



1、新概念like的用法-配合译林5AUNit4Like喜欢:1+名词(复数)2动词ing(现在分词/动名词)can+动词原形其中,动词的ing形式有如下方法:1.在动词后直接加 ing,如:go-go ing, wash-washi ng,fly flyi ng2以 不发 音字母 e 结尾 , 去掉 e 再力口 ing,如 :drive drivi ng, ride ridin g,skate-skati ng,make-mak in g,have-havi ng,write-writi ng,take-tak ing, dive-divi ng,da nce-da ncin g,come-co

2、mi ng3.双写双写末尾字母,再力口 ing,女口: swim- swim min g,r un running,get getti ng,put-putt in g,set-sett ing 特殊:play playi ng read readi ng draw draw ing liste n-liste ning water-wateri ng clea n=clea ning Eat eati ng sleep-sleep ingstudytakeswim.写出下列动词的现在分词形式do sing playhave dancewriterun sit sleep例句:1 I like

3、 swimming.否定句:I don ' like swimming. 一般疑问句: Do you like swimming? 肯定回答:Yes, I do.否定回答:No, I don '.2 She likes swimming.否定句: She doesn' like swimming. 一般疑问句: Does she like swimming? 肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesn't.划线提问:what do you like doing?划线提问:what does she like doing?例句:1

4、 I can swim.2.She can swim.否定句:I can 'swim. 一般疑问句: Can you swim? 肯定回答:Yes, I can.否定回答:No, I can '.否定句: Shecan'tswim. '般疑问句: Can she swim? 肯定回答:Yes, she can. 否定回答:No, she can't.戈U线提问: what can you do戈 U线提问: what can she do1. 'What do you like doing? 你喜欢干什么Q1 like playing baske

5、tball and football.我喜欢打篮球和踢足球°2 I can play basketball well, but I' m not good at football.我篮球打得很好,但 我不擅长足球。3. He likes playing football too. 他也喜欢踢足球。4. She also likes playLng the piano. 她也喜欢弹钢琴。5. They both like swimming她们都喜欢游泳6. What does he like doing? 他喜欢干什么?He likes drawing.他喜欢画画*7. Wha

6、t does she like doing ? 她喜欢干什么?She likes reading stories* 她喜欢读故事8. What do they like doing?她们喜欢干什么'?They like watching films.她们喜欢看电影*9. Sam and Billy t a Iking about their hobbies* 山姆和比刑谈论他们的爱好10. Let' s go skating t?iis afternoon 咱们今天下午去滑冰。IL Look out!小心!12. There is a hole in the ice,冰里有一个

7、洞“13. Do you like wearing yel low?你喜欢穿黄色的衣服"?14. We all like climbing very much.我们都十分喜欢爬山&1, 询I可别人喜欢干某事、What do/ does “ like doing ?喜欢干某事lik已doing sth, doiri表示喜欢经常做一件事*主语是第三人称单数时注意 like后面加s.不粵欢干某事 dor/ t/ doesn* t like doing sth2动名词的变化规律*a. 般情况下在动词后面加i门吕女口 going, reading, drawingplaying,b.

8、以不发音的字母巳结尾的动词,去巳再加ig SO dancing, making,e以"元音+辅音"黠尾的重读闭音节单词,先双写辅音字母再加ing.如酗iramlng, rumina, getting, putting,一.按要求写句子。1. The girls like dancing.一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定句:对划线提问2. Na ncy likes readi ng.一般疑问句:否定回答:否定句:对划线提问3. My father likes skati ng.一般疑问句:否定回答:否定句:对划线提问4.David can play the violin.一般疑问句

9、:否定回答:否定句:对划线提问5.My sister can read a story.一般疑问句:否定回答:否定句:对划线提问6.We can draw some pictures.一般疑问句:否定回答:否定句:对划线提问二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What she like(do)?2. She (like) (play ) the piano.3. What you like (do)?4. Mrs Green likes(swim) and(da nee).5. I like(apple), but I don' t like(ba nan a).6. My friends

10、(like)(swim) in summer.7. Yang Li ng (not like) (swim).8. What are your(hobby)? I like (watch) films and (swim).9. I (no t like) readi ng stories. But she(like).10. Do you like (skate) or (run)?11. They can ( swim) (good).12. Can she (play) basketball?13. Are there (some) rabbits in the zoc? Yes, th

11、ere are(some).14. Mr Green is good at (play) the piano.15. We all like(climb) the moun tai n very much.16. Let ' (go) shopp ing this after noon.17. she(have) yellow shoes? No, she doesn ' t.18. He(be) good at(make) flowers.19. Can you show(I) around your house?20. Don' t(shout) in the re

12、ad ing room.21. There(be) any books on the desk.22. They have big(body).23. It ' s ti (have) dinner.24. The elepha nts have strong强壮的)(foot) and big(leg).25. Nancy(have) a parrot? Yes, she(do).26. Mike and Liu Tao(have) any toys? No, they(do).27. I(be) good at music. I can (play) the guitar. I like(play) the guitar.28. What fruit you like(eat)? I like(mango).29. How many(box) are there? There are 30.30. There(be) some milk and two glasses on the table.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1、一Do


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