1、小学五年级英语第一学期期末试卷学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _Part I Listening(听力部分)(40)I. Listen and number.(听录音,标号)(8%)II. Listen and number.(听音,标序号)(10%)( )I have Chinese and music on Tuesday. ( ) There is a bridge in my village. ( ) Miss Wang is young and pretty. ( ) I like grape and apples, because they are healthy. ( ) I can
2、make the bed. III. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的内容)(10%)( )1. A. wash the clothes B. do the dishes C. water the flowers( )2. A. place B. plate C. plane( )3. A. Whos he? B. Whose is it? C. Whos she?( )4. A. break B. bread C. brown( )5. A. Its a goat. B. Its a boat. C. Its a coat.IV. Listen and match.
3、(听录音,连线)(10分) Sarah wash the clothes Tuesday Tom Math and Computer Friday Amy tofu and fish Monday Mike sweet and fresh Sunday John set the table Thursday V. Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音,补全下列句子)(12分)1. There are two _, a living room, a bathroom and a _.2. -Whats your favourite _?- I _ grapes. T
4、heyre sour and _3. -_ your new P.E. teacher? -Mr. Smith.4. -What do you do on _?-I often _ books and _TV. 5. There are many _ and houses in the village. 6. -Whats _ the table? -Theres a _.Part II Writing(笔试部分)(60)I. Read and choose(读一读,选出每组单词中不是同一类的单词,并将其序号填入括号内)(10%)( )1. A. mutton B. tomato C. pot
5、ato D. elephant( )2. A. sweet B. salty C. sour D. smart( )3. A. apple B. pork C. peach D. orange( )4. A. clothes B. pencil C. ruler D. book( )5. A. dog B. cat C. tiger D.flowerII. Choose and fill.( 选出适当的字母或字母组合,使单词变完整)(4%) (1) r d A. or B. ee C. eo D. ea (2) fl r A. oo B. ea C. or D. ar (3) e plant
6、A. ma B. gg C. ee D. ag (4) c set A. ee B. ai C. lo D.inIII. Read and write(组词成句)(10%)1. teacher art whos your (?) 2. today what day is (?) 3. salty beef too is the (.) 4. end table there a phone is the on (.) 5. over river there a is bridge V. Choose the correct answer(选择正确的答案)(10%)( )1. -Are there
7、 any birds? -Yes, _ A. there is B. there are C. there arent ( )2. -What day is it today? -_ A. Its sunny. B. Its cool C. Its Tuesday. ( )3. -How many bridges are there? -_A. There are small bridges. B. There are three bridges. C. There are bridges over the river.( )4. -Whats your favourite food? -_
8、A. Fish B. Fishes C. Fishs( )5. -What do you _ for lunch? -I have beef and tofu. A. do B. have C. has( )6. -What can you _? -I can sing and dance. A. sing B. dance C. do( )7. -There _ a bed, two end tables and a closet in the bedroom. A. is B. are C. am( )8. -Do you like grapes? -_ A. Yes, I like. B
9、. Yes, I do C. Yes, you like( )9. -Can you help me? -_ A. Yes, of course B. No. C. I have no time.( )10. -Whats your new teacher like? -_ A. Shes a lady B. Shes tall and thin. C. She likes dancing.VI. Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的答句)(6%)( )1. What can you do? A.Id like some potatoes and green beans.( )2
10、. Whos that young man? B.I can empty the trash.( )3. Where is the sofa? C.I often do homework and watch TV.( )4. What do you do on weekends? D. Its in the living room.( )5. Is there a mountain near the village? E. Hes our new math teacher.( )6. What would you like for lunch? F.Yes, there is.VII. Rea
11、ding comprehension(阅读理解)(10%)A Zoom: Is there a river on the moon? Zip: No, there isnt. Zoom: Is there a lake? Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Is there a park? Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Is there a mountain? Zip: Yes, there is.根据上述内容,判断正误。1.There is a mountain on the moon.( )2.There is a lake on the moon.(
12、 )3.There isnt a river on the moon ( )4.There isnt a park on the moon.( )5.There is a dog on the moon. ( )BBaby: Mom , Im hungry! Mother: What would you like for dinner?Baby: Id like some cakes.Mother: Here are some cakes . Would you like some cupcakes ? Theyre sweet.Baby: No , I dont . I dont like
13、cupcakes. Mother: Whats your favourite cake?Baby: (climbs up the tree and points at the moon in the river)I like that cake!Mother: Oh , dear!(1) The baby monkey would like some cakes for dinner. ( )(2) The baby monkey likes cupcakes. ( )(3) The cupcakes are sweet. ( )(4) Cupcakes are the mother monk
14、eys favourite food. ( )(5) The baby monkey wants to eat the moon. ( ) 听力材料I1. Eggplant 2.house 3.livingroom 4.Saturday 5.clothes 6.trash bin 7. window 8.mountain IIMiss Wang is young and pretty. 2. I can make the bed. 3. There is a bridge in my village. 4. I have Chinese and music on Tuesday. 5. I l
15、ike grapes and apples, because they are healthy.III.1. I can wash the clothes. 2. Which place do you like? 3.Whose is it ? 4. I like bread very much . 5.Its a boat .IV.1. Sarah can set the table, so she set the table on Sunday. 2. Tom has tofu and fish on Monday. 3. Amy has Math and Computer on Frid
16、ay. 4. Mike wash the clothes on Tuesday. 5. John has tomatoes on Thursday, because they are sweet and fresh.V.1. There are two bedrooms ,a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen.2.Whats your favourite fruit ? I like grapes. Theyre sour and fresh.3.Who is your new PE teacher ? Mr Smith .4.What do you
17、do on Sundays? I often read books and watch TV.5.There are many flowers and houses in the village . 6. Whats on the table? Theres a computer.三思而后行。 论语公治长 谁穿上谦卑这件衣裳,谁就是最美最俊的人。 蒙哥马利 谦虚其心,宏大其量。 王守仁 一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。 谢觉哉 看不见河底就不要涉水而过。 英国谚语 真正有学识、有涵养的人,是不会刻意炫耀自己的。 大卫汉生 一种美德的幼芽、蓓蕾,这是最宝贵的美德,是一切道德
18、之母,这就是谦逊;有了这种美德,我们会其乐无穷。 加尔多斯 自满者,人损之;自谦者,人益之。 魏征如 愚蠢和傲慢是一树之果。 谚语 人们要发展自己首先要虚心向别人请教。 -武者小路 人因为博学才谦逊,因为勇于牺牲才力量无比。 吉卜林 一个真认识自己的人,就没法不谦虚。 佚名 谦虚使人的心缩小,象一个小石卵,虽然小,而极结实。结实才能诚实。 老舍 在人生道路上谦让三分,就能天宽地阔。 卡内基 【君子养心莫善于诚。】-荀子.修身 【真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。】-庄子.渔父 【两心不可以得一人,一心可得百人。】-淮南子.缪称训 【至诚则金石为开。】-西京杂记 【锄一恶,长十善。】-宋史.
19、毕士安传 【诚无不动者,修身则身正,治事则事理。】-(宋)杨时 【世间好看事尽有,好听话极多,惟求一真字难得。】-(清)申居郧 【真诚才是人生最高的美德。】-(英)乔叟 【世上的言语,本无所谓"奇警"与"平凡"。一句话所以成为奇警或成为平凡,视其与真实的内容相符与否而定。】-徐懋庸 【有了真诚,才会有虚心,有了虚心,才肯丢开自己去了解别人,也才能放下虚伪的自尊心去了解自己。建筑在了解自己了解别人上面的爱,才不是盲目的爱。】-傅雷 【良心是我们每个人心壮举的岗哨,它在那里值勤站岗,监视着我们别做出违法的事情来。它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。】-(英)毛
20、姆 【要让新结识的人喜欢你,愿意多了解你,诚恳老实是最可靠的办法,是你能够使出的"最大的力量"。】-(美)艾琳.卡瑟拉 【推心置腹的谈话就是心灵的展示。】-(苏)温.卡维林 【实话可能令人伤心,但胜过诺言。】-(苏)瓦.阿扎耶夫 【质朴却比巧妙的言词更能打动我的心。】-(英)莎士比亚 【老老实实最能打动人心。】-(英)莎士比亚 【我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。】-(俄)陀思妥耶夫斯基 【真实与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。】-(苏)斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基 【真诚是一种心灵的开放。】-(法)拉罗什福科 【真诚是通向荣誉之路。】-(法)左拉 【金钱比起一分纯洁的良心来,又算什么呢?】-(英
21、)哈代 【诚实的人从不为自己的诚实而感到后悔。】-(英)托.富勒 【诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。】-(美)爱默生 【一个人要表现最高的真诚,就必须做到无事不可对人言。】-(印度)泰戈尔 【你不同情跌倒的人的痛苦,在你遇难时也将没有朋友帮忙。】-(波斯)萨迪 【诚实而无知,是软弱的,无用的;然而有知识而不诚实,却是危险的,可怕的。】-(英)约翰逊 【你在个人生活或工作当中,可能由于诚实而丢掉某些你想要的东西。但是,在漫长的人生旅途中失掉一次应有的回报算不了什么。】-(美)艾琳.卡瑟拉 【人与人之间,只有真诚相待,才是真正的朋友。谁要是算计朋友,等于自己欺骗自己。】-(尼日利亚)哈吉.阿布巴卡.伊芒 【对于心地善良地人来说,付出代价必须得到报酬这种想
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