1、本栏目内容,在同学用书中以活页形式分册装订!.语法专练1nothing he did was right, ?【答案】was it2he is unfit for the job, ?【答案】isn t he3william daren t call you a,fo_o_l ?【答案】dare he4i don t think that tom will win the first prize, ?【答案】will he5everybody knows we can win the match, ?【答案】dont they6mary seldom goes to the cinema, ?
2、【答案】usednt he/didnt he7he used to live in london, ?【答案】usednt he/didnt he8don t tell him the new,s ?【答案】will you9you must have met him yesterda,y ?【答案】didn t you10we must start right now,or we can t get there on ,tim_e ?【答案】can we.单词拼写11sometimes it is hard to r a friend s voice on the phone.【答案】rec
3、ognize12 many students can t sleep well dpu_e_t_o of the examinations.【答案】pressure13 the best way to lose weight is to exercise r and develop healthy eating habits.【答案】regularly14 she is c as one of the best students in the class.【答案】considered15 millions of people were a with hiv last year.【答案】affe
4、cted16 i don t want to run trh_e of losing my friend.【答案】risk17 c on his studies,he didn t notice what was going on around him.【答案】concentrated18 he has made great a in the past few years.【答案】achievements19 the new medicine is safe for you and has no side e .【答案】effect20 badly treatedbyhisstep-mothe
5、r,the boy was s .【答案】skinny.短语填空lose weight;be ashamed o;f be embarrassed abou;tat least;follow one s ad;vicerecover from; work out; go on diets; put on weight;be dying to21.nowadays,many film stars or take weightloss pills in order to stay slim.【答案】go on diets22after an operation,you must to help t
6、o recover.【答案】follow the doctors advice23 finally, the naughty boy what he had done.【答案】was ashamed of24 if you are desired to be chosen to play the role of the slim girl in the play, first , you must .【答案】lose weight25 the train leaves at 1045.don wt minutes to go there.【答案】at leastorry ;we have 30
7、26 with a proper diet and good res,t【答案】recovered fromhe his illness quickly.27 though you are overweight, you shouldn t your body.【答案】be embarrassed about28 he have a flat of his own.【答案】is dying to29 by regularly, you can feel you are full of energy.【答案】working out30 it is easy to if you eat too m
8、uch fast food every day.【答案】put on weight.句子翻译31查理 ·史密斯去年去了法国,他的妻子是我的老师;charles smith, ,_ year.【答案】whose wife is my teacher32这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍;went to france lastthis novel, ,_【答案】which i have read three times 33众所周知,棒球在美国很流行;is very touching. ,_ beseball is very popular in america.【答案】as is know
9、n to all/as we all know34他是一个学识渊博的老师,从他那儿可以学到很多东西;he is a teacher of much knowledg,e .【答案】from whom much can be learned35不要靠近那座房子,它的屋顶正在修理;don t get close to that hou,se .【答案】the topofwhichisbeingrepaired/of whichthetop isbeingrepaired/whose top is being repaired.语法填空ifyou do not use your arms or yo
10、ur legs 36. sometime,theybecome weak.when you begin using them agai,n they 37. slow becomestrong again.everybody knows this and nobody would think of 38. questionthis fact.yet there are many people 39. do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.when someone says that he has a good memo,ry
11、he actually 40. thathe keeps his memory by practicing exercising it.41. someoneelse says that his memory is poor,he actually means that he does not give it enough chances tobecome strong.have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories 42. thosewho can?this is
12、43. those who cannot read or write have toremember things.they have to remember dates, places,names, songs and stories.44. their memory is the whole time being used.so ifyou want to have a good memory,you should learn from those people, trainbyremembering whatyou see, hear, feeland write.ifso, you45
13、. have a good memory.【答案】36.for37.slowly38.questioning39.who40.means41.when 42.than43.because44.so45.must.阅读懂得in the past 500 year,s nothing about peopletheir clothes,ideas,or languageshas changed as much as what they eat.the original 最初的 chocolate drinkwas made from the seeds of cocoa tree by south
14、 american indians.the spanish introducedit to the rest of the world during the 1500 s.and although it was v,eriyt expensivequickly became fashionable 时髦的 in london shops where chocolate drinks wereserved became important meeting places.some still exist today.the potato is also from the new world.aro
15、und 1,600, the spanish brought it from peru to europe,where it soon was widely grown.the potato was the main foodat irish table.thousands of irish people starved 饿 死 when the crop failed during the“ potato famine move to america.马”铃薯饥荒 of 1845 1846,and thousands more were forced tothere are many oth
16、er foods that have traveled from south america to the oldworld.but some others went in the opposite 相反的 direction.brazil is now the world s largest grower of coff,eeand coffee is important crop in colombia and other south american countries.but it is native to ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 it was first made into a
17、 drink by arabs during the 1400 s.according to an arabic story , coffee was discovered when a man named kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red fruits on a coffee bush.he tried one andexperienced the“wide-awake” feeling that one-third of the world s population now starts the day with.
18、46according to the passage,which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years.afood.b chocolate drinks.cpotato.dcoffee.【解析】这是一道细节懂得题; 作者在文章开头就提出了论点: “ in the last 500 years, nothing about peopletheir clothes, ideas, or languages has changed as much as what they eat.”在过去 500 年里,没有什么能有人
19、类所吃的食物变化这样大,换句话说, 食物变化是最大的; 接着作者在下文以chocolate drinks,potato和 coffee 为例论证了这一观点;【答案】a47 “ some” in the sentence“ some still exist today” refers to .acocoa treesb chocolatecshopsd meeting places【解析】这是一道细节懂得题;应结合上句懂得本句中some的含义: “in londonshops wherechocolate drinkswere served became importantmeeting pla
20、ces.somestillexist today.”在伦敦经营巧克力饮料的店子往往成为重要集会场 所;今日在伦敦仍旧存在着这样一些卖巧克力饮料,被当做集会场所的店子;【答案】c48 thousands of irish people starved because . athey depended on the potatobthey were forced to move to americacthe weather conditions in ireland were not fit for growing the potato dthe potato harvest was bad【解析
21、】这是一道细节懂得题; 文章其次段告知我们, 马铃薯是从秘鲁传到欧洲的,并很快成为爱尔兰人的主食;然而在1845 1846年的 “potato famine”土豆饥荒 期间, “the crop failed”,马铃薯的收成不好 crop 指一年或一季的收成, crops 指农作物 ,导致成千上万爱尔兰人饿死;【答案】d49 coffee originally came from . abrazilb colombiacethiopiad arabia【解析】这是一道细节懂得题;文中第三段介绍了由the old world 传到 the new world 的食物之一 coffee;咖啡现在在
22、欧洲的产量最大,“but itis native to ethiopia”,但它原产于埃塞俄比亚 be native to“原产于 ” ,由阿拉伯人首次制成饮料;【答案】c50 the writer used an arabic story to prove that . acoffee was first discovered by kaldibcoffee was first discovered by kaldi s goats ccoffee was first discovered in south american countries dcoffee drinks were fir
23、st made by arabs【解析】这是一道推理判定题;作者在最终一段之所以讲到阿拉伯故事,无非是为了向我们证明上一段所提出的一个观点:“it was first made into a drink by arabs during the 1400s.”【答案】da new plan forgetting children to and from school is being started by a localgovernment in eastern england.this could end the worries of many parents fearful for thei
24、r children s safety on the roads.until now the local government have only been prepared to provide bus services for children livingmore than three miles from their school,or sometimes less ifspecial reasons existed.now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transpo
25、rt they will be prepared to go ahead, as long as the arrangementwill not lose money and children taking part will be attending their nearest school.the new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at milton who attend impington school.the children livejust without the three-mile limitan
26、d the local government have said in the past that they will not undertake to provide free transport to the school.but now they have agreed to offer a sum of money for a bus service from miltonto impington and back,a plan which has the support of the school s headmaster.between 50 and 60 parents have
27、 said they would like their children to take part.final calculations have still to be carried out, but a government official has said the cost to parents should be less than20 a term.they have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company f
28、or a bus to take children who live further awayto impington.the same bus would now just make one more journey to pick up the milton children.the official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children ,to see ifth
29、ey would like to take part in the new plan.51 what is the aim of the plan.ato prevent the students road accidents. bto relieve the traffic pressure.cto save time for the parents and students. dto help the parents save money.【解析】这是一道细节题; 从第一段可知, 新方案的目的是防止孩子们在上学和放学路上出事;【答案】a52 how can the local government arrange the
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