1、学习必备欢迎下载非谓语动词作状语不定式、现在分词、过去分词作状语的比较1、不定式 作目的 、缘由 、 结果 状语1)作目的状语:有三种形式,可互换:to do, in order to do, so as to do 不用于句首 e.g. we eat to live, but we don t live to eat.we started early in order / so as to avoid being late.我们一早动身,免得迟到;(in order)not to waste electricity, we turned the light off.check your co
2、mposition carefully so as to avoid mistakes. so as to只能置于主句之后【exercises】1 did the book give the information you needed. yes. but it, i had to read the entire book.【2021 北京】a. to findb. findc. to be findingd. finding2. this cake, you'll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour.【2006 广东卷】a. having
3、 madeb. makec. to maked. making2)作缘由状语:不定式常放在表示心情反应 的形容词 后;如: happy, sorry, glad, sad, surprised,disappointed不定式不放在句首;e.g. : i am sorry to hear that your father is ill.we are greatly delighted to have a native as our guide.有一个本地人做向导,我们真是太兴奋了;【exercises】1. i feel greatly honored into their society.【2
4、021 北京卷】a. to welcomeb.welcomingc. to be welcomedd. welcomed3 作结果状语:不定式作结果状语通常表意外 的结果;e.g. i opened the door to find the room empty.我打开门,结果发觉房间是空的;学习必备欢迎下载【 attention 】: . 动词不定式前可以加上only, 更加强调意外,想不到 ;仍可加 never, 表示没有再e.g.he hurried to the station only to find that the train had left.他匆忙到了车站结果却发觉火车已经离
5、开了;they parted, never to see each other again. 他们分手了,从今没有再见面; . 动词不定式作结果状语的其他几种方式:so + adj. / adv. + as to, such + n. + as to, tooto , enough to 等;e.g.would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle / tell me the time.they lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet. he worked hard only to fail.
6、 他匆忙忙忙的跑到车站,结果却发觉火车已经走了;2. he hurried to the booking office only that all the tickets had been sold out. 06陕西卷)a. to tellb. to be toldc. tellingd. told留意:不定式做结果状语的固定搭配soas towould you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle / tell me the time. i m not such a fool as to believe that.his eyesight is too
7、 poor to read such small letters. the boy is old enough to go to school.2、分词 (现在分词、过去分词)可作时间、条件、让步、方式、缘由、结果状语,就 不作目的状语;注:表示时间、条件或让步的分词,有时可带上连词( if, unless, when, while, once (一旦) though, although )1)现在分词作状语:e.g. . while working in the factory, he was an advanced worker.【作时间状语】hearing the news, they
8、all danced for joy.听到这个消息,他们都兴奋得跳起舞来; being a league member, he is always helping others.作为一个团员,他总是乐于助人;学习必备欢迎下载being students, we must study hard.【作缘由状语】 he stayed at home, cleaning and washing.【作相伴状语】she wrote him a friendly letter,thanking him for his help.他写了一封友好的信给他,感谢他的帮忙; playing all day, you
9、 will waste your valuable time.【作条件状语】 he dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces【作结果状语】his parents died last year, leaving him an orphan.他的父母亲去年死了,使他成为了一个孤儿; though raining heavily, it cleared up very soon. 【作让步状语】feeling tired, he went on running.尽管感觉累,他仍是连续跑;2)过去分词作状语:e.g. . seen from the top
10、of the hill,the city looked like a big garden.【作时间状语】accepted by the party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the party.从被党接受的那一刻起,他打算要把他的一生致力于党的事业; deeply moved by the story, the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other.encouraged by the speech, the young people made up their
11、minds to take up the struggle.受到演讲的鼓励,年轻人下定决心开头进行斗争;【作缘由状语】 the old man went into the room, supported by his wife.【作相伴状语】 given another chance, he will do better.【作条件状语】 wounded , the brave soldier continued to fight.虽然受伤了,但这名英勇的战士仍连续作战;【作让步状语】【summary 】:分词短语作状语时,其规律主语必需与句子的主语一样;假如分词与句子的主语是 主动 关系,用d
12、oing 表示与谓语动词同时 发生或 进行 的动作,用having done 表示在谓语动词之前发生的动作;假如分词与句子的主语是被动关 系,就用done 强调在谓语动词之前发生的动作,学习必备欢迎下载也可用 having been done.【attention 】: . 不定式与现在分词引导结果状语的区分:e.g. 1.he got home to learn that his father was ill.2. they lifted a rockonly to drop it on their own feet.他们搬起石头却砸了自己的脚;3. i ran to the school,
13、 only to be informed that i wasn't admitted by beijing university.我跑到学校,却被告知我没有被北大所录用;4. it rained heavily, causing severe flooding.雨下得很大,导致了特别严峻的涝灾;5. he cut off the electricity quickly,preventing an accident.他快速地切断了电,防止了一场事故;【summary】:不定式 做结果状语通常表示的是一个未曾料到的不开心的结果,前可加only 作为结果状语的 现在分词短语所表示的都是谓语
14、动词的直接结果,是 意料中的结果;分词短语前有时可加上副词thus 或 thereby(因而、因此) ;only to do出乎意料干某事thus / thereby doing 顺理成章干某事.英语中有些形容词化的过去分词(短语),常省略 be 动词, 在句中作状语; 常见的有: be lost in, be faced with, be located in, be dressed in, be tired of 等等;e.g. faced with so many problems, he felt depressed.located in the centre of longhui,
15、no.1 middle school of lh is the best school in the town.有时“with ( without ) + 名词(或代词宾语)+ 分词”的结构,表示相伴状况;e.g. with the lights burning, he fell asleep.with so much work filling my mind, i almost break down.【exercises】(1) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.【2005 湖南】a. dressedb.
16、to dressc. dressingd. having dressed(2) and happy, tony stood up and accepted the prize. 【2006 全国 】a. surprisingb. surprisedc. being surprisedd. to be surprising 3 with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.【2006 四川卷】a. faced b. facec. facingd. to face学习必备欢迎下载(4). when help, one of
17、ten says“ thank you.” or“ it【s 2k0in0d5o福f y建ou】.”a. offeringb. to offerc. to be offeredd. offered(5). at he end of 2002, there were around 3,000 foreign printing companies in china , up around 2 percent of national total.a. madeb. to makec. makingd. having made6 european football is played in 80 co
18、untries, it the most popular sports in the world.a. makingb. makesc. maded. to make(7). with a lot of difficult problems , the newly-elected president is having a hard time.a. settledb. settlingc. to settled. being settled(8). with a lot of difficult problems , they decided to take a few days off.a.
19、 settlingb. to settlec. being settledd. settled(9). i couldn t do my homework with all that noise . 【05北京】a. going onb. does onc. went ond. to go on 10. with all the things he , he went home at once.a. needed buyb. needed boughtc. needed buyingd. need buy(11). faced with a bill for 10,000, .【06 陕西卷】
20、a. john has taken an extra jobb. the boss has given john an extra jobc. an extra job has been takend. an extra job has been given to john 12. having been attacked by terrorists, . 【2004 上海】a. doctors cane to their rescueb. the tall building collapsedc. an emergency measure was takend. warnings were
21、given to tourists 13. in order to improve english,. 【2001 上海】a. jenny s father bought her a lot of tapesb. jenny bought a lot of tapes for herselfc. a lot of tapes were bought by jennyd. a lot of tapes were bought by jenny s father 13. pressed from his parents, and that he has wasted too much time,
22、the boy is determinedto stop playing video games.【12 福建卷】a. realizingb. realizedc. to realized. being realized(14). an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.a. basedb. basingc. based. to base【 12 江苏】(15). with father s day around the corner, i have tak
23、en some money out of the bank presents for my dad. 【全国卷】a. buyb. to buyc. buyingd. to have bought当分词的规律主语与主句的主语不同时,分词前必需加上自己的主语,此结构被称为独立主格结学习必备欢迎下载构;如:nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week. so many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.she ran up to me, her
24、hair flying in the wind.all the tickets sell out,they went away disappointedly.time permit , we'll do another two exercises.there be no bus,we had to walk home .his hands (tie) by the policeman,his face went pale with fear.1. i send you 100 dollars today, the rest in a year.a. followsb. followed
25、c. to followd. being followed2. all things , i think we ought to give the job to george.a. consideredb. considering c. to considerd. being considered3. the river in the night, the crossing was impossible.a. to rise b. rosec. having risend. being risen4. more time , we should have done the job much b
26、etter.a. to giveb. givec. being givend. given5. we shall play the match tomorrow, weather .a. permitsb. permittingc. to permitd. permitted6. the monitor ill, we d better put the meeting off.a. beingb. to bec. beend. to have been7. an important lecture given tomorrow, the professor has to stay up lat
27、e into the night.a. to beb. beingc. beend. to have been8. he was lying on the grass, his hands under his head.a. to crossb. crossedc. crossingd. to be crossing9. tom late over and over, his boss was very disappointed.a. having beenb. beenc. to bed. to being10. other things equal, i would buy the bla
28、ck dress not the white one.a. beingb. to bec. beend. having been留意:有些短语的规律主语可以和句子的主语不一样, 他们在句子中作独立成分学习必备欢迎下载to tell you the truth/to be frank, i don't like the way he talked.必背:用作独立成分的不定式to tell you the truth / to be frank /to be honest/ to begin/start with/ to be brief 简 言 之 to make a long stor
29、y short 长话短说 to be exact 精确地说 / to make matters worse/ to say nothing of 姑且不说 to conclude /to be sure 诚然,当然 rankly/strictly/roughly/exactly speaking, generallyspeaking, judging from., considering., talking of. ., supposing. providing,seeing tha(t考虑到),allowing for 把考虑到内 , given, providedjudging fromb
30、y his appearance, he must be an actor.告知你实话吧,我不同意你的建议;令事情更加糟糕的事,我的钱包又丢了;考虑到距离,他快速动身了;非谓语作状语总结非谓语动词作状语多表示相伴状态,或事情发生的缘由,结果,时间,条件等;留意,作目的状语只能是_不定式,也可用in order to / so as to +动词原形;解题诀窍:找规律主语,辩规律关系,析动作先后主动关系, 即主语是非谓语动作的发出者被动关系, 即主语是非谓语动作的承担者与谓语几乎同时进行doing, s+vbeing +done , s+v先于谓语动作发生(已经完成)having+dong ,
31、s+vhavingbeen +dong,s +v= dong, s+v学习必备欢迎下载后于谓语动作发生(将要去做,特殊是表示目的)inorder not/so as tonott o do, s+v.inordernot/so as tonot to be done, s+v巩固练习1. i like getting up very early in summer. the morning air is so good .a. to be breathedb. to breathec. breathingd. being breathed 2. in the fields on a march
32、 afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.a. to walk.b. walkingc. walkedd. having walked3. in the queen for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized be had left the cheque in the car.a. waitingb. to waitc. having waitedd. to have waited4. can those at the back of the classroom hear me.a. sea
33、tb. sitc. seatedd. sat5. the trees in the storm have been moved off the road.a. being blown downb. blown downc. blowing downd. to blow down6. the project as planned, we ll have to work two more hours a day.a. completingb. completec. completedd. to complete7. to learn english well, we should find opp
34、ortunities to hear english as much as we can.a. speak.b. speakingc. spokend. to speak8. lucy s new job paid twice as much as she had made in the restaurant.a. workingb. workc. to workd. worked9. i hear they ve promoted tom, but he didn t mention when we talked on the phone.a. to promoteb. having bee
35、n promotedc. having promotedd. to be promoted10. we finished the run in less than half the time .a. allowingb. to allowc. allowedd. allows11. he was busy writing a story, only once in a while to smoke a cigarette.a. to stopb. stoppingc. to have stoppedd. having stopped12. around the water cube, we w
36、ere then taken to see the bird s nest for the 2021 olympic games.a. having shownb. to be shownc. having been shownd. to show13. we had an anxious couple of weeks for the results of the experiment.a. waitb. to be waitingc. waitedd. waiting14. that he was in great danger, eric walked deeper into the f
37、orest.a. not realizedb. not to realizec. not realizingd. not to have realized15. it is one of the funniest things on the internet so far this year.a. findingb. being foundc. to findd. found学习必备欢迎下载16. that she was going off to sleep, i asked if she d like that little doll on her bed.a. seeingb. to s
38、eec. seed. seen17. did the book give the information you needed.yes. but it, i had to read the entire book.a. to findb. findc. to findingd. finding18. i feel greatly honored into their society.a. to welcomeb. welcomingc. to be welcomedd. welcomed19. their hats into the air, the fans of the winning t
39、eam let out loud shouts of victory.a. to throwb. thrownc. throwingd. being thrown20. to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.a. failb. failedc. to faild. having failed21. my sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle to balance it.a. having triedb. tryingc. to tryd
40、. tried22. if there is a lot of work , i'm happy to just keep on until it is finished.a. to dob. to be doingc. doned. doing23. something as simple as some cold water may clear your mind and relive pressure.a. to drinkb. drinkingc. to be drinkingd. drunk24. ideallyfor broadway theatre and fifth a
41、venue, the new york parkhotel is a favourite with many guests.a. locatingb. being locatedc. having been locatedd. located25 that it was going to snow, the climbers decided to put off their attempt on the highest mountain.a. having toldb. having been toldc. telld. telling26. time and labor, cartoonis
42、ts generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.a. to saveb. savedc. savingd. having saved 27 hoping he would not be seen, bob stole in, his schoolbag and rushed out.a. picking upb. picked upc. to pick upd. having picked up28 the distance was too long and the time was
43、 short, we decided not to drive to florida.a. discoveringb. to discoverc. to have discoveredd. discovered29 he sent me an e-mail, to get further information.a. hopedb. hopingc. to hoped. hope30 nice and delicious, the fried chicken was soon sold out.a. tastedb. being tastedc. tastingd. to taste31 th
44、e purpose of new drugs used on patients is to make them less painful, them more terrible.a. not makeb. not to makec. not makingd. do not make 32 what do you think of last night s lecture. speaking, i thought it was rather boring.a. realb. generalc. faird. honestly 33 he was so foolish his car unlock
45、ed in the public park last night.a to leaveb that leavec as to leaved for him to leave 34when , the museum will be open to the public next year.a. completedb. completingc. being completedd. to be completed35 the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if whether he was going in the right dire
46、ction.学习必备欢迎下载a. seeingb. having seenc. to have seend. to see36 the news reporters hurried to the airport, only the film stars had left.a. to tellb. to be toldc. tellingd. told37. the research is so designed that once nothing can be done to change it.a. beginsb. having begun c. beginningd. begun38.
47、generally speaking, according to directions, the drug has no side-effect.a. when takingb. when takenc. when to taked. when to be taken39. in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.a. having lostb. lostc. being lostd. losing40. the repairs cost a lot , but it s m
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