



1、academic organisation of tsinghua universitythe tsinghua bellschool of architecturedcpartmcntdepartmentdepartmentdepartmentof architccturcof urban planning and designof building scienceof dscape architectureschool of civil engineering department of civil engineering department of hydraulic engineeri

2、ng department of construction managementschool of mechanical engineeringdepartmentdcpartmentof mechanical engineeri ngof precision instrumcnts and mechanologydepartmentof thermal engineeringdepartmentof automotive engineeringdepartment oftndustrial engi neeri ngschool of aerospace department of engi

3、neering mechanics department of aeronautics & astronautics engineeringschool of information science and technology department of electronic engineering depeirtme nt of computer scie nee and tech no logydepartment of automationinstitute of microelectronicsdepartment of microelectronics and manoel

4、ectronics school of softwaredcpartmcnt of environmcntal scicncc and enginccringdepartment of electrical engineering department of engineering physics department of chemical engineeringdepartment of materials scienee and engineeringschool of scicncos department of mathematics department of physics de

5、partment of chemistry school of life sciencesschool of humanitiesdepartmentdepartmentdepartment of philosophydepartment of chinese language and literature of foreign languages of hi storyschool of social scicncesdepartment of sociologydepartment of political sciencedepartment of international relati

6、onsdepartmentof psychologydepartment department dcpartment department departmentinstitutc of economicsinstitute of science, technology and societschool of economics and management of management scienee and engineering of economicsof financeof accountingof innovation and entrepreneurshipdepartment of

7、 hirnian resources and organizational behaviordepartment of business strategy and pol icydepartment of marketing school of public policy & managenienttsinghun law schoolacademy of arts and design department of department of dcpartmcnt of department of department of department of department of dc

8、partmcnt of department of department ofart historyindustrial designenvironmcntal art dcsignceramic designvisual communication designtextile and fashion designart and craftspaintingsculptureinformation art & designschool of medicine department of medical science department of pharmaceutical scien

9、ee department of biomedical engineering school of journalism and communication institute of nuclear and new energy technology department of physical educationdepartment of mathematical scienceseditdepartmcnt of mathematical sciences (dms) was cstablishccl in 1927. as one of the premier departments o

10、f mathematical sciences in china, dms is famous for its rigorous academic attitude. many famous chinese mathematicians from dms such as shi ing-shen chern and luogeng hua became well-known to the world.in 1952, tsinghua dms was merged with the peking university department of mathematical sciences. t

11、hen in 1979 it was renamed department of applied mathematics", and renamed again in 1999 to its current title.tsin ghua dms has three ins titutes at prese nt, the ins titute of el eme nt ary mathematics which has 27 faculty members, the institute of applied mathematics and probability and stati

12、stics which has 27 faculty members, and the institute of computational mathematics and operations research which has 20 faculty members. there are currently about 400 undergraduate students and 200 graduate students.school of life sciencesschool of life sciences was first established in 1926 under t

13、he name department of biology. botanist qian chongshu took up the first dean.during the n at i on wide reorga ni zat i on of uni versities in the early 1950s, the department of biology was merged into other universities, namely peking university etc., resulting in a vacancy in the field of biologica

14、l research in tsinghua for almost 30 years.in june 1984, decisions were made about the reestablishment of the department of biology, and the department officially reopened in september. during the rocstablishmcnt the department of biology of peking university, the institute of biophysics of chinese

15、academy of sciences, and many other institutes as well as biologists provided valuable support and help. the department changed its name to the current name in september 2009. as of 2013, st rue tu ral biologi st and forei gn associa te of nat io rml academy of scicnces of united statedr. yigong shi

16、 is the current dean of school of life sciences. the school currently has 38 professors, around 600 undergraduates (including the candidates of tsinghua university - peking union medical college joint md program) and 200 graduate students.school of economics and managementma in article: tsinghua uni

17、 versi ty school of economics and man agemen tschool of journalism and communicationthe tsinghua school of journalism and communication (tsjc) was established in april 2002. its predecessor was communication studies in the department of chinese language and literature and its establishment of coinci

18、des with the development of media increasingly influencing world affairs in a time of fast-growing globalization. the schoot s research fields include int erna tio nal communica tion, film and television stu dies, new media studies, media operation and management, and businessjournalism and are base

19、d on comprehensive academic research in journalism and communication theories. the objective of the school is to bring full advantdgc of tsinghua university,s comprehensivc academic structure to chinese and int ernational media, to cons true t a firs t-rate discipline in journalism and communication

20、 studies, to cultivate talented professionals in the field and to explore advaneed concepts in journalism and communication. the school also offers a two-year graduate program in international busincss journalism, sponsored by bloomberg l. p. and the international center for journalists (icfj), that trains talented students and media professionals from around the globe in financial media and corporate communication.the school has five researchoriented centers to organize and conduct academic research activi


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