1、1 identification of environmental factors1-環境因素的區分和控制程序的評估1、目的 purpose * no chinese ?to have clear methods, steps and assessment standards for effectively identifying the environment factors/ impacts in simona tanning, and which simona tanning causesto recog nize which environmental factors/ impacts
2、 will have the biggest in flue nee on the environmen t (the most important environmental factors/ impacts)2、范圍 scope適用全公司生產活動、産品和服務中所涉及環境因素的識別、評價及登記管理。to ide ntify, appraise and register the environ mental factors/ impacts in production, product and service in simona tanning.3 定義 define環境因素environme
3、nt factors/ impacts :指公司在活動、産品或服務過程中能與環境發生相互作用的要素。* not tran slated重要環境因素important environmental factors/ impacts :指具有或可能具有重大環境影響的環境因素。the environmental factors/ impacts (s) which will have the biggest influence on the environment.4.職責 responsibility4 1環工組組建由內審員組成的環境因素識別小組,定期對公司所有活動、産品和服務進行環境因素識別,找出
4、環境 因素。the environment management team will be responsible for distinguishing the environmentai factors/ impacts in simona tanning,and which simona tanning causes4 2環工組負責確定環境因素的評價標準,組織對環境因素進行評價,幷確定重要環境因素。the environment management team will set up the appraisal standards for environment factors to id
5、entify which are the important environmental factors/ impacts.4 3各部門配合環工組識別本部門工作範圍內的環境因素,幷統計相關的資料滙總上報環工組。the environmental management team will be responsible for collating all information regarding the environmental factors/ impacts identified each department though is responsible to work alongside
6、 the environment management team to recognize their own department's environmental factors/ impacts.4 4 環境管理者代表負責審批重要環境因素。the environment representative will be responsible for the categorizing which environ mental factors/ impacts are importa nt.5x 工作程序 work procedures5 1環境因素識別時機 environmental
7、factor/ impact review time period5-1-1例行環境因素識別與更新» 一般爲1次/年,一般情况下»爲每年12月份。environmental factors/ impacts will be reviewed on an annual basis in december.5-1-2下列特殊情况,環工組應即時組建環境因素識別小組,進行環境因素識別:in the advent of an unusual circumstance (see list below), the envir on ment team will organize a sp
8、ecial review to amend the environ mental factor / impact documentation.a) 新建、擴建、改建大型項目專案前;before any changes to the site, i.e. building extension or new con structi on.b) 産品、活動、服務進行更新或重大調整前;before major changes to production levels.c) 相關方就環境問題抱怨投訴或提岀合理要求時;if ongoing complaints are received about a c
9、ertainenviron mental factor / impact.d) 法律法規要求更新增加時;when laws and codes are updated or changed;e) 最高管理者或管理評審的要求。when specified by senior managementf) * when requested by our key customers5 2 識別環境因素的步驟 steps for recognizing environmental factors / impactsa) 選擇公司的過程(活動、産品或服務);identify the process, pro
10、duct or service which impacts on the envir onment.b) 確定豈亥過程伴隨的環竟因 素;identify the environmental factors / impacts which accompanies the process,product or servicec) 確定環土 竟影響;con firm the influe nee on the environment of these factors / impacts d) 確定環境影響的重 要程度 ° confirm the importa nee of the env
11、ironments in fluence (risk an alysis).5 3 環境因素影響的分類 types of environmental factors.a ) 大氣污染;atmospheric (air) pollution;b ) 水污染;water pollution;c) 土壤污染;soil pollution;d) 噪音污染;noise pollution;e) 固體廢弃物;solid waste;f) 資源牙。能源的消耗;the consumption of resources and energy;g) 其他(相關方的環境問題要求)。others (some rela
12、tive environmental requirements)5 4 環境因素識別和評價 to identify and appraise the environmental factor / impact5-4-1公司采用下列方法(不局限于)的一種或二種以上進行環境因素識別:simona tanning will adopt the below methods to identify the environmental factors / impacts present in our business:a) 工藝流程分析法;process analysisb) 問卷調查法 question
13、s to key peoplec) 現場實地觀察法;onsite visitd) 統ft分析歷史資界斗:statistical analysis of current and historical documents;e) 法紀法規和其他要素對照法;review of laws, codes and other requirements;f) 檢測和測量法;checks & measurements;g) 其他。others.5-4-2 識別環境因素時應考慮:when identifying the environmental factors / impacts, we should
14、consider:a)過去、現在、將來三個時態;the past, present and future business / situation of simona tanning;b) 正常、异常及緊急三種狀態;normal, abnormal and emergency conditions;c) 公司可施加影響的相關方(承包商、供應商、回收商)的業務活動。third party (contractor, supplier) business activities 5-4-3例行識別時,環工組組建環境因素識別小組»進行環境因素識別。the environment managem
15、ent team will be responsible to work with departments to identify the environmental factors / impacts within the tannery / site.5.4 4以部門爲單位,識別小組內審員負責識別環境因素。幷填寫環境因素識別表上報環工組。each department will assign a person to be responsible for the identification of environmental factors / impacts within their de
16、partment. 545識別完畢,環工組負責收集、匯總環境因素識別表,幷編制環境因素登記與評價表。after identifying the environmental factors / impacts, the «environmental factor / impact identification form» should be filled out andpassed to the environmental management team for appraising the risk / importanee of the factor, and then
17、filed.5-4-6環工組根據環境因素登記與評價表之環境因素、環境影響,采用打分法進行評價,以找出重要環境因素, 填寫重要環境因素登記表報管理者代表審批° the environment team will use a scoring system to assess the importanee / risk of the environmental factor. use form « register and assess environmental risk factor form», and fill invvimportant environment
18、al factor register form». this information will be reported to the departmental represe ntative.5-4-7特殊情况下進行環境因素識別和評時,由環工組負資執行,不必組建環境因素識別小組,根據情况,可抽調 相關內審員參加,識別和評價工作按5.4.6和5.4.7條款執行。under special circumstances the environmental management team will organize the assessment and risk analysis (as o
19、ut li ned in 4.4.6 & 4.4.7) rather than the individual department. the environ mental man agement team will report back their findings to the individual departments concerned.5 5 環境因 素扌丁分法評價標準:risk assessment scoring standard for environmental factors / impacts:5-5-1本公司的環境因素評價標準根據環境因素的性質分爲污染類環境因
20、素評價標準和資源類環境因素的評價標準, 重要環境因素亦分別確定 ° based on the environment, the risk assessment standard is divided into pollution environ mental factors / impacts risk assessment and resource consumption risk assessment. other important environmental factors / impacts can be assessed separately.5-5-2污染類環境因素評價
21、標準pollution environmental factors / impacts - risk assessment污染類評價綜合得分 =axbxcxd the total scores = axbxcxd, where a = frequency, b = size, c = situation, d = severitya 頻次污染物危害發生的頻次 a frequency: the frequency of high risk pollution events對從業人員健康有較重危害或者對地球環境有嚴重破壞,或者造成的影響一年以上可恢復甚至可不恢復is harmful to the
22、worker's health or have serious, irrecoverable impact on the environment.5分對從業人員健康有較重危害或者對地球環境有嚴懲破壞,或者造成的影響 半年至一年可恢復 is harmful to the worker's health or have serious impact on the environment which will take between 6 months and a year4分check the workers health每天發生every day occurre nee每周發生e
23、very week occurre nee每月發生everymonth occurrenee每季發生everyquarter occurrence半年以上發生或從不發生 less than every quarter occurre nee.5分4分3分2分1分b規模産生污染物的數量或噪音强度;b - size: pollution events quantity or noise's intensity;很多excessiveamount較多large amount一般average amount較少small amount極少tinyamount5分4分3分2分1分c j狀况環境因
24、素的管控狀况或符合法規標準狀况:c - situation: whether the environmental factors / impacts are in control of regulatory restrictions.不受控out ofcontrol有受控:但幷不徹底havecontrol; but not thorough完全受到控制undercontrol5分3分1分d -危害度造成的危害程式。d - degree of riskto recover.對從業人員健康有較重危害或者對地球環境有嚴懲破壞,或者造成的影響一周或半年可恢復be harmful to the work
25、er's health or have serious impact on the environment which will take between one week and 6 months to recover.3分對從業人健康有較重危害或對地球環境有嚴懲破壞,或者造成的影響一周 內可以彳复 be harmful to the worker's health or have serious impact on the environment which will take up to one week to recover.2分對從業人員健康有較重危害或者對地球環境有
26、嚴懲破壞,或者造成的影響 一天內可以彳复 be harmful to the worker's health or have serious impact on the environment which will take up to one day to recover.1分5-5-3 resource consumption risk assessment資源類環境因素的評價標準:(資源類評分綜合得分=axbxc) the total scores = a*b*c where a = frequency, b = size, c = situationa 頻次.資源消耗、才u用的
27、頻率 a = frequency - the consumption of resources, the frequency of use ;每天發生dailycon sumpti on每周發生weeklycon sumption每月發生monthly con sumption每季發生quarterly consumption半年以上發生或從不發生less than quarterly con sumption5分4分3分2分1分b 規模資源消耗的規模;b = size. the size of the resource consumption;很多較多一般較少極少excessive amou
28、ntlarge amountaverage amountsmall amounttiny amount5分4分3分2分1分c 狀况資源的管控狀况;c = situation. the situation for controlling the resources;無管理措施,浪費嚴重have no management actions, heavy waste管理不徹底輕微浪費management is ok, but not thorough, have slight waste有效管理/合乎要求effectivemanagement, meet the requirements5分3分1分5 6環境因素評價結果滿足下列條件之一,則被確定爲董要環境因素:ifif the assessment results meet one of the below conditions it will be regarded as an important environmental factor / impact:a)違反環境法律法規或其他要求;breaking the laws, codes and other regulatory requirements;b)根據評價結果其環境影響評價得分居前四位,資源類前2位的環境因素。accordi
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