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1、助动词习题1 Johns score one the test is the highest in the class; _.(A) he should study last night(B) he should have studiedlastnight(C) hemusthave studiedlastnight(D) hemust hadto studylastnight2.Howhighanaverage _ ?(A) a fellowshipstudentmaintains(B) mustafellowshipstudentmaintain(C) maintainafellowshi

2、pstudent(D) willmaintainafellowshipstudent3.I _ play basketball.(A)amusedto(B)getusedto(C)usedto(D)usedof4.Iwanttogotodentist,butyou_withme .(A)neednottogo(B)donotneedgo(C)neednotgo(D)needgonot5.Youwerelateagainthismorning ; Ithinkyouhadbetter_ on time.(A) to starttobe(B)startbeing(C) startedbeing(D

3、) to be6. She saidthatsheworldrathernot_itrightnow.(A)discussing(B)todiscuss(C)discuss(D)discussion7.Theowlcannottoseewell inthedark, but it huntsonmoonlitnights.(A) (B) (C)(D)8.You are quite right; Iam inferringinmycomments thatMcGraw had not ought to have(A) (B)brokenintheroomwithouthispermission.

4、 (C)(D)9.Aletterofcreditsisoftenusedtocompaniestofinancethemovement(A)(B)(C)ofgoodsbetweencountries.10.Thepriceofcrudeoilusedtobeagreat deal lowerthan now, (A) (B) (C)wasnt it ?(D)11.The formationof show must be occurring slowly, in calm air, and at temperature(A) (B) near the freezing point.(C)(D)1

5、2.Inlandcanalsareusetoshippingfarmandfactorygoodstonearby(A) (B) (C)townorseaports.(D)13.Tobecomeamemberofthecivicassociation, oneneed only attendthree meetings(A)(B)and to payhisfeesregularly.(C) (D)14.EverychildintheUnitedStatesmust havereceivedsomeformof(A) (B)(C)educationalinstruction. (D)15.Onh

6、erwayhomeshe usedtobuy a slice ofhoney cakeat the bakers.(A) (B) (C)(D) 16.When birds are molting,normally once or twice a year, they can seen much(A) (B) (C)less often.(D)17.Garlicisanherbgrown for its pungently flavored bulb, which is used to (A) (B)(C)seasoning foods.(D)18.Elephants are considere

7、d to be among the most intelligent of mammals and can(A) (B) train to work and perform.(C)(D)19.Mrs. Green is studying medical science how but she _ a lawyer.(A) used to be (B) would be(C) formerly were (D) had been 20.Wed better wait for her for a few minutes more, _?(A) wouldnt we (B) hadnt we(C)

8、had we (D) would we21.Unlike most Europeans , many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.(A)used to eating(B) are used to eat(C) are used to eating(D) used to eat22.They did not wishto leave but felt that they _.(A) had to (B) were having to(C) were enforced to(D) have to23.“I havent fe

9、lt well for a week.”“You _ see a doctor.”(A) had ought to (B) had better(C) should have (D) had rather24.Oh, Jane, youve broken still another glass.You ought _ when you washed it.(A) be careful(B)tocareful(C) to be careful(D) to have been careful25.You _ surprised to find me in such a place the othe

10、r day.(A) may well be (B) will have been(C) must have been(D) should have been26. The English of this composition is too good . she cant _ it herself.(A)have written (B) have been written(C) be written27.I _ your name before , but I cant remember it.(A) will ask(B) mayhave asked(C) had to ask(D) mus

11、t have asked28.Sports , like music , _ be compared to an international language.(A) can(B) should(C) may(D) may well29.I was so much absorbed in the conversation that I went past the station at which I _ got off.(A) ought to have(B) ought to(C) might have(D) might to have30.If you dont know where yo

12、u are going , you _ pack up.(A) should(B) should have(C)mighthave(D) might just as well31.Whattime_ I come tomorrow ?(A) will(B) shall(C) may(D) can32.I couldnt but _ at his jokes.(A) laughing(B) laughed(C) to laugh (D) laugh33. I want to go to the dentist, but you _ with me.(A) need not to go (B) do not need go(C) need not go(D) need go not34. “Did Mary come here and visit ?”“She _ twice since March,1980. ”(A) has visited(B) visited here(C) was visiting here(D) visits35. She said that the hypocrite _ be trusted any more .(A) had not (B) was not(C) ought not(D) should not36. You _


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