1、可拖动地图的放大镜"""Demonstration of a draggable magnifier on a map"""import simplegui# 1521x1818 pixel map of native American language# Source - Gutenberg projectMAP_WIDTH = 1521MAP_HEIGHT = 1818map_image = simplegui.load_image("# ConstantsMAP_SCALE = 3CANVAS_WIDTH = MAP_
2、WIDTH / MAP_SCALECANVAS_HEIGHT = MAP_HEIGHT / MAP_SCALEMAGNIFIER_SIZE = 120# Event handlersdef click(pos): """ Reset center of magnifier pane to current click position """ magnifier_center0 = pos0 magnifier_center1 = pos1def drag(pos): """ Reset center of
3、 magnifier pane to current click position """ magnifier_center0 = pos0 magnifier_center1 = pos1def draw(canvas): """ Draw handler - draws map, magnifier pane, and box around magnifier """ # Draw map canvas.draw_image(map_image, (MAP_WIDTH / 2, MAP_HEIGHT
4、/ 2), (MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT), (CANVAS_WIDTH / 2, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2), (CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT) # Draw magnifier source_center = (MAP_SCALE * magnifier_center0, MAP_SCALE * magnifier_center1) canvas.draw_image(map_image, source_center, MAGNIFIER_SIZE, MAGNIFIER_SIZE, magnifier_center, MAGNIFIER_
5、SIZE, MAGNIFIER_SIZE) # Draw outline around magnifier mag_left = magnifier_center0 - MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2 mag_right = magnifier_center0 + MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2 mag_top = magnifier_center1 - MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2 mag_bottom = magnifier_center1 + MAGNIFIER_SIZE / 2 mag_topleft = (mag_left, mag_top) mag_toprig
6、ht = (mag_right, mag_top) mag_botleft = (mag_left, mag_bottom) mag_botright = (mag_right, mag_bottom) box = mag_topleft, mag_botleft, mag_botright, mag_topright, mag_topleft canvas.draw_polyline(box, 4, "Blue") # event handler for timerdef tick(): """ Move center of magnifie
7、r pane slowly down/right """ magnifier_center0 += 1 magnifier_center1 += 1# Create frame for mapframe = simplegui.create_frame("Map magnifier", CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT)frame.set_draw_handler(draw)frame.set_mouseclick_handler(click)frame.set_mousedrag_handler(drag)# Creat
8、e timer that slowly slides the magnifier panetimer = simplegui.create_timer(60.0,tick)# Start timer and frame animationmagnifier_center = CANVAS_WIDTH / 2, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2timer.start()frame.start()骰子骰子游戏"""Dice game "Craps" - uses only control elements plus prints to conso
9、le"""import simpleguiimport randomdef gen_roll(): """ Helper function that rolls two dice and prints/returns the results """ die1 = random.randrange(0, 6) + 1 die2 = random.randrange(0, 6) + 1 print "You rolled", str(die1), "and", str(
10、die2) return die1 + die2def process_roll(): """ Handler for roll, encodes basic logic for Craps""" global point, point_set, bankroll # print out message for new game" if not point_set: print print "New game. Your bet is", str(bet) # logic for first roll r
11、oll = gen_roll() if not point_set: if roll = 7 or roll = 11: bankroll += bet print "You won. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) elif roll = 2 or roll =3 or roll = 12: bankroll -= bet print "You lost. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) else: point = roll point_set = True print "Y
12、our point is", str(point) # logic for subsequent rolls elif roll = 7: bankroll -= bet point_set = False print "You crapped out! Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) elif roll = point: bankroll += bet point_set = False print "You made your point! Your bankroll is", str(bankroll)
13、def set_bet(inp): """ Input handler for changing bet size via input, forfeits current bet """ global bet, bankroll, point_set print if point_set: point_set = False bankroll -= bet print "Forfeiting current bet. Your bankroll is", str(bankroll) bet = int(inp) p
14、rint "New bet size is", str(bet)# create frame and UI elementsframe = simplegui.create_frame("Craps", 200, 200)frame.add_button("Roll", process_roll, 200)frame.add_input("Set bet", set_bet, 200)# initialize global variables used in gamepoint_set = Falsebet = 1
15、0bankroll = 1000print "Your initial bankroll is", bankrollprint "Your initial bet size is", betprint "Click roll to start the game"frame.start()雪碧动画片"""Animation of explosion using 2D sprite sheet"""import simplegui# load 9 x 9 frame sprite
16、 sheet for explosion - image generated by phaedy explosion generator, source is EXPLOSION_CENTER = 50, 50EXPLOSION_SIZE = 100, 100EXPLOSION_DIM = 9, 9explosion_image = simplegui.load_image("# define draw handlerdef draw(canvas): """ Draw handler for simple animation using 2D spri
17、te sheet """ global counter explosion_index = counter % EXPLOSION_DIM0, counter / EXPLOSION_DIM0 canvas.draw_image(explosion_image, EXPLOSION_CENTER0 + explosion_index0 * EXPLOSION_SIZE0, EXPLOSION_CENTER1 + explosion_index1 * EXPLOSION_SIZE1, EXPLOSION_SIZE, EXPLOSION_CENTER, EXPLOSI
18、ON_SIZE) counter = (counter + 1) % (EXPLOSION_DIM0 * EXPLOSION_DIM1) # create frame and size frame based on 100x100 pixel spriteframe = simplegui.create_frame("Asteroid sprite", EXPLOSION_SIZE0, EXPLOSION_SIZE1)# set draw handler and canvas background using custom HTML colorframe.set_draw_
19、handler(draw)frame.set_canvas_background("Blue")# initialize counter for animation and start framecounter = 0frame.start()俄罗斯方块# Falling blocks as in Tetris(BUT NOT REALLY), use arrow #keys to move sideways and stackimport simpleguiimport randomimport time#Player preferencesstart_level = 0
20、left_movement = "left"right_movement = "right"clockwise_rotation = "up"cc_rotation = "down"soft_drop = "x"hard_drop = "z"# Standard Tetris grid is 10x22 blocks, top two row are # hidden# Define each block as 20 pixels#setting up the gui stu
21、ffwidth = 10height = 22block_size = 20frame_width = 16frame_height = 22#scoringnum_cleared = 0score = 0level = 0#define initial gridgrid = 7 for j in range(height) for i in range(width)# define dictionary to lookup color from grid valuescolor_Dict = 0:"Aqua", 1:"Orange", 2:"
22、Blue", 3:"Purple", 4:"Red", 5:"Lime", 6:"Yellow", 7:"White", 8: "Black"# define helpersdef draw_block(c,pos,color): """ draws a block with position pos on the canvas c """ c.draw_polygon(pos0,pos1,pos0+blo
23、ck_size, pos1,pos0+block_size, pos1+block_size,pos0, pos1+block_size,1,"White",color)# define callbacksdef draw(c): """ callback for draw handler, draw blocks represented by grid """ global frame_height global block_size global pos_list global num_cleared glob
24、al score global level global start_level c.draw_line(10*block_size,0), (10*block_size, frame_height*block_size), 15, "Black") c.draw_text("Next Block:", (11*block_size, 1*block_size) , 12, "Black") c.draw_text("Lines Cleared:", (11*block_size, 6*block_size), 1
25、2, "Black") c.draw_text(str(num_cleared), (13*block_size, 7*block_size) , 12, "Black") c.draw_text("Score:", (11*block_size, 9*block_size), 12, "Black") c.draw_text(str(score), (13*block_size, 10*block_size), 12, "Black") c.draw_text("Level:&quo
26、t;, (11*block_size, 12*block_size), 12, "Black") c.draw_text(str(level+start_level), (13*block_size, 13*block_size) , 12, "Black") #drawing next block global width next_piece_offset = (width-2)*block_size, (2)*block_size #print next_piece_offset for pos in pos_list.piece_dictpos_
27、list.next_piece: draw_block(c, pos0*block_size + next_piece_offset0, pos1*block_size + next_piece_offset1, color_Dictpos_list.next_piece) for i in range(width): for j in range(height): draw_block(c,i*block_size,j*block_size, color_Dictgridij)class Controls: def _init_(self, left_movement, right_move
28、ment, clockwise_rotation, cc_rotation, soft_drop, hard_drop): """required init function""" self.previous_key = None self.left_movement = left_movement self.right_movement = right_movement self.clockwise_rotation = clockwise_rotation self.cc_rotation = cc_rotation #still
29、 need to do self.soft_drop = soft_drop self.hard_drop = hard_drop #still need to do def keydown_handler(self, key): """The keydown handler""" if self.previous_key = None: self.previous_key = key self.key = key self.keydown() #so that holding down is not #necessary self.
30、timer = simplegui.create_timer(1000.0/7, self.keydown) self.timer.start() def keydown(self): """ key handler that control sideways motion of blocks """ global pos_list global pos #finding the side pieces lowest_val = width highest_val = 0 left_blocks = right_blocks = fo
31、r pos in pos_list.piece: if pos0 < lowest_val: lowest_val = pos0 left_blocks = left_blocks.append(pos) if pos0 = highest_val: left_blocks.append(pos) if pos0 > highest_val: highest_val = pos0 right_blocks = right_blocks .append(pos) if pos0 = highest_val: right_blocks .append(pos) fall = check
32、_fall() right, left = check_sideways() if self.key =simplegui.KEY_MAP self.left_movement and left_blocks00 != 0 and left: #update old squares to be white for block in pos_list.piece: gridblock0block1= 7 pos_list.move_piece(-1,0) elif self.key = simplegui.KEY_MAP self.right_movement and right_blocks0
33、0 != width-1 and right: #update old squares to be white for block in pos_list.piece: gridblock0block1= 7 pos_list.move_piece(1,0) elif self.key = simplegui.KEY_MAP self.hard_drop and fall: while fall: #update old squares to be white for block in pos_list.piece: gridblock0block1= 7 pos_list.move_piec
34、e(0,1) fall = check_fall() elif self.key = simplegui.KEY_MAP self.soft_drop and fall: #update old squares to be white for block in pos_list.piece: gridblock0block1= 7 pos_list.move_piece(0,1) elif self.key = simplegui.KEY_MAP self.clockwise_rotation: pos_list.rotate(True) elif self.key = simplegui.K
35、EY_MAP self.cc_rotation: pos_list.rotate(False) def keyup(self, key): if key = self.previous_key: self.timer.stop() self.previous_key = Noneclass Blocks: def _init_(self): #0:"I", 1:"L", 2:"J", 3:"T", 4:"Z", 5:"S", 6:"O" #O is a c
36、haracter not an int #self.block_dict = 0:"Aqua", 1:"Orange", #2:"Blue", 3:"Purple", 4:"Red", #5:"Lime", 6:"Yellow" self.choice = random.randint(0,6) #last number #should be 6 and first 0 self.next_piece = random.randint(0,6) self.
37、piece_dict = 0:3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0, 1:4,1,5,1,6,1,6,0, 2:4,0,4,1,5,1,6,1, 3:4,1,5,1,6,1,5,0, 4:4,0,5,0,5,1,6,1, 5:5,0,6,0,4,1,5,1, 6:4,0,5,0,4,1,5,1 def create_piece(self): """Puts all 4 blocks together at the initial drop zone""" self.choice = self.next_piece self.next_pie
38、ce = random.randint(0,6) self.piece = self.piece_dictself.choice if self.choice = 0: self.piece = 3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0 self.rotation_offset = 2,-1,1,0,0,1,-1,2 self.cc_rotation_offset = 1,2,0,1,-1,0,-2,-1 if self.choice = 1: self.piece = 4,1,5,1,6,1,6,0 self.rotation_offset = 1,-1,0,0,-1,1,0,2 self.cc_ro
39、tation_offset = 1,1,0,0,-1,-1,-2,0 if self.choice = 2: self.piece = 4,0,4,1,5,1,6,1 self.rotation_offset = 2,0,1,-1,0,0,-1,1 self.cc_rotation_offset = 0,2,1,1,0,0,-1,-1 if self.choice = 3: self.piece = 4,1,5,1,6,1,5,0 self.rotation_offset = 1,-1,0,0,-1,1,1,1 self.cc_rotation_offset = 1,1,0,0,-1,-1,-
40、1,1 if self.choice = 4: self.piece = 4,0,5,0,5,1,6,1 self.rotation_offset = 2,0,1,1,0,0,-1,1 self.cc_rotation_offset = 0,2,-1,1,0,0,-1,-1 if self.choice = 5: self.piece = 5,0,6,0,4,1,5,1 self.rotation_offset = 1,1,0,2,1,-1,0,0 self.cc_rotation_offset = -1,1,-2,0,1,1,0,0 if self.choice = 6: self.piec
41、e = 4,0,5,0,4,1,5,1 self.rotation_offset = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 self.cc_rotation_offset = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 self.move_piece(0,0) #draws the piece on #the starting point def move_piece(self, offset): """This function updates the piece's blocks' position the offset is a list with two e
42、lements. ex 0,1""" global grid tmp = self.piece for block_idx in range(len(tmp): self.pieceblock_idx = tmpblock_idx0+ offset0, tmpblock_idx1+ offset1 for block in self.piece: #coloring gridblock0block1 = self.choice def rotate(self, CW): """Rotates the piece clockwise C
43、W = True if clockwise, False otherwise""" global grid if CW = True: rot_offset = self.rotation_offset else: rot_offset = self.cc_rotation_offset if check_rotation(CW): #update old squares to be white for block in self.piece: gridblock0block1= 7 #applying the offset tmp_piece = self.pi
44、ece for pos_idx in range(len(tmp_piece): self.piecepos_idx0 =self.piecepos_idx 0 + rot_offsetpos_idx0 self.piecepos_idx1 =self.piecepos_idx 1 + rot_offsetpos_idx1 #change rotation offsets for next time if CW: for i in self.rotation_offset, self.cc_rotation_offset: rot_tmp = i for rot_idx in range(len(rot_tmp): irot_idx1 = irot_idx1 * (-1) irot_idx.reverse() else: for i in self.rotation_offset, self.cc_rotation_offset: rot_tmp = i for rot_idx in range(len(rot_tmp): irot_idx0
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