1、最新资料推荐2014上海最新中考英语一模试卷及答案龙文教育学科导学案教师:学情分析 课题 学习目标:1. 2.考点分析:学生:年级:日期:星期:时段:2014模拟试题新增音 标学习目标与考点分析学习重点学习方法讲练说相结合学习内容 与过程 Part 2Phonetics, VOCabUIary and GranImar (第二部分 语 音、词汇和语法)II. ChOOSe the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共 20 分)26. Look! The POIiCe are SearChing for CIUeS at the Crime SCene WhiCh Of the
2、 following is COrreCt for the UnderIined WOrd in the Sentence? A) / kr$m / B) / kri :m / C) / kram / D) / krm / 27. WhiCh Of the following Underlined PartS is different in PrOnUnCiatiOn With others? A) There is no reason for him to refuse me. B) The IittIe girl In red is SO cute. C) Do, t judge a Pe
3、rSOn by his CIOtheS D) YOU Can USe my COmPUter if you Want 28. I have just watChed a good film aboutelderly fisherman in Guilin. A) a B) an C) the D) / 29. It, S essential for CitiZenS to know that the haze (W) Can do harm PeOPIe * S health. A) With B) for C) On D) to 30. The Cinema in OUr neighborh
4、ood is Old and small, but isbig and modern. A) they B) them C) their D) theirs 31. HaVe try, and maybe you WilI Win the free tickets to ItaIy. A) another B) the Other C) Other D) OtherS 32. Meeting differentPeOPIe help Children Iearn to get along With OtherSA) ShOUld B) need C) may D) InUSt 33. You,
5、 d bet ter book thetiCketS as early as possible, they WilI be SOld OUtSOOn. A) and B) but C) SO D) Or 34. EVery year the world' S toptennis PIayerS to Shanghai to COmPete against eachOther A) COme B) WilI COme C) have COme D) Came 35. We justhope that TOm WilI bringgood news back home this timeA
6、) a few B) SOme C) many D) Iittie 36. After the COnVerSationWith the teacher, Jenny' S mot her IOOked a IittIe . 13 / 17A) happiness B) happier C) happy D) happily 37. The POIiCeman CaUght the drunk driver, but he didn' t remember theOld Iady. A) knock down B) to knock down C) knocked down D
7、) knocking down 38. That rude man SeIdOnl USeS kind words, ?A) does he B) isn, t he C) WaS he D) hasn, t he 39. The SCientiSts On the new medicine for two years They WilI SUCCeed in no time A) WOrk B) are WOrking C) have WOrked D) WilI WOrk40. A: WilI We know the results Of the test? B: In aweek, I
8、SUPPOSe. A) HOW much B) HOW far C) HOW SOOrI D) HOW IOng41. the StOry Of The Littie PrinCe is Very simple, itWarmS PeOPIe in many WayS A) When B) AIthough C) If D) BeCaUSe42. Many StUdents asked A) Why Werent t they allowedto PIay during IUnCh break B) Why during IUnCh break Werent t they allowed to
9、 PIay C) Why they during IUnCh break Were, t allowed to PIay D) Why they Were, t allowed to PIay during IUnCh break 43. MOSt Children expect Father ChriStmaSthem the gift as they WiSh A) give B) to give C) gave D) giving 44. A: I am SO nervous I am afraid I Inight forget What to say!B:A) StOP daydre
10、aming! B) KeeP calm! C) YOU are SO funny!D) What a good idea! 45. A: ShalI We go to PrOfeSSOr Tender , S IeCture tonight? B: A) I don, t quite agree With you!B) That SOUndS great! C) Thank you for telling me so! D) I am glad you Iike it. III. COmPIete the following PaSSage With the WOrdS Or PhraSeS
11、in the box. EaCh Can OnIy be USed OnCe (将下 列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)A. fastB. WaitedC duringD in a fIashE InySeIfEVerybOdy knows that it is dangerous to CrOSS the Street WithOUt IOOking both WayS in China However, I had a different experience in Berkeley, a beautiful City in California,
12、 US. I did, t know What to do When I had to CrOSS the roads 46 my first COUPIe Of days there: I WOndered Whether I ShOUId Iet the Car go first Or not? BaSed On my Old experience back in China, I WOUld Certainly Iet the Car go. U WhO WantS to be knocked down by a car?V I thought to 47 One day, I WaS
13、CheCking for CarS WhiIe I WaS Waiting to go to the Other Side Of the road. ArI SUV Came fast toward me, SO I StOPPed and 48 However, to my great surprise, the Car StOPPed right in front Of me. TO be honest, I WaS a IittIe COnfUSed because in China drivers USUalIy try hard to drive as 49 as POSSibIe
14、to CrOSS the road before PeOPIe SteP out. Not knowing What to do for a moment, I SaW no Sign the Car WaS going to2最新资料推荐move, SO I Offered a USignaI, to Iet him go first A. BeCaUSe OfB PeaCeC again and againD SafeE Aftera 51 . GOOdThe driver WaVed to me With a gentle smile, SeemingIy saying: “Go bud
15、dy! YOU first! , 50 Polite battle, I gave in and WaIked OntO the CrOSSing first ThiS took PIaCe nearly SiX months ago, but the SCene StilI COmeS back to my mind road-crossing manners between driver and PedeStrian( 行人 ) mean 52 , fewer accidents and most importantly, respect betWeen PeOPIe I really h
16、ope that more ChineSe PeOPIe WilI realize this and make CrOSSing the Street 53 for all the PeOPIe IV. COmPIete the Sentences With the given WOrdS in their PrOPer forms (用括号中所给单词 式完 成下列句子):(共 8 分)54. It, S Strange the twotookPIaCe at the Same time Orl the Same day. (robbery) 55. I have already CheCke
17、d the bag, but there is no Sign Of yourglasses (two) 56. MOSt StUdeIltS Were encouraged by the headmaster, SOn the first day Of SChOol. 58. ,all the money I IOSt On the train WaS returned to me. (IUCky) 59. art festivals are OrganiZed every year around theWOrld(France) 60. MatheW Warlted to build ad
18、og housefor his Pet dog, SnOWbaIL (WOOd) 61 It' S necessary to the narrow road to avoid traffic jam(Wide)的适当形(speak) 57.Eating StrOng SmelI food On buses Or the UndergrOUnd USUalIymakes PeOPIe (happy)V. COmPIete the followingSentenCeS as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共 14 分)62. GrandPa alway
19、s has manyinteresting StOrieS to tell us.(改为一般疑 问句)GrandPa always many interesting StOrieS to tell us?63. The IittIe girl IearnS SO quickly at school.(改为感叹句)the Iittie girl IearnS at SChOOI! 64. Manypeople have invited her to PerfOrin SinCe She became famous inthe TaIent Show.(改为被动语态)Sheinvitedto Pe
20、rfOrm SinCe She became famous in the TaIent ShOW 65. ItSeemS that all the members are PIeaSed With the decision.(保持句意基木不变) It SeemS that all the members are the decision. 66. The reporter kept asking What WilIthe government do to help the poor?(合并为一句)The reporterkept askingthe governmentdo to help t
21、he poor.67. The ShOP is CrOWded With PeOPIe because the NeW Yeart S Dayis coming.(对划线部分提问)the ShOP CrOWdedWith people? 68. me, every year, a , sends, Chris, ChriStmasCard(连词成句). Part 3Reading and Writing(第 三部分 读写)VI. ReadingCOmPrehenSiOn (阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. ChOOSe the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分
22、)One day, early in the morning On my Way to work, I SaW a IittIe girl Carrying a SmalI Cambridge SChOOIbag I COUld imagine that She must be PrOUd Of her SChOOIbag The bag is designed for StUdents, WhiCh CarI hold a IOt Of things, SUCh as textbooks, PenS and pencils, SnaCkS and water! StUdents just C
23、arry it On their shoulders, and it is easy for them. I WaS really amazed by the WiSdOm Of businessmen 317 / 17I remembered I had a green CIOth bag, WhiCh WaS Very rough, but StrOng At that time I WaS short, SO my mom made the bag rope ShOrter. After eating all the meals PrePared by my mother, I Said
24、 to her, T WilI go to SChOOI now Bye! n I ran to SChOOI With my CIaSSmateS At that time, this SChOOIbag WaS SO Iight Wherl I jumped, it jumped AlI things in this bag had a COlIiSiOn (碰扌童) They gave OUt CheerfUI SOUndS all the Way along At the time I WaS SO happy. AS I grew older, the SChOOIbag becam
25、e heavier and heavier My green SChOOIbag COUld IIOt be USed any IOnger. The bag WaS WOrn down, the mouth WaS opened, and finally it Came to an end My mother bought me another bag, and it WaS Very big I Iiked the MiCkey MOUSe Pattern. The bag had a few POCketS and both SideS Of the bag COUld Carry a
26、bottle. It WaS COnVenient! I WaS happy to go OUt every day With the new bag FiVe Or SiX IniIeS Of the trip to SChOOI Seemed as if it Were a few StePS away. That year I WaS 12 years Old ThOUgh my first SChOOIbag WaS, t made in the UK, and it WaS made by my mother herself, it WaS StilI a real Cambridg
27、e SChOOIbag in my mind 69. CaUght the Writer ' S attention On his Way to WOrkA) A beaUtifUl girl B) A businessman C) A Cambridge SChOOIbag D) A StUdent 70. The Writer, S first SChOOIbag A) WaS a real Cambridge SChOOIbag B) had many POCketS C) gave OUtCheerfUI SOUndS D) WaS made by his mother nd
28、71. UTheyV in the 2 ParagraPh here refers to "” A) the writer'S CIaSSmateS B) all the things in the SChOOIbag C) the meals PrePared by MOnI D) the ropes Of the SChOOIbag 72. The Writer Changed his green SChOOIbag because A) it WaS brokenB) the family got rich C) he Wanted a new Pattern D) i
29、t wasn, t made in the UK. 73. We Can Iearrl from the PaSSage thatA) WiSe businessmen make best SChOOIbagS in the WOrld B) SChOOIbagS brought the writer happiness When he WaS IittIe C) Cambridge SChOOIbagS are Very POPUIar among the Children D) the writer' S mother WaS fond Of making SChOOIbagS 7
30、4. The best titie Of the PaSSage is A) A CIeVer mother B) The historyOf SChOOIbagS C) My SWeet ChildhOOd memory D) SChOOIbag and me B. ChOOSe the WOrdS Or expressions and COmPIete the PaSSage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)There is a Saying in EngIand WhiCh goes; i the rain in SPain (西班牙)falls mainly On the
31、PIain, . I Can tell you now that it is a 75 . The rain in SPain SeemS to fall mostly On me. I am SPending a year in GaIiCia and, although it is CertainIy a beautiful Part Of the world, I think it rains more than in EngIand There are no PIainS here. It is a COaStaI area, and CIOUdS and StOrms directl
32、y getPUShed in from OVer the4OCearI With force. AS I write, there is a heavy rain OUtSide I have three UmbrelIaS TWO big OneS and a IittIe One WhiCh I keep On me 76 , just in CaSe BelieVe me What I tell you is all true The PrObIein is that Very often, UmbrelIaS Offer no help at all. The Wind is SO S
33、trOng that even the best UmbrelIa in the WOrld becomes USeIeSS 77 , I Often arrive at WOrk With a dry head and ShOUlderS (PrOtected by my UmbrelIa), but With Wet feet and IegS The rain falls hard and fast, and there is no escaping it. When PeOPIe from EngIand think Of Spain, they imagine beaches and
34、 SUnShine ThOSe things are a WOrId away from my experiences here in GaIiCia BUt I' In not 78 . It is because Of all this rain that the COUntrySide here is SO green and beaUtifU1. In the town a Very nice White Wine is made And there are beautiful beaches here in GaIiCia, although there probably i
35、s 79 On them at the moment. And most important Of all is the PeOPIe They are Very friendly here MOSt PeOPIe I have SPOken to are helpful. SO I think that, S WOrth having a bit Of 80 for Anyway, I IOVe my Iife here in GaIiCia 75. A) StOry B) WarningC) Iie D) tradition 76. A) at all times B) in the fu
36、ture C) for the time being D) in time 77. A) In addition B) After all C) In all D) AS a result 78. A) StUdying B) COmPIaining C) dreamingD) questioning 79 A) SOmebOdy B) anybody C) everybody D) nobody 80. A) money B) Wine C) rain D) WOrk C Read the PaSSage and fill in the blanks With PrOPer WOrdS (在
37、短文的空格内填入适当 的词,使其内容 通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)MOSt PeOPIe know that intelligence quotient (IQ) is important, but EQ is PrObabIy more important in daily Iife When facing an exam, EQ helps US to manage OUr feelings When getting along With friends Or Parents, EQ helps US to C 81 WeIL EQ is ShaPed PartIy by
38、 genetics (基因).YOU Can See SOme babies are quiet, WhiIe OtherS are not B 82 , EQ is SOmething you Can Iearn for yourself. YOU Can Iearn What different feelings Inight mean and how they relate to yourself and OtherS If We Iearn in the right way, OUr EQ Can get better as We get OIder. Children With a
39、high EQ USUalIy have greater SUCCeSS With making friends Having a high EQ needs a few different SkilIS Learning about these SkilIS Can help US to i 83 OUr EQ. BUt What are they? Let, S take a look! 1. KnOW yourself MOSt PeOPIe feel many different feelings t 84 the day. SOme feelings Iike SUrPriSe Ia
40、St just a few seconds. Others, Iike happiness and sadness, may Stay around much 1 85 Being able to recognize these everyday feelings is the most basic Of all EQ SkilIS 2. Manage yourself We all get angry.We all have disappointmentS BUt We need to COntrOI it. It is IIOt always the right time Or PIaCe
41、 to express OUr feelings When you are angry With someone, take a deep breath and S 86 COUnt to 10. ThiS way, you Can CaIln down. 3. EnCOUrage yourself When you fail an exam, you may be disappointed. BUt there is SOmething more effective you Can do一Iearn to encourage your sei f It gives you the energ
42、y and C 87 to move OrL It helps you to build a StrOng heart D AnSWer the questions (F艮据短 文内容回答下列问题):(12 分)Ms. LaROSa is a great teacher.She Can answer almost any question that you have aboUt any history topic and if She cannot, She WilI try her best to help you find the answer AIthOUgh She has a hea
43、ring aid (助听器), she5does not Iet that PreVent her from being a great teacher She told the CIaSS about it On the first day and told US not to Iet it get in the Way Of OUr Iearning and not to treat her differently. We all Iike her class, especially an activity WhiCh is CalIed the StatiOn StatiOnS are
44、When OUr tables Of four Or five become OUr groups and We go through four VariOUS actiVities, SUCh as AnCient China, in WhiCh We need to PUt together a SentenCe and Write it USing ancient SymbOIS EaCh StatiOn needs aboUt 40 minutes to COmPIete Ms. LaROSa has a POliCy that not many teachers give a SeC
45、Ond thought to. That is Writing in CUrSiVe (草书 的)letters She WilI PrOVide you With VariOUS resources SO that your CUrSiVe handwriting is the best that it CarI be. Ms. LaROSa always SayS that She has a reason for everything that She does ReCentIy We just UnderStood her reason for SUPPOrting CUrSiVe h
46、andwriting. CUrSiVe Writing Can force you to think in WOrdS but not in IetterS AISO it has been PrOVen that PeOPIe WhO Write in CUrSiVe Ietters do better On t ests Ms. LaROSa, S CIaSS gets to do VariOUS fun and exci ting things She also USeS real examples from her OWn life, SUCh as things that her d
47、aughter has done Ms. LaROSa also has absolute trust in her StUdents. She always IeaVeS her PUrSe On her deskMs. LaROSa is a great PerSOn and a great teacher WhO is always there for you, and I feel Iike I Can tell her anything 88. Ms.LaROSa is a teacher With a good knowledge Of history, isn, tshe?(1分),89 What activity is especially Iiked by the students? (2 分) 90. HOW IOng do the StUdents USUalIy SPend On eachstation?(2分) 91. Why does Ms. LaROSa SUPPOrt CUrSiVe handwriting?(2分) 92. HOW does Ms. LaROSa USUalIy teach her class?(2分) 93. Wha
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