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1、.1课前请认真读背 读:读: Unit 8 part 6 5星星 课间默写:课间默写: 1-100的特殊变化的序数词的特殊变化的序数词 和两组句子和两组句子订正抄写作业和天订正抄写作业和天U7.2have/has got to do sth 不得不做某事Its raining. IIts cold. You Tom is dirty. He Its late. We My sister is ill. She Im tired, Ihave got to take an umbrella.have got to put on your coat.has got to take a bath.h

2、ave got to go home.has got to see a doctor.have got to have a rest.3对划线部分提问 I like living in the city. Where do you like living? I can see a film in the city. What can you do in the city? Id like a cup of coffee. What would you like ? There are three books on the desk. How many books are there on th

3、e desk?.4.5 the first the second the third the fifth the eighth the ninth the twelfth the twentieth the twenty-first the thirtieth the fortieth the fiftieth the sixtieth the seventieth the eightieth the ninetieth.6 100th 103rd the one hundredth the one hundred and third .7Team workA: Which floor do

4、you live on?B:I live on the second floor.C: Which floor does xxx live on?D: He /She lives on the second floor.8Unit 9I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days.9 What weather do you like, sunny days or rainy days? .10I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days.11 What do you like to do on sunny d

5、ays? I like to . on sunny days.12Ask the students Have you ever been to a beach? What do you like to do on the beach ?.13 I like to play with sand on the beach. I like to .14Write down .二级下册视频unit9 part1.mp4.15Part 1 How many children like to play with sand? Two children like to play with sand on th

6、e beach .16 like 名词名词to do(to加动词原形)加动词原形)doing (动词的动词的ing 形式)形式).17 I like bananas but I dont like apples I like to eat bananas but I dont like to eat apples I like eating bananas but I dont like eating apples .18Do you like them? Many food pictures If you like it, you stand up and say: I like eatin

7、g/ drinking.5.26.27Say and retell I like apples but I dont like bananas . xxx likes apples but he /she doesnt like bananas .28Part2 1.先请个别同学造句,其他同学把词组写在相应的图片上。 2.小组按图造句。 3.两分钟写句子。.29eat bananas /mangoesplay with dogs/catsplay football/badmintoneat ice-cream/chocolateswim /skate pl

8、ay with rabbits/ducksdrink coffee /juicelearn English/Maths.30Try to say (Team work) Part 2 He likes to but he doesnt like to .31Write part2 2 minutesThe more the better,每句2星.32句型转换 I like playing football. 否定句:否定句: I dont like playing football. 一般问句一般问句: Do you like playing football? 特殊问句:特殊问句: Wha

9、t do you like doing?.33句型转换 He likes to draw pictures. 否定句:否定句:He doesnt like to draw pictures . 一般问句一般问句: Does he like to draw pictures? 特殊问句:特殊问句: What does he like to do?.34Part 3Listen read and write.35 book computer dog bike TV swimming.36 Part4 listen ,write and watch.37 .二级下册视频unit9 part4 第一部

10、分.mp4 .二级下册视频unit9 part4第二部分.mp4.38 part8.39课间听写 单词每个单词每个1星星 12星星 句子每句句子每句2星星 8星星 12-15 good 16-20 very good.401.the first2.the second3.the third 4.the fifth5.the eighth6.the ninth7.the twelfth8.the nineteenth9.the twentieth10.the fortieth11.the sixty-fourth12.the ninetieth.41Team work1. Which floor

11、 do you live on?2. I live on the second floor.3. Which floor does Tom live on?4. He lives on the twelfth floor.42Review of Unit1-Unit8Movers B.43Unit 1Going to different places.44library, shop, marketbank park cinema zoohospital supermarket.45river lake island waterfallforest jungle plant countrysid

12、e village field mountain.46 Where are you going now? Im going to the zoo.47 Where would you like to go in the holiday then? Id like to go to the countryside.48.49Whats the weather like today?Its windy.50Whats the weather like today?Its cloudy.51Whats the weather like today?Its rainy.52Whats the weat

13、her like today?Its sunny.53 I like windy days because we can fly big kites. I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes. I like rainy days because we can watch TV and eat snacks. I like snowy days because we can have a snowball fight. .7.58wordsa toothache a cough an earache a sto

14、mach ache a backache a headache a cold a temperature.59What does the doctor often say? Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you?.60 Have you got a toothache?Yes, I have. No, I havent.61Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.62body parts eyes ears nose mouth leg see hear smell eat walk .63I can see wit

15、h my eyes.64 The monkey can climb the tree with its legs. I can touch the rabbits with my hands. Lily can smell the flowers with her nose. Tom can eat the pizza with his mouth. Mr. Li can listen to music with his ears.65.66Where do you like living? I like living in the city. I like living in the cou

16、ntry. I like living in the island. I like living in the mountain. I like living in the forest.67Where do you like living? I like living near a lake. I like living by a river. I like living next to a supermarket.68What can you do in the city? I can go to the supermarket. I can visit a zoo. I can play

17、 sports games. I can see a film.69What can you do in the country? I can sleep on the grass. I can have a picnic. I can smell the flowers. I can go fishing.70 I like living in the country because I can see farm animals. Snow likes living in the city because she can go to the supermarket. Kate likes l

18、iving in the city because she can take a photo in the park.71Unit 6 Id like a glass of water.72What would you like, Sir?v1, a cup of tea 2. a cup of coffee v3.a glass of water 4. a bottle of juice v5. a bowl of soup 6. a bottle of lemonade v7. a bag of popcorn 8. a box of toys.73Pair workvWhat would

19、 you like, Sir?vI d like a glass of water.74Act outvWhat would you like ,miss?vId like vHow about some bananas? It is fresh.vNo ,thank you.75Pair workvWhat would you like ,Sir?vId likevWould you like some ?vYes, I would./ No, thank you.vYes, please.vThat would be nice.76.77New words.homeworkcarrygif

20、tclownblanket.78have got to do sth 不得不做某事 我不得不去写家庭作业了。 I have got to do my homework. 她不得不去洗澡了。 She has got to take a bath. Sam不得不起床了。 Sam has got to get up. 我们不得不打扫教室了。 We have got to clean our classroom.79How many + 可数名词复数 你们教室里有多少扇窗户?你们教室里有多少扇窗户? How many windows are there in your classroom? 我们教室有

21、我们教室有6扇窗户。扇窗户。 There are 6 windows in our classroom. 你的卧室里有几张床?你的卧室里有几张床? How many beds are there in your bedroom? 我的卧室里有我的卧室里有2张床。张床。 There are 2 beds in my bedroom. .80一般疑问句 There are 24 students in our class. Are there 24 students in your class? No ,there arent. There is 1 book on his desk. Is th

22、ere 1 book on his desk? Yes ,there is.81Guessing riddles It is an animal that helps us to watch the house and likes to eat bones. .82 It is an animal that likes eating bananas and climb trees quickly.83 It is an animal, It lives in the water and it is good at jumping out of water.84 It is an animal

23、which comes from Australia and hops with a baby in her pocket. .85It is an animal, it lives in the sea. It is the biggest animal in the world.86 Sally is having breakfast. What is Sally doing? Peter often plays basketball every morning. What does Peter do every morning?.87 I like living in the count

24、ryside. Where do you like living? I went to the library last Monday. Where did you go last Monday?.88 I will go to the hospital this afternoon Where will you go this afternoon?.89划线提问 Sally is having breakfast. Peter often plays basketball every morning. I like living in the countryside. I went to t

25、he library last Monday. I will go to the hospital this afternoon.90wordsnsupermarket island hospital jungle country library forest sunny windy snowy na cough a stomachache na headache a temperature a toothache nclown blanket first second third.91词组nfly a kite ride a bike ntake a bath take a photonha

26、ve a rest have a snowball fight have a bad toothache have breakfastngo to the supermarket ngo to the librarynsee farm animals play basketball .92Homework 听读听读: U9 part4 写写: U9天天 part 2写在作业本上写在作业本上 I like to but I dont like to. 背:背:重点单词,词组。重点单词,词组。.93天天练 Where is Lily going? She is going to the count

27、ryside Where would Jack like to go ? He would like to go to the park.94 Who is Sophie? She is Anns friend. Where is Sophie going this morning? She is going to the library. Where is Ann going this morning? She is going to the hospital.95 Where are you going now? I am going to the hospital. Where woul

28、d you like to go for holiday? Id like to go to the countryside. Where did you go last Sunday? I went to the library. Did you climb the Great Wall last month? Yes, I did.96天天练 What weather does Susan like? She likes sunny days. What can Peter do in cold days? He can make a snowman. Why does Jack like

29、 rainy days? Because he can watch TV inside.97 Whats the weather like today? Its cloudy. What can you do on windy days? I can fly a kite.98 Sam likes taking pictures on sunny days. Sam likes sunny days because he likes to take pictures.99天天练 Whats the matter with Jake? Hes got a tempreture. Whats th

30、e matter with Lucy? Shes got a stomachache.100 Was Linda well yesterday? No, She wasnt. Linda had got a bad cold. What was wrong with Tom yesterday? He had got a headache. Did Cindy have a headache yesterday? No, she didnt.101 Do you like doing exercise? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do you often get up ea

31、rly? Yes, I do. No, I dont. What should you do if you feel tired? I should take a bath and have a rest. What should you do before you have dinner? I should wash my hands.102 Lucy has got a stomachache,she must stop eating. Peter has got a bad toothache ,he must go to see a dentist. Sally has got a h

32、eadache , she must take some medicine. Ted feels tired, he should have a rest. Judy has got a tempreture, she must drink more water.103天天练 The man can read the newspaper with his eyes. The girls can listen to the music with their ears.104 What was the weather like yesterday? It was sunny. How did th

33、ey go to the supermarket? They went to the supermarket by bus. What did Kellys mother buy for her? She bought three story books for her. Did they have a good time? Yes, they did.105天天练 Where do you like living? I like living in the city. Where would you like to go in the holiday? Id like to go to th

34、e countryside.106 Jim likes living in the country. Bob likes living next to a supermarket. Cindy likes living in the city. Fred likes living near the mountains.107天天练vWhat would you like for breakfast?vI d like a glass of milk and some bread.vWhat kind of food would your father like best?vHed like b

35、eef best.108vHelen would like a plate of fish.vJohn would like a watermelon.vJill would like a banana.vAndy would like a cup of tea.109天天练 She has got to have a good rest. I have got to wash my dress tomorrow.110 Sally is ill.She has got to see a doctor. Its too late. I have got to go home.111 Its raining outside. You have got to take an umbrella. Its very cold outside. You have g


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