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1、 Courts of the U.S.Afederal courts(联邦法庭)State courts(洲法庭) America Federal Courts are established according to U.S. federal constitution美国宪法 and the American law The definition of federal courts “Federal problem cases”that must be governed by the federal court according to federal law, such as bankru

2、pt cases破产案件破产案件、the crime that against the United States反对合纵国的案件、反对合纵国的案件、the state is the litigant以以州为诉讼州为诉讼当事人的案件当事人的案件,the case that ambassadors and other diplomats involved in 涉及涉及大使和其他外交官员的大使和其他外交官员的案件案件 The case that both parties come from different nations or states and for the amount of $te

3、n thousand in addition to divorce cases(双方当事人为不同国籍或州籍而且系争数额达一万美元的案件但离婚案件除外。)The federal courts are mainly responsible for:Pay attention The federal courts are department of the federal government, state courts are the state judicial(司法的) branch of government, no subordinate relationship(上下级关系) betwe

4、en these two types of court. But the two sets of judicial system has the division of labor in the judicial jurisdiction(管辖范围).federal court Common court 普通法院普通法院 special Court专门法院专门法院 Common court 普通法院普通法院2.appeal court上诉法院3.the Supreme Court最高法院1. district court地方法院美国实行三审终审制,如果当事人不服此次判决可向上级法院提起上诉,直

5、到第三级也就是最高级法院。上级法院可继续审理此案,也可将案件驳回要求下级法院重新审理 district court:A total of 94. They are scattered around the country, composed of 1 judge independence trial. federal appeals court :There are 13 federal appeal courts. It is the first level court of second instance, heard by three judges. supreme federal co

6、urt:In Washington,consists of a chief justice首席法官首席法官 and 8 associate justices陪审法官陪审法官. The federal court is the supreme body to exercise judicial power司法权司法权. The judge is appointed by the president when 2/3 or more of the senate agreed and tenure终身终身职位职位 in this position. The supreme federal court

7、 has the power of judicial review(司法审查权司法审查权) . Review whether legislative立法机关立法机关 or administrative action of the federal or state is unconstitutional (违宪)or not. Common courtCongress established the special court by relevant laws according to need(国会根据需要通过相关法律成立了特别法庭)bankruptcy court(破产法庭)tax cour

8、t(税务法庭)international trade court(国际贸易法庭)The Federal District Court of appeal(联邦区域上诉法院) Civil case:Equality of both sides go to court for money or assault(平等主体之间为了钱物或者人身侵害打官司.) Criminal case:国家为了打击犯罪进行的法律活动,例如某人在大街上遭到抢劫,这个时候该受害者不用到法庭上告抢劫者,而由国家出面来告抢劫者。具体的就是检察院出面代表国家告抢劫者,在法庭上,抢劫者是犯罪嫌疑人或者被告人,你是被害人,检察院是公

9、诉人注:当然也有刑事案件附带民事案件The differences between civil case and criminal case(一一)Opening Opening statementstatement开场陈述:开场陈述:控方和辩方向法庭作第一次陈述,即检察官先陈述,辩护律师后陈述。 (二二)The prosecution evidenceThe prosecution evidence起诉起诉方举证方举证起诉方应当向法庭提供证据以支持控诉,证人作证之前,应当宣誓或以其他方式保证如实回答提问。(三(三)The shift of burden of proof辩辩方举证方举证辩护方

10、传唤作证的证人,同样由辩护方和起诉方进行直接询问和交叉询问。(四(四)Summary of the debate总结总结辩论辩论证据调查之后,由控辩双方作总结辩论(五(五)The judge directed the jury法官法官指示指示陪审团陪审团(刑事案件中有(刑事案件中有23人称作大陪审团)人称作大陪审团)由于陪审团成员员是法律的外行,在陪审团退庭评议之前,主持庭审的法官要对陪审团作总结提示,内容包括:陪审团的职责和义务;与案件有关的法律;由证据引起的争议;解释有关法律术语的确切含义。(六(六)Jury deliberation陪审团评议陪审团评议陪审团评议秘密进行,内容保密,不准任何人进出评议室。(七(七)The verdict of the jury陪审陪审裁决裁决陪审团就被告人有罪还是无罪作出裁决后,回到公开法庭,由陪审团长向法庭宣告裁决结


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