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1、2. Essential Elements ofCustomer Marketing直复营销中的客户关系管理1 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association2The EssentialElements OfCustomer-CentricMarketing 三个重要问题:? Customer Centric Concept ?客户中心理念?Customer Lifecycles ?客户生命周期? Customer Loyalty 客户忠诚度 1998-2010 Smi

2、th Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association3一一.客户中心理念客户中心理念Customer-Centric or Product-Centric? (一).客户为中心和以产品为中心的区别 (线上和线下渠道)(线上和线下渠道) Direct Marketing Association4? Current customers respond better现有客户有更好的响应 5-10 X higher vs. prospects 和潜在客户相比,现有客户的响应率通常会高出5-10倍? Loyal

3、 customers are a source of high margins忠诚的客户是高利润来源 38% of margin & 40% of revenue growth from loyal customers source: Accenture 38% 的利润和40的收入增长来源于客户的忠诚度 (数据来源:埃森哲咨询公司) ? All Customers are not equal. Some are more valuable than others ? 并不是所有客户的价值都一样。有些客户比其他客户更有价值。 ? 80% sales from 20% customers

4、80的销售额来自于20的客户 (二).How current customers drive profits现有客户如何提高利润? Current customers drive revenue. 现有客户提高公司收益 ? Acquiring customers costs money 获取客户需要花费成本 ? Costs less to market to current customers 对现有客户进行营销花费比较少 -Costly acquisition investment already made前期获取客户已花费了较高的成本 (三)(三). 3 Current Customer

5、Segments 3种现有顾客群1.?Most Valuable Customers 最有价值的客户 -These are advocates - 这些客户都是支持者 -Your most profitable customers - 通常是你最有价值的客户 2. Best Potential Customers 最佳潜在客户 -Greatest potential for future growth -他们的未来发展潜力最大 但目前还不是最能带来利润的客户 3.? Most Costly Customer 成本最高的客户 - Costs more to market than you mak

6、e ? 对他们的营销和服务成本往往要比从他们身上赚取的利润多1.? 最有价值的客户Most Valuable 每年12次购买 * $140 = $1680 20% 的服务采购每年购买礼品卡3次推介 * $250总计= $312 = $350 = $750 $3092 2.? 最佳潜在客户 Best Potential 每年8.5次购买* $95 = $808 20的服务采购 = $312 每年购买礼品卡 = $250 1.5次推介* $175 = $263 总计 $16333. 成本最高的客户 Most Costly 每年7次购买*$80 = $560 = $480 = $ 30 $50 没有

7、服务,礼品卡或推介 6次退回购买* $ 80 退货成本*$5 总计56Case: Womens Clothing Store Customer Segments 案例:女装店客户群的市场细分Gold=14%Cust./55% Sales 黄金组 =14% 的客户 /55%的销售量忠诚度最高 Most Valuable最有价值Silver=34% Cust/35% Sales 白银组 =34% 的客户/35% 的销售量 买最好的东西Most Potential最有潜力Bronze= 52% Cust/10% Sales青铜组 =52% 的客户 /10% 的销售量 购买量大Most Costly成

8、本最高Direct Marketing Association7Managing Customer Lifecycles 二.客户生命周期管理You need new strategies and differentprograms at each stage of a customerslifecycle 在客户生命周期的每一个阶段你都需要新的策略和不同的方案8? Customers have lifecycles 客户有生命周期-Marketers need different approaches at each stage营销人员需要在每个阶段都采取不同的做法? Segment 阶段划

9、分- Not every customer goes through every stage不是所有的客户都经过每一个阶段? Marketing Contacts 营销中的客户沟通?The communications you develop to retain andgrow them- 通过沟通来留住客户并保持客户数目不断增长Managing Customer Lifecycles客户生命周期管理3. Get 2nd purchase使第一次购买商品的消费者进行第二次购买2.Right audience w/ right offer通过促销活动获得受众5. Cross-Sell,Trigg

10、er 交叉销售,触发式营销, 事件营销4.Excellent Cust.Service优质的客户服务6. Segment/Loyalty忠诚度/市场细分 7.ReactivateLost 客户激活1. Right audience 确定正确的受众1.Target Direct Marketing Association转换3.Convert 2.Acquire 4.Serve 5. Grow 7. Win Back 6. Retain Customer Engagement 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Di

11、rect Marketing Association9Special Programs to Address Retention & Attrition 三.留住客户,减少客户流失的方案? Customer Loyalty Programs ? 客户忠诚度方案 ? Win- Back Programs ? 赢回方案 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association10?Who stay longer, spend more ?Who are more valuab

12、le Developing Successful Loyalty and Reward Programs (一). 推出成功的忠诚度及奖励方案Retain and grow long-term loyal customers 保持和发展长期的忠诚客户? 停留时间更长,花的钱更多的客户? 更有价值的客户?餐厅,副食品连锁店、零售店等零售方案 ? Many are based on points for purchases leading to discounts or free offers ? 通过积分获得折扣或赠品 ? Ex: Buy nine times, get 10th at disc

13、ount ? 例如:购买9次,可以在第10次享受折扣 ? Loyalty programs go further ? 更进一步的忠诚度方案 ? Some are invitation only, not available to the general public ? 针对所邀请的客户,不适用于其它客户或一般公众 ? Higher degree of customer service/recognition/exclusive treatment than freq. buyer programs ? 提供更高级别的客户服务、客户认可及专门待遇 ? Both types of program

14、s can be a competitive advantage in bad economic times ? 这两种方案在经济不景气时期非常重要Rewards and Loyalty Programs 奖励和忠诚度方案? Reward Programs, like freq. buyer programs, reward customers for purchases ? 奖励方案,如频繁购买者方案,对客户的购买进行奖励(酬谢)? Restaurants, grocery chains, many retail programs ? 可以成为你的竞争优势11Direct Marketing

15、 Association12Reward and Loyalty Program Tools奖励和忠诚度方案手段? Require specialty database loyalty/reward software ? 需要专业数据库或忠诚度/奖励方案软件 ? Card programs 会员卡方案 - Provide tangible proof of membership 为会员提供具体、有形的证明 ? Newsletters, direct mail, email 通讯,直邮,电子邮件 ? Personalized as much as possible -尽可能个性化 ? Trigg

16、er-driven programs? Gift reminders, Birthday cards触发驱动项目 -礼物提醒,生日贺卡 ?Unadvertised member-only specials 会员专享方案 Points programs 积分方案 Customer recognition and privileges are key to success 客户认可和特权是成功的关键Direct Marketing Association13DirectMail直邮Inserts with offersfrom partners插页中包含合作伙伴提供的诱因 1998-2010 Sm

17、ith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association14Case Study: Continental Airlines 案例分析:美国大陆航空公司? For many years, one of the best frequent flyer loyaltyprograms in the business. ? 多年获得业内“最佳常旅客”方案?Best Airline Reward Program 8 X ?Best Member Communications 6 X ?Best Bonus Pr

18、ogram 5 X?Best Customer Service 5 of 12yrs?Best Website 4 of 11 yrs获最佳航空公司奖励方案8次获最佳会员沟通奖6次获最佳奖金计划5次 12年中5年获最佳客户服务奖 11年中4年获最佳网站服务奖 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association15Case Study: Continental Airlines案例分析:美国大陆航空公司? Like other frequent flyer programs,

19、 customers: ? 同其他常旅客方案一样,客户可以: ? Earn mileage points赚取里程积分 ? Fly with Continental or any of 70 global partners ? 乘坐大陆航空公司或全球70家合作伙伴的飞机 ? Hotels, Car rental companies, Credit cards, Cruises,Retail, Phone and Mobile partners and more ? 酒店,汽车租赁公司,信用卡,游轮,零售,电话和移动合作伙伴等 ? Bonuses with upgrade to next clas

20、s ? 奖金升级?Points redeemed for free trips and other rewards 积分兑换免费机票及其他奖励 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association16Member Services and Privileges 会员服务和特权? 4 tiers of membership ? 4个层级的会员 ? Silver, Gold, Platinum白银, 黄金, 白金 ? Presidential Platinum 总统白金? Inv

21、itation only. New in 2010. ? 仅限邀请客户. 2010 年新推出. ? The higher you rank, the richer the rewards ? 你的等级越高,奖励越丰厚 ? Privileges特权 ? Upgrades升级 ? Special Check In Line - 特别办理登机手续通道 ? Special Security Screening Line - 特别安检通道 ? 1st to board- 第一个登机 ?1st_ off luggage, no baggage fees 第一个卸行李,免收行李费 Preferred Sea

22、ting -首选座位(通道,窗口 ) Confirmed reservations even when flight is sold out - 即使航班机票售空仍能预定座位 ? Private phone line- 私人专线电话 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association17Members can customize their contacts 会员可以选择他们的联系人? Preference Pageon website ? 在网站上选择在网站上选择自己喜欢

23、的页面自己喜欢的页面 ?Which contacts doyou want? ? 你想要哪些联系方式? ? How often? ? 多久联系一次?多久联系一次? ? See a Sample ? 参考样本Newsletters, special offers, statements,last minute specials, and more 时事报道、特别优惠、账单,最后一分钟特价商品等 1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association18?拥有高消费,高价值的忠诚客

24、户尤为重要 ? Continentals Elite Member defection is less than 2% ?大陆航空公司的贵宾会员流失率低于2% ?An industry low行业最低点How has it worked?这是如何做到的?5% gain?Especially important with high spending/high value loyal customers A 5% increase in customer retention can yield a 75% increase in profitability 客户保留率每增加5%,就可产生75%的利

25、润增长Case : Smaller Businesses Birthday Club 案例:小型企业的生日俱乐部19Direct Marketing Association20Managing Customer Win-BackPrograms (二).管理客户赢回(挽回)方案Companies lose customers. Which ones to win back How to win them back 公司总会丢失一些客户 哪些客户可以赢回 如何赢回Direct Marketing Association21Companies lose customers 公司总会丢失一些客户?

26、Loss of customers is called? Defection, Attrition and Churn? On average 20% - 25% per yr.客户丢失也称为:脱离,客户减少和流失 平均每年20-25, ? Companies can win back lost customers ? 企业可以赢回失去的客户 ? 60% - 70% probability of selling to“active”customers? 销售给“活跃”客户的几率为6070% ? 20% - 40% of selling to lapsed customers ? 销售给已流失的

27、客户的几率为2040 ? 5% - 20% of selling to a new prospect ? 销售给新的潜在客户的几率为520% ? Important: which customers are worth getting back ? 重要的是要了解哪些客户值得赢回Why Customers Leave 客户为什么离开1.? Intentionally pushed away故意推开 (不想让他们回来) -Unprofitable to serve, poor credit risks, costly -无利可图的、信用风险较大的、成本最高的客户2.? Unintentional

28、ly pushed away 无意中推开(好的客户赢回人选)? Product or service did not meet their needs? 产品或服务没有满足他们的需要 3.? Pulled away 被拉走(很难赢回)?Competitor offers better value, service, quality 竞争对手提供了更高的价值,服务,质量 4.? Bought away 被买走(比价采购者) ? Attracted to competitors low price offers. Most likely to churn. ?受到竞争对手低价诱因的吸引.这类客户最

29、有可能流失 5.? Moved away 搬走 (第5和6类赢回的几率渺茫) ? Moved out of area, retired, divorced, changed life stage, ? 搬出该地区,退休,离婚,改变人生轨迹 6.? Variety Seekers寻求种类多样的服务Direct Marketing Association1. Dontwant themback2.GoodCandidates3. Difficult4. Priceshopper5 and 6SlimChance221998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All

30、Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association233 Steps To Take 所采取的3个步骤1.? Who is worth getting back 2.? Find out why they left? Market research to determine reason找出离开的原因 市场研究调查以确定原因 ? Ex: Are they out of the market? Buying from competitor? ? 例如:他们离开了这个市场?还是从竞争对手那里买东西? 3.? Develop a Win Back Plan制定一

31、个赢回计划 ?Tell them you miss themRemind them why they bought initially告诉他们你想念他们 提醒他们最初购买的原因 ? Whats new since they left 告诉他们自他们离开之后推出什么新的产品确定哪些客户值得赢回 ? Database Analysis: Find those who were profitable before they left ?数据库分析:找到那些在流失之前曾经带来利润的客户根据他们离开的原因,重点打造诱因,并订制文案1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association24Geico Insurance Geico保险公司? Target customers with high


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