railway station?-_. a. make sure b. if you like c. sure d. never mind( ) 5 -i'd like to invite you to dinner this saturday, mr smith.-_. a. oh, no. let'

30、s not b. i'd rather stay at homec. i'm very sorry, but i have other plans d. oh, no. that'll be too much trouble5( ) 1 -_?-he is a nice person.a. what does your new teacher look likeb. what's your new teacher likec. how is your new teacherd. what is your new teacher look like( ) 2 -d

31、o you think i could borrow your dictionary?-_. a. yes, i do b. of course not c. yes, you could d. help yourself( ) 3 -excuse me, madame. i wonder if this bus goes to the east lake.-_. you should take a bus no. 521. a. sure, it does b. no, it isn't c. oh, sorry. i'm afraid not d. what a pity!

32、 it's not true( ) 4 -what does your new house look like?-_. a. it looks well b. it looks like a cave c. it is bright and large d. i don't like it( ) 5 -how about going out for a walk?-_. a. yes, i will. b. taking a walk is good for us. c. why not? d. i'll go out for a walk.( ) 6 -how do

33、you like your english teacher?a. like him b. yes, i do c. he's very tall d. he's very kind6( ) 1 -i would like a cup of tea.-_. a. i, too b. i did so c. me, too d. me, either( ) 2 -he likes playing football.-_. a. so am i b. so did i c. so do i d. so i do( ) 3 i _ staying at home _ going the

34、re, for it is raining heavily. a. prefer; than b. like better; to c. prefer; to d. like best; than7( ) 1 -i'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting so long, tom.-_. a. not at all b. you are welcome c. this doesn't matter d. never mind( ) 2 -i'm sorry i lost your pen.-oh, _? that's

35、all right.a. yes b. sorry c. really d. sure( ) 3 -i'm sorry i broke your pencil.-_. a. it doesn't matter b. thank you c. excuse me d. parden8( ) 1 -a merry christmas and a happy new year!-_. a. you have some happy holidays, too, sirb. thank you, sir. the same to youc. thanks, sir. the best o

36、f luck to youd. that's very kind of you to say so( ) 2 -have a good day, mum.-thanks. _.a. you're welcome b. it's nice of youc. that's ok d. the same to you( ) 3 -happy new year.-_. a. you are good b. the same to you c. glad to see you d. here you are9( ) 1 -let's go to the cinem

37、a. -_ let's go.a. no, thank you. b. sorry. c. is it possible? d. why not?( ) 2 -let's listen to my new type, shall we?-_. a. any time will do b. it's right c. that sounds like a good idea d. that's all right( ) 3 -don't get near to it. it's too dangerous.-_. a. yes, i won'

38、;t b. no, i don't c. no, i can't d. no, l won't( ) 4 -i'll go skating this weekend.-_. a. can you fish? b. have a good time. c. no, i'm too busy. d. don't give up now.10( ) 1 -would you mind passing me the book?-_. a. no, not at all b. no, i wouldc. yes, i'd love to

39、d. oh, yes. here you are.( ) 2 -would you like to go fishing with us this sunday?-yes, _.a. would b. i would like c. i'd like to d. i like to( ) 3 -would you like to have some more fish?-_. a. i'm fine, thank you b. no, thanks, i'm full c. you are welcome d. ok, here you are【参考答案】1. 1-2

40、c c2. 1-5 d c a b a3. 1-5 c b c c c4. 1-5 b c c c c5. 1-6 b d c c c d6. 1-3 c c c7. 1-3 d c a8. 1-3 b d b9. 1-4 d c d b10. 1-3 a c b二、短文类 aa: good morning. what 1i 2for you, sir?b: i 34a sweater for my son.a: this way, please. here are sweaters 5men.b: i can't 6which sweater 78.a: let me he

41、lp! do you like woolen sweaters or cotton ones?b: let me 91011at the woolen ones.a: no 12! please 1314time!b: i like this one, but the colour is 15dark.a: 1617this one?b: oh. it looks 18. but it isn't thick 19.a: how about the blue one? it's 20.b: i like it. 2122does it cost?a: ninety yuan.b

42、: all right i will 23it.a: thank you, sir. bye.ba: good morning, doctor.b: good morning, what 1 2with you?a: i feel tired. i can hardly do 3work.b: 45have you 6like 7?a: 89last month.b: have you 1011headache?a: no, i 12.b: do you often have breakfast?a: no, i don't. and i often have a little foo

43、d 13lunch, because i want to 14thin.b: i 15. there's nothing 16. you need to take three meals a day and do some 17. i'm sure you will feel 18soon.ca: 12. where's the 3hospital, please?b: oh, there isn't a hospital near here. there is one 4the other side of the river.a: 56is it from h

44、ere?b: about 3 kilometers away.a: oh, dear. i don't think i can walk there.b: you can 7a number 4 bus.a: where's the neareat bus stop then?b: it's over there.a: thanks a lot.da: hello! 1i 2to ann?b: yes, 3.a: hello, ann! 4is lucy. how are you?b: 5, thanks. what can i do for you, lucy?a:

45、are you free tomorrow night?b: why?a: i want you 6come 7my party.b: i'm 8i can't. my mother will be at work. and i'll have 9stay 10home.a: 11all right. goodbye!b: goodbye!ea: i can't see things clearly.b: 12have you been 34?a: 56last week.b: let me 78your eyes. how 9do you watch tv?a

46、: almost every day.b: you know 10tv 11much is bad 12your eyes.a: yes. what can i do, then?b: you must do more 13exercises and you mustn't 14tv too often. your eyes will be better 15a few days.fa: good afternoon! 1can i do 2you?b: good afternoon! i'm 34a poor of black shoes.a: what 5do you want.b: size 8.a: i'm 6. we haven't got any black shoes 7that


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