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1、Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaSectionA(1a2c)白北关初中武华平I. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: belong, belong to , author ,picnic ,hair hand, possibly Target language:Whose book is this?It must be Mary's. Hemingway is her favorite author.2. Ability Objects(1)Train students&#

2、39; listening skill.(2)Train students' observe and imagination ability.3. Moral ObjectsWhen on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy.II. Teaching Key Points1. Listening and key vocabulary.2. Master the usage of "must", "might", "c

3、ould", "can't" and "belong to".III. Teaching Difficult Points1. Listen for the target language.2. Know about the usage of model verbs.IV. Teaching methodsListening, guessing, groupwork1 / 6V. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder 2.A projectorVI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1: Lea

4、rn by yourself.According to the meaning of sentences, complete the words.1.Whose guitar is this?It might b_ to Ann. She plays the guitar.2. We are going to have a p_ in the park next Saturday.3. Lu Xun is my favorite a _ .4."Might" or "could" shows that you think something is p_

5、true.5. The hair b_ must be Linda's . She is the only girl who has long hair. Check the answers by discussing in groups.Step 2: Have guessing games.(Slide212)The teacher reads the game rules: Speak English, Say sentences about guessing.1.Show a picture of a man, and say What does he do ? Student

6、s will say, "Hecould/might be a/an doctor/scientist".Then show a medicine box, students will say "He must be a doctor. "2.Show a woman and a blackboard, and say "What does she do ?" Students will say she must be a teacher. Let students guess She could/might be a/an math

7、/English teacher.Show the whole picture, students say She must be a math teacher.3. Another game,T: It's one of our classmates, Who's it?Ss: It might/could be2 / 6It must be a boy.Show a head,He might/could be _.He can't be _.Show the whole picture, students will say , He must be _.4.Loo

8、k and guess: show a hand with playing ping-pong.T: Who is she?Ss:She can't be Li Yuchun.She might/could be Deng Yaping.Show the whole picture. She must be Zhang Yining.Step3:Discuss in groups.Now discuss in groups and explain the usage of can't, might/could and must.Conclusion:表示推测的情态动词在英语中,

9、表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词: must, might, could, can t must 表示非常肯定的猜测 . 100%的可能性might /could 表示有可能的猜测 . 20%80%的可能性 can t表示肯定不可能 . 可能性几乎为零Step 4:2CFill in the blanks with must, can't, might or could in 2c.Step5:Go on guessing.T: You did very well just now. I found you are very clever and

10、confident. Ok, let's go on next step.3 / 6Look here, show the sentence , Whose notebook is this? 肖勇 The teacher and students say, "It must belong to Xiao Yong."Another way,"It must be Xiao Yong's."Explain:Because his name is on the book.Show the pictures of a hat, Jane an

11、d Mike.Ask Whose hat is this? = Who does this hat belong to?Give the sentences, It can't belong to Mike.It must belong to Jane. Because she is the only woman here.Another picture with a hat, Jane, Mike, Alice, let students practice could, can't, might.Then summarize the usage.Jane s.It could

12、 beAlice s.be Mike s.It cantbelong to Mike.Jane.It might belong toAlice.Step6: ListeningFocus on the picture on P34, Then listen and match each person with a thing and a reason, students will listen three times. The first time, students only listen.The second time, students listen and draw lines.The

13、n let a student say out the answer and check it.The third time, listen and fill in the blanks.4 / 6When they fill in the blanks. I will pause.Listen again and Fill in the blanks.1.whose _ is this?It must be Carla's.2.The toy _ must belong to Jane's little brother. He was the only little kida

14、t the _.3.The _ must belong to DengWen.4.The book must be Mary's . Hemingway is her favorite _.5.The _ must belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music.Then listen and repeat.Step7: Do exercise.Fill in the blanks using the correct forms:1.LuXun was one of the most famous _ (author).2.

15、This book _(belong)to Lily.3.I don't like popular music, _(class)music is my favourite.4.This allident was _ (possible)terrible.The driver has been taken tohospital.5._(who) is this shirt?It must be Mike's.Step8: Fill in each blank with the correct word given.good she care can might girl mus

16、t student whose other worry badA paper with a full mark is on Mr Hu's desk. It has no name on it. Mr Hu is urge to(迫切) know _1_ it belongs to. It can't be a boy's because aboy's paper can't be so tidy.It must be a _2_. But only 3 girls have good handwriting in his class Lily,Jess

17、ia and Alice. The paper _3_ belong to Lily because she isn't good at math. Jessis is one of the top _4_ in hisclass。 so it might be _5_. But she has found her paper in her desk. So it5 / 6_6_ belong to Alice. She likes math and she is _7_ at math than any other student in her class .Alice looks

18、very _8_. She is asking _9_about her paper. Mr Hu gave it to her and said,"You must be _10_next time."Let two students write the answers on the board. Then check the answers. Answers:1.who 2. girl 3s.cant4.students 5.hers6.must 7.better8.worried9.others10.more carefulStep9: Have a summary.1.Words: belong, belong to, author, hair band2.Sentences:- Whose book is this?- It must /could/might/cant be Marys.-It must /could/might/cant belong to


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