



1、AHello , every one。I have a questi on,how do we lear n en glish.Today we can excha ngebefore finishing method of lear ning en glish.我有一个问题,我们该如何学习英语。今A我们可以交流一下以前整理的学习英语的方法。BI lear n En glish is un remitti ngly, n ever give up. Speak En glish at least 10-15minu tes a day, morning and eve ning is the

2、best time to lear n en glish.我学习英语的方法是坚持不懈,从不间断。每A至少看10-15分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。Cwhat the article you see everyday?你每A都看什么?BEvery day I will see some classical English articles, and recite them, it will not be bori ng, and the effect is very good我每A都会看一些经典的英语文章,而且会诵读它们,这样不会枯燥,而且效果很好AThis is really a

3、good method这真是一个好方法D我学习英语的方法就是听英文歌曲,我喜欢唱歌,所以每周我都会学一首英文歌曲。BI can recomme nd a few son gs?可以推荐给我几首歌曲吗?DOf course, I like Better Man, my love and God is A Girl, my mobile phone in thethree song, do you want to know?当然可以,我非常喜欢 Better Man my love和God is A Girl ,我的手机里有这三首歌,你们要听吗?全体 Of course当然!CI was thro

4、ugh a book to learn English,this book is new concept English,this bookis of great help to me, each text can be associated with several classmates intospoke n dialogue, let himself in to the role, n ature will remember a lot of words and phrases.我是通过一本书来学习英语的,这本书是新概念英语,这本书对我的帮助很大,每一篇课文都可以与几名同学编成口语对话,

5、让自己进入到课文的角色里,自然的就记住了很多单词和短语。BI listen to English radio is to learn English,such as BBCor other regular radio, radio in English are very authentic, I feel that my hearing has improved greatly, but also can lear n many foreig n n ews.我是通过听英语 C播来学习英语的,比如BBC或者其他正规的电台,电台的英语都很正宗, 我感觉这种方法使我的听力有了极大的提高,同时还可以

6、了解许多国外的新闻。DThis method is really great, now it's just you, Haitia n, just the way you are这个方法真是太棒了,现在就剩你了,海A,你的方法是什么?Awell , Although my English is poor, but I know a good way to learn, and that is bywatching movies to learn English, because I like to watch movies, I feel like inthe movies to le

7、ar n En glish is full of fun.虽然我的英语很差,但我知道一个很好的学习方法,那就是通过看电影来学习英语,因为我喜欢看电影,我感觉在电影中学习英语充满了乐趣。EDo you think what the film suitable for lear ning En glish?那你认为有什么电影适合学习英语吗?AI think Frie nds, House and How I met your mother very good我认为 Friends 、House 禾口How I met your mother 非常好CIs? I must be free to ha

8、ve a look是吗?我有空一定要看看Eln fact , The way to learn English is to practicespeaking it as often as possible.事实上,学习英语的方法就是要尽量多的练习说。DThat makes two of us,it is n ecessary to practice as much as possible, and themore you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become我也是这样认为的,要尽可能多的练习,而更多地运用到实际生活中,他们就变的越自然。AListe n,Imitate,Practice听,模仿,操练。CListening an


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