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1、学习必备欢迎下载高一英语必修一其次单元教案英语教学胜利与否,不仅取决于学习者的智力因素,仍取决于他们心情,态度、学习动力等,因此老师在任何时候要留意掌握自己的心情, 不迁、 怒、不急躁, 切忌使用斥责,羞辱人格和损害自尊心的语言; 多使用勉励, 称赞性的言语;以下是整理的高一英语必修一其次单元教案,欢迎阅读;warmingup 部分简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使同学感受英语语言的多文化、 多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有个粗浅的 明白; pre-reading部分的两个问题引发同学对课文主题的摸索,以便参与课堂活动;reading部分 the road

2、 tomodern english简要说明白英语语言的起源、进展变化、 形成缘由,以及它的进展趋势;comprehending部分旨在检查同学对课 文基本内容的懂得程度; learning about language部分主要通过各种练习帮忙同学重温本单元前几个部分的所学习的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子呈现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了半单元的语法项目;usinglanguage部分中的reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各国各地说英语都有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部说话均有所不同;thefirstperiod:speaking:warmingupan

3、d pre-reading学习必备欢迎下载the second period:readingthe road to modern englishthe third period: reading language pointsthe forth period: learning about language the fifth period: using languagethe sixth period:listening 学问与技能:明白英语在世界上的进展状况,熟悉各种各样带有民族、地域特色的英语;对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所明白,特殊是一些常用词汇,比如falt和 apartment,l

4、ift和 elevator,rubber和 eraser等;把握本单元中显现的词汇、短语的用法;学会语言交际困难的 表达法,如pardon, i beg your pardon.;把握祈使句及其间接引语的表达法; 过程与方法:本单元通过对“世界英语”这一话题的探讨,以加强同学对英语语言的明白,对当代语言特殊是英语的进展趋势的明白;在教授本单元时必需强调美国英 语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有各自的规律和和惯用法;要提防同学认为可以滥用英语词汇,随便违反英语语法规章或惯用法,不顾正常的发音、语调等;在同学用书中的听力部分,原文真实的反映了灭国南部地区英语的方言和语音,旨在让同学感受一

5、下将英语作为母语的本国人说话的一个侧面;要留意把握尺度,让同学感受一下、了学习必备欢迎下载解一下,点到为止,不提倡硬性仿照; 情感态度与价值观:明白英国英语和美国英语的区分,两种英语不存在那种好与不好的问题;可以给同学布置 以下任务: 通过对话形式, 将所学过的英美说法的不同之处,按实际生活和想象编一段对话;尽可能运用语言功能中表达 语言困难的说法;词汇:includeroleinternationalnativeelevator flatapartmentrubberpetrolgasmoderncultureactuallypresentrulevocabulary usageidenti

6、tygovernmentrapidlycandylorrycommandrequestretellpolitebos sstandardmidwesternspanisheasternsou theasternnorthwesternrecognizeaccentlig htningdirectionsubwayblock短 语 :playaroleinbecauseofcomeupsuch asplay a part in重点语法项目:祈使句及其间接引语难 点 :expressing ones idea on which kind of english one should learn; g

7、uess the name of speaker s country by listening; how to tell the differences between acommand and a request; how to change the pronoun when学习必备欢迎下载turning the direct speech into indirect speech.aimsto talk about varieties of englishto discuss why do so many people speak english proceduresi. warming

8、up1. warming up by answering a questionnaire 1. tell the students they are going to answer aquestionnaire about why they are learning english.2). writethewords:reasons forlearninga foreign language on the center of the board:3). ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for e

9、xample, for work, as a hobby,tolearnaboutotherpeople,totravel,toread literature in the original, to read research papers,tomeet foreigners,tosurftheinternet,topassexams, etc. write their suggestions on the board as they makethem.4). divide the class into pairs.5). giveouteachstudentone questionnaire

10、paper. 6. explain the task. the students must questioneachotherabouttheirlanguagelearningneedsor学习必备欢迎下载motivations. tell them that you are going to take inthequestionnairesattheend,and thatyou d likethem tomake clearnotes.itworksbetterifthetwopartners swap tasks questions and answers after each sec

11、tionofthequestionnaire.iftheywaittilltheend toswap, one student may use up all the time available.7). when the task is finished, ask a couple ofstudents to summarize their partners answers. this maydevelopintoaclassdiscussionaboutlanguageneeds.8). thestudentswritefivesentencesontheir feeling about l

12、earning english.9). collectthequestionnaires.needsanalysis questionnaireinterviewer interviewee present use: situations and skills reading faxes, letters & reportslistening&speakingtelephoning,meetings,negotiations, public speaking, socializing writing faxes, letters & reports future use

13、: expectations & ambitions学习必备欢迎下载课后反思:本课能比较好地完成教学目标,训练了同学说的才能,懂得如何表达自己的思想和看法;使同学明白了世界各地的英语是有所不同的,特殊是明白英国英语和美国英语的区分; 同时使同学感受到学习英语的重要性;由于同学的口语水平有限,所以探讨的时候不是很深化;aimsto talk about englishto read about the history of english language step 1 skimmingread quickly to get the main idea of the text.letth

14、estudents findoutkeysentenceof each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point foreach paragraph in their own words.paragraph1:the spreadoftheenglishlanguagein the worldparagraph 2: native speaker can understand eachotherbuttheymay notbe abletounderstandeverything.paragraph 3: all languages c

15、hange when cultures communicate with one another.paragraph4:englishisspokenasaforeign language or second language in africa and asia.step 2 scanning学习必备欢迎下载readtolocateparticularinformationand complete the comprehending exercise one.step 3 comprehending1. check the answers to exercise 1 page 102. an

16、swer these questions page 11workingroups.discussthetwoquestionsand then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.1. do you think it matters what kind of englishyou learn. why.possible answer:i don t think so. here are the reasons: nativespeakersfromdifferentpartsofthe world have no diffic

17、ulty in understanding each otherdespite the fact that they speak a bit differently. itisnecessaryforustolearnthenarrow difference between different kinds of english if wehope to communicate fluently with native speakers of english from all over the world. differentkindsofenglishhavethesamelanguage c

18、ore. if you have got a good command of onekind,you willalmosthaveno difficultyunderstanding another kind of english.学习必备欢迎下载anypersuasiveand supportingreasonthestudents give can be accepted.2 why do you think people all over the world wantto learn english.possible answer:the reasons why people all o

19、ver the world want to learn english: with economy globalization, english has becomethebestbridgetoservethepurposeofpeopleallover the world communicating with one another. however,likeallmajorlanguagesintheworld,englishisalwayschanging.inordertoadjusttonative speakersfromdifferentpartsoftheworld,itis

20、a must forpeopleallovertheworldtolearnenglish,whether inenglishspeakingcountriesorin non-english speaking countries. also, people from different parts of the worldspeak english with various accent and dialects, andpeople have to learn about the difference between different kinds of english in order

21、to avoid misunderstanding while communicating.课后反思:本课是阅读课;英语阅读教学是高中教学的学习必备欢迎下载重中之重;很多英语老师对阅读训练也赐予了足够的重视,但是在训练方式上却存在较多的问题;多数老师过分留意语法结构的分析和句子的机械翻译而忽视技巧培育;只有在阅读教学中教给同学一些学习策略,培育阅读技巧,才能让同学有可能通过课外自学来扩大学问的摄取量,从而补偿课堂英语阅读教学的不足;由于时间仓促以及同学口语水平的局限,本课时在同学让同学争论的环节上,气氛不够热闹,争论时间不足,今后应尽量勉励同学多开口说英语,以补偿这方面的缺陷;aimto ma

22、ster some words and phrases1. include v.a) containeg. the price includes both house and furniture.b) embrace thing as part of wholeeg. i include him among my friends. 2.presentaadj:beingathand;beingnow 出席的 ,在场的 ;现在的 ,当前的该词可做前置定语也可做后置定语,当它做前置定语其义为“现在的”,做后置定语其义为“出席的”eg. the present members现在的成员the mem

23、bers present在场的成员b n: gift学习必备欢迎下载eg.heoftengavehisneighbo r skidslittle presents. cvt: to offer赠送 , 呈献 +to/witheg. they presented him with a bunch of flowers. 3.culturen:cuunderstandingofliterature,art,music, etceg. he has studied the cultures of many western countries.4 identity n: who or what a p

24、erson or thing iseg. you should show your identity card before you enter it.5 rulea) n:customorstatementaboutwhat must notbe done eg. he s made it a rule to rise early.it s against the rules of the school to smoke.b) vt: to govern or controlceg. the queen ruled her country for 20 years.6 request vt:

25、 to ask foreg. they requested financial support.留意:这个词所接的宾语从句要用虚拟语气irequestedthathe shouldcome an hourearlier.学习必备欢迎下载b n: asking or being askedeg.mr.painemadea requestthatishouldhelphim. manda vt: give orders toeg. i command you to start at once.留意:这个词所接的宾语从句要用虚拟语气i command that you should start at

26、 once. b n:ordereg.thearmyreceivedthecommand tofire. 8 actually adveg. she looks young, but shes actually 50.did you actually see him break the window.9 international adj: of relating to or involving two or more countries in the world国际的eg.theyaredealingwiththeinternational affairs.manyafricancountr

27、iesreceived international help. 10.modern adj: recenteg. this is a book of modern history.there is a modern hospital. 11. vocabulary n: all the wordsof languageeg. wide reading will increase your vocabulary. my english vocabulary is limited. 12.rapidly adv:quickly学习必备欢迎下载eg. our country develops rap

28、idly.the number of learning english is increasing rapidly. 13.retellv: tell something once moreeg.canyouretellthestoryinyourown word.theteacheraskedyoutoretellit.14. recognize v: to identify from previous experienceeg.helookedattheenvelopeandrecognized jennys handwriting immediately.the policeman re

29、cognized her as a thief.15. government n: group which govern a country or a certain areaeg. the government will decide the matter. the government is discussing the problem. useful expressions1. play a part/ role in: to act or to be involved in an activityeg.he has playedan importantpartincarryingout

30、 the whole plan.english plays an important role in international communication.2. because of: by reason of sb or stheg. because of the storm he didnt go there.学习必备欢迎下载becauseof与 because的区分,前者后接名词或代词,后者接句子eg.hedidn tgotoschoolbecausehewas ill.he didn tgo toschoolbecause ofhisillness.3 come upeg. she

31、came up and said,“glad to meet you.”the moon came up gradually.i ll let him knowif anything comes up.4.such as: like; for example eg. i like drinks such as tea and coffee.suchas与 forexample的区分,前者用来排列事物或人后者用来举例说明eg. english is also spoken in many places, such as africa and asia.for example, tom has t

32、he same opinion.课后反思:本节课是课文学问点的传授;着重讲解课文中重要单词和短语的运用;不足之处,教学设计任务比较单一,练习不多;1. work in pairs. do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. thencheck the answer you re your classmates. the teacher helpsthestudentsdiscoverthedifferencein学习必备欢迎下载prepositions.2. playthetapeforthestudentstolistenand ask them to mark the sen

33、tence stress and intonation. thenpractice reading in pairs.theteacherbringsthestudents attentiontothe britishand americanwordsthataredifferentbuthavethe same meaning.iii. discovering useful structuresmakingcommandsandrequestsusingindirect speech1. ingroupsoffour,thinkofatleastthree commands your tea

34、chers and parents usually give.you may follow these steps.1) choose one who is to give the first command.2) ask anotherpersoninyourgrouptotellsomebody what you said.3) thethirdperson willchangetherequestor command from direct into indirect speech.4) change role so that each person gets the chance to

35、 give commands and turn them into indirect speech.example:t: please don t talk in class.学习必备欢迎下载s1: what did our teacher tell us. / what did our teacher say.s2: he told/asked us not to talk in class. / shesaid not to talk in class.2. get the students thinking about the difference between the request

36、 and command.then read the replies and decide whether they areinanswertoa requestora command. writethesentence down. a: _b:i llgo and collectsome wood rightnow, master. a: b:of coursei llbe happy tocollectyourshopping for you. a: b: yes. i ll shut the door at once, mr. zhang. a: b:no,iwon tgetyourco

37、atifyou talktome likethat. a: b: sorry. i ll get that book for you right now.课后反思:本节为语法课,主要叙述直接引语和间接引学习必备欢迎下载语的相互转换;教学设计依据新课程标准理念设计各种任务,使同学在完成这些任务的过程中懂得、体验实际语言的运用,把握好直接引语和间接引语的相互转换;standard english and dialectsaimsto read out and talk about standard english and dialectsto write about learning englis

38、h by brainstormingproceduresi. warming up1. introduction:inchinatherereso manydialects thatthegovernmentencouragesthewholenationto speak putonghua,whichisregardedas standardchinese.2. role-play: get students to work in pairs. let one student be a chinese and the other a foreigner.role-playa conversa

39、tionaboutthechineselanguageto have them discusswhy putonghuahas tobe used inchina.ii. reading1. get thestudentsthinkingaboutthetopicofthe text to predict what it says.2. skimming:read quickly to find the topic sentence for each学习必备欢迎下载paragraph.para.1:thereisnosuchathingasstandard english.para. 2: a

40、merican english has many dialects whose words and expressions are different from“standard english”.para.3:geographyplaysa partinmakingdialects.3. scanning:work inpairs.read thetexttolocate particular information.1). do you know what standard english is from the text.2). what is a dialect. why does a

41、merican english have so many dialects.4. language focus:1believeitornot:usedwhen you aregoingtosay something that is true but surprising: believe it ornot, john cheated in the exam.2. there is no such aas: used to say that a particular person or thing does not exist: these days there is no such a th

42、ing as a job for life.3). standardenglish:theformofenglishthatmost people in britain use, and that is not limited to one学习必备欢迎下载area or group of people4). dialect: a variety of a language spoken onlyin one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language5

43、). play a part/role in: be one of the causes thatmakesomethinghappen:besidesdieting,exercising plays an important part in losing weight.iii. listeningto introduce the students to a dialect and a form of standard“english”.you may follow these steps:1). setthecontextforthestudentsbydescribing the situ

44、ation;2). tell the class: you are going to listen to aboy named buford. he speaks a southern dialect of amewithan east,texasaccent.remember: pronunciationis determined by accent. on the other hand, buford s teacher,jane,speaksstandardbre.i.e.whatisheard on the bbc.3). play the tape for the students

45、to listen.4). encourage the students to give the standardequivalentsforthedialecticwords frombufords story,学习必备欢迎下载using the context.6). playthetapeagainand letthestudentsanswer the questions in pairs after listening.7). check the answers. variant: you may also askthe students to retell buford s sto

46、ry in standard english in pairs.iv. speaking1. make sure the students know that the word used for directions often vary depending on what kind ofenglishthespeakeruses.presentthelisttothestudents:preparetheirrole-playinpairs:besurethatoneplays a speaker of british english and the other a speaker of a

47、merican english. ask students to selectactualstreetsandlocationintheirhometownfor giving directions.performance:asktwopairstoperformtheir dialogue in class.sample version:s1:excuse me, sir.butican tfindthedrugstore. s2: pardon.s1: i said i couldn t find the chemist s shop.学习必备欢迎下载s2: well, go round

48、the corner on your right-hand side, straight on and cross the flyover. you will find it ahead.s1: thank you very much. s3: what did he say.s1:he toldustogo roundthecorneron theright, gostraightonandthencrosstheoverpass.the drugstore will be ahead.self-assessment criteria:did you cooperate well with

49、your partners while practicing.canyouaskfordirectionsandgivedirections clearly.canyou expressyourideasfluently.ifnot,what s your main problem.did you go naturally between american english and british english while talking to each other.v. writing1. making a posterfirst ask the students to make educa

50、ted guessesabouthow englishcan helpsome aspectofchineselife, in particular its economy.学习必备欢迎下载then, in pairs students work on their poster.finally,askseveralpairstopresenttheirposter in class for assessment.a sample posterchina s future lies with learning englishreasons for learning english: world

51、trade is done in english;international organization such as the un useenglish;we need contact with the developed western world to build our country;the developed world uses english in its dealings. why the chinese language will not do.very few people in the west speak chinese; chinese is a difficult

52、 language to learn;mostbusinessmendonot have timetolearn new languages every time they enter a new internationalmarket.so china s future lies with learning english2. writing assessmentcan you give persuasive reasons for the topic on your poster.学习必备欢迎下载can you verbalize your ideas fluently.can you put your own english learning experiences into a broader perspective.can you organize your ideas in a logical way.have you made a brainstorming map before you set out to design your poster. do you think it helps your writing.whatkindofmistakeshave you ma


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