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1、校对与改错解题思路及技巧考题内容及要求:综合测试考生的阅读、语法、词汇、修辞等能力;要求 考生能运用语法、修辞、结构等语言知识,识别短文内的语病并提出改正 的方法。题目篇幅及标注错误和改正方法:250字左右的短 文,其中十行标有题号,每行均有错误,每处要求考生依据“增添”、“删除”、或“改变其中某一单词”这三种方法之一改正错误。首先,将错误在文中注明,如需增添一词,则在需要增添处加“? ”的符号,然后将所增添的单词在该行右边的横线上写出;如果需要删除一词,则用斜线“/”将该词划掉,再把该词抄写在右边的横线上;如果发现由于某一单词使用不当而 需要替换,则首先在原文中该词下划线,再将正确的单词写在

2、右边的横线上。左边标记不正确或右边横线上单词拼写有误均要扣分。举例如下:A great nu mber ? America ns joined the Gold rush1._ofhop ing that wh?j n they would make a fortune.2. whenAs a result, however, most of them remain poverty-stricke n. 3. remained解题策略与技巧一、快速通读全文:由于该题型是以篇章这一较大的话语层面出现, 一接触该题, 考生首先应进行快速通读全文,大致了解文章的大意。这是进一步逐个仔细推敲 各标有题

3、号行之错误的前提和基础。二、寻找错误:随后,考生应以完整句子为单位,从中寻找基本语法错误。在理 解句子意义的前提下:1. 首先从句法角度对句子进行分析,考察句型结构是否完整,或判别是否存在其它常见的语法结 构错误:时态错误、语态错误、主谓不一致、指代不明、名词单复数错误等;2. 倘若确定没有上述错误,再着手寻找词法错误。特别要注意词类误用、容易混淆的词以及词语固定搭配等错误.3. 上述两类错误均以句子为单位进行侦寻,但考生切不可忽视语篇错误,即前后 指代错误、篇章的衔接、以及由于上下文语义的逻辑关系而产生的错误。一、句法错误句法错误在八级考试中常见,是三大错误中最容易改的一种。八级改错的句法

4、错误常包括:时态、语态错误、主谓不一致错误、非谓语动词错误、主从结构 错误等。1. 主谓一致问题主谓一致的三个原则语法一致原则:主语和谓语动词在单,复数形式上的一致.意义一致原则:主语在语法形式上为复数,但有单数意义,或主语在语法形式上 为单数,但在意义可视为单数,随后的动词要保持一致.就近原则:谓语动词的单复数形式取决于最靠近它的名词主语的单复数形式.A.并列主语的主谓一致1) : The additional stress and tension as well as the lack of suitable rest and recreation very ofte n have a d

5、isastrous effect on his health.(由 and/both.and意义一致or/no "either or:就近原贝 Uas much as/rather than; as well as/in addition to/with/along with/except等连接的并列主语:依短语之前主语的单复数而定)B.在复杂的句子结构中确定谓语动词的主语2) . The En glish speaker has at his disposal a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules which enables him

6、 to communicate his thoughts and feelings, in a variety of styles, to other En glish speakers.enables-enable(a series of, a large proportion of, the majority of students)3) . Nevertheless we teach students to do and say things with Ianguage which is fun dame ntally insigni fica nt to them as pers on

7、s, and con seque ntly they say these things formally and impers on ally.is-are4) . Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintenance of conversational flow become evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses: there may be a sort of traffic jam of words caused by in terrupti on, fals

8、e starts, and un predictable pauses. become becomes (主语从句为单数)2. 时态、语态、语气错误:1 ). We begin the natura' learning of pronunciation long before we start learning to read or write, and on our early years we went on unconsciously imitating and practic ing the pronun ciatio n of those around us for many

9、 hours every day.wen t-go虚拟语气:2) . Sometimes I wish I live in a differe nt time and a differe nt place. lived3) .Look at the terrible situati on I am in! If only I followed your advice.had followed4) .For this reas on, biologists now suggest that Ian guage_be “ species specific' tothe huma n rac

10、e.Be-is3. 非谓语动词错误1) . They say the in creases are n eeded because of a loss in value of uni versity en dowme nts heavily in vesti ng in com mon stock.In vest ing- inv ested2) How difficult it is for us, then, to achieve a balance in the midst of these con tradictory tensions, and yet how n ecessary

11、for the proper fun cti on of our lives. Fun ctio n-fuctio ning3 )The hunter-gatherer tribes that today live like our prehistoric human ancestors con sume primarily a vegetable diet suppleme nti ng with ani mal foods.Suppleme ntin g- suppleme nted5. 主从结构错误、并列结构错误1) . But, in 1066, a foreig ner from n

12、 orth west France became Ki ng William of Brita in, he ordered that a woode n castle be built on the banks of the river Thames.He-who2) . Once there was a pilgrim who made that his life ' s wdrkctaver the highest truth that this world could teach.That-it3) .This is natural, therefore, that our s

13、peech-sounds should be those of our immediate circle.This-it4) .t is not a voice we recog nize at on ce, whereas our own han dwriti ng is someth ing which we almost always know.Which-that? 先行词 all, any (other ), only, person +that? the best man + that? Anything, someth ing, no thi ng + that?关系代词的选择5

14、) .The state-run National Tourism Service, in partnership with a number of private compa ni es, is curre ntly running a worldwide campaig n, takes part in trade fairs and international events to attract visitors to Chile.Takes-taki ng6) . The ways which universities make themselves attractive to stu

15、dents include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers, giving students a governance role, and elimi nate required courses.Elimi nate- elim in ati ng二、词法错误:词法错误主要指的是用词方面的错误,这些错误主要表现在三个方面: 词的误用、词的遗漏、词的多用。1. 词的误用词的误用包括名词数的误用、词性的误用、词义的误用、介副词的误用、连词的 误用等。名词数的误用1. Apart from this, however, there is a

16、good deal of truth in what some people say: we certa inly do create a great nu mber of obscurity whe n we omit them.Number-am oun t/deal2. It is fairly well known that wild animals survive from year to year by eating as many as they can during times of plenty storing the exess, usually in the form o

17、f fat,win ter whe nand the n using these reservesof fat to survive duri ng the hard time in food is scarce.Many muchTime-times从词义方面辨析:1. They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred years of st

18、eady decline, producing the baby boom”.Height-high/ peak: to reach a new high2. Although Jane was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonym ously. The most emerge nt preoccupati on of her bright, young heroines is courtship and finally marriageemerge nt: emerg ing3. He holds his “r

19、eadiness-to-ris6 post and keeps on holding it.Post-posture修改单词时不可改变原句的意思.从词性方面辨析:1. The marketi ng of Wheat became an in creas ing favorite topic of con versati on.In creas ing- in creas in gly2. Large nu mbers of us, in fact, rema in throughout our lives uncon scious of what our speech sounds like,

20、and it often comes as a shock when we firstly hear a recording of ourselves.Firstly-first3. By the mid- 1980s' America ns found themselves at a loss over their fadi ng in dustrial competiti on. Some huge America n in dustries, such as con sumer electr onics, had shr unk or vani shed in the face

21、of foreig n competitio n.Competitio n-competitive ness4. The Con sumer Price In dex is the most widely used measureme nt of in flati on and is sometimes viewed as an indicator of the effectiveness of government economic policy.Measureme nt- measure从固定搭配进行辨析:1. This helpless ness of huma n infants is

22、 in marked con trast with the capacity of many new born ani mals to get on their feet within mi nu tes of birth and run with herd withi na few hours.get on- get to2. Her efforts to establish a little theater meet with little encouragement. Indeed, the people merely think she is making on airs.making

23、 onputt ing on3. There is a sharp differenee in meaning between" man is vile”and “ the man is vile yet “ the ” is the single vehicle of this differenee in meaning.vehicle of- vehicle for 名词 + 介词5 Corporate culture is a wide term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular

24、 compa ny or orga ni zati on.Wide-broad6. the gover nment appo in ted the first Can adia n Wheat Board, with total authority to buy, sell, and set pricesTotal-full形容词+名词7.Societies need to pay attention to existing problems in order to get rid of the immense danger of famine, drought and diseases th

25、at rise from the damage the pollution causes.rise -arise主语+谓语动词8. Just as business firms sometimes collude to shorten the rigors of competition, universities collude to minimize the cost to them of the athletes whom they recruit in order to stimulate alu mni don ati ons.Shorten lesse n/reduce谓语动词 +

26、宾语2. 词的多用词的多用指的是命题中有多余的词需要删除,或者是当某个词已经能够清楚地 表达意义,而再用其它意义相近的词进行修饰阐述而产生的赘述.词的多用现象通常涉及虚词,如冠 词、介词、连词等.1. Altogether apart from its scientific value, space travel has one justification that tran sce nds over all others.over删除2. The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as th

27、ey feel obliged to write dully, they believe that they should lecture dully.they删除3. A rough and ready differenee which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical words have less meanin g”a nd in fact some grammaria ns have called them empty words”.the删除冠词4. after more tha n a hun dred years of a

28、 steady decli ne, produc ing thdaby boom”a删除3. 词的遗漏校对与改错命题中常常故意遗落某个词,我们称这种现象为词的遗漏。词的遗漏 现象通常涉及虚词,如冠词、介词、连词等,有时也涉及其他成分.1) . There is no men ti on of waves result ing from these earthquakes along the coast adjace nt the Arabia n sea, and it is un likely that Tsun amis were gen erated.adjace ntto 介词2) .

29、 The host continues to talk to the guest and liste ns to him, but lea ns forward and grasps the arms of the chair as about to push himself upwards.AsAif3) . One' s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to thi ngs which there is somethi ng to be done.AboutAwhich定语从句中关系代词之前的介词4) . The other

30、 thi ng to be avoided is cli nging to youth in hope of suck ing vigor from its vitality.In Athe hope 冠词5. In the past 400 years, people from many countries settled there, bringing with them wealth of kno wledge and skills.aAwealth三、语篇错误:语篇错误是八级改错中较难的部分,因为改正这类错误不仅仅需要考生运用所学 到的语法和词汇,而且要运用有关语篇知识,要注意搭配、修

31、辞、措辞,注意词与词之间的细微差别,还要注意语篇的衔接,上下文意思的连贯,逻辑一致等等。八级改错出现的语篇错误主要有三类:语义错误(上下文语义相反或逻辑混 乱)、指代错误,衔接错误。语义相反1. The problem is that rain does not always arrive where and whe n it is n eeded. This is compounded by efficient agricultural methods and the growing competition of water from urba n cen ters.Efficie nt-

32、i nefficie nt2. Apart from a powerful capacity to pay atte nti on to their helpless ness by using sound, there is nothing the new born child can do to ensure his own survival.Pay-draw2. Most of it-97%-is in the form of the salt waters of the oceans. The rest is fresh, but three quarters of this is i

33、n the form of ice at the Poles and on mountains, and can not be used by liv ing systems whe n melted.Whe n un less前后指代错误1. Betwee n 1940 and 1960, their marriages rema ined in tact to a greater exte nt than did that of couples who married in earlier as well as later decades.That-thosea. Their cat un

34、 dersta nds as many words as does a dog.b. He is not as fast as had bee n expected.c. not as good as was expectedd. He spoke as n aturally as could bee. Do not drive faster than is necessary (wise).2. and increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States is in disti nguishable from those

35、 of bus in ess firms.Those-that3. There are important corollaries to the investigative power. One is the power to publicize investigations and its results.Its-their4. Although young ani mals are certai nly at risk, sometimes for weeks or eve n mon ths after birth compared with the human infant they

36、very quickly grow the capacity to fend for them.them -themselves衔接错误句中的连词1. A pidg in is not really a Ian guage at all. It is more like a set of verbal sig nals used to name objects and without the grammatical rules n eeded for expressi ng thought and ideas.and withoutbut without2. This was the situ

37、ation, for example, in England when it was occupied by the Norma n Fren ch: the Norma ns were the rulers whe n the massesc ontinued happily using En glish.Whe n while/but3. The total quantity of water is unknown, and it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and th

38、ree-quarter kms.And but/although4. Overall, two-thirds and more of the hun ter-gathere'calories come from pla nts.An d-or5. Since the United States maintained its dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the world, the temporary decline in divorce did not occur to the same exte nt in Europe.Sin ce-while6. Less no ted but equally sig nifica nt, the men a


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