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1、2017 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语题号总分分数注意事项1.答卷前 ,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效第一卷 (三大题 ,共 120 分)单项选择 (共 20 小题 ;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)裂从 a、b、c、 d 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. this is an expensive _ very useful book b a. but b.so c. and d. or2. im sure if you talk to your boss about the matter

2、 he_.a. is understanding b. will understand c has understood d. understood3. the book is about columbus voyages, _ his landings in americaa. includes b. to include c. including d included 4. it took us seven hours _ home in the snowstorm.a. drive b. drove c. driving d, to drive5. the speaker, _ for

3、his splendid speeches, was warmly received by the students. a. being known b. known c. having known d. knowing6. have you ever been to the city _ they visited a year ago?a. when b. where c .that d. what7. she didnt tell me whether james was still_ at the time.a. lively b. living c. alive d. live8. i

4、 have always neglected _ harder at school a. studying b. study c. to study d. having studied 9. we have to talk about the details yes. i couldnt agree _.a. much b. any c. more d. all 10. youd better_ the word in a dictionary.a. look up b. look for c look after d look out11. anna eats at home every d

5、ay. she _ goes to a restaurant.a. seldom b. probably c. usually d. already 12. oil was flowing into the river when a pipeline _.a. damaged b. burst c. disturbed d .met 13. seattle _ as the city for next years car exhibitiona. chose b. has chosen c. chooses d. has been chosen14. for this job you will

6、 need a good knowledge of _ english and french. a. some b. all c. both d. few 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -15. where is he now?- i only wish _.a. know b.have known c. had known d. kne

7、w 16. _in poor health, the eighty -year-old engineer continued to carry out his work. a. unless b. since c. whatever d. although 17. medicines should be kept out of childrens _.a. reach b. touch c. watch d. care18.what are you doing here, mary? youre _ to be in schoola .known b. supposed c. believed

8、 d. considered19 - -can i see him tonight? -_.a. you can, of course b. i dont mind. c. i m afraid you don t d. i guess he can 20. sorry, i didnt catch the last part. - _?a. can i help you. b. shall i repeat it. c. what else, please d. is that okll.完形填空 (共 10 小题 ;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意 ,然后从 21

9、 至 30 各题所给的a、b、 c、d 四个选项中 ,选出一个最佳答案。sound is often a major part of what makes a place special. think about places you are 21 ,such as a bus stop, or a neighborhood park. what are some of the distinctive(独特的 )sounds in those places? would a bus stop sound like a bus stop without the sound of the _22_

10、mixed with the whoosh(呼呼声 ) )of the doors opening? would the park sound like a park without the sound of children_23_?close your eyes and listen to the sounds that are _24_ you right now. they might be natural or made by humans.think about the sounds that clearly show the sense of place of your home

11、. which sounds are natural? which sounds are made by humans? _25_, think about how humans and the environment influence each other in your community. make a_26_ of these sounds. finally, take a walk in and _27_ your home, focusing on all of the sounds that you _28_. add to the list as you walk and h

12、ear new sounds. then try to choose the one_29_ sound that helps explain your homes sense of place once you have a final list, use a recorder to record those sounds. _30_ them with family members that live in other places and see if they can help others develop a sense of place about your home, 21. a

13、. crazy about b. familiar with c. close to d. favorite for 22. a. engine b. wind c. music d. tourists 23. a. greeting b calling c playing d. moving 24. a. supporting b. controlling c surrounding d. bothering 25. a. maybe b. always c. hardly d. then26. a. meaning b. note c. guess d. look27. a. for b.

14、 ahead c. at d. around 28. a. hear b. make c. try d. strike 29. a. pleasing b. special c. sweet d. ugly30. a. supply b. share c help d. tell.阅读理解 (共 15 小题 ;每小题 4 分,满分 60 分 )阅读下面的短文,然后从所给的a、b、 c、d 四个选项中 ,选出一个最佳答案精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f

15、- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -amy name is nick vujicic. i was born without limbs ( 四 肢), and doctors have no medical explanation. as you can imagine, i was faced with many difficulties. my father thought i wouldnt live for very long, but tests proved that i was a healthy b

16、aby boy just with limbs missing.understandably, my parents had strong fears of what kind of life id be able to lead. the law in australia didnt allow me to study in a main-stream (主流 ) school because of my physical disability( 身体缺陷 )。 however;,my mother fought for the law to be changed, i was one of

17、 the first disabled students to go into a main -stream school. i liked going to school, and just try to live life like everyone else, but it was in my early years of school where i had uncomfortable times of feeling not being accepted because of my physical difference. it was very hard for me to get

18、 used to, but with the support of my parents, i started to develop attitudes ( 态度 ) and values which helped me go through these difficult times, i knew that i was different but on the inside i was just like everyone else. there were many times when i felt so low that i wouldnt go to school. i was en

19、couraged by my parents and tried starting to make friends by just talking with some children. soon the students realized that i was just like them.i am now twenty -three years old and have completed my university study. i am also a speaker and love to go out and share my story wherever possible. i h

20、ave developed talks to encourage students to face their problems. writing several best-selling books has been one of my dreams and i hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. it will be called no arms, no legs, no worries! 31. how was nick when he was born? a. he had neither arms nor l

21、egs.b. he had had an accident.c. he was very ill.d. he was dying 32. where did nick get support when he was feeling sad at school? a. from his classmates.b. from his best friend.c. from his parents.d. from his brothers. 33. what is one of nicks dreams? a. to give a talk to the disabled.b. to finish

22、his university studyc. to travel to as many places as possibled. to encourage people with his books bjackie evancho, born april 9, 2000. is an american classical crossover (跨界 ) singer who became well-known at an early age. between 2008 and 2010. evancho entered several talent competitions (达人赛 ) si

23、nging mostly in pennsylvania. at the age of ten, she gained wider popularity with her performances in the fifth season of the americas got talent competition, finishing in second place. evanchos parents are lisa and michael evancho. her father operated a video security(视频精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - -

24、- - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -监控 ) business until 2010. she and her family live in a suburb of pittsburgh, pennsylvania. evancho began her schooling in a public school, but in late 2010, because of her touring th

25、e country performing songs, she changed to study by the internet. beginning in january 2014 however, she returned to public schools. evanchos interests include playing the piano, sewing, swimming, playing with her pets and drawing evancho showed great interest in singing after she saw the musical th

26、e phantom of the opera in a movie theatre. her mother bought the dvd before her 8th birthday, and evancho began singing the songs around the family home. her parents have said that they did not recognize that her voice was unusual until her first talent competition. in march-april2008 evancho compet

27、ed in kean idol, a local talent competition, finishing in second place to a 20-year-old opera singer. she began taking voice lessons after her success in the competition, and her parents began receiving requests for her to sing at various events, churches and nursing homes, mostly in pennsylvania. 3

28、4. what is this passage mainly about? a. a music-loving family.b. a gifted girl.c. a talent competition.d. a famous opera singer.35. why did evancho leave the public school in 2010? a. she had to travel a lot.b. she had to support her family.c. she felt bored with her study.d. her home was far away

29、from school.36. when did evancho begin to take voice lessons? a. in late 2010.b before her 8th birthday.c. after her first competition.d. at the age of 20.37. what can we infer from the passage about evanchos father? a. he has helped to manage her performances.b. he is one of the competition s organ

30、izers.c. his business has become more successfuld. he has produced lots of videos cjazz is a type of music that was invented( 首创 ) around 1900 in new orleans in the south of the usa. there were many black musicians living there who played a style of music called blues music. influenced by african mu

31、sic, blues music was a music that was played by singing using the harmonica( 口琴 ),y or the acoustic guitar( 原声吉他 ), many blues songs were about sad feelings or sad experiences, such as losing a job, a family member dying, or having to go to prison. jazz music mixed blues music with european music. s

32、ome black composers such as scott joplin were writing music called ragtime, which is very different from standard european/music, but used notes that were similar to some european music, ragtime had a big influence on early jazz. the players of jazz make up the music as they play. even though jazz m

33、usicians are making 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -up the music, jazz music still has rules. jazz influenced other types of music like the western art music from the 1920s and 1930s. ar

34、t music composers such as george gershwin wrote music that was influenced by jazz, jazz music influenced pop music songs, in the 1930s.and, 1940s, many pop music songs began borrowing things from jazz songs. one of the best known jazz musicians: was louis armstrong (1900-1971)38. what can we learn a

35、bout new orleans from the passage? a. it is the birthplace of jazz.b. it is the center of american music.c. it is home to black americans.d. it is the place where musicians gather. 39. what did the blues singers want to express through their songs?a. their changes in the us.b. their hopes for the fu

36、ture.c. their sadness in life.d. their love for music.40. what does the word ragtime in the second paragraph refer to? a. a black composer living in new orleans.b european music popular among americans.c. the name of s song written by scott joplin.d a type of music developed by black musicians .41.

37、who is louis armstrong? a. a founder of jazz music.b. an art music composerc. a fan of traditional music.d. a famous jazz musician dbryan jaycox and his wife opened the build shop llc in los angeles two years ago. the store is filled with all kinds of working tools like a laser cutter, an industrial

38、 sewing machine and 3d printers. the jaycoxs offer 3d printing classes and services for anyone who is interested.people can buy 3d printing services. the ups store is a nationwide retailer (零售商 )that provides shipping, copying and other services. the ups store recently put 3d printers in three of it

39、s independently - owned(独立拥有的 ) stores. burke jones owns one of the stores in san diego. the demand has been amazing. its been much more than i would have expected the ups store plans to add 3d printers in three more stores. an office supply company, staples is selling 3d printers on its website for

40、 as low as about s5 1,300. a cartridge ( 墨盒 ) of color plastic costs s 50. as with any technology-experts expect the printing speed and price to improve bryan jaycox requires s 15 an hour to print an object. he also charges a fee depending on the size of the object and up to s 50 an hour for design

41、and labor services at the ups store, the cost of the object depends on the amount of materials used. the store charges up to $95 an hour to design the object with computer software that makes a digital file to guide the printer.mr. jaycox says that within five years, 3d printing technology could bec

42、ome more user 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -friendly. 42. what is bryan jaycox? a. a designerb. an engineer.c. a shop owner.d. a computer producer43. the example of the ups store intro

43、ducing 3d printers shows that a. the ups is the first to use 3d printersb selling 3d printers can make big moneyc ups workers can use 3d printers skillfullyd the demand for 3d printing is growing44. what of the 3d printers needs to be improved according to experts?a. the speed of printingb. the size

44、 of the objectc. the printers designd. the amount of materials.45. whats the hourly pay for the design of a 3d-printed object at the ups store?a. up to $50b. up to $95c. about $15d. about s 1, 300第二卷 (两大题 ,共 30 分).单词拼写 (共 10 小题 ;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每个空只写一词)46 . i dont think

45、he will _ ( 轻易地 ) change his mind.47.if you touch a _( 火), you get burned. 48. ann placed the vase_ ( 小心地 ) on the shelf. 49. he often _( 警告 ) his son not to drive so fast. 50. paul will buy the suit if it has been tailored by_(星期一 ).51. the french usually drink _ ( 酒) with their main meal.52.it is

46、no doubt that only those who face up to challenges are more likely to_(成功 ) 53. englands woolen sweaters are famous for their _( 质量 ).54. please make an _ (额外的 ) key for our front door. 55.share your _ ( 进步 ) and failures with the people around you, and youll find help from them.v.书面表达 (满分 10 分)假设你是李华,即将去国外学习。请你写封信给你的朋友thomas,告诉他你已被伦敦大学录取。内容要点如下1.告知这个消息2.感谢他长期以来的帮助和鼓励3.了解相关事宜。注意


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