已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、怎样培养初中生英语阅读能力英语教学中,阅读教学的地位是十分重要的。怎样去搞好 阅读教学也是我们很多从教者共同探讨的话题,下面我结合 我自己的实践来谈一下这个问题:1、激发学生的阅读兴趣适当选择有趣的文章阅读。例如,我们让学生读了下面 一篇关于阿凡堤的文章:once effendi had a joke with prime minister (宰相) he said that the minis ter wou 1 d die the next day the n ext day, the minis ter fell to the ground from the horse and real

2、ly died. when the king learned this , he got angry and sent his men to catch effendi at oncewhen effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily , ” effendi, since (既然)you knew when my minister would die , you must know the date of your own death say it out , or you, 11 die today. ”effe ndi loo

3、kedat theking forawhile then he answered , "but how can iknow ?r 11 dietwodaysearliertha nyou. ” theking wasafraidthatif hekilledeffendi ,he himselfwoulddieafterthat hethough t he must keep effe ndi alive as long as possible, so he let effendi go.学生阅读这篇文章,被这篇故事中的主人公阿凡堤的幽 默、勇敢和急中生智,而最终虎口脱险的整个故事情

4、节所深 深吸引,让学生读了这篇文章后还意犹未尽,还有继续阅读 英语文章的渴望,这样就能够深深地吊住学生的胃口,让学 生读对阅读充满兴趣。让学生听一些歌词优美的英文歌曲。例如,我们让学生 听了学生们喜欢的下面的电视剧李小龙传奇的主题曲呐 喊:when life is a hard game每当生活是一场艰苦的竟赛don, t you blame你从不抱怨it, s your chance to你总会arise your aim奋起你的双臂let your spirit be bravealways fight to hold your name永远为捍卫你的光荣而战no matter how b

5、ad or rough不管有多苦多难多艰险you never surrender你永不放弃all the warriors in this world世界上所有的勇士join the passion of this master of soul无不为这伟大的心灵而心潮澎湃from the chinese hills and shore从中国的高山到海岸we still listen to bruce lee battle call我们依然能听到李小龙的呐喊学生们听了这样的歌曲之后,被bruce lee这样一位 在全世界都极具影响力的华人武术家、对中国电影事业做出 不可磨灭贡献的电影演员的成功充

6、满崇敬之情。让学生听了 这样的歌之后,内心受到很大的震撼。学生们感受到了音乐 的美,然后可以用音乐去传递美,这样既可以陶冶学生们的 情操又可以培养学生们的语感和兴趣。阅读一些感人的英语故事。例如,让学生读下面一篇关于爱迪生的文章:thomas edison was a great american inventor. hewasborn in1847and died in1931. when he was a child he was always trying outnewideas one daywhen hewasfive years old, his father saw him si

7、tting on some eggs he asked him why he was doing that. tom did not answer .instead, he asked his father : “hens are able to have chicks .why can" t i ? young tom was in school for only three months. during those three months he asked a lot of questions mos t of these questions were not about hi

8、s lessons .his teacher did not understand his new pupi1.the boy had so many strange questions .the teacher could not answer all of t hem .so he wanted to send tom away from school. he told tom,s mot her that tom was not clever, and he asked her to take the boy out of scho olsotom' s mother took

9、him out of school , and taught him herself she taught him to read and write, and she found him a very good pupi1. he learnt very fast. even before he was ten he became very interested in scienee."mom, i want a science lab, ” he said one day.“why, tom? what do you want a science lab for? ”t want

10、 to try out some of my ideas”“well , you' 11 have to build it yourselfwe haven, t got enough money for that kind of thing, ” said his mother.so he builta sciencelab himselfhegrew vegetables in his garden and sold them, with the moneyhe boughtthingsforhislab .one day his mother was ill. she sent

11、for adoctor ” ask him to come quickly , ” shesaid .the doctor came as soon as possible .when he saw her he said that she needed an opera tion at once .but it was night, and the light in the room was very bad .the doc tor wanted to operate, but he wasn? t able to. ” i can,t see clearly enough !” he s

12、aid .edisonthoughthard .atlast he had anideahisfather owned a large mirror .edison took allthe lights inthehouse and putt hemin along table. thenheput the big mirrorbehindthem. now therewasenough light, sothedoctorwas able toseeclearly. he operated on herat once, and edison, s mother was saved学生们在读了

13、这样的文章之后,发现爱迪生这样的一位 有着卓越贡献的发明家,一生只上过三个月学,他的童年并 不像我们的童年那么幸运。而他能够造就出卓越的贡献,这 与他的好奇心和执着是密不可分的,通过这个励志小故事, 让学生深深地受到了启发,感受到了英语文章的魅力,激发 学生们的兴趣。2、采取有效的阅读策略as we read , we needto find” topicsentence” thesesentencesusuallygiveusa” summaryn , oroverallmeaningofeachparagraphand helpus unders tandwha ttheparagraph

14、is about.afterthe topicsentencecomes more detail and explanation.to understand the important ideas from the text, we must” summarize” ” who, what, where, why” questions as you read.as we read , we should read for meaning first, not for detail we can understand the meaning of a. word we don' t know from the context.as we read , we should also master the detail of the article this can make us understand the article better.3、养成良好的阅读习惯(1) 阅读要广泛,广泛的阅读能够增加语言的积累, 培养良好的语感。(2) 阅读时,不要一见到生词就查词典,根据上下文 的联系去猜测生词的词义。有些生词没有影响对整篇文章的 理


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