



1、新目标初一英语下册第 1-3 单元测试卷本试题分第I卷和第U卷两局部。第I卷为选择题,45分;第U卷为非选择题,55分;总分 100 分,时间 100 分钟第一卷一、单项选择( 15 分)共 15 个小题,每题 1 分( )1.She can Chinese kungfu.A.makeB. makesC. doD.does( )2.Nancy watches TV 9:00 every night.A.at,/B./,/C./,atD.at,at( )3. does she go to school? On foot.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhereD.How( )4.The littl

2、e boy can play piano.But he can't play chess.A./,/B.the,/C.the,theD./,the()5.Jimmy likes basketball and books.A.playing,to readB.playing,readingC.to play,readingD.play,read( )6.Let him the volleyball club.A.join B.to join C.joins D.joining ( )7. Sunday morning,she likes to sleep late.A.At B.In C

3、.On D.In the ( )8.He his teeth every night.A.brush B.make C.brushes D.makes( )9.He wants to know.A.where does the girl liveB.what's her nameC.how does she like him D.when the girl goes to work ( )10.Does Jim go to school?A.by bike B.by a bike C.take bike D.take a bike ( )11. I play basketball wi

4、th my friends.A.Sometime B.Some times C.Some time D.Sometimes ( )12. Can you go to the movies with me? .But I have to do my homework.A.No,I am notB.Sorry,I can'tC.Yes,I can D.Yes,I am( )13.He often has breakfast at school.But today he has quick breakfast at home.A./,a B.a,/ C.a,a D./,/ ( )14.My

5、mother is leaving Shanghai next week.A.to B.for C.in D.at ( )15.Students have homework to do every day.A.too B.too many C.too much D.much too二、完形填空( 10 分)共 10个空格,每题 1 分All the people in my family_16_ Sundays very much._17_ that day,we can do what we want_18_.I like playing _19_ piano.My sister Jane

6、doesn't play the piano,_20_ she likes dancing.And she can sing_21_.My father likes sports very much,becausethey're funny and_22_.How _23_ my mother?She likes_24_ TV.She thinks _25_ books is also interesting.D.doesn't likeD.ForD.to do( )16A.likes B.likeC.don 't like( )17. .A.InB.OnC.A

7、t( )18.A.doB.doesC.doingIt '8 o'clock in the morni ng.Mrs Brow n is read ing a list of TV shows with her daughter Lisa.9:50 Wome n 'Game 14:00Western Food 20:40 Sports NewsChannel(频道)313:23 Cool En glish16:30 Cartoon:The King Lion22:19 Movie:The Beautiful ladyCha nnel 87:20 Morni ng News

8、9:30 Ch in ese History10:25Cartoon: Chicken Little21:00 Eati ng in Chi na22:25 Weather Report(B.the(B.a nd()21 .A. goodB. nice()22.A.bori ngB.tiri ng(B.to(B.watches(B.reads三.、阅读理解20分两篇文章,共AC.someC.soC.wellC.difficultC.ofC.watchi ngC.is read ing10个小题,每题D./D.becauseD.fi ne D.relaxi ng D.about D.watche

9、dD.readi ng 2分( )26.Mrs Brow n wants to lear n about how to make dinn er.She can watch.A. Channel 3B.Channel 8C.Cha nnel 3 and 8D.other chann els( )27.Mrs Brow n wants to know the result(纟吉果)of Wome n's Tennis Game in the mornin g,so she can watch.A. Channel 3,Womens Game B.Channel 3,Sports News

10、CCha nnel 8,Chi nese HistoryD.Cha nnel 8,Morni ng News( )28.Lisa likes carto on s.But her pare nts don 'tlet her watch them in the morni ng,so she can watchin the after noon.A.Chicke n LittleB.The King lionC.Chi nese HistoryD.Weather Report( )29 .If Lisa wan ts to lear n En glish on TV,she can w

11、atch TV at.A.7:20B.9:50C.13:23D.22:19( )30.Mrs Brow n loves movies,she may feelafter readi ng the list.A.happyB.sadC.busyD.bored(无聊的)BRichard studies in a middle school.He likes play ing basketball at school.But his mother Mrs White does n'tlike sports.She has much work to do at home.Her mother

12、is coming this after noon and she goes to meet her mother.Near the school she looks at her watch.She has some time,so she goes into the school.Her son isn't in the classroom(教室).She asks a boy and knows they're behind the school.She sees some boys playing there.Her son is there,too.She watch

13、es them playing and soon is angry(生气的).She takes her son to the wall.“Go home with me, ays she. “Don't play with them.I can buy a nice ball for you.Then you don't n eed to scramble抢夺)for the ball. ()31.Richard is a.A. schoolboy B.schoolgirlC.teacher D.driver32.Mrs White goes to.A.meet Richar

14、d's gran dmaB.meet her gran dmaC.sees her sonD.watch her son play33.Mrs White does n'tlike sports,so.A.she is at home.B.she has much work to doC.she doesntk now about balls.D.she thi nks sheswell.34.What does Richard and her friends play?A.baseballB.basketballC.volleyball D.te nnis 35.Mrs Wh

15、ite thinks,so she wants to buy one for him.A.her son is angryB.her son n eeds a ballC.her son is lazyD.she likes her son第二卷四、任务型阅读10分Dear Peter,How is your study?lt' Sun day toda y'm writi ng to you. I'm going to tell you somethi ng about my liv ing in Beiji ng.Beijing is different from

16、London.ln our country,we drive on the left side of the road,but here people drive on the right side.Most people go to work by bus,by bike or on foot.The rush hours顶峰时刻are from eight to ten in the morning and five to seven in the after noon.l have Chin ese classes every morning from Mon day to Friday

17、.The stude nts in our class come from different countries.We're all hardworking and friendly.The Chin ese stude nts help us with our Chin ese.We also help them to lear n En glish.We're gett ing along well.That'all for today.Please write to me soon.Yours,Mary1. Who writes the letter?.2. W

18、here does Mary probably come from?.3. How many hours do the rush hours a day in Beiji ng usually last持续?.4. How do people drive in London?.5. 把划线的句子改为同义句.五、词汇15分A 根据句意及所给首字母,在空格上填写正确单词共 5个小题,每题1分6. We want 3 mfor our rock band.7. Ca n you play the g?8.50 and 50 is one h.9.My brother usually takes a

19、sin th eve ning.10.It takes me 10 mto walk to school.B 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空共 5个小题,每题1分11.She ofte n doesshehomework at 7:00.12.n ot speakCh in ese in class.13.She can help kids withswim.14. Tha nks fortake the book to my sister.15. How aboutwrite to her?C根据所学课文,在下面空格上填写正确单词共5个小题,每题1分A:Hi,can I help

20、you?B:Yes,please .I want to _16the art club.A:Good!17_ I know your name?B:Ci ndy.A:What 'your last n ame?B:J on es.A:How old are you?B:Twelve.A:Ca n you _18?B:Yes,a _19want to lear n about art.A:Do you have an e-mail _20?B:Yes,it'sci ndyjpep .A:Great!Tha nks a lot.B:Tha nk you.六、句型转换10分按要求改写

21、以下句子,每空一词,共 5个小题,每题2分。21. Ca n I help you?同 义句can I doyou?22. They get there by bus.同义句Theybus there.23. He goes to bed at 10:00对划线局部提问does heto bed?24.I want to join the art club because I love singing.对划线局部提问 you want to join the art club?25.She has to wear her school uniform at school改为否认句Sheto wear her school uniform at school.七、补全对话厂5分A. No,you don'.B.Yes, please.C.Ca n you play the pia no?D.How do you get to school?E. How long does it take you to get to school?F. How far is it from your home to school?GWhat time do you usually go to school?A:Excuse me,m


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